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~Air~Fish~ Sneaky Squeaky

Started by Garney, January 07, 2010, 11:21:22 PM

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hehe  Thank you again, Garney. ^^


Darn, missed it again...oh well.  More time to practice my coloring skills.  :)


Not forgotten, just finishing packages.

Late wave of never-boxed fishes just went out. No they aren't CYOs and no they're not mistakes. Trust me, they're yours.


I Love all the fishes that have opened on my page. They are Super Gorgeous! Thank You


All opened!

My hands are falling off now. So. Much. Pain.


Kkyyyaaaa!  Garney, they are SO wonderful!  Thank you so so so much!!!  *__*  Wow, so beautiful!  Thank you!

Midnight Phantom


So, question!  ^^;  Will the thumbnails update automatically?  *hates to cause trouble* @__@;


You mean from the packages? If so, you might need to refresh, because all the packages are gone for me.

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.



hehe my ID 2061 is just a reverse of another package that opened at the same time :)

but when I counted up who gifted me, unless I had someone PM a gift instead of post it, I had an extra gift anyway.


You already invested training in it, so I gave you a twin. But if you really want me to take him...


ooh he's a twin!? that is sooo cool! Ialready had a name in mind but didnt want to do it because I was afraid he'd change colors on me hehe. Thank you!


Where'd my thread go?

Ah ha, here it is. I'll be giving this attention soon.


I have a question... I'm asking here because I didn't want to necro any threads just for this.
Hope it's allright? ^^;

Okay, I am just wondering if there was a thread for growing the babies?  Because I have some that were from the last breeding season on PI, just before you left, and they haven't grown yet.

Is it still a work in progress?  Or did I miss a thread while I was away?
Not that I mind, I'm defintely capable of waiting. ^^

Just thought I'd ask so I can know and stop asking myself about it! XD


There was a thread right before she left PI gor growings I thought.  I was looking at it yesterday.  I will find it for you.


Awe I see... I wasn't much active on PI after Secundi was created, so I guess I missed it. ><

Only recently I've been coming back to the adoptables after quite a long hiatus. Haha!
But the best place to be right now, is riiiiiiiiiiiiight here! ^_^

I guess I'll keep my fishies in their bauble, then.  It's not anyone's fault but mine if they didn't grow after all! :)


I remember Garney posting the growings on several to-do lists here on Secundi, so I think they will still grow. But I could be wrong xD


They should have grown automaticly I think.  Are you talking about the very last breeding she did in september to use up baubles?  Or the January 09 one?


Do you mean January '10, Goddess?  Because if it is, then yes, I missed that one for sure.  No I'm talking about the last one that happened on PI.  I think maybe it happened when The Kennel threads got locked because of this new rule on PI about anatomy.  Something like this, it was last year (2009) for sure.


I dunno, all I know if that I saw Poupou's spawning on one of garney's to do lists xD


Really? O.O

Where's that to-do list?? XD

Eta : Got it! Oh yes, I see me on that list!  I guess it answers my question!!! I should have thought Garney would have a to-do list somewhere! *smacks forehead*


Found it!
Are those the breedings you were wondering about? ^^


You have a grown fishy on the and then you submitted breeding.  The ones submited in that thread I dont think have grown yet.

ETA:  Hehehe loves Garneys to do lists.  She needs Garney clones.


I need so many Garney clones, ones that don't hurt, have migraines, tweaky computers or children to chase around.

Yes, very sorry Pou I haven't gotten to the old spawns yet. I ran a huge event for Christmas that burned me out for fishes and I haven't quite been able to wriggle myself back to them yet.

I will be taking the last call of this thread and then open a closing 'for a fee' call to finish off the rest of your sneaky squeakies. Then I swear I'm going to work on old and new breedings. Chase me around with a trout!


*Snugs garney*

If she wasnt burnt enough on the feesh i only added to the dilemma with like what um 4 pairs and a grand betta all pretty much refernced..which now that i know how bad trying to color something to a refernce sucks i will no longer do lol i hate doing it with my adoptables from now on all things i order are artsit rein with something i like.



Quote from: Garney on February 09, 2010, 03:37:19 PM

Yes, very sorry Pou I haven't gotten to the old spawns yet. I ran a huge event for Christmas that burned me out for fishes and I haven't quite been able to wriggle myself back to them yet.

Oh please, Garney, please.. don't feel bad about this, I really don't mind.  Take all the time you need, and I mean it.  Like I said, I myself distanced myself from the adoptables world because I too, felt burnt out about my own adoptables.  I needed a break, and it did wonders.  Now I'm back and capable of opening photoshop without wanting to cry, lol.

Just don't put more stress on yourself, I was just wondering and thought I would ask.  <3


Heh, I had to completely redo all the Fae lines because I was just -so- upset with them. Fish don't ever get that bad, but they do require breaks at the most inconvenient times. x.x


Good thing they're such air heads they don't mind the break (do they even notice?) hee hee.


They're actually demanding a completely different event right now... they also have no attention spans you see.

Silly fish, THIS event, this one! Right here!


*flops around* I would like to finish this with the finesse of Poupou's CYO but I am so horrible at that XD finesse that is, Garney doesn't do finesse well.


Quote from: Garney on February 10, 2010, 12:47:51 AM
*flops around* I would like to finish this with the finesse of Poupou's CYO but I am so horrible at that XD finesse that is, Garney doesn't do finesse well.
Not true. You have something very unique: the Garney finesse. Something no one else can ever hope to acquire. *snuggles Garney and sneaks back out of the thread*


The Last Squeak

The last purple call will be shaded, don't worry about them.

But here is a no specifics, free for all finishing thinger.

Two slots per person coloring, 1k sg each.

All you have to do is post
Name: Name Me acceptable
Owner: Gifting acceptable
Link: psd link

First come first served.

1. PonyMama - paid - done
2. PonyMama - paid - done
3. sera - paid - done
4. sera - paid - done
5. PonyMama - paid - done
6. PonyMama - paid - done
7. sera  - paid - done
8. sera - paid - done
9. theleet - paid - done
10. theleet - paid - done
11. Goddesss - done
12. Poupou - done

When I get these done, they clear out and open again. So if you have a slot that says -done by your name, you can get two more, but not until then.

Previous call to do: shade 28 fishes




Which site can I go to to upload PSD files?
I always use Photobucket & PNG, so im a little lost :(



Thank you! *is working hard in Paint pro*


Name: (Name me allowed for gifts) For Goddesss to name please!
Owner: Goddesss

Name: NyteShade
Owner: XLostxDestinyX


Got all 39 purple call fishes shaded, 11 of them bubbled and uploaded *cracks knuckles*


Purple call are all done and uploaded, yay.

Lost, I have to reject both of yours as they don't follow the rules. Sorry.


So becasue mine are done I can get two more slots?
Ok I am going to upload two more then


Yep yep, just taking them two at a time since it worked so well for Poupou XD *follows like a lemming*




Not sure if there are still slots available but just in case:

Name: Name Me
Owner: Kadana Sorano

Name: Rose
Owner: TheLeet


Name : Name Me
Owner : Poupou
Link :


*has discovered two new fishehs on pet page*  Thank you whoever colored my purple fishes!  They are both very handsome!


Devarian is from me, glad you like him ^^