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[Gliders] Custom marking premade and love pair auction

Started by Winged, September 18, 2011, 08:17:36 AM

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I have this male for auction. Complete full body custom markings with varying shades for the body then silouetted branches inspired markings. Inspired by this photo that i took earlier in the month, colours taken off the photo:

He has the Feathered feet mutation.

Start bid: 30k
BIN: None

Ends: Thursday 20th at 15:30 secundi time

HighBid: 110k by Aralie

Silent Auction

Also a slot for a love pair! This allows you to join two of your Gliders to create a love pair. These are rare, and have the breeding advantage of producing an extra egg.
They will be given a new ID# for the pair, and the old images will be left as singles in my files, but deleted from the owners photobucket folder.
If you don't have two you would like made into a love pair, i am always open for custom bribes, so just send me a message asking.

Silent auction with no starting bid, so just send in your bids to this account and after the closing date the highest bid wins. Obviously no telling anyone else what your bid is (not sure if i need t say this).
Ends on thursday 20th at 15:30 secundi time.

Trivia/ games challenge!
Ryuu's idea :) I post little challenges or questions and you win points! These can then be used to claim customs, semi-customs, breedings or premades.

Points needed
Premade: 8 points
Semi-custom: 10 points
Full-Custom: 15 points
Breeding: 20 points

Points tally
Wildfilly94- 5 points
Keilin Alyr- 2 points
CrystalAngelNeko- 1 point
Aralie- 8 points
Willow- 2 points
Ryuukokoro- 3 points

Having two raffles, one for a semi-custom and one for a full custom. You may only enter one of the raffles, so choose which you'd like :) There will be one or possibly more taken from each raffle, depending on number of entries.
Both raffles end at 13:00 secundi time on the 20th.

Semi-Custom Raffle
Post this form in Orange to be entered into the semi raffle.
Up to 4 colours:


Full-Custom Raffle
Post this form in Blue to be entered into the custom raffle. Premade markings only, limit of 4 markings and 2 mutations.
Body colour:
Eye colour:
Claw colour:
Wings colour:
Marking(s) and Colours:
Mutation(s) and Colours:


Owners Folders- Click
Information thread- Click
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Sunset
Owner: Victoria
Gender: Male
Mutation: Ears
Up to 4 colours: Sun set colors (Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange.)


Name: Paru
Owner: wildnightblazer
Gender: female
Mutation: Gemmed
Up to 4 colours: black, navy blue, dark purple, white


Owner of Gliders!


Name: Evony
Owner: EvanescentHowling
Gender: female
Body colour: smokey black
Eye colour: lavender
Claw colour: silver
Wings colour: smokey black
Marking(s) and Colours: white fade wing, lavender barring wing, white fade, emerald paint
Mutation(s) and Colours: silver spines, lavender gemmed


Please read all of the first post again, i said you can only enter one of the raffles! The paragraph isn't just nonsense or something, it's the rules for the event.
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Nishant
Owner: Alnaeyah
Gender: Male
Body colour:#33FFCC
Eye colour: #3300FF
Claw colour: Silver
Wings colour: #33FFCC
Marking(s) and Colours: ZZ Silver, Stockings #33FFCC, Wing Barring Silver, Wing Fade #33FFCC
Mutation(s) and Colours: Ears Silver, Tailtuft #33FFCC


sorry, I actually did read them over, I just guess I missed that part somehow :/. Edited my entry though!


Name: Coraline
Owner: Wildfilly94
Gender: Female
Body colour: White/Off-White
Eye colour: Dark Amber
Claw colour: Dark Brown
Wings colour: Medium to Dark Green
Marking(s) and Colours: Wings Paint-Dark Brown, Body Paint-Medium to Dark Green & Dark Brown, Freckles-Orangish Yellowish, Underbelly-Orangish Yellowish
Mutation(s) and Colours: Gemmed-To go with body colors, Ears-Same as Body Colors


Owner of Gliders!


Name: Safire
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: female
Mutation: Gemmed
Up to 4 colours: White, Blue, Cyan.


List updated :) An even number in both customs now!
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Demon
Owner: Aralie
Gender: Male
Mutation: Spines
Up to 4 colours: Black, Dark Red, Silver


hjhasdjkfhsdjf I can't decide which one I want to enter! XD


haha, yeah it must be a tricky descision! I wanted to be evil so made you all choose :)
Owner of Gliders!


Decided! :3

Name: L'arc
Owner: Ryuukokoro
Gender: female
Body colour: white
Eye colour: cyan
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s) and Colours: Underbelly, pastel rainbow. Wing barring, darker rainbow. Wing tips, pale pale blue. ZZ, darker rainbow.
Mutation(s) and Colours: Gemmed, pastel rainbow. Ears, white.


List updated. Only 2 hours left for entries!
Owner of Gliders!


If anyone has suggestions for what events we should have now, i'd really like to hear them! Anything is good :)
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Just scooting in. XD

Name: Ariel
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Male
Mutation: Tail tuft
Up to 4 colours: White, gold, red, tan (I'd highly appreciate if he were roughly lion-themed, however you choose to interpret that) =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Semi-Custom Raffle

QuoteThere were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Timestamp: 2011-09-20 18:09:01 UTC

Full-Custom Raffle

QuoteThere were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Timestamp: 2011-09-20 18:10:07 UTC

Congrats to Crystal and Alnaeyah, i'll get your customs done soon!
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Congrats, guys! Can't wait to see your customs. ^^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD




Pickups ready, hope you both like them!

Crystal's girl has the new wing marking, dipped. It hasn't been released yet because i still haven't gotten around to doing the male. Let me know what you think of it :)
Owner of Gliders!


Personally, I love it!!!  Good job, Winged!  I really like seeing how these two turned out!


Owner of Gliders!


That new marking is awesome! *starts to plot* <.< >.> you see nothing!


Should i be worried? haha glad you like it!
Owner of Gliders!


He looks awesome. ^^
And I like the new marking I will have to stalk for a chance to get it.


Oh gosh! my girl turned out soooooo pretty <3 I love the new marking! wonderful!


Glad you both like your customs! Any requests for what we should do next? I actually have no goood ideas :)
Owner of Gliders!


I do really like the survey customs, but you just did so many of those lol.

Hmm maybe a trivia game where we win points, and at the end of the game, we use the points to 'buy' semi-customs, customs, and premades? Like a custom would be worth so many points, and obviously a semi-custom would need less points and a premade even less. That way people can either choose to get premades right away or save up for a custom by the end of the game. ^^



Oh yeah, that sounds good! I'm not very good at trivia, so i'd probably end up getting some or most of it of the internet but that should still work out okay :) Let me know what topics you'd like questions from and i'll start getting some together.
Owner of Gliders!


Dragon trivia! *giggle*

Oooo do Glider trivia! "How many eggs are you allowed to keep from a breeding?" Ooo! You can show a picutre of a Glider and say "First person to name all the markings gets the point"! X3


Ooh yeah i love that idea! I'll do Glider trivia tonight. And just thought up an idea where i post a Glider ID and you have to find them. Hope this is fun. Some might be hard, but easy is boring all the time :)

Find ID#190! You get 1 point for this.
Owner of Gliders!


Good job finding him!

How many eggs do you get in a Glider breeding? 1 point.

ETA: Any breeding information in the Gliders info thread in notary office is out of date and may be wrong.
Owner of Gliders!




What markings and mutations does this Glider have? 1 point.
Owner of Gliders!


Crest, Tail tuft, Gemmed, Ears, Wings Fade, Muzle, Legs Fade, dorsal ZZ (Not sure the technical name), and Underbelly.


Uhhhh let's see if I get this. XD

Markings: ZZ, Muzzle, Underbelly, Wing Fade, Leg Fade
Mutations: Gemmed, Tail Tuft, Ears, Crest



Both wrong actually :) I forgot to say, but you have to use the correct names for them from the info thread (that's not why you're wrong though).
The mutatations you both said are correct and he does have ZZ, Muzzle, Underbelly and Wing fade, but that's not leg fade.
Owner of Gliders!


Ahh, I figured it out now. XD but I'm gunna let Ryuu have it. ^^


Okay, i'll wait till she posts with her idea :) Probably quite obvious now from the markings list which it is.
Owner of Gliders!


What markings does this egg have? Harder, so 2 points for this one! And you may need more than one go.

YLO's egg.

All the eggs i use will be taken from the recent breedings, so if the egg is yours then you can get to know what markings they have now! But let me know if you don't want your egg used.

ETA: I know the other question hasn't been finished yet but i'm about to go sleep so wanted to get it down.
Owner of Gliders!


ZZ, Body Paint, wings paint,
Edit: Not underbelly, Dorsal stripe.. or muzzle?



Correct Wildfilly; muzzle, ZZ, Body paint, Wing paint!

What breeding advantage do love pairs give? 1 point.

Also still waiting for the answer to what markings the adult male has.
Owner of Gliders!