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Colibri ~ flitting your way!

Started by SkySong, August 03, 2011, 12:29:20 PM

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XD I so knew it was purple. ((Well, at least knew which custom it was))

Colors confuse me muchly.

And yeah, reckon it does.


XD Well, if you want to post the form, you can.

On the other hand, no one seems to be online today. I wonder why that is...
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


No clue D=

But it is Saturday XD


Is that a yes, or a no? XD

That is true. Unfortunately, because everyone isn't online, I can't start on the last three. I can't find a good peacock picture that shows it's wings and the color and what not, and so I'm not sure what Victoria wants me to do with that.(There's also the fact that peacocks are guys, never girls, and incidentally, it be easier to draw the male up as a peacock instead of the female although that won't really stop me.) Then there's JellyThunda's forms, which it'd be nice if she clarified a little. Like, where does she want the white, and what color are the little spots, and does she mean the base is that kind of green?

Yeah. XD I'm not quite sure what to do.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


It's a.. I'm working on my form, and while we're at it, i'll order 2 white feeders.


White Feeder:
Name: Bobby(if boy) Janey (if girl)
Owner: Kahlira

White Feeder:
Name: Chloe (if girl) johnny (if boy)
Owner: kahlira

Red/Purple Feeder:
Name: Barry
Owner: Kahlira
3 markings/color: Black, white, Rainbow, swirls
Feeder: Purple


Ok, I'll get started on yours, then. You won't be upset if I use other things besides the things you've listed for the Purple feeder, no?
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


So long as he looks cool, go for it XD


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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Ooh, I love how my Franken girl turned out. I am immensely impressed with your ability to make that color combo look so well planned -- I had no idea how my spontaneous suggestion of turquoise would turn out XD I'll name her Prima, with me as the owner, please.

And *jawdrop* Pzazz is absolutely stunning. He's sort of been one of my characters for a while, but this version is just so perfectly him. I also just found Iris (silly me) and really love how she looks; wasn't expecting the red but it suits her :) And thank you to Rosewood for coloring the lovely Thalia!


Just realized that poor Pzazz is drowning in lady friends, so I'll buy a purple and blue feeder today :) Sending SG now, thank you!


Thanks, Rav! Prima gave me a little trouble since I don't work too terribly well with yellow, but I saw a picture online showing an outfit of bright yellow and turquoise, so I tried that and it seemed to work out pretty well. I'm glad I was able to color Pzazz correctly, too. XD I had no idea he was a character.

I'll add your feeders to your inventory in a moment.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Pzazz is just a bit of a semi-custom character that I have in three or four adoptables now, with the only requirement being that he contains white and "rainbow" as his colors. But I think the Colibri is my favorite rendition of him :)

Pink/Blue Feeder:
Name: Caspian
Owner: Ravvana
Feeder: Blue

Red/Purple Feeder:
Name: Fiyero
Owner: Ravvana
3 markings/color: Tan, blue, and any other colors you want; diamonds (pref. in the blue, but not a huge deal) and any other markings you want
Feeder: Purple


Well, I'm glad you think so! :)

I'll get to those in a moment, right now I'm updating the index and making sure everything's in working order.
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LC Breeding Status: Closed


Oh wow, Barry is just.. Wow! =O


You like? x3

Some updates:

I added a slow franken to the games list, since there isn't one running. Also, underneath the Inventories, there is a To-Do list. This contains both what I'm waiting for from people who have posted here, and Feeders I haven't colored yet. I think if I don't get a name and owner for the pick a door and franken within the next week, I'll have to pick someone else to give said information.  :-\
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


They are beautiful!!

Frostline for the girl please, and Terra for the male please!!

Thank you, SkySong!!  You are very very talented!!

Also, I probably won't be on much tomorrow since it's a bday party day.  But I'll be back Monday. :)


Ok, I'll name them and reupload them in a sec. I'll also take tomorrow off as well, since although I'm "very, very, talented" as you so kindly put it, I'm running out of ideas. I don't want to get repetitive, not at all, but I'm drawing a blank. :-\ If you guys think it's a good idea, I'll get a live stream account, and you guys can offer input there.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


What IS a live stream account?  *silly luv is clueless*

But I do think it is a VERY good idea to take tomorrow off..... for my own selfish reason.  Can't miss Colibri events!!


Well, if I understand it correctly, when you have a live stream account, you can host sessions where people can basically see your screen.

XD There weren't any today, either. But that's a mute point.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



I'm quite happy with you taking weekends off.  My husband's ready to kill me for how addictided I've gotten to sitting on my computer "typing who knows what to who knows who".  Lol.  I tried to explain the whole PI people created awesome addicting website, and all the different adoptables..... but he just doesn't seem to get it....

Anyhow.... He works allll week, so I can spend all the time I want sitting here so long as I keep up with the kids and the house.  Laundry is a huge FAIL, but dishes get done while the kids eat breakfast and I make sure I do things with the kids throughout the day.... stencils and coloring, puzzles and sign language.  I just spend the REST of the day hiding behind my computer trying not to pull my hair out....

Livestream works for me!


Typing who knows what to who knows who... XD love it!

I have my laundry building up to, but at least I don't have to take care of anybody else's. I imagine having kids who decided they don't want to potty train results in lots of extra laundry. But I don't want to keep you from your real life, so make sure you spend time with your kids. :)

I'll go see what it takes to get a livestream account, then. I'll probably wait until tomorrow to start a session, since I'm going to try to go to sleep on time today.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


May I please buy a white feeder and fine spider silk please? sending sg :)


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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Sorry for making my forms so... obscure? I just want a really simple pattern;
Basically, the iridescent green should be on his body and everywhere that isn't white. I'd prefer it if the feathers and his head could be a darker base color than the rest of his body, but that's optional for you because I don't know how easy that is to understand.
The white spots are basically me trying to add a "fleabitten" pattern to his body. I didn't know if I should use that term for hummingbirds, though. XD
His "outer wings", or what I assume is the largest set of feathers on the wing, should be all white.
Also, his white dots around his eye should be easy to do. Just a little spirally thing. Like an american indian body paint marking, sort of. XD

Sorry, I've never been very good at explaining things.

Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


For the name of my girl: Celeste.
May I buy 1 white feeder and 1 normal breeding silk?

Kadana Sorano

I'd like to purchase 2 Normal Spider SIlk's please.

Payment Sent :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I'll buy a Red Feeder, and send you the sg. ^-^


May I have 2 Pink Feeders please?  Sending SG. :)


Items were added into the inventory. :)

For Today:
I'd prefer it if no more forms were posted till tomorrow, or at least until I finish the ones from yesterday. You can still buy feeders, of course, but they can't be 'hung'. I'll probably be running at least one livestream session, so keep a look out for it.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I was planning on holding on to mine for the moment anyways.  I think you need a break. :)

I'll watch for the live feed though!!


Thanks, luv. And sorry about the hold up, everyone!

They'll be later in the day, so if you need to, go spend some time with your kids. :)
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


They're napping.  Just got a little cleaning to do.  :)



Thanks, luv! x3

I'm wanting to get a live session going, but livestream is confusing. <.< I'll tinker with it some more, and we'll see what happens.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Wildfilly~ I was going to go name your Colibri, but then realized you gave the same name as Kadana did for her Colibri. Do you still want to name her Celeste?
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Ok. It seems like not a lot of Colibri people are here, but I'll see about putting something up. *goes off to tinker*
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


For the slow Franken

Gender:  Male
Base Color:  Blue
Beak: Orange
Claws:  Orange
Eye:  Green
Outer Wings:  Yellow
Marking 1:  Artist Choice
Color 1: Green?
Marking 2:  Artist Choice
Color 2:  Red?
Marking 3:  Artist Choice
Color 3:  White?


Artist Choice for all of them... XD Thanks, luv.

Livestream is a pain. A major pain. >.<
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Then don't use it.  No point in causing yourself more trouble.  And I don't know if that was sarcasm or not.  Lol.  But I like your choices.


But I know livestream will be handy once I actually figure out how to work it. It's just that there's the figuring out part that I'm stuck at. XD

You can take it both ways. XD I'm glad you didn't pick something crazy like... I don't know, but then you also made it so that I had to come up with ideas myself. XD I suppose that's not a really bad thing, though.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I could edit it if you want, but I tend to make things complicated and I figured it would be easiest for you to do what you have time for and what you know how to do. :)


You don't have to. x3 I'll think of something once it comes to that.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


k.  Then we'll leave it at that.


Two more Colibri uploaded. Shout out to Rosewood, who did a stunning job on Victoria's Peacock. :)
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


They are both beautiful, but that peacock is to die for!!


Thank you for Peacock! She is gorgeous!