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Colibri ~ flitting your way!

Started by SkySong, August 03, 2011, 12:29:20 PM

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As for the 13 Colibri, that is not a good number.  13 is BAD.  So I'll have to make up a form soon. :)


Lol, sky.

I'll hold off on the Colibri forms for now then.  And watch for a Franken.  Gotta go get baby up and I'll be back in a sec.


I wont throw all my forms at you at once :p I'll prolly do 2 at a time or so. Not sure yet. Haha.
I think i want to change my ocd number to 3 though. So...

Can I get two of my white feeders done? :D
Names will wait. <3


Sure. Also, I put up a pick a door. <3
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


OMGkadslgkja;gkja;l!!!! Door # 7 please for the Pick-A-Door. *Mummbles dontyoufailmenowlucky7dontfailme!!* Ahhem... Er.. What? :D



XD lol, I'll probably be doing Silk Tree prizes more often. So, if you don't get this one, don't worry.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



I like that idea!!  Lol.  I keep wondering what I'm going to do with the babies I've got all this Silk for!!


Red/Purple Feeder:
Name:  Dragon's Blood
Owner:  Luv007
3 markings/color:  White/Black/Red-Exotic Butterfly?/Zebra Stripes/Spots or Swirls?
Feeder:  Purple

(At your convenience)


Lol, I just finished Wild's feeders (Rose colored one, the other I got carried away with) so I'll start on that next.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I'd like to buy a red feeder, please. And I'll take Door 10.


K, Rav. Do you have a name for the slow franken you won?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Names: Micah and Estella (Micahs the boy)
They are gorgeous!!! <3 Thank you!


Named and uploaded. :) Also finished dragon's blood. Anybody here for a franken?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


:O Dragon's blood is amazing! Great job Sky!

And OF COURSE!! :D I LOVE frankens. :) Speaking of which.. I need to do one for Spongequines about now..


* which means.. I'll be posting from the spongequines account.


thanks! I wasn't quite sure about the markings on his tail feathers, but I spent enough time on him so I didn't want to redo him.

That's fine, I'll know who you are. :)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Lol, thanks. I need at least one person before I start the franken, though. xD
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Oops, didn't even see that I had won that girl! XD I'll name her Ghost :)


I donteven have ONE for the Spongequine yet. Lol.

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Lol, I'll hope over there, then and see about getting my first Spongequine. XD Cool, Rav. Will you be in the franken?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


well I suppose I'll start this and people can trickle in.

Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



I should buys some items.


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Two pink feeders, please, and uh.. May I have door 1 please?


Sure! I'll update things in a sec.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana

Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing:
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Edit: White instead, changed my mind

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing: White - Wildfilly94
Marking one:
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing: White - Wildfilly94
Marking one: Tribal - Kahlira

I already know I'll have fun with this one. XD
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing: White - Wildfilly94
Marking one: Tribal - Kahlira
Color: Green - Wildfilly94
Marking two:
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing: White - Wildfilly94
Marking one: Tribal - Kahlira
Color: Green - Wildfilly94
Marking two: Speckles - Kahlira
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Gender: Female - Kahlira
Base: Tangerine - Ravvana
Beak: Ocean Blue - Wildfilly94
Eye: purple - Victoria
Outer Wing: White - Wildfilly94
Marking one: Tribal - Kahlira
Color: Green - Wildfilly94
Marking two: Speckles - Kahlira
Color: Purple - Wildfilly94

I think I'm gonna stop her there, and get her colored.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Kadana Sorano

Door #4 please.

I'd like set of pink and blue feeders please.

Sending payment now.

Slow Franken:
Gender: Female
Base Color: White
Beak: tan
Claws: tan
Eye: Gold
Outer Wings: Blue
Marking 1: Wing Tips
Color 1: Cyan
Marking 2: Belly
Color 2: Cream
Marking 3: Eye Mask
Color 3: blue

Quote from: SkySong on August 09, 2011, 08:37:31 AM
Your mom is on here as well? How many computers do you have?

Working ones?  Just 2.5 (.5 because my old desktop technically works, but it takes literally 10+ minutes for a page to load, and if someone sends me an im while I hapopen to be loading a page, the entire thing crashes). 

Not Working? lol I think we have like.. 5 that aren't working.  Including my laptop, and my good comp, it's a shuttle, and what I was using to go back to school with, and for art etc.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I'll update things in a sec. :)

What happened to your shuttle? D:
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed

Kadana Sorano

A couple months back, we had tornado's come through the area.  Where I live wasn't hit with the actual tornado's, they hit half hour drive away from us.  But our power was knocked out for almost 24 hours.  I happened to be online doing classwork when the power went.  When we got power back, shuttle won't turn on.  I don't have the money right now to get it checked/fixed either, since I just did start this job, and it's only part time.  So now my classes had to be put on hold, and I can't work on my adopt much.  Sis has Gimp on this comp, but try as I might I can't wrap my head around it.  I want and need my adobe lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)