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Colibri ~ flitting your way!

Started by SkySong, August 03, 2011, 12:29:20 PM

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Hmm, i didn't see that, I'll go look now. :)

EDIT: Wow, the facial markings on him are awesome! I attempted those lines and failed. >.< It looks great though! <3


Gender - Male - luv007
Base Color - Dusk Grey -SkySong
Beak - Light Orange - luv007
Claws - black - Evan
Eye - Dark Auburn - luv007
Outer Wings - Reddish orange -SkySong
Marking 1 - Artist choice - Wildfilly94
Color 1 - yellowish orange - luv007
Marking 2  -  swallow tail feathers -SkySong
Color 2 - Black -SkySong
Marking 3 - Artist choice- luv007
Color 3?

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



Lol just to throw some random color in there. :p


Sorry for taking up two spots. >.<
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I was disappointed in the way his body turned out the most I think.  It might be bc of the shading not being there, but I just didn't like any of my three too much.  I just spent to much time on them not to use them for something!


What are you talking about, Sky??  You're entitled to play your games as much as anyone!!


Ok, im going to finish coloring him up now, then go to random. While im coloring, you guys can post a form for a slow frnaken.

Base Color
Beak - Light Orange
Claws - black
Eye - Dark Auburn
Outer Wings
Marking 1
Color 1
Marking 2
Color 2
Marking 3
Color 3

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Lol, but I didn't expect her to put black as the color. XD I meant his tail feathers would be similar markings to the black swallow tail butterfly markings, but they could be whatever color the next person picked.  XD

Rose, are you wanting to run a slow franken? I can put it up on the front page if so.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Good plan!

Gender:  Male
Base Color:  White
Beak - Orange
Claws - Orange
Eye - Sky Blue
Outer Wings- Black
Marking 1- Tiger Stripes
Color 1- Black
Marking 2- Eye Marking
Color 2- Lime Green
Marking 3- Artist Choice
Color 3- Purple


Yes please. I'd like it last at least a day or two so that other can enter as well.

And I'm going to have to close gimp an restart on coloring him as it has frozen. XD

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


I think he looks nice with his shading though. :) Its hard to do macaws period. I think we both did well though, for as complex coloring and shading macaws have. <3

Gender: Male
Base Color- Blue Grey
Beak - Black
Claws - Black
Eye - Purple
Outer Wings - Purple
Marking 1 - 'Fade'/'Dun'
Color 1 - Black
Marking 2 - Artist's Choice
Color 2 - Lime green
Marking 3 - 'Roan' (On the body base)
Color 3 - Black


Agreed! :D

Mixing just our Slow Frankens forms would make an awesome baby all alone.  Lol.  Can't wait to see the other entries.


Ok. ^^ And while I'm at it....

Gender - male
Base Color - blue
Beak - 262f46 or a dark grey with a touch of blue
Claws - dark brown
Eye - cloud grey
Outer Wings - Dark red
Marking 1 - outer wing fade
Color 1 - green
Marking 2 - Artist's choice
Color 2 - pale yellow
Marking 3 - spider webbing
Color 3 - purple

I'll feel bad for you if you manage to get yourself doing spider webbing. XD Is the 11th, maybe 1600 good for you? For the end date.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Spider webbing would be gorgeous!!


Wild - didn't know if you saw, but I need you to send me the files for your bird. when I copied the png, the background was white.

If any of you guys give me spider webbing, by the way, you'd successfully clog the waiting to be colored list. And it probably would look pretty weird, too.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Wow wild I love her she's beautiful great job! I tried the CYO and I fail at shading and such so it didn't turn out well xD I was sort of disappointed but oh well :D.

Gender:  Male
Base Color - black
Beak - lime green
Claws - lime green
Eye - sky blue
Outer Wings- fuchsia
Marking 1- grulla
Color 1- grey
Marking 2- eye ring
Color 2- white
Marking 3- stripes
Color 3- sky blue


Evie, if you'd like me to take a shot at what you want, I can try.  No promises on it being great, but I wouldn't have a problem coloring what I can for you. :)


Evie - You don't have to do the shading. You just give me the flat image, and I stick the shading and highlights onto it.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Thanks Evie! <3

And ohh dear.. >.< I forgot to save it as .psd...


Oh really? Wow, I must have missed that xD and thanks luv! I think I might try at it again and see how it comes out but if I still don't like it then I'd love your help :)


Sorry Wild >.< I can try something real quick...
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Anytime, Evie!  But I think you'll find it much more fullfilling to do it yourself.  Then it's special. So good luck!!


Edit: It shows the background as transparent when I open it in photoshop. So, im not sure aht else I can do..


And Random chose luv as the winner. Congrats luv!!

And here is the boy. Sky will need a name and owner.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



He's absolutely gorgeous!!

Name:  Phenomenon
Owner:  Luv007

Thank you!!


O_O Holy crp hes stunning!! Major congrats Luv!


Thank you, Wild!!

We're going  have to do some serious RB/Stud trading come breeding time...


Your welcome. :D

And Sky, the 11th, at 1600 is perfect. I wont be able to do anything with it till the 12th because of being busy all day on the 11th, but it should give people somthing to look forward to. :D

Edit: Sent you luv's boy.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Wild - save it as an .xcf. I use gimp, not photoshop, so maybe that's why. If not, I'm working on getting the one you posted corrected.

Ok. I'll add the slow franken, and cert the boy.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Actually, Wild, white the background instead, and post it again.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Would it do anything better if I saved it as that even though It was already saved as png??

And should Isend it via email?

And thats for sure Luv!! Poor Skysong and Rosewood are gunna smack us. XD


I've got to get off now. And I don't think I'd slap you. I like a challenge, it's how I get better. XD

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


@Rose:  That's an excellent way to look at it!

I need to sit down and plan out my favorite birdie combos for nesting season...


With white background.

And lol, that does seem like a good way to look at it. :)


If I can remove the white, and paste it onto an ffffff base, it should be fine.

And ok, Rose. Thanks for running the franken!

XD Don't plan too much. I'm not sure how many Silk Trees I'll sell.
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LC Breeding Status: Closed


Okay. *crosses fingers*

And Mabye bribes will help that? :P



Lol.  There are always breeding seasons following the first one.  Two babies is plenty for the first season. :)


Yeah. :) I need to figure out who I'd like the breed as well. Definantly my butteryfly mimic boy... Hmm...


I got it, thanks. Worked like a charm. I'll get her certed in a sec. Name?

Yeah, love your butterfly boy, if I do say so myself.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Can I buy and orange and a purple feeder please?


Katrina. And if luvs image worked, Thank you Luv!! <3


1 red and 1 purple feeder please <3


Nah, I just needed your whited. I didn't even know she posted that till I already had her fixed. Rose's franken and Katrina will be up in a sec, and I'll add your items to your inventories in a moment.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Ohh. Lol okay. Well thank you! and sorry for the trouble with Katrina.


When is a good time to turn in feeders?  Is it better for you if we hold onto them, or would you rather we go ahead and use them as we buy?


Im just hoarding mine for now. XD And my OCD is getting to me, where i feel I need 5 of everything now, sense I have 5 white feeders. >.<


Not at all! It didn't take long to fix.

Um, if you notice that I don't have any feeders in my to-do list, then I woud not mind/appreciate you turning in a couple. But I don't want to be bombarded with feeders, since that results in me getting behind.

And luv, you know have 13 Colibri. O.O
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Lol.  Okay, Sky.  I like to keep things pleasant for you, so I'll do things as convienently as I can.


Lol, so you can post the two you got now, or I can go work on mu- I said nothing. I'll go wonder off to do something else if you want to wait, or I might do another franken.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed