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Colibri ~ flitting your way!

Started by SkySong, August 03, 2011, 12:29:20 PM

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I'm starting to want a nap in the worst way, so I'm distracting myself.... with the Colibri.



XD Soo didn't even notice a new page. lol


Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent

Bad time for me to start a franken if you want to nap. XD
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent
Eye: Neon Pink - Kahlira
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent
Eye: Neon Pink - Kahlira
Beak: White - Evanescent
Outer Wing -
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



No naps for luv.  The kids are up.  AND can I just mention how much I loathe stinky diapers....  Esp in children that are capable of toilet training and just choose NOT to go on the potty.


Yeay, a pink feeder. :) ill save it untill all my others are done. :p


Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent
Eye: Neon Pink - Kahlira
Beak: White - Evanescent
Outer Wing: White - luv
Marking one:

Stubborn little brats... XD
Thanks, Wildfilly, I'm working on your butterfly boy atm as well as the franken.
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Eh, somewhat.  More just emotionally tramatized from divorce and child custody.  Very frustrating all the same.



I'm debating my "Somewhat what you want" custom *grins*

But patience is a must. So yeah.

And I am very easily distracted XD


Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent
Eye: Neon Pink - Kahlira
Beak: White - Evanescent
Outer Wing: White - luv
Marking one: Zebra Stripes - Wildfilly
Marking two:

Oh, that makes sense. When I was visiting Norway my little cousin was acting similarly. Any little change in their daily life seems to upset them, so something like that must be especially taxing on them. =/

And what's with the Zebra stripes? XD Twice in a row...
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



And yes.  It is terrible what divorce does to the kids, but if the parents stay together, the kids aren't much better off.  It's just a sad situation all around.  As is the world.




For half a second, I almost put leopard spots for the second marking.


Gender: Female - luv
Base: Seafoam Green - Evanescent
Eye: Neon Pink - Kahlira
Beak: White - Evanescent
Outer Wing: White - luv
Marking one: Zebra Stripes - Wildfilly
Marking two: Artist's Choice - luv

It's fine Wildfilly. XD

Poor kids. Don't really like them that much, but that must be pretty hard for them.

You just gave me an idea for this franken, luv. Black Zebra stripes and rainbow leopard spots. Colorful, ne?
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Sounds so awesome!

rainbow is a color. *nodnodnod*



*crosses fingers for some luck...*

And I love kids.  Adore them.  But changing diapers get tiring very fast.  Especially when the kids ENJOY it.  WHY?? Lol.  But I love them.


0_0 thats goingto be goregous. *dies* whoever wins, congrats cause thats gunna benone BEAUTIFUL colibri.


Glad you guys like the idea. x3

Now, Imma finish up Wildfilly's boy, mark the franken, and then I'll see about starting another franken.

They like getting their diapers changed?
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It's the whole being treated like a baby takes them back to the simplicity of being a baby from what I can figure.  I can yell and scream all day, but they smirk and smile about it regardless.  They are both very intelligent, but the five year old doesn't talk.  Eh.



Huh. So you have a five year old getting a diaper change? Wow. And the franken might take a little while, since 1)I haven't done monarch wings before and they are taking a little while and 2) I actually haven't done either zebra or leopard markings as well, so there is that. It shouldn't take too terribly long, though.

I want to play a game to keep you guys entertained, but I have no clue what I'd do that wouldn't result in adding to my coloring list until I get caught up. Perhaps for some Fine Spider Silk?
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Lol sorry. :p Fine silk souds good though :)



Sounds good to me!!

Yes.  But the five year old just started potty training last summer and I'm not sure how much of the training was followed thru with.  He fought going on the potty last summer as well, but I wasn't as concerned bc it had just been introduced.  He is smart.  But he doesn't like to use his words, and he has shown repeated signs of wanting to be treated like a baby again.  And yes, I think something is wrong, but no, I can't get him diagnoses because a. no insurance yet from the new job and b. nothing we get diagnoses counts in his mother's book.  So I do what I can.  He is awesome at being my helper.  Phenomenal at doing puzzles, and will sit at the table and do them for hours on end, and he can sit and focus on doing his stencil as well, though he can't decide whether he is a lefty or a righty.  And he and his brother are so close that they have a 'twin' language, so the little brother translates for the big brother.  Were I a psychology major, they could provide so much insight to the world.


Ok... I haven't seen anything of this sort around, but guess what band I'm listening to. They are Japanese, and their name is a fancy English word for newspaper. Whoever guesses correctly wins the silk. Sound good?

The five year old sounds brilliant. I bet if you could get him talking and what not, he'd be a genius given the chance. And how do you potty train? My aunt gave my cousin chocolate every time she went on the potty.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



uhh........ Totally lost... -_- Cant think of


He could be if he wanted to.  Unfortunately, he is treated like a baby, and therefore acts like a baby.  I started them off with candy, but Jace doesn't like candy.  So now we do sticker charts.  But I've all but given up at this point.  Jace NEVER goes to the potty.  And Kale is getting worse instead of better.


That was fast. O.O luv gets the silk. This one should take a little longer. -_- Another japanese band. Formed in the 80s, they introduced rock and metal to japan. Same prize, you are definitely allowed to use google for these. I don't expect anybody to automatically know the answer for these questions.

Oh dear. I really don't know what else to recommend, sorry.

Almost done with the boy.
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Out again. Lol. Google always decides to shut me off theinternet when I useit on my phone. no accessto a comp. lol. ahhwell. ND yeay! Can't wait to see him. <3


I have no idea, but the band B'z?




YES!  I'm a huge fan of google and usually fairly good at finding things.  This question has me a little stumped.

And trust me when I say I've read everything and tried darn near everything with the kids.  


B'z? Haven't heard of them.

luv is... Correct again. I don't know whether I should laugh at how fast you are getting these or cry. Do you even have to search up the answers? XD

Kah - the name sounds familiar, but it's not the one I was thinking of. Perhaps I should have worded the question differently..?
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LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


B'z was 1990's I think.

I use google for EVERYTHING.  I would have NO clue if it weren't for my beloved google.

EDIT:  And it really really helps that I am good at scanning things quickly and picking out the important stuff.


That Monarch boy is WOW.....

Wild, we may have to negotiate some stud's.  Lol.  I love your boys!!


google fails me xD I wasn't completely sure of this "B'z" group, I have never heard of them haha


Wildfilly - if you are not 100% happy with your boy, I will have no qualms taking him. <.<

They might be a smaller band that hadn't reached mainstream, or they're fairly new... Not sure XD
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Maybe it was how I worded the search XD


I checked a few websites and noticed that band being the most prominant, so that was my guess.  x.x