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{Spongequines} Official Breeding and Growing Thread

Started by Spongequines, July 30, 2011, 08:37:22 PM

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Kahlira Wildfilly94, your spongequines had two baby sponges. <3
(007 X 056)

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Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


wildnightblazer, your spongequines also had two sponges. <3
(048 X 052)

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Quote from: Spongequines on August 29, 2011, 03:55:49 PM
Kunaisa, your spongequines had two sponges! <3
(044 X 085)

I wants I wants!!! *makes grabby hands*

I also want!!


-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: wildnightblazer
Image of sponge to be grown:

-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: wildnightblazer
Image of sponge to be grown:

Can't wait to see what they look like!

EDIT: SO... I watered these then traded thisone to skysnolimit for her's, which she said she would water it once she received vials of water, so in the trade we will both lose one water each. I think that's right.


Opps, JT, that second breeding with secret blaze and fnd love is going to me. Lol. And I'd love them put on tye growing todo list. I'd post forms but im on my phone. now our computer has decided to lock us out of EVERYTHING, do to a virus. :'( So i can only post and reply to messages right now.. I hate my luck. And im truely sorry, JT. I feel terrible tyat i cant do a thing with spongequines right now.


Sorry to hear that Wild :/

If you like I could apply for a job working for Spongequines while Wildfilly is off. I have to much free time.


That may not be needed. I just got news from my wonderful mom thqt shegot a virus protector. Hopefully we can get it running to get this bad virus to go away. *crosses fingers* if not, i cqn always try to do stuff at college. I go there half the day an they have cs4 so yeah. lol. Course ill need all the files again so i can use them on that computer, but hopefully, this virus protection will work.


<3 I hope the virus protection works! But just a warning, if it's McAfee or Norton, then it will take up a lot of RAM and will make your computer run really slow. I use Kaspersky, and I can run Photoshop, WoW, and the Internet while Kaspersky is on without lagging (with Norton and McAfee, you'd be lagging so bad you'd be in last year). I also download torrents and stuff (.... don't whack me... XD) very often, and all the trojans I've accidentally downloaded have been quarantined, so there's no compromise between speed and efficiency. <3
That's just my recommendation. ;)

And Victoria, even if Wild isn't having any trouble, I'd love to have you on-board. I think we need all the help we can get at a busy time such as the school year. <3
Talk to Wild about it (I'd hate to make her feel left out of this), and if she agrees I can start giving you the stuff you'd need to be a colorist. :)

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple



-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: kunaisa
Image of sponge to be grown:

-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge:kunaisa
Image of sponge to be grown:


I LOVE mine thanks SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I <3 u for them


I am now working on Kahlira's growings..... *dies*

Your lucky, kunaisa, cause I colored yours for you when I colored up the babies, so they are ready for me to cert (I knew I'd never be able to color them right later on, because I had a special design in mind for the rainbow, red, and white baby). XD Here's their images;

(rainbow roan? XD)

I'll need their names, please! <3

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Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Wow those look pretty! And yes, we got kaspersky. My mom now has to call them an see about gettng a code or somethng for it, sense we've bought it before. I hope it works. D: and as for victoria joining, ipd be fine with that, just not with her doing customs or bribe customs or anythng. Just myorefference. It'd be a little more chaotic. So i'd say just a part time colorist of breedings, growings, or whatever else we need, if anything. Is that alright with you JT?
Also, rereading that, i feel like a part owner, the way i talk. XD is this bad? Lol. Wow.


OMG their AWSOME!!!!! thank you sooooomuch!!!!

1. Dazzler

2. Masked Wonder


-Breeding Request-
Username: CrystalAngelNeko
Mom's image:
Dad's image:

-Breeding Request-
Username: CrystalAngelNeko
Mom's image:
Dad's image:


@ kunaisa and JT

OMG.  Are you serious?  *DIES*  They are absolutely breathtaking.

@ Wildfilly

<3's for you!  I've just come home to three gorgeous sponges, and I can't wait to see them grown!!!  I want to do some trading first though, and that way hopefully spread out the growings too ;D

I'm really glad to be back on Secundi :)  But school starts in a few days :-[  This community is so loving though, I can't imagine I'd leave it for school.


Great news! Mom got the virus pritecter up. Its scanning an she has othr steps to do so I cant be on it for the rest of the nightshe said, but I should be able to after school tomorrow. :D


Owner of Gliders!


Yes :) Im quite happy about that. Lol. I can only handle just using my phone for so long.


*tacklssnuzzles Wild*

oo! JT will be a working on me babies? *squirmsquirm*


-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: Wildfilly94

-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: Wildfilly94

I'm going to be hard at work for now on Growings. Then I'll start on Breedings, then I've gotta color two drawings, one my bf made, and one I made, then work on my English Essay. I've got my work cut out for me.

Edit: Btw, I'm back. XD

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Victoria, Your four sponges have grown. I'll need names and owners please <3

I'm sad. I like them so much I want to keep them all. XD

Edit: Working on Wingeds' Growings, then starting on Breedings

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Went through and certed two spongequines that I forgot to cert.

Winged, your two sponges grew <3 I'll need names and owners:

Edit: Im retiring for the day. I'll hit breedings tomorrow if I have time with school and work

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


They look greaet but... isn't the buckskin appy supposed to be a friesian? He was from a perfume breeding with a friesian mare, i didn't realise that perfume breedings gave mixed. I was really hoping for a friesian from that pair... but don't want to make you re-do since you're busy :(
Owner of Gliders!


Perfume breedings can throw out mixed sometimes. If it really made you feel down, I can re-do it and just alter the mixed boy a bit and add him to the pre-mades. I won't be able to redo him for another 3 hours though, as I won't be home until then. But I can do it, if you want.


No, he's still cute :) And like i said, i don't want to make you re-do him. But can i ask if the other sponge from that breeding is mixed or friesian? Since that might alter my descision to trade or keep it.
Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!


Alrighty. ^^
Would you like to keep the buckskin mixed boy still? If so name please. <3

Did two of Evie's breedings..

Your first pair had one little sponge:

Your second pair had four sponges:

Edit: Your last pair had 4 sponges as well:

Edit: If you wish to trade any sponge from these three breedigns, let me know :O


CrystalAngelNeko, your first pair had one very blue sponge:

Your second pair had two little sponges: (Yes I know the tail on one looks funny, its cause I realised AFTER saving it in png only, that the tail of the girl was black, so I had to color it in and png flattens layers)

If you end up wanting to trade one from the second pair, let me know :)


YEAY!!! I'm done catching up on growings! :D
Means I can grow my own non mystical babies now. Then I'm sure there will be more growings and such to do. XD

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


Ohh and Victoria, if you ever want to trade one fo the four growings I just id for you (The buckskins) let me know. :O

Lol, I love how I'm wanting sponges/spongequines that I colored.


Oh np! The only way I would trade one of my darling buckskins is if it was a good offer lol. I love my buckskins to death!

I would like to name the first Danielle, second Daniel, third David, and the fourth Danny.

Yeah for D's!


OMG you're so awesome, wild! Thanks for helping out so much with these. <3
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Inventories are now accessible from the Directory thread! <3

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


I am using two vials of water!

One, on my cutie wittle spongie XD
-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: skysnolimit
Image of sponge to be grown:

And the other on its sibling, which I have traded to wildnightblazer!  (But I'm supposed to grow it first :3)

-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: wildnightblazer
Image of sponge to be grown:

Thank you so much Wildfilly!!!


Please post that growing using the appropriate form. <3 The forms can be found in the first post on this thread. ;)
I'm glad you like your sponges so much!

-Directory-  -Breeding/Growing Thread-  -Main Thread-  -Trading Thread-

Wildfilly94 posts in blue
JellyThunda posts in green
Victoria posts in purple


No problem JT. :) Like I said, now that I've got my beloved laptop back running, I'll pick up speed with this stuff.

Victoria, the last one you named Danny.. I was wondering if you knew it was a girl, or mistoke it for a boy? If no mistake, forgive me for asking, just wanna make sure its right before I go and upload her.

I'll work on growings now, but I prolly won't finish tonight with skysnolimit's babies, if one of them gets the edits.. O_o



Oops!  Thank you for the heads-up, JT; I edited my post =)

@Wildfilly--it's cool, I totally get it ^^;  I can't wait to see yours, too!


Can i name the buckskin mixed boy Kyle and the red mixed girl Clary. Thanks! Both names shamelessly stolen from the book i'm reading, since it's too early to come up with names myself.
Owner of Gliders!


Quote from: Wildfilly94 on September 02, 2011, 10:57:12 PM
No problem JT. :) Like I said, now that I've got my beloved laptop back running, I'll pick up speed with this stuff.

Victoria, the last one you named Danny.. I was wondering if you knew it was a girl, or mistoke it for a boy? If no mistake, forgive me for asking, just wanna make sure its right before I go and upload her.

I'll work on growings now, but I prolly won't finish tonight with skysnolimit's babies, if one of them gets the edits.. O_o

Yeah her name is Danny! [:

My new boy I would like to name Stockings.


All certed and added to the directory. Now to tackle skysnolimit's sponge, and blazers, and mine. XD


Okay so I have the three sponges from Kyi started. just waiting on an answer from JT about something, then I can finish them. I'm gunna throw a tease out though..
One of the sponges has the edits passed on. :p Not telling who!


I try. XD You will just have to be patient and see! Haha.


-Breeding Request-
Username: Victoria
Mom's image:
Dad's image:

A red roan and a blue roan [:

-Breeding Request-
Username: Victoria


sorry I haven't been on to see these little guys in a bit! crazy first week of school! I think I will be trading a few, I will have to post them in trading :).

-Growing Request-
Username/Owner of sponge: EvieHowl
Image of sponge to be grown:

Username/Owner of sponge: EvieHowl
Image of sponge to be grown:


Wildnight, I finished your growing from Kyi's 'litter' XD


And ahhh, leaves me, or skys for the edited one ;)