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~Fables~ Floating into Secundi...

Started by Luv007, June 19, 2011, 08:36:28 PM

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Excellent point.

New Idea: On this dreamt up website that I'm making, I can have a forum devoted to the daily games.  A thread per game and that way it would be easier to find them?  This thread is just incredibly jumbled as far as organization goes.


Quote from: luv007 on July 03, 2011, 08:35:50 AM
Excellent point.

New Idea: On this dreamt up website that I'm making, I can have a forum devoted to the daily games.  A thread per game and that way it would be easier to find them?  This thread is just incredibly jumbled as far as organization goes.

Or you could just make it 1 thread for dailiy games, and then post the game in another colour.
- So the thread would look like ; Game , Entrance posts , Winners & New Game , and so on :b


Even more excellent idea. 

I suppose I could have an active "Claiming Games Thread" and an active "Breeding Thread" to organize things a bit.  I would close the Claiming Games Thread during Breeding, but leave breeding up all the time... 

Claiming Thread would look like this:
Daily Game
Daily Game
... but I couldn't post the games too far ahead of time bc the entries would get confused.  Hmm...

Breeding Thread would look like this:
Breed Request
Baby Posted
Breed Request
Breed Permission
Baby Posted
And so on.....

We'll see.  Let's finish up this week and then I'll try to really get organization down to an art.  Until then, we'll just explore ideas!



Quote from: Pinkshadow on July 03, 2011, 08:28:43 AM
Sadly i just forget them, sometimes i think their abit hard to find in the thread :o



Oooo I have a nesting straw! I didn't know that! Haha yay for daily prizes! XD

Job Form:
Fable Name: White Walker
Owner Name: Ryuukokoro
Herd Name: Sokanon
Job Requested: Builder

Breeding Form:
Father Name: Frozen River
Father Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Mother Name: White Walker
Mother Owner: Ryuukokoro
Herd Name: Sokanon
Items Used: Nesting Straw

Breeding Permission Form
Permission For: wildfilly's Estella
To Be Bred To My: Lichen
By: wildfilly


Inventories thus far: (might be missing a few things)

Herd Sokanon

1. CrystalAngelNeko-
Frozen River Fable
Nesting Straw
Blue Flower

2. BabyKittenCandy-
Sargtlin Fable
Summer Fable
1 Block of Wood
Twisted Nesting Straw

3. Kahlira-
Julianna Fable
Heart Breaker Fable
Abigail Story
Pink Flower
2 Bundles of Dried Grass
Twisted Nesting Straw

4. Ravvana-
Shara Fable
River Fable
Nesting Straw
Braided Nesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Pink Flower

5. Ryuukokoro-
White Walker Fable
Lichen Fable
1 Block of Wood
Nesting Straw
Blue Flower

6. Spixy-
Hydroxide Fable

7.  wildfilly94-
Estella Fable

8.  Pinkshadow-
Zack Fable

Herd Marbled Secrets

1. EvanescentHowling
Toxic Drift Fable
1 Block of Stone

2. red_uni387
Haze Fable
Sorbet Fable
1 Large Bowl of Henna
Twisted Nesting Straw

3. springacres
Smoke 'n' Mirrors Fable
Unnamed Story
Semicustom Story Unmade

4. Goddess
Bella Fable

5. Pinkshadow
Ina Fable

6. Neocridders
Jinx Fable
Cassie Fable
Braided Nesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw

7.  BabyKittenCandy
Tristald Fable


Oh, thank you for the inventory! I had no idea I had a blue flower. XD;;

I think a website would really be helpful for all this info. Even if you become an agency later, you would at least have all the info ready and waiting to be moved over. :)


Each herd now has 6 grid squared to claim per their new members.  I went ahead and listed the order they will be in just to get things a bit more in order.

And I make no promises that those inventories are perfect, but that is what I've collected.  If anyone sees a mistake, as always, feel free to correct me!


The more I look into this, the more I am convinced you are right!!  Lol.

I'm going to feed my kids lunch... pizza... yay.... than deal with the cranky husband and I'll be back to work on putting things together in a more organized way.

I'll probably put the breeding thread in the breeding section so it doesn't count as one of the 3 active threads we can have in the Generals Booths.  Claiming Games will go here in Generals and we'll have an active thread for assorted bussiness.  That leaves one remaining thread we can use for assorted random events. :)


Herd: Sokanon
Square: B3 (friendship RP)
Terrain: Land

Herd: Sokanon
Square: C4 (dream)
Terrain: Land

Will go discuss our 6 new grid squares with the herd and then return :)


Wonderful.  And thank you for including what each square is from!  That is incredibly helpful!!


Okay, guys..... This is just stuff that was roughly thrown together and straight copy and pasted from the thread.  I'll go back and refine and revise later.

Here it is:

I am making a much larger grid and one that I can draw in gates and whatnot as they are built.  I need to refine the art of the grid itself.  Once I do that.  I will post a grid that will be open to everyone.

Check out the forums themselves and sign up. I will post a thread for each herd in a moment and that will be where you add members, take on jobs, and what not.


Breeding Form:
Father Name: Sargtlin
Father Owner: BabyKittenCandy
Mother Name: Shara
Mother Owner: Ravvana
Herd Name: Sokanon
Items Used: n/a (I have items, but doing a RP sounded fun XD)

Shara grew tired of resting by the water. She glanced around her, noticing several batches of Fables chatting together. She was in no mood to go gossip with a large group, truth be told. Noticing Sarg sitting by himself and keeping a careful watch for any intruders or threats, she decided to go check in with him. "Good day," she greeted the stallion. "How goes your watch?"

He nodded gruffly as she approached, told her that his watch was going well. She bobbed her head in thanks for his service, settling in beside him. Shara did not know the stallions in the herd too well, especially those that had recently joined. Frost was the exception, but her interactions with him were always formal and polite due to their joint leadership roles. She enjoyed Sarg's company, though. She admired his strength and his dedication to the herd, but she was also fond of him on deeper level. Shara could read other Fables pretty well, and she saw that Sarg was really quite gentle and kind behind his gruff demeanor.

Just that morning, a new member of the herd -- Estella, if she remembered correctly -- had joyfully announced that she would soon give birth to a Story. And Shara had a hunch that White Walker was in a similar way. She glanced at Sarg, blushing fiercely, just as he looked toward her with a usually-hidden gentle smile. And Shara decided that raising a Story of her very own might be a blessing after all...



Wonderfully written!!  I am very impressed!  I'm going to try to deliver babies one at a time, but I haven't had the time to really sit down and color pretty ones, so for now, your three mares are preggo and awaiting the event!


I have a twisty nesting straw? o.o

Hrm.. But Juli doesn't want kids XD

But she's ready to help ^_^


Check the new website I just linked to.  Go to Breeding in Forums and then look at the "Example: Breeding (Fraternal Multiples with Nesting Straw).

Your Twisted Nesting Straw can give identical twins if one father is used, fraternal if two fathers are used, but twins regardless!


Breeding Permission Form
Permission For: Ryuukokoro's White Walker
To Be Bred To My: Frozen River
By: Ryuukokoro


I don't recall getting it is all XD lol


QuoteDaily Contest Ending July 1, 00:00

Square: B3
Second Prize: Blue Flower

Form a friendship through RP with a member of your herd.  Both members will be entered.

PS-If anyone is having problems within their herds with participation, quietly PM me and I'll see what I can do about getting you another member perhaps.


Ryuukokoro-White Walker-Sokanon

WINNER is Ravvana with Shara of Sokanon!! Congrats.  Choose your terrain for the square!

Second place is Ryuukokoro of White Walker of Sokanon!  You have a blue flower.

Because there were so few entries, I'm going to throw out some prizes to BKC and Kah- a Twisted Nesting Straw for each of you.  Breeding opens tonight at midnight!  I'll get some forms and some more info on that later.  Plus I'll get some studs given out in a freebie flatsale later. 


Ooo.. I has a straw? Thankyou Luv!!

Breeding Permission Form
Permission For: Rav's Shara
To Be Bred To My:Sargtlin
By: Ravana



Herd: Sokanon
Square: B4 and B6
Terrain: Land

Herd: Sokanon
Square: B5, B7, D4, and F5
Terrain: Water

(If that format is not okay, I can repost for each square individually ^.^;; )


Glad you were so pleasantly surprised!

And I'll run those in just a sec, Rav.  That order is perfectly fine!


You have three new members and three new squares to claim, Sokanon!  Congrats!

I'll color up the premades with the semicustom and the 3 foals, as well as cert all the Flatsale Fables ASAP... as in probably tomorrow morning sometime, or possibly during naptime?

Kahlira, just don't forget to post the semicustom form!

Three Colors:
Inspiring Word:


I thought spring won a semicustom?

I'm so far behind D=

Name: Ashke
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: Female
Three Colors: Cyan, Magenta, White
Inspiring Word: Beloved



springacres won a semicustom, but I still haven't seen a form from her.  I'm guessing she's been busy.

And correct, Heart Breaker did in fact win you a semi.  And your semicustom could very well win you another.

Like someone said before, the more you put into this adoptable, the more you get out.  I'm pretty sure you have teh biggest inventory of all!! Lol.



You do, you do!  Lol.  But that's a good thing, both for you and your adoptables.


Eee I got a wandering premade!? Yay! X3


*Squees!* I wn TWO premades?! :DD

And I think I've figured out a love rp for Estella and Lichen. Lol.

Estella had lived in an unaccepting herd for so long, she was so happy to break free from it and join Sokanon. She and some other Fables she did not know had been rounded up and sorted to new herds. While this process went on, she spotted a glimpse of something beautiful to her left. Him. He was so beautiful with his green shiney coat, that mane and tail with blue in it, and most of all the white socks on his legs. His big blue eyes must've done over for her, as she swooned and stared into his eyes for what seemed like hours.

Her attention was distracted, as she was told where she was supposed to move to. She sighed and her eyes grew dull. She'd never had a feeling like this over any male in her life. She flicked her ears back for a second, when she heard someone call his name, "Lichen." Lichen... She thought.

For a few days, she was the only new Fable to the herd, Sokanon. But not long after she'd kept to herself thinking of Lichen, did she see him Again. She gasped when she saw him, so close to her once more. He was joining the herd she was put in. It was a dream come true! For days she just looked at him longingly, before gaining the courage to speak with him. Once she did talk, she fell harder for his smooth voice and the way he smiled. The pair grew fonder of eachother, and soon enough, they started talking more personally, telling their lives to eachother. Lichen seemed like he was a perfect match for Estella, and one day, she actually asked him how he felt about her. When he shared, she cheered for joy, he felt the same. The connection between them slowly became an unbreakable bond of love. Stella knew, the moment they muzzled eachother (Kissed) she wanted to share that love with her own story. When Lichen agreed, she set out to make that happen

**Yeah I had no clue how to do this, or end it. XD I hope it works.


How do you deside who gets the prises?


Oh my! How do you all get that many items? o.O

Job Form:
Fable Name: Hydroxide
Owner Name: Spixy
Herd Name: Sokanon
Job Requested: Border Protector


QuoteHow do you deside who gets the prises?

Whomever wins the square gets the prize.  I have a list of 30 something items and I run them through  It chooses a prize and I post it.

For the squares that the herd gains for new members, each member gets the prize from their square.

I usually make sure I have a prelisted copy of herd members and just go straight down the list as I run

@wildfilly94- You've only won ONE more premade fable, plus Estella, so far... but once your herd post for the square, that could change. :)


Owner Name-Fable Name-Square Claimed-Prize Won (make sense?)

Pinkshadow-Zack-F5-3 Blocks of Wood

wildfilly94-Wondering Premade Fable-??-??

After your HL post whether or not the claimed square is land or water, I take the list and run it through

Land Square:
QuoteNesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw
Braided Nesting Straw
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Small Henna
Medium Henna
Large Henna
1 Dried Grass
2 Dried Grass
3 Dried Grass
4 Dried Grass
5 Dried Grass
1 Wood
2 Wood
3 Wood
Premade Story
SemiCustom Story
Wondering Premade Fable

Water Squares:
QuoteNesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw
Braided Nesting Straw
Nesting Straw
Twisted Nesting Straw
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Blue Flower
Small Henna
Medium Henna
Large Henna
1 Dried Grass
2 Dried Grass
3 Dried Grass
4 Dried Grass
5 Dried Grass
1 Wood
2 Wood
3 Wood
1 Stone
Premade Story
SemiCustom Story
Wondering Premade Fable
Wondering Premade Fable
Wondering Premade Fable
Wondering Premade Fable
Premade Story
Premade Story


For any new breeding forms/permissions, please post here!

This will help me from getting them jumbled in the thread and having difficulty finding them to make your babies. ;)

Any breedings already posted in the thread, I moved to the site myself.

For all herds, and jobs, and whatnot that haven't been posted on the thread, please move them over to the website forums as well to the herd page.

This will help us organize things.  I'll start posting the daily games for next week soon as well.  That will give everyone more time to enter.


Wildfilly94 and Ryuukokoro, you may take your choice amongst these two Fables.  Whomever posts first, gets first choice. :)  *tests stalking ability*

Wildfilly94- He's yours!

Ryuu-She's yours!


And Kahlira, your semicustom story is here!


And Ravvana, your story has been delivered here:

Ryuukokoro, your story has been delivered here:


Ohh, haha i read it wrong. XD and omgjll,fmeiwow,!! I want the black rainbowy one!


One more story, and that's yours, wildfilly!


I'll hqve to think of a name during the day today and I'll get back to you. Lol. And whoo! I cant wait to see! :)



I eliminated two of my seven photoshop related to-do list items.  My husband is taking me to transformers 3 and lunch and I'll be back over that.  Hope everyone likes what has happened so far.

Next thing I'll sit down and do is cert the Fables from the flatsale, so try to get names in for the new Fables!

Also, Sokanon herd now has 6 squares to claim.  Three from the bred foals, and three from the grid square wins!


I'm still not sure about claiming land - is it only leaders and second-in-commands who can do that or can any herdmember?


Aww, Shara's story is too cute :D I'll need to think of a fitting name.

Herd: Sokanon
Square: A5, A6, A7, E7
Terrain: Land

Herd: Sokanon
Square: F6, F7
Terrain: Water



Oh dear, poor White Walker! She is going to be out of commission for a while. But she has a beautiful new foal! Hmm he shall be named Frostline. After his dad.

Lichen is SUCH a proud daddy! What a lovely colt!

Aw and the premade is pretty. I am going to name her Quiet Rose and gift her to CrystalAngelNeko. ^^


@Spixy-  Only Herd Leaders and Second in Command may physically claim the land, but it is the herd's job to win the squares.  Whomever wins the square, HL or no, takes home the prize.

So in reality, HL/SC are the only ones that may claim land bc I want a herd to work and think and trust one another....  But everyone gets prizes and everyone can participate in competitions except for stories.


That does make sense, but I'm looking forward to other games where everyone can claim squares. ^^ I'd like to claim squares for my herd, along with earning them.


Wonderful choice, Ryuu!

I'm glad to see the giving spirit in the thread!