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{Garden Noms} New breed - closed

Started by TheLeet, June 09, 2011, 05:34:28 AM

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That's right, there's a new breed of Noms: the Flight Noms. They are smaller and more agile than the other Nom breeds and have transparent wings. They tend to fly in large swarms and can sometimes be quite annoying. ;)

I will only release six first generation Flight Noms - three boys and three girls. I'm going to hold a giveaway/contest for the girls in this thread. I'll open a bribing thread for the boys once all the girls have found new homes.

#228 harlequin girl - CrystalAngelNeko

#229 tan girl - Neocridders

#230 hotot girl - Ember

This event is a mix between a free raffle and an art contest. To get a ticket, you have to draw a picture of one of your agency pets or adoptables and post it in this thread.
I will then pick a winner who can choose one of the above girls. The remaining girls will be given away based on chance (I'll use to determine the winners)
I'm planning to close this event on Monday. However, I may allow it to run a little longer if we don't get enough entries :)
Please let me know if you have any questions <3

ticket holders:

Keilin Alyr


Wow looks fun!  :o I'm going to do this once I get home.


You write Draw , so do u mean on paper and scan it or ?



Quote from: Pinkshadow on June 09, 2011, 06:52:31 AM
You write Draw , so do u mean on paper and scan it or ?
You can either do that or draw digitally (for example in Gimp or Photoshop or even Paint :) )

Good luck, everyone ^_^


Oh goodness!! They are just adorable! Love the transparent wings, you balanced transparency with detail of the designs very well! I'm seriously not an artist at all, but I'll enter to try for one of the random wins! XD


We can draw any of our pets, right?

I don't think that my Gidget and my Mini Kennel Dogs are on good terms :<

(P.S. The flight noms are adorable :3)


'kay so...It's not all that good but I'm proud anyways. My first Faequine, Reincarnate:

I'm no artist but I couldn't resist trying.

Edit: It's a little big so I linkified it.



Awesome entries so far :D

And I was worried that no one would bother entering. XD


Didn't have much time to draw, but here's a quick paint-thing of my soon-to-be-mine Samoyed. <3 (as in The Kennel Samoyed... :P)

Those little bunnies are to die for! :D

Edit: not really mine entirely yet, as Silvanon still hasn't approved my request to use her dogs for breeding, herp derp. XD
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Eeee she's adorable Jelly!

HAHAHA gonk I love it. XD So hilarious!

These entries are all so much better than I can do >_>


oo will try and get my entry in tomorrow!


My art skills leave much to be desired, but I'll see what I can whip up in the name of winning a pretty Nom lady :)


Quote from: TheLeet on June 09, 2011, 03:53:33 PM
Awesome entries so far :D

And I was worried that no one would bother entering. XD

pfft if it involves your art more than enough people are gonna enter~


Just a quick reminder to everyone that I'll close this event tomorrow. So if you were planning to enter, do it today :D


I would enter... but i can't draw on the laptop and don't have the time to draw something on paper (i'm really slow) since i'm super busy at the moment. I'll have to wait on the boys being released.
Owner of Gliders!


Lost my tablet and don't have a working scanner. They're very lovely though!

I'll be stalking for the males then <3


Quote from: TheLeet on June 12, 2011, 04:06:42 AM
Just a quick reminder to everyone that I'll close this event tomorrow. So if you were planning to enter, do it today :D

Ooh, I've been really busy, but I'll hopefully have time tonight to color something up <3


I hope you'll have time, too. Good luck :D


I was looking through my main art bucket on my computer, and I found this picture I drew ages ago of two of my Kennel dogs. Is it okay to enter, or would you prefer that I draw something new for this event?

It's a picture of my very first NSDTR, Aoife (click) with her mother, Aviendha (click). I won the daughter in an event back on PI and later was able to trade for the mother, so I now own both :)


I would throw something together, but sadly I am SOOOO sick and have spent a good portion of yesterday and much of today already sleeping

the new breed is cute though


I am totally embarrassed of this, but it was the best I can do with paint and a limited amount of patience.

I so miss my tablet.... Think I'm going to run by my parents and see if I can get it back if it still works...

These guys are gorgeous!


If only I could have found my colored pencils *cries*

But I like how it turned out. I titled it "Tender Moments" The first time out with Ticres and Telleina my black Quin and her newest foal


Yay, more art :D

Quote from: Ravvana on June 12, 2011, 01:16:57 PM
I was looking through my main art bucket on my computer, and I found this picture I drew ages ago of two of my Kennel dogs. Is it okay to enter, or would you prefer that I draw something new for this event?
No need to draw something new, the old picture is fine ^_^



This is my kennel dog, Pikachu. I call him my Pika pup <3 <3
Tis my love of corgis and pokemon. Combined!
(Neo loves to show off her adoptables. Here's the real Pikachu <3)

Don't kill me please! XD

Keilin Alyr

Scooting in just under the wire here. But I have no working scanner and little artistic skill, so this will have to do. =)

My first Wobble, named Cherub, dressing up as her namesake. Well... we tried to get in a six-winged costume getup, but she was having none of that. XD

And the original Cherub (and her buddy Honey, since he did inspire the quick-sketched pose), sitting pretty:

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Pykiin Comic:

A short comic strip I did long ago for my Pykiin, Shiranui. He was the first with the kitsune mutation so I was really proud of him. ^.^ Unfortunately the Valley mischief maker seemed to think his mutation was good for dusting. XD



Picture of Veanti the 'unicorn' quin, Willow the nom, Love the wobble, and Sunset the betta airfish :)


Well if we are allowed to enter old pictures, I shall enter my darling Roon ^^

I have her in many adoptables ^^


Not sure if you ended this yet.... but....

Thats a little something something I drew of my AAA adoptable Lani <3


This is closed now so no more entries please. Give me some time to pick a winner - I think it's gonna be difficult >.<


Thanks to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed seeing all your art :)
I don't think I'll ever hold another art contest again - I hate having to judge art and all the entries are so awesome in their own way.
It might not be the most elaborate piece that was submitted but it's well drawn and I absolutely cannot get over how adorable Neocridders' Pika pup drawing is so Neocridders, you're the winner.
Please let me know which Nom you'd like and I'll transfer her to your account. 

I'll then use to pick new owners for the other two Noms. ^_^


Congrats Neo! That is such a cute Pika-pup! ^_^


Congrats to Neo XD

And as a random note, your corgi is stunning XD


Congrats Neo! ^^ Pika-pup always make me smile too =3



Oh my god

Buuu buuu buuu buuuuuut I need to pick a nom I like most. XD
Can I... urrr... have a couple minutes? I'll be back in like half an hour. I need to go get a shower and I'll be right back.



Sorry. I thought it over. Even though I adore harlequin, she looks so much like my Jasmine.
Soooo, I'm picking tan. I love tan!

(But all three were amazing, so I mean I would have settled for any of them. So cute!)

Thanks so much. I can't believe I never said thanks in my last post.

Thank you thank you thank you!
<3 <3 <3 <3



Right then, let's see who gets the other ones :)

the harlequin girl goes to CrystalAngelNeko

and the hotot girl goes to Ember

I'll put them in your accounts now. Thanks so much to everyone who participated <3


Congrats Ember andCrystalAngelNeko!!
Tese noms are so cute. And this means I'm changing my breeding plans for the next time it's my turn! XD


Oh my, thank you, and TheLeet for the lovely Nom!

Grats to Neocridders and CrystalAngelNeko as well!


Congrats guys, you got some awesome noms~


Eeeeeeee congrats congrats!! So awesome! lol I was so sure Neo was going to go for the pretty brown girl. X3 I do love the tan, she's such a pretty shade of gray, almost lavender!


-giggles- congrats everyone! -hugs my cute little girl- hmmmm~


Haha! I think I thought I'd go for her too.
But  I love all of those markings too much.

And last time night noms came out and I picked the harlequin. And I love her, but I needed something new.
And she looks lavendar, doesn't she?
Qnd you know... I name all of my noms after flowers, I may name her lavendar. Thanks Ryuu for that 'brain spark' idea :)

Keilin Alyr

Psst, Neo, her name should be spelled "lavender" not "lavendar". Very pretty girl though. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD
