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ºTokkenº - a possible adoptable

Started by JellyThunda, June 08, 2011, 11:09:51 AM

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Hello, one and all! I have spent quite a bit of time recently trying to figure out what to do with this idea for an adoptable that I've been having, and I've decided to not draw and sell it, but rather draw it and run it myself!

ºThe Storyº

The refugee camps from Secundi are not alone in their exodus, and recently in the dead of the night the villagers have heard the calls of a strange group of creatures which they had called the "Token" because if a man saw or had an encounter with one of these strange beasts, they would always bring back a token from the event so that they could prove it to their fellow villagers, thus the name of Token, because that is all that a majority of the people ever saw of them.
Soon enough, the commotion had attracted the attention of some undesirables- the poachers. They wished to hunt these animals down and skin them for furs, because there would be no other furs like the furs of a Token. But, because of their awful education and their bad perception of how words are spelled, the "Token" were now spelled the "Tokken" by the poacher squad. (this new spelling does not sound any different from the "Token", but on the documents concerning these creatures, they were now referred to as the Tokken-just another example of the poor care that the poachers regarded the villager's opinions with)
When they were able to finally capture one of the creatures, they realized that because it was so fantastical they could make more money if they sold the creature itself to the royalty rather than skinning it and selling it to them as clothing, for many queens and kings of their era had enjoyed having unique and exotic pets.
The poachers brought these animals to the greatest royalty and touted them about the world, telling of their "great adventure" in the depths of Secundi's greatest rainforests, where they had discovered the Tokken's enormous cave system in which they dwelled during the day.
But, much to their dislike, the royalty did not want anything to do with them, even as skins, because the fad at the time was not clothing or new pets, but instead was the breeding and training of colorful ponies.
So, with disdain in their hearts and their frivolous dreams culled away, they regretfully returned the Tokken back to their natural habitat, which was ordered by the economists back on the mainland, lest the poachers would be put away in prison for so many days and nights.
No one was so happy as the refugee camps on Secundi the night their precious beasts were returned, for they had begun to notice differences in their dogs in the kennels and horses in their stables when the creatures had stopped their calling at night, which had become a lullaby to many of the villagers as well.
Now that the strange Tokken had traveled the world many times and had been socialized by the poachers over their journeys, many of the individual beasts had attained a sort of liking for living with people, and it became much easier and more common for the villagers to come across the Tokken in their daily travels back and forth from the river.
Recently, a few of them have been following refugee search teams home to the village, and have become a sort of refugee themselves.
Now, since the Tokken are familiar and friendly with the Secundians, they have been taken in to the villager's homes as pets. Some have even been trained to help around the house and to help the people hunt for food in the forest.

So far, only the Feliquines have come forth from the forest to live with people, but many more of the Tokken species are now being seen looking on the village from within the trees and are expected to emerge from their hiding places in time.


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Yep yep. Here I've got sum arts to show ya.

~The Feliquine~
(the only one that's completed)

~The Feliquine baby~
(not completed yet)

~The Carcallana~
(not completed yet)

~The Carcallana Baby~
(not completed yet)

~The Felillana~
(Carcallana x Feliquine - not completed yet)

Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.




The species which make up the Tokken family of creatures are all very similar, but at the same time and in many ways are also very different. They are all mammalian, although some of them may have scales and/or feathers. Think of it in terms of the dog, which has an amazing amount of different and unique breeds which all still share many of the same characteristics. So, truly, there are many breeds of Tokken, not species, but for the sake of sanity they will be called species. <3


When I get the site up, this will have a page all to its own and will be explained a bit better, but for now I know that breeding will be open 100% of the time, but unfortunately there will be a two week to a one-month wait for a breeding to be completed (depending on how busy I am, when there are very few Tokkens out there the breedings may be done almost spontaneously).
The exciting part about breeding is that two different species will be able to breed and produce fertile offspring! Not only that, but the baby/babies will have a 75% chance of being a completely different species than it's parents, which will be a special kind of Tokken called a "mutt", since it is not pure-bred. Mutts will be fertile and will have a whole different set of lineart than their parents. There will also be different types of mutt species. For example, species A and species B breed together and make a baby that is species AB. Then, species A and species C breed and make a baby that is species AC.
Species AB and species AC are completely different, and have their own lineart. <3 Also, using the same example, if species AB and species AC were to breed, the baby could be many different things. It could be species A, B, C, AB, or AC, though it would have a higher chance of being species A than anything else because species A was a parent species of both AB and AC. And- If a purebred species and a mutt species were to breed (like B x AC) then it would work the same as a mutt x mutt breeding. The baby could be either B, A, C, or AC, and since B and AC are parents it would have a higher chance of being either B or AC.
I know it's pretty complicated, but once you see the site's explanation it should be cleared up as I plan on making quite a few example breedings (complete with pictures and interactive buttons~ squee!).

~The Feliquine~

The Feliquine is a forest-dwelling species which prowls in damp caves during the day in order to hunt for it's favorite meals, which includes insects, bats, and the occasional rodent. They make nests on the forest floor because they dislike the humidity of the caves and because they sleep easier while they are under the stars. They have no natural predators other than humans and have no fear towards any other animal living within the forest, though if you were to ask one of them what they were most afraid of, they'd say spiders (Eww!). Overall, the Feliquine are a peaceful group of carnivores and will not attack unprovoked, lest you happen to be their prey.

Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Quote from: JellyThundaI have decided, officially, that there will not be separate lineart for Female and Male, yet there will be a large selection of species and there will be baby lineart for each species.
So far I have~

Completed Templating for Feliquine
Sketched a Feliquine Baby
Half-Shaded the Carcallana (the lizard-cat's new name- "ll" = "y")
Sketched a Carcallana Baby
Sketched the Felillana (the mutt breed between Feliquine and Carcallana- the "ll" still= "y")

I hope to have them finished within 2 weeks.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


:O I want one! So cool!

ETA: Story is great <3 <3 ^^


Thanks!~ I'm still kicking the forums in the head for resizing it, I'm not sure why.... >:[
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


It's probably photobucket. I don't think secundi usually edits the sizes of photos.



Thanks again! <3
And, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's photobucket, but I'm not sure why it's doing it because when I follow the link directly from photobucket, it's the right size..  (??)
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Maybe try tinypic? I don't know if they resize.


I just now switched the link to tinypic, and it's still small..
But when I link to the picture, it's the right size, so it might be the forums...
here's a link to try~

For now, I'll just make the picture link to the full size, so it's still visible easily from here, but so you can still see the full size if the text's too small or etc.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


If you have Windows 7, the font should be MV Boli now . <3
~is having fun with pretty fonts
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


do you have any examples with other colors? Darker or fantasy? 
I woudl love to see how the shading and stuff works on other

but these are cute



Thanks alot! <3
And yes, I do have other examples... Let me just upload them...

ETA- I uploaded them and now they can be seen above. <3 (sorry, I should color some more for you guys, shouldn't I? - I'll do that soon... I just have to color one more CYO Samoyed for my breeding...)

And since you asked for it, PonyMama, I'll make some special that are Dark/Fantasy.. maybe I'll start working on some mutations... <3 (I haven't finished everything for them yet- I just posted to see what people think, and it looks good! :D)
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


That's funny, the linked image is the same size for me. Maybe I'm seeing the correct size the whole time? Or maybe I'm seeing both the wrong size? I don't know. But they are so awesome no matter what size.


Ooh those are gorgeous
the shading is so subtle and natural looks good with an array of color and tones
I woudl follow these


Hmm.. That's strange, on my computer the link goes to the right size, and the one on the forum is the wrong size... XD
This is strange, maybe it's just Firefox.. Do you use internet explorer?

And thanks, Pony Mama! I worked a long time to make the shading just right.. XD ( all day yesterday while I had nothing to do...) I really like how the fur turned out, I'll probably be using the technique I used here to make fur more often. <3
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Aww, no more dragons? D: Ryuu is so sad! The dragons were awesome!

But these furry little guys are REALLY cute! I can't wait to see events for them! ^^


Yeah I'm using IE. I don't know why my computer won't let me open safari or firefox anymore. Or any program that isn't photoshop or IE. :P Silly computer, being all pick with the programs.


Don't get too sad Ryuu- I'm thinking about maybe reviving those in time.. But I won't be able to do much during the winter because of school, though I'll run these throughout most of the year since they're digital. <3
Oh, then that's probably it Neo. I'll just post a disclaimer on my threads and make sure to keep the link there for whoever uses Firefox. ;)
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.

Kadana Sorano

So much want!  Are there different line arts for genders/babies?

Oh and, the images look the same size for me as well.  And I'm using Firefox lol version 4.0.1
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Hmm, well, I haven't been able to update my Firefox yet (won't connect to update server...)
But I'll still keep the links, in case someone else has my problem as well. XD

And depending on how much time I have, I may make a separate lineart for female/male, but yes, I will have different lineart for babies. <3 And there will be separate species, and the amazing part about that is that I am going to allow different species to interbreed (they will be similar, so it won't be weird that they can breed) and if they do, the baby/babies will be of a different species than the parents and will have different lineart as well. For now, this is only in the planning stage and I'm still deciding whether or not I'm going to make that the only way to get those specific cross-bred species. (these "mutt" species will be able to breed with others as well, so I'm going to have to make only a few species to begin with because for every new pure species that I make I will also have to create that many more inter-bred species.)

Note; the image is only about 20 pixels smaller when it's being re-sized, so you may not be able to notice straight away that the linked image and the one on the thread are different sizes. If you can't tell, look at the small text and if the linked image's text looks sharper, then the image on the thread is being re-sized.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


all looks the same size to me
even the font


Well, that's really weird.... I guess everyone but me thinks it's okay! XD
Oh well, I'll just keep the links anyways. Better safe than sorry!

....and your avatar changes every time I refresh the page.. O.O
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.




Here's a peek at what I've done so far for the "Dark" theme. <3

The flames are going to be all over the body, though, and I'm thinking of bat wings. >:3
What do you think? (by the way, flames are way harder than you think... XD)
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


These are cute! Definitely looking forward to seeing them in General. The flames are neat, but perhaps a little over the top/unnecessary with horns/bat wings? Well, that's only my personal opinion. Also...I looove bat wings but won't they get in the way of the cert, the way it's positioned?


Yes, that's also my concern with the flames.. I'll find a way, somehow, to make them less... prominent.. (I'll most likely just end up thinning them out/making a whole new flame design). XD
They aren't going to be on every adoptable, though, only on special ones which I deign to put them on. You did point out a flaw, though with the bat wings, and to reply to your comment I will say that I'm now planning on modifying the arms to be bat-like wings instead (not the same, probably more like a flying squirrel's "wings" rather than a bats, now that I realize bat wings would make the adoptable look awkward..).
Truely, you make a really good point there.. hmm, I'll work on it more and come back later with some improvements... :P
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


I agree, horns are awesome and arm/wings would be great but the flames seem too much. Especially all over the body, that would pretty much cover the critter so we couldn't see him/her.

Idea: How about that mane that goes all the way down the neck and back be made more flame-like? So instead of flames all over, just some flames going down the back?


That makes a lot of sense. XD I don't know what I was thinking, I think I was mostly like "hey, I wonder what'll happen if I make an orange squiggly thing here? OMG it looks like a flaem... *dur..*"
Yep yep, It's looking better now. First I'm making the horns bigger, since those ram horns looked awkward and small. Then I'll probably make a crater-skin mutation that will make more sense with the flames (with flames, yes; I still can't get those out of my head now that I've done it...).
The flaming mane will be a harder thing to edit-in, since I was too stupid to think of making the body a base without hair and then drawing it on top, and because of this I'd have to edit the main shading layer to make flame-hair. But it's still a good idea, and I'll make it since I need to fix the template where the hair is separate anyways.

Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Ohh yesh, that would make it hard, if the mane isn't on it's own layer. X3;;


Here's the new horns. XD I think it looks better already

edit: derp, I just noticed it looks like princess leia... XD
editedit: I now have the squirrel wings half-finished, so I have a picture with those as well now.
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.



I love these, the art is gorgeous and really original! Can't wait to see more xD
Owner of Gliders!

Kadana Sorano

mm how about just having the flames around the feet?
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Thanks all for the awesome support! ~
And to Kadana, I think that flaming feet can also be done, but since many people like the flaming hair mutation as well (even though only Ryuu suggested it, it's a very common mutation and I'm sure that there are many others who like it also), I think I'll do both in favor of the diversity of people's opinions on fire and where it looks best. ;)
Personally, I think both of them can look great depending on how they're drawn.
Oh, and I found a way to make flame-hair (actually, flames in general) without needing the hair to be separate. <3 So I'll put-off making those improvements to the template later. *is lazy*. XD
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Ugh, took longer than I expected to finish the wings, but here they are!
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.



Ooh, I wonder what this is? :D

Just a sketch so far...
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Such a tease! XD I like that sketch so far though.


Looks like a lizard cat <3 Hehe. I think it's cute.


At this point, it's a desert-cat creature which is smaller than the Feliquine, and it's official name is probably going to be the Carcaguana or something similar (the names carcal+iguana, since it looks like you said, a lizard cat).
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Wow! You're great at shading. I love it! :D
And I love the artwork in general! :D


Thanks! I'm working on markings and fixing the templating now..
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


I have decided, officially, that there will not be separate lineart for Female and Male, yet there will be a large selection of species and there will be baby lineart for each species.
So far I have~

Completed Templating for Feliquine
Sketched a Feliquine Baby
Half-Shaded the Carcallana (the lizard-cat's new name- "ll"="y")
Sketched a Carcallana Baby
Sketched the Felillana (the mutt breed between Feliquine and Carcallana- the "ll" still= "y")

I hope to have them finished within 2 weeks. <3

ETA- I have now added the un-finished previews of these Tokken, and aren't the babies soo cute? :D I just wanna eat'em. >:3

ETA again..- now the pictures look larger.... When will it END? XD
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


I'm gonna open a -very- small and free adoptable on PI soon, so I might take a little longer to get these done... (I couldn't wait to start one!)
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


;_; *Ryuu sobs* You like them more than us...