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Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Franken Winner on Page 3

Started by Gryphions, June 02, 2011, 08:35:04 PM

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In a little place right outside the secundi markets, you saw a familiar gryphion. Raina hunched over something. The object was unidentifiable from where you stood. Wandering a little closer, you saw she moved her beak along the mysterious object. Her ear feathers twitched a little and she turned her head toward you.
She met your gaze, but her stare wasn't as friendly as you were expecting. You wonder what was wrong, seeing as she looked a bit perplexed. Before you opened your mouth to ask anything, she lifted her paw to her beak and kept it there for a moment, communicating you to stay quiet.
You stepped toward her to see what she hid from you, but she stretched her wing to make a barrier between you and whatever she had. So she didn't want you to step any closer.
You decided to stand still and quiet. Raina moved her head back over to her object. She began moving her beak over it again. She then softly said, "Don't worry, don't worry," to her object.
What was she talking to?
She put her paw on top of the object, and a little whimper came from it.
Raina stood up on her four legs and turned toward you. The little object she had been hiding sat with dark garnet eyes. Its face, cream colored in the shape of a heart, watched at you. It lifted its paw and rubbed that cream face. Its body, brown in color, was small. Raina's paw, next to the little creature, was about the same size as the brown and cream thing.

It looked somewhat like a gryphion. Maybe it was a kitten, since it was so small. It's face unlike any gryphion you'd ever seen, though. Why did it have a heart-shaped facial disc? Why was it so small?

You wondered aloud, "Is it yours, Raina?" and waited for a response.

She blushed a bit and quickly spat out words.
"Oh, dear, no. He's not mine. I don't know who he belongs to. That's what I am trying to figure out."
She put her head down to the little creature again and moved her beak through his feathers.

"Please tell me where you came from. We can find your parents," she said.

The little kitten's eyes watered up.

"Oh dear. Well, I'm going to try to calm him down. His parents must be around here somewhere. He probably wandered away from his nest," she told you.

So... this -was- a gryphion? It was a baby from a nest.

"What... is... it?" you asked.

Raina looked to you. She waited a few moments before answering.
"Well...," she said, "it's a gryphon. But I don't know what kind. I'm not familiar with this breed. And I do realize I should, since I am a gryphon. But he's not a gryphion."

"Gryphon... gryphion" you say.

"A gryphon - it's what I am, and he is. You can tell because he's both bird and feline. Notice the feathers on his face, but the fur on the rest of his body! But a gryph-I-on, that's my own breed. We are a mix of the proud lion and the noble eagle." she said up in a dignifyed way.

"And this... I'm not sure what exactly he is." she went on.


((Out of character))

New breed?!
Whoah. Let's see how long it takes to finish the adults...
I just couldn't wait to show you guys.

There is not much to this thread right now until I finish adults. But feel free to bring out some gryphions, or just chatter. Whatever.

The gryphs have been revealed. Please go see the newer posts for games and stuffs!


((Note - Neocridders is bonded to both Raina and Cabora, so I will probably use both accounts for either of them, so just FYI, I'm not controling a character that isn't mine. It's just Raina lives in the Gryphion account and Cabora lives in this account.))

Cabora, a quiet gryphion of few words, was taking a little flight. She was looking for Raina. Raina was supposed to be doing some council duties today, but she hadn't been around. Neocridders had asked Cabora to go find her.
Cabora had a bonded partner, Neocridders, but Cabora didn't really talk to Neocridders much. She actually didn't talk to anyone much. She kept to herself a lot. Or maybe no one understood her, so she just didn't want to bother with others.
Whatever the case, she had accepted the quest of finding Raina.
While flying, she had time to think about things. She sometimes thought about her family and what they might be doing - she hadn't seen her parents since she was a kitten. It was unusual for unbonded gryphions to stay in touch with parents after growing up. However, Cabora still hoped they were doing alright. Did they even know she have been bonded?

During her thoughts, she saw a dull yellow gryphion sitting around the Secundi Markets. That had to be Raina.

Cabora decended to where Raina was and touched the ground gracefully. She folded her wings and stretched her legs.
"Raina," Cabora said, "the council is looking for you."

Raina's ear feathers twitched and her head spun around. She seemed surprised, maybe she hadn't heard the blue gryphion arrive.

"Council." Raina spoke. She had a blank look on her face.

Cabora waited for more of a response, but when she realised Raina wasn't going to give anymore, Cabora prompted, "The council. The place that you work."

Raina was torn. She didn't want to return to her duties until the kitten was at home safe with its parents.

Cabora noticed that something was wrong. Raina loves her job, so why would she not want to go today?

"Raina?" she said. It was a question, she wanted Raina to explain what was wrong.

"Cabora, I found a kitten. And I don't know where he belongs. And I don't want to leave him all alone. He needs to find his nest. But I can't get any words out of him. He isn't bonded, and can't speak english. But he still should know the gryph language. He is obviosly upset. I need to return to the council. I wonder... could you hold on to him. Try to calm him down. Help him feel safe. And if you can, maybe get some information from him about his parents."
Raina knew she had to go immediately. She had to get back to the council. She was about to take off when Cabora looked to her.
"Raina. I don't know anything about kittens," she said.

"You'll figure it out," Raina said as she lifted off. She took off, and flapped fast. She was in a hurry. She was out of sight in only a few moments.

Cabora was scared. She looked to the kitten Raina had been talking about.
"Uhhh, hello. I'm Cabora," she told the kitten.
The kitten had been curled up, shaking with fear, but it looked up to Cabora with teary eyes. It made whimpers.

Cabora made a small gasp. She hadn't been expecting a kitten of a different breed than her own.
The kitten hid it's light face under his wing and began to cry.

"Oooh, no. No. Don't cry. It's ok. It's ok!" Cabora said, trying to sooth the little gryph.


The little kitten's crying was over. He had just wet feathers around his eyes. He looked up to Cabora and was scared.
"Where are your parents?" Cabora asked, hoping now she'd get an answer.

The kitten made two low, short hoots. Cabora understood that he was supposed to be in his nest, and it was somewhere away from the secundi market. The kitten then looked over away from the market. Cabora knew that was the direction he must need to go.

"How did you get over here? You could not have flown yourself. You're just a kitten." she said. She looked in the direction they were to go to find his parents.
"We should fly. You're so small, I don't think your little legs will get us anywhere any time soon. Here..." she said, and she took the kitten with her two front paws. She then took off into flight with the kitten well gripped.

After a few minutes of flying, the little gryphion made a sudden shrill scree. It was so sharp in pitch that Cabora jerked in her flying when she heard it.
She looked down at the kitten, mystifyed. What a strange creature. Cabora had never heard anything like that scree. It was so strange.

"Are you calling your parents?" Cabora asked, as soon as she thought of that.
The kitten made a soft whistling sound as a reply. It meant yes.

After a few more minutes of flying, the kitten made an excited noise from his chest. It was almost like a hiccup.
"What is it?" Cabora asked. Were they close?

The kitten chirped.
Suddenly there was a small gryphon flying directly behind Cabora. The kitten chirped again. Cabora turned her head and was surprised when she saw the new gryphon. Cabora descended, and the smaller gryph followed.

When they touched the ground, Cabora let the kitten go, and he scrambled to his mother. The kitten started to churr, as did the mother. Cabora looked at the two. The mother was larger than the kitten, but still very small. Cabora would have no problem carrying the mother the same what she did the the kitten. She was lean and quick. She hadn't even heard her when she had flown behind her. She's a silent flyer, a very good quality to have, Cabora thought.
The gryphon's face was strange like the kitten's.

Cabora was happy that the two were reunited.
"My friend found him over by the secundi markets," Cabora started to explain, "and he was crying. I don't have a clue how he got over there. But after he calmed down he told me where to go, so I flew him back home."

The small gryph nodded and made a few hoots. She was apprichiative.

"Now, one question I have... what sort of gryphon are you? Excuse my asking, but I've never seen anyone like you and your kitten before."

The small gryph was grooming her kitten a little, and then responded with a melodious line of chrips. It was almost like a little song.

Cabora understood this strange gryphon. She was called a 'Barn gryph', or something similar to that translation. She was a mixture of a barn cat and a barn owl.

"Wow. I'll have to tell my friend. She's very interested in gryphon kind. She's a part of the gryphion council, and I bet she'd love to meet you."


Cabora had left and returned to the home of the Barn Gryphs.

"Hello, everyone!" Cabora said to the nest of barn gryph kittens in a barn they call home.
The three kittens were super excited to see her. They were trying to climb out of the nest and see Cabora.
"I've brought my friend with me. She's really excited to meet you all.

Raina poked her head through hole in the barn. This hole was hiding the nest that the barn gryphs were nested in.

Raina was surprised with how the entire family of gryphs could fit in that small hole. The entire lot of them could sit on Raina's back while she flew.

The creature farthest from the entrance to the hole in the barn had a pair of dark pink eyes. He began to slink forward, like any barn cat would.

The gryph gave a few hoots to Raina.

"I'm so happy to meet you." Raina bowed her head slightly in respect.
The barn gryph did the same.

"I'd like to ask where your kind lives, and if any would like to come with me to the gryphion council. We're looking for representatives to bond to humans on secundi. If you could ask your neighbors and spread the word, tell them to come find me."

The male nodded his head and made a few more hoots. Raina nodded and then looked to the kittens. She smiled and said, "Bye!"

Cabora stuck her head back in the hole and said, " Bye kids! When you grow up, please come see me!"

And both the gryphions lifted off and went toward the secundi market.
"Wow! I can't wait to see those kittens again," Cabora said.

Raina was stunned. Cabora had been changed by this event. These kittens have opened her up.
The two went on in silence for a few minutes, and Raina was full of thoughts.
"Cabora, have you ever thought about raising kittens?" Raina asked suddenly.
"Huh?" she replied.

"Kittens! You know, like those kittens we just met. You know, we can have kittens too, silly," Raina said, joking around.

"Well, of course. But I never thought... I... I never thought I'd ever want kittens," Cabora responded.

"Well, do you want kittens?" Raina asked.

"I'm... not sure. I never thought I would. But maybe I do," she said.

"You're in luck! The gryphion council told me this when I went back. Breeding season is soon. Now's your chance, there will be lots of boys looking for love in a couple days!"

"Breeding season? Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I'll check out the boys..." she said, unsure of herself.

"There ya go! Yes! Just check some boys out, and maybe you'll find the right one!"
And Breeding Season is near. It's time to find mates!

Aaand, now the barn gryphs are released. So I might try to give a few homes before the season starts.


yes o.o breeding season >.> *grins evil plans of doom* lol



Neo can guess your plans XD Wanna send some ref pics to me, Sunny?



Sunny should go look in her account now <3 <3


Absolutely love, love, love the Barn Gryohs =D

And yay for breeding season =D Hope I can manage a feather before then.


Sunny loves o.o she went to bed and is now awake cause her husband managed to get on yahoo YAY first time ive 'talked' to him since April *grins*


Yay! That's so awesome! Glad you got to talk to him. :D
And  I'm glad you like them <3 <3

Now... this is number 300. He's looking for a home. I don't know how he'll be given away, but it'll be a long term contest.

And this barn gryph is looking for a home tonight.
I'm about to go to bed. But I wonder what we can do to give her away...



On second thought,  I'm going to bed now. But next one to post gets a breeding feather. That'll be useful this breeding season!



Aaaand I'm giving you both feathers. Because secretly I planned to give the next two people to post feathers.

I sure am sneaky!





I can't take total credit. Sunchaser did the inking for them. I provided her with sketches and then she inked them and then I templated them and here they are <3
^^ I need to go update the agency page to list her as the inkist.


Alright. Now, who is interested in number 300?
He's going away in an art contest.
Or more... a banner contest.
:)I want everyone to make some banners. And post them here. You don't have to put them in your signature if you don't want to, but by making a banner you have to be ok with others using the banners.

RULES ~ Each banner either needs a gryphion/barn gryph, the name 'Gryphions' or something like that. :)

Alright. Go for it. I'll close this in 48 hours from now.
Good luck! Each banner will be a 'raffle ticket', so the more banners you make you get more tickets. Then I'll do a drawing for Mr. 300.


Aaand, I feel like now is a good time to give away the green girl.

Who wants to win her? Anyone around?


I'm around.  What's the contest?  These guys are stunning!



The contest is a sort of a speed contest. I'm going to post a phrase and you have to reply first with a logical/correct answer. So it's also trivia, unless it's opinion based.

But if I ask what's your favorite color and you say dog, that's not an ok answer.
If I ask what's MY favorite color, you have to say the correct answer (yellow).

Now I'll try to not make it too hard.


*reserves spot, sets up lawn chair and her super soaker*
Anyone comes close, and I'll shoot! XD

I will get one.... >:3
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


First question (an easy one to start us off)

What sort of dog do I have?

(He's a purebred, so don't worry about combinations. That would be cruel!)


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Alaskan Husky  (I know Corgi but was in PM's sending somethign and missed it)


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Ding ding ding! My buddy Triscuit is a CORGI!

Ok, what's my favorite animal?
(slightly harder)


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.



I'm afraid none of those is correct. But I'll give you a hint, one of my gryphions was colored by Goddesss as a gift since I like this certain animal... :)



Umm.. is it a big cat?
(unknown what type of big cat....)

ETA- oh, that's a good guess, pony mama! XD I thought that gryphion looked most like a tropical fish... *face palm*
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


Oops. I meant to say you could guess again.
But yes, frogs are my favorite animals. <3 Any frogs. :)

So one point for PM, one point for JellyThunda

What your favorite flower?


I have colored MANY poison dart frogs, plus own a toad.  So I had knowledge of that one, but it doesn't say it was colored by Goddesss SO it was a guess



Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


lol, I'm trying to shade the new species of Tokken while I'm doing this. :P
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


guessing and trying to make a new frame for my avatar, harder then you think


Yes yes <3 Cabora was colored by the lovely Goddesss. And I adore my Cabora and Goddesss.

And daffodil works for me!

So that's
PM - 2
JellyThunda - 1

What time is it? (going by Secundi time in the top right corner of the site. And the exact minute won't count against you, but please be within five minutes or so)


Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


You're going to make a new frame for your avatar? XD I'm going to go insane!
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.


You two are so fast!
What's my first name? I don't know how often I post that. But I dunno, maybe someone will know? Or know where to look...

But unless either of you know off the top of your head, this one might take a little effort to find.
And I won't be giving hints, so you'll just have to search (so, if you just wait around instead of going and looking, I don't think you'll get this one!)

ETA : Score: PM-2, JT-2


Your name is Neocridders! XD
I'm gonna look...
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.