[Gliders] Customs and auction for special 200th Glider! (auction results up)

Started by Winged, June 01, 2011, 02:19:20 PM

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My exams finished today, wooo! So i'll have a lot more free time now. I've been planning to have a special event for the 200th Glider, but just couldn't think up anything fun. So i've decided to go with a simple silent auction :)
Also, i'm officially opening customs! Customs for bribes are always open, and i've been giving out customs as prizes in raffles, ect but i've never actually had a thread for customs before. And i really enjoy doing customs. There will be semis and customs for SG, as well as some custom marking ones for bribe.

Let me save... 5 posts. Not at all sure how many i'll need to that seems safest.

Owners Folders- Click
Information thread- Click
Owner of Gliders!


Silent Auction

This is the 200th Glider! She's really special, and credit for the idea goes to YLO :)

She has no markings or mutations, but is able to pass all markings and mutations in the breeding. I will randomise to see the number on markings and mutations she gets, as well as which they are. The fathers markings and mutations will all have a 50% chance of passing, and then the females markings will be randomised. Sounds complicated i know, but it will work :)
The colours will mostly be similar to the father, but with some differences thrown in.
Also, she has a 100% chance of getting twins, 30% chance of getting triplets, and a 5% chance of getting quadruplets.

The idea of a silent auction is that everyone sends in their bid to my account and the highest at the end date wins.
-Obviously, you cannot tell anyone what your bid is
-The SG send much be marking Silent auction, so i know what it's for.
-If you wish to alter your bid then just cancel the first one and send another.
-No start bid, the bid you send can be any amount

Starts: NOW
Ends: Thursday 9th June at 14:00 secundi time (20:00 UK time)
Owner of Gliders!


Types of customs

To claim a custom, just post the form in the correct colour and then send the SG. Pickups will be posted in this thread.

Semi Customs

You pick the name, owner, gender, up to one mutation and up to four colours. Examples of mutations are in the information thread, link in the first post.
Unlimated slots, costs 10k each. Must be posted in orange

Up to 4 colours:

Full customs
You pick the name, owner, gender, up to 7 markings, up to 2 mutations and the spesific colours for them. You can use hex codes if you wish. Examples of markings and mutations are in the information thread, link in the first post.
As many slots as you like per person, although i would prefer it if someone didn't just claim all the slots in one go. I'll be opening them in batches, as i finish them. Costs 20k each. Must be posted in teal

Body colour:
Eye colour:
Claw colour:
Wings colour:

Love Pairs

These are very rare, so only two love pair slots being released. Post two forms (one male one female), in red. The price is double the normal price and add 20k. Since you get two and love pairs are rare.
You can get love pair semis or full customs and also you can bribe me for a love pair custom marking.
The love pair comes under a love pair slot, regardless of what sort of custom it is.
Owner of Gliders!


Custom markings- Bribes

These are pretty rare. I'm not the best at colouring, but i like to think that i'm getting better. There are some that i can't do, but we can discuss that.

Only open for bribes, but i'm not asking for large bribes. I'm interested in pretty much any adoptable, and especially customs. I'll give an idea below of what i'd most like.
~Quinsta- Vanners, Andalusian, Shetland, Mustang, poss Friesian and Clyde. Probably not grades unless i really like them. I'll accept most quinsta, unless i don't like them for some reason.
~Feli- Any really, but especially naturals
~Kennel- GSD, Akita, Elkhound, Minature Pinscher, American Eskimo, Border Collie, Italian Greyhound and poss others
~Garden Noms

Obviously, i'll make it a fair trade. For example i would give two customs with custom markings for a nice Quinsta.

The customs can have both custom markings and premade markings, and unlimates mutations. However, there are some mutations that don't fit together, even if i try to erase part of the mutation. I'll let you know if this happens.

To offer, post in green what your offer is and roughly what the markings you're wanting are, and if it's a many mutationed one then how many.
I'm likely to accept the offer, but it's not guarenteed.

Body colour:
Eye colour:
Claw colour:
Wings colour:


Here are some custom markings i've done. There are more, i just had a quick look through the owners folders.
Some of them are combining custom markings and premade markings.
Owner of Gliders!


Custom Slots

Black- Form posted
Green- payment sent
Purple- Finished custom posted
I may send unfinished version part the way through for custom markings, but they'll just be PMed, not posted here.

Semi customs

1- springacres
2- Victoria
3- YLO
4- YLO
5- YLO
6- YLO
7- Keilin Alyr  
8- Keilin Alyr
9- Keilin Alyr
10- Keilin Alyr
11- Keilin Alyr
12- Keilin Alyr
13- Keilin Alyr
14- Crystal
15- Crystal
16- Crystal
17- Victoria
18- Victoria
19- kunaisa
20- kunaisa
21- Crystal
22- Victoria
23- Victoria
24- Victoria
25- Victoria
26- Victoria
Only taking up to these for now, will open more once these are done.

Full customs

1- YLO
2- YLO
3- YLO
4- YLO
5- YLO
6- YLO
7- YLO
11- YLO
12- YLO
13- YLO
14- YLO

15- YLO
16- YLO
17- EvanescentHowling
19- EvanescentHowling
20- YLO
21- YLO
22- YLO
23- Wildfilly94
24- Wildfilly94
25- Wildfilly94
26- Wildfilly94
27- Wildfilly94

Custom markings
1- YLO
2- Crystal

Love pairs
1- Neocridders FC
2- YLO Bribe- working on
Owner of Gliders!



You can now post! Please feel free to chat and ask questions while i set up :)
Owner of Gliders!


Everything up, and customs open! Please post forms and comments.

About the prices, i am willing to take comments on them and at least change them next time if not this time. I wasn't totally sure what to put.
Only thing is, i'm not budging on the custom markings for bribes thing. I'm not asking for huge bribes and i want to keep custom markings rare.
Owner of Gliders!


YYYAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!1 /stupid happy about this

Congrats on reaching 200!  Wow! =-0

i want customs and stuff bbuuutttt. . . xDD  i'm going to have to pick stuff first. x3 <3


Glad you're happy about this! And i know, we've got a lot of Gliders in a pretty short time. Actually on ID#210, i skipped #200 for something special.
Can't wait to see what people order about customs :) I forgot about love pairs, so i've added that. Think everything is up now.
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Wizz
Body colour:black
Eye colour: brown red
Claw colour:yellow
Wings colour:black with yellow stripes
Marking(s):yellow Hdabble
Colours: yellow
Mutation(s): spikes



kunaisa could you PLEASE read the instructions! You have to colour your form so i know which type of custom you're wanting. Also what do you mean by 'dots'? If you look at the premade markings, there is Ldapple and Hdapple to choose from.
Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!


Name: Wizz
Body colour:black
Eye colour: brown red
Claw colour:yellow
Wings colour:black with yellow stripes
Marking(s):yellow Hdabble
Colours: yellow
Mutation(s): spikes



sigh You cannot have custom markings for a full custom! Could you please choose a wing marking and use the correct name, instead of saying 'black with yellow stripes'. Also, i'm not taking ref. pics for these, if you wish a spesific colour then use hex codes.
If you want it done in a spesific way then bribe for a custom marking slot.
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Dream
Owner: springacres
Gender: Female
Mutation: Feathered feet
Up to 4 colours: Purple, cyan, gold


Thanks :) I have to go to school now, but i'm leaving in a couple of hours and coming home early. So i'll get yours done then.
Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!


*thinks about bribes*

I have this PU that you were interested in before, dunno if you are still interested?

If that doesn't work I shall be back XD


Hmm... i am interested in him, but if it's for the love pair you were talking about before then him on his own won't quite be enough.
Owner of Gliders!


The black PU for a custom of Mesa? This is Mesa: http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj19/YourLoveOnly/References/Characters/Mesa/Mesa-1.png
I would like the mane represented by a multi-colored dorsal stripe and then the tail by a tail tuft mutation. The wings and henna on the hip and leg would have to be custom markings.



YLO, i think that should be fine, but it depends on just how exact the henna has to be? And is the henna on the nose required? That might be tricky to fit into the Glider lines. The wings... is it just little yellow ovals you want, or the black lines? I might have more questions but i'll see when i start colouring.

Glad you like her spring!
Owner of Gliders!


As exact as possible please =) If the nose fits that'd be great. I have this extra reference if it helps: http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj19/YourLoveOnly/References/Characters/Mesa/Mesa.jpg
It's crappy and pixely but should make the design clearly visible hopefully ^^
And here is another of the wings: http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj19/YourLoveOnly/References/Characters/Mesa/Mesa-2.png
So the idea is to have the pattern in black lines with the base color of the wings mainly being green and occassionally a yellow part =)


Name: Kiwi
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #daf286
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #daf286 dorsal stripe & wing tips, white alternate ZZ, wing barring, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears

Name: Blossom
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #ffbace
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #ffbace dorsal stripe & wing tips, white alternate ZZ, wing barring, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears

Name: Aubergine
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #d8b5ee
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #d8b5ee dorsal stripe & wing tips, white alternate ZZ, wing barring, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears

Name: Orange
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #f5bc6c
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #f5bc6c dorsal stripe & wing tips, white alternate ZZ, wing barring, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears


Note to everyone, YLO's posing a load of quick, similar customs. So don't feel that you can't post any forms if you count the forms as reaching the limit, i'll extend it :) Just post away.
Owner of Gliders!


*loves on Winged* Yay for my Butterpack! YLO is addicted to Gliders. And MSN is wonderful for plotting these things XD

Name: Blueberry
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: #98d8ff
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #98d8ff
Marking(s): #59c0ff dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #98d8ff ears

Name: Citrus
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: #f5f48b
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #f5f48b
Marking(s): #fff422 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #f5f48b ears

Name: Cherry
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: #f66c6c
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #f66c6c
Marking(s): #f64040 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #f66c6c ears


Name: Blackberry
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #98d8ff
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #98d8ff dorsal stripe & stockings, white ZZ, socks, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears

Name: Banana
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #f5f48b
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #f5f48b dorsal stripe & stockings, white ZZ, socks, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears

Name: Strawberry
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: white
Eye colour: #f66c6c
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: white
Marking(s): #f66c6c dorsal stripe & stockings, white ZZ, socks, muzzle, blaze & tail tip (colored markings first, then the white ones on top)
Mutation(s): white ears


Name: Lime
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #daf286
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #c1f213
Marking(s):  #c1f213 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #daf286 ears

Name: Raspberry
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #ffbace
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #ff79a0
Marking(s): #ff79a0 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #ffbace ears

Name: Grape
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #d8b5ee
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #a976e4
Marking(s): #a976e4 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #d8b5ee ears

Name: Peach
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #f5bc6c
Eye colour: white
Claw colour: white
Wings colour: #f59f26
Marking(s): #f59f26 dorsal stripe, white socks (+ one right hind stocking if just one is allowed) with tail tip, muzzle & extended underbelly
Mutation(s): #f5bc6c ears


Body colour:dark mango orange
Eye colour: Deep red/garnet
Claw colour:Yellow-orange
Wings colour:pink
Marking(s): Wing barring, wing tips, tail barring, stockings, underbelly, muzzle, blaze
Colours:Wing barring: pink, wing tips:yellow-orange, tailbarring: pink, stockings: pink, muzzle: yellow-orange, blaze: white, underbelly: white
Mutation(s):Tail tuft, crest
Colour: white tail tuft, white crest

Body colour: Dark grey
Eye colour:Black
Claw colour:Black
Wings colour:dark blue or dark navy
Marking(s):Wing tips, paint, Bfade, tail tip, underbelly, wing paint, muzzle
Colours:wing tips: black, paint: black, bfade: dark blue/dark navy (same as wing color), tail tip: blood red, underbelly: black, wing paint: blood red, muzzle: blood red
Mutation(s): Spine, ears
Colour: Blood red spines, navy blue ears

:D Can I have a price up? Thank you. I think it's 60k, but I don't want to send the wrong amount.


Yep, 60k :) I'm just about to go sleep, since i have to get up really early then i'm out most of the day tomorrow. But i should get them done tomorrow evening, or if not then on sunday :)
Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!


Yaaaay Butterpack <33

And for the bribe you approved over MSN:

Name: Georgie
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body colour: #F1528C
Eye colour: #0CBF85
Claw colour: #0CBF85
Wings colour: #F1528C
Marking(s): #C600B9 wing tips + unique markings like this. The red color in the reference should become #F1528C, the purple should become #C600B9 and the orange should become #0CBF85. The markings on the face may be changed or removed if it looks better.
Mutation(s): ears + #C600B9 tail tuft
Colour: see ref for ears

Name: Anthony
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #FAE900
Eye colour: #A3DE22
Claw colour: #A25D18
Wings colour: #A3DE22
Marking(s): #A25D18 wing tips, #A3DE22 and #A25D18 unique markings based off the ones on >this< Desert Strider (if that won't work other markings involving vines/branches/leaves/flowers are good too as long as those colors are used)
Mutation(s): #A3DE22 and #A25D18 feathered feet + #A3DE22 tail tuft

Mesa's form will come tomorrow morning when I feel more awake xD


Im so sorry! Please ignore my failed posts. Hope I did these right:

Name: Larentho
Up to 4 colours: black orange red

Mutation:tail tuft
Up to 4 colours:purple, light blue, pink, white


Nope, you didn't put a name for the female... Do you read your forms through before posting? If you did then perhaps that would aviod so many mistakes. To be honest it's really annoying for the adoptable owner when the same person makes mistakes over and over again.
Owner of Gliders!


Pickup for Neo! For some of the markings i wasn't totally sure on the order of the layers, hope they're okay. Also, i hope the colours are the spesific ones you were wanting.

Owner of Gliders!


Name: Starlight
Gender: Female
Mutation: Tail tuft
Up to 4 colours: Pink, orange, yellow, purple.


Owner of Gliders!


Name: Tia
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: Female
Mutation: gemmed
Up to 4 colours: #fff11c, #fcc11a, #00ffff


My (Neocridders's) Bill and Nancy couple is GREAT!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Name: Strawberry Lime
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: Female
Mutation: tail tuft
Up to 4 colours: #b9e801, #e3e4df, #e7002a

Name: Sponge Cake
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: Female
Mutation: ears
Up to 4 colours: #fad495, #0cbf85, #f5a301


Glad you like them Neo!

YLO, i'll get them done tomorrow, right now my mum's helping me to pin up some new trousers that i'm getting taken up. It's taking ages, they keep on coming out different lengths!
ETA: You only send the SG for your first semi.
Owner of Gliders!


Yeah sorry I was distracted by a popsicle xD Sent now! =3
And no rush.. I shall plot more pretties in the meantime =D


Name: Karina
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Mutation: spines
Up to 4 colours: cyan, vibrant purple, white, pastel pink

Name: Dusk
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body colour: #82696a
Eye colour: #a5d5f0
Claw colour: black
Wings colour: #82696a
Marking(s): #2b2323 dorsal stripe, fade, muzzle and wing fade + #c1b5b5 underbelly and blaze
Mutation(s): ears
Colour: base same as body, #c1b5b5 inner ear

I shall be back for more. Because I am an addict. 8D


Yup, i know xD Should get some more done tonight.
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

One for each mutation. XD

Name: Fionn
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Male
Mutation: Ears
Up to 4 colours: White, yellow, green, blue

Name: Kris
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Male
Mutation: Spines
Up to 4 colours: Yellow, orange, dark red, brown

Name: Azura
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Female
Mutation: Gemmed
Up to 4 colours: White, black, sapphire blue

Name: Camilla
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Female
Mutation: Feathered Feet
Up to 4 colours: Forest green, gold, dark red

Name: Cecilia
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Female
Mutation: Third Eye
Up to 4 colours: Silver, cyan, red

Name: Iris
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Female
Mutation: Tail Tuft
Up to 4 colours: Would pastel rainbow be okay? If not, pastel red, cream, pastel green, and periwinkle blue

Name: Aurora
Owner: Keilin Alyr
Gender: Female
Mutation: Crest
Up to 4 colours: Pastel red, pastel green, pastel blue, black

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Pastel rainbow's fine, but that would count as one colour... so do you want every different layer to be pastel rainbow? I like the idea of having one for each mutation xD
Was planning on doing a load tonight, but potting up and re-caneing my fuschias took longer then expected.
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Dandelion
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: Female
Mutation: Gemmed
Up to 4 colours: Black, Purple, Red

Name: MoeMoe
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: Male
Mutation: Spines
Up to 4 colours: White, Brown, Blue

Name: Daisy Duke
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: Female
Mutation: Tail Tuff
Up to 4 colours: Yellow, Black, White

You'll take 3 semi customs right? If so, I'll send the 30k right away ♥


Quote from: Winged dreams on June 05, 2011, 03:06:01 PM
Pickup for Victoria

Wow this is so beautiful!  :o

Name: Daza
Owner: Victoria
Gender: Male
Mutation: Spines
Up to 4 colours: Charcoal grey, light blue, silver.

Name: Rose
Owner: Victoria
Gender: Female
Mutation: Ears
Up to 4 colours: #bf935a, #f6afb9, #f6c1af, #f6d7af


Quote from: kunaisa on June 03, 2011, 06:29:41 PM
Im so sorry! Please ignore my failed posts. Hope I did these right:

Name: Larentho
Up to 4 colours: black orange red

Mutation:tail tuft
Up to 4 colours:purple, light blue, pink, white

Here I hope this is satisfactory.

Name: Larentho
Up to 4 colours: black orange red

Mutation:tail tuft
Up to 4 colours:purple, light blue, pink, white


Crystal, sure that's fine!

Victoria, glad you like her! You do need to send the SG for those semis though.

kunaisa those are fine, just need the SG sent.
Owner of Gliders!