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Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Easter Festival!

Started by Gryphions, April 21, 2011, 07:40:48 PM

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A lovely blue gryphion waits in the thread. She sits behind a little booth titled 'Information'.
She watches you and gestures for you to come to her.

"Hello, dear! My name is Fabergé. Thanks for coming to our festival. I can tell you've just arrived. This is the information booth. All new arrivals to the festival should come here first to know what's going on."

She has a little map on her table and pushes it toward you. She points to a red starred place on the map.
"That's the information booth. That's where we are now."

She points over to an area marked 'Post 1'.
"The first post has a game tent. It's where you can go to play some fun games. All games are free, of course. You can win prizes at the games, so that's some fun incentive."

She smiles and points to an area marked 'Post 2'.
"The second post has a ride area. You can give your gryphions and yourself a good time with the rides. Some rides cost tickets, which are sold in the same post. The rides are not only a bunch of fun, but each rider gets a special item. Some rides give out different items. Of course, there is a limit on the amount of times you can ride and get an item, or else we'll run out! We've got to have some for everyone!

She moves her paw over to the area marked 'Post 3'.
"The third post has a raffle tent. There are multiple raffles going on! Every basket will go home to a lucky ticket holder. Could that be you? Maybe! All raffles use tickets, and some raffles use different tickets than others. The prices of tickets are listed in post three."

She moves her paw over to the area marked 'Post 4'.
"This is the craft tent. All the young and young at heart love arts and crafts! We've supplied the glitter and paper, now you and your little'uns get to show your skills!
I hear they'll judge the finished crafts and the winners get a little prize! "

She points to the last area marked 'Post 5'
"And this last post has acutions. It's an auction booth. Auctions are all for Secunds, or SG. Auctions will end after a little while, and then a new one will go up. Sometimes there'll be more than one auction at once. For that reason the auctions will each have a codename and you'll have to name the one you're bidding on. Bids without codenames will be ignored.
To bid, you have to have money. There is a start price, and in order to get the thing being auctioned, you'll have to bid higher than the last bid (unless you're the first bidder, in that case you have to bid the start price or higher.)"

And that's our festival. Please go visit the posts you want and have yourself a good time. We should be continuing all posts until Easter day, which is this Sunday.

--Some events are not ready yet. Please wait for those! Thank you!--


"Welcome to the game tent! Here we've got games for you to play. All games are free of charge, so don't worry if you're a little light on funds!"

Game 1::Pick a Basket Game Over!
We'll have six baskets here. You get to pick one basket, no looking inside! That's cheating!
Once all baskets are picked, you'll look in your basket. One basket has a surprise. The other baskets just have plastic grass filler.

Baskets are all taken. Please see in thread post for winner!
3.Kadana Sorano

To claim a basket, post with a number and mention you are 'claimin basket' and post the number.

Game 2::Duck Pond
We all know that game! Five little ducklings swimming in a pony. Each duckling has different colored feet. The color of his feet will match up with a prize. Prizes are listed below on the chart.
You think the game is easy right? Yes, it is. But you don't know what duck you'll get. Why's that? Well, if a duck is swimming you can't see his feet. So you won't know what sort of prize you'll be getting!

How to choose a duck:
All ducks in the pond. I've assigned numbers to the position they are currently in. The numbers stay constant, but each time we play the ducks will swim around and mix themselves up so you won't know what one is which, even if someone else already grabbed one and put it back.

Post this phrase in blue: Choosing duck [insert position number]
To post in blue, use this code: [color*=blue]Choosing duck [insert position number][/color*] (But remember to take out the * stars *)

That's all there is to it! I'll show you the duck you've pulled, and you can get a prize from the prize buckets.
One duck per person, please. We need to make sure we've got enough prizes for everyone!

This is the pond. Here are the positions the ducks will be in, so go ahead and pick what duck you want. Pick the number of where it's located (the numbers are on the image)

Here is the prize chart:

Prize Pickup

Smooth Stones (Orange feet) :

Balloon (Green feet):

Bunny Ears (blue feet):

Breeding feather (purple feet):

Stuffed Bunny Toy (red feet):


"Welcome to the ride area! We have a couple rides for you to try. Each ride will cost a set amount of tickets. Tickets are 10k each, and are that price simply because rides are expensive to maintain. I assure you you'll enjoy yourself, though, so you're not wasting your money."

In order to sign up for a ride, you must post in purple Signing [insert gryphion here] up for [insert ride name here]. Then you pay for your tickets by sending funds to this account.
The gryphion inserted should be the name, and if Name me, please include ID and/or image. That is the rider of the ride, so choose wisely!
Limits placed are per bonded human. If it says 1 ride per human, you may only let one gryphion ride. If a ride lets you go twice, a second gryphion of the partner can go.

Ride 1::Easter Egg-scrambler
Description: Each passenger gets in a seat. The seat will go around and around in circles. As the seats go in circles, the whole ride is circling as well. So you're going round and round and round! How fun!
Warnings: This ride is jerky. Not recommended for young children. Avoid eating right before riding.
Prize: After each ride the passenger gets a cool equippable balloon!
Cost: 2 tickets
Limit: 1 ride per human

Ride 2::Tunnel of Love
Description: Each boat holds two gryphions. If you want, however, you can let your single gryph go alone (or you can go with him or her yourself!). The couple will go on a smooth, romantic ride through a little river in a tunnel filled with hearts and sappy music.
Warnings: Keep feet inside the boat. Anything beyond 'Paw holding' is off limits.
Prize: After each ride, the couple gets a breeding feather. The feather will go to the gryphion's bonded human.
Cost: 1 ticket
Limit: 2 rides per human (1 ride is up to 2 gryphions, but only 1 prize per ride!)

Ride 3:: 'Hoppy' Bounce House
Description: A large blow-up tent shaped like a castle. Gryphions get to go in one at a time to bounce for up to 10 minutes. You can pretend you are a bunny and hop, or whatever you like.
Warnings: No flying, please. The bounce house was meant for simple bouncing. No shoes allowed. ABSOLUTELY NO BATTLE CLAWS ALLOWED. Please keep beaks tucked in to avoid puncturing the tent.
Prize: Each gryphion that bounces in the bounce house gets an equippable bunny toy.
Cost: 4 tickets
Limit: 3 rides per human

Now have fun!
--Each gryphion can only have 1 turn per ride. If you only have 1 gryphion, you can only have 1 ride. Sorry!
--Each ride has prizes. If your gryphion rides a ride with an equippable prize, the prize WILL be equipped. Equips are final and can't be changed. Make sure the gryphion that rides is the gryphion you want the prize to go on.
--No tickets, no rides. No exceptions. Please pay for your tickets, or no rides for you.

Roleplaying is encouraged with waiting in lines and signing up, etc.



"Welcome to the raffle tent. Here are the raffle baskets. All raffles use tickets, the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win. The tickets all cost different depending on the raffle.

To enter a raffle, please post the following in bold and the color of the raffle. For example, the first raffle is red, so post in bold and red. I want [insert amount] tickets for the [insert color] raffle. Sending [insert amount of money] sg.


Raffle 1: RED
-Consists of 1 'matching' bunny, to go with a gryphion you own.
-Has one 'bunny ears' item, to go with any gryphion you choose. Comes in white, lavendar, light pink, light brown, or any 'real bunny' ear color, if you provide the image of a bunny I'll match his ears on the bunny ear item.

Tickets cost 100 sg each

Raffle 2: ORANGE
-Consists of 1 balloon item, color is your choice, to go with any gryphion you own.
-Has 1 semi-custom gryphion (you either choose gender and 3 colors, or you choose gender and 1 word to contribute toward the gryphion.)
-1 stuffed bunny toy item, your choice of color (has to be a natural bunny color, can have simple bunny patterns) to be equipped to a gryphion of your choice.

Tickets cost 1,000 sg




"Welcome to Arts and crafts! Follow the instructions for all the crafts. The best crafts will get prizes!"

All you have to do is color one of these pictures. There will be a prize for each image. You can edit it however you like. Quality is taken into consideration slightly, but overall it's just color and design.
Obviously if you spend an hour coloring an egg I'll look more into that one, but I still want good design and good coloring.

Have fun with my five second creations!


Peep Chick!

Carrot Bunny!

I put probably 10 seconds or so into each drawing. :) I want to see what you can do with them! Good luck!

(You may color/edit them however you choose. Printing out and coloring/painting/shading whatever you want. Or edit them via photoshop, mspaint, etc. These images are done in one layer, white background. That may make it harder, but I want to see what you all can do :) Good luck!)


"Welcome to the auction booth! Here you'll find an auction going on at all times. Have fun bidding!"

Each Auction has a codename. You must post the codename with your bid, or I will ignore your bid.
NO EDITING BIDS. That's not fair.

Starting Bid: 1,000 sg
Minimum Increment: 1,000 sg
Buy it Now: None
Codename: Cottontail
Auction ends: April 22 (Friday) at 12:00 secundi time. OVER - Winning bid: 100k by Kadana Sorano! Congrats!


Starting Bid: 1,000sg
MI: 1,000sg
BIN: None
Codename: Egg Dye
Auction Ends: April 22 (Today, Friday) at 20:00 secundi time.


SB: 1,000sg
MI: 1,000sg
Codename:Chocolate Bunny
Auction Ends: April 24 (Easter Sunday) at 14:00


SB: 1,000sg
MI: 1,000sg
BIN: None
Codename: Golden Egg
Auction End: April 24 (Easter Sunday) at 15:00
(Ends 1 hour after the one above)


(All done setting up. I'll have raffles and auction up as soon as I can!)


*giggle* These are such cute events! I love how much thought you put into the theme! And the blue girl's bunny ears are cuuuuute~


:D Thanks!
I know normal people plan an event over a couple days and work on it until finished. What I do is I have a 'spur of the moment' idea and am five seconds away from posting when think 'Hey I could do this' or 'Hey I could do that'. And then 2 and a half hours later I actually post what was to be a spur of the moment thread.

And now you know how the mind of Neocridders works.




Can I play too?

*hides for not being around much*




Choosing duck 5

Cottontail 1000 to get you started!

Super adorable Neo!



Before signing up for rides, include the name or image or id of the gryph riding.
Neo. Is. Fail.


Cottontail 10000! (Might want to specify the end date, I'm assuming it's today at noon though?)


Warning! Neo has headache. Things are likely to -not- make any sense from her mouth. If this is the case, just stay calm. She'll come to senses sometime soon.

Alright! I've added the pick a basket game's baskets. you may now start claiming those.
(I've put it at an unusual time zone partially to give some people a chance they normally wouldn't have since they are asleep during many of my events! But since I've got a headache and can't sleep, I'll be awake for a few minutes with you lovely people! Ha... If I make no sense, blame this headache!)

--Added a more specific date to auction. Will give end date for games and rides soon. Sorry >.>

---Added something in the ride form for your gryphion's name/id/image.

-----Just to clarify for the duck pond- The ducks are replaced (put back into the pond) and get to swim around after each pick. That means even if I haven't posted a response yet, you may still claim the duck that is in the spot the last person just picked. The dice will be rolled a separate time, so odds are the duck will be different.

Happy Earth Day. I'm going to go find a nice couch to snuggle up on. G'night...

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

claimin basket 3!

*scuttles off to see who wants to ride what*

Hope your headache goes away soon Neo!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Neo I just have to say, this all looks amazing. I want to put a bit of RP effort into the rides, because that's just a ton of fun, so I will be back later when my pain meds are actually working XD




I'm feeling better now!
Tired, though.
YLO, kadana claimed basket 3, sorry! Please claim another basket.

Thanks YlO for the comments. Glad you guys like this. :) I would have included more games and stuff if easter weren't so close.

Happy good friday!



Happy Earth Day everyone! ^_^

Claiming Basket 1!


Kadana Sorano

Ride Sign ups, without the rp bits (for easier reading/recording purposes:

Signing Spring up for Easter Egg-scrambler.
Signing Spring up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House. (only if she is allowed two rides!)
Signing Sky Queen up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House.
Signing Screaming Eagle up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House.
Signing Wynter and Pocano up for Tunnel of Love.
Signing Neru and Chazman up for Tunnel of Love.


Ride Sign ups, with the rp bits:

*wanders back in trailing 5 excited Gryphions bouncing about behind her* 

Right, here we are!  Easter Festival just as I told you!  Now, who was riding what again?

*watches her Gryphs mingle about looking at the rides quickly jotting down the ones they choose to ride*

Umm Spring, I'm not sure if you can ride more then one ride..

Spring: But I want a bunny!

Then give up the balloon..

Spring: but I want a balloon too! *swishes tail in agitation* besides, I;m named for the season, I should get two rides!

*sigh* oh fine then, if The festival attendants allow it then you can have two rides, since no one else wanted to come..

Spring: *chrrs contentedly and preens about*

If they say no then you're stuck with just the balloon!

Spring: *plops her feathered rump down in line for the Easter Egg-Scrambler and ignores the human*

Signing Spring up for Easter Egg-scrambler.
Signing Spring up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House. (only if she is allowed two rides!)


*sighs again and turns back to the rest of her group*  Right then, who else wanted the Hoppy bounce?

Sky Queen/Screaming Eagle: *both jumping forward excitedly* We did we did!

*looks at the bald eagle-esque Gryphs and hmms, scribbling their names down on her list*  OK then, got you both down, who's going first?

Sky Queen/Screaming Eagle: We are!

You can't both go first, the idea of "first" is that one goes before the other..

Sky Queen: But we want t go together.

Screaming Eagle: *nods his head* it's more fun together

*closes her eyes and breathes in and out deeply a moment*  Yes, I imagine it is more fun together.. but the rules say you have to go alone.  So one of you will have to go first.

Sky Queen: Oh.. well.. He can go then I guess..

Screaming Eagle: *shakes his head and ruffles his neck feathers* No no, ladies first, Sky can go

Right then, Sky you're first, you can both get in line now.

Sky Queen: No, I said he goes first!

And he said you go first, I'm not standing here all day, so I decided, now get in line

Sky Queen: but..

No buts! *points to the line* Move!

Sky Queen: Hrmhs and flounces off to stand in line

Screaming Eagle: *laughs and follows her, standing beside her in line instead of behind her*

Signing Sky Queen up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House.
Signing Screaming Eagle up for 'Hoppy' Bounce House.


*turns to look at the rest of her group* Right then.. Tunnel of Love.. hey, where did the guys go?!

Wynter:  Poc said he wanted to swim..
Neru: And Chaz said he was hungry and going to grab one of those picnic baskets

*stares blankly a moment before her eyes widen in horror*

Wynter: *takes a quick step back* What?! I'm sure they will be back in a moment..
Neru: Yea, they should be back in plenty of time to make the rides.

Oh crap!  Stay here!  *starts to head off, spins back around to face the females*  I mean it, RIGHT here, don't you dare move! *takes off in the direction of the baskets, passing the duck pond on the way*  Poc!  Dangit get out of there!

Pocano: what?  Why?  It's hot!

You're disturbing the ducks, get out!

Pocano: Looks around him *what ducks?!*

*groans* The ducks that were swimming there before you scared them away, now GET OUT!  That pond is for a game and you're going to ruin it.

Pocano: *wades out of the pond and hangs his head* I'm sorry, I didn't know!  I just wanted to cool off..

*sighs and reaches out to pat his beak* I know, it's fine *thinks.. I hope..* the ducks will come back, now get back to Wynter.

Pocano: *perks up and rubs his wet body against her as he trots off* Ok, I'm going, sorry!

*stares at the duck pond and the muddy banks around it and grimaces*  I HOPE they come back!  *takes off back toward where she saw the baskets, spots Chaz wandering around the area nudging the baskets with his nose*  Chaz!  get away form those!  *watches the colorful Gryph open his beak to snatch up a basket, having made his decision which he wanted and screams as loud as she can*  Chazman don't you DARE touch that basket!

Chazman: *freezes with his beak hanging open a fraction of an inch above a basket, rolls his eyes up to look at the frantic wet human and plops his but down looking confused* Why? I;m hungry and they are just sitting here waiting for people to take them..

Chaz.. those aren't for you, you can't just take them.

Chazman: Yes I can, the sign says so see? *points his beak at a nearby sign reading "Pick a Basket"*

*groans* Chaz, that's a game.. it's meant for people to enter and pick a basket to see what prize they get.  It's not food.

Chazman: It's not?

No, it's not.  *pauses and blinks*  Well.. I don;t think it is.. I don't really know whats in them..  But anyway, it's a game for peopel to play.

Chazman: *thinks for a minute* but it MIGHT be food?

*frowns* I supose the prize could be food yes..

Chazman: Great!  Then I pick this basket! *starts to grab it*

Chaz No!  I already picked our basket!

Chazman: *settles back again* You did?  Well where is it, what did we get?

I don't know yet, the prizes haven't been reveled yet.

Chazman: but you picked a basket?


Chazman: Then why didn't you just look inside it?

Because that's not how the game works.  I have to wait for a festival attendant to open it.

Chazman: But why, are your hands hurt?

*frowns a bit* Uh no, my hands are fine.. *shakes her head* that's just the rules, that;s all.  You have to follow the rules.

Chazman: *gives her a perplexed look* Humans are so strange! *gets up and flounces back off toward the rides*

*mutters and follows him* Yes, and Gryphions can be such children!  *arrives back at the rides and see's Neru and Chaz standing in line behind Wynter and Pocano, all four Gryphions looking at her with innocent expressions*  Great, just great.. make ME look crazy.. *mutters and writes their names on her list*

Signing Wynter and Pocano up for Tunnel of Love.
Signing Neru and Chazman up for Tunnel of Love.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

arg forgot to include bid.. sorry for another double post, didnt wanna edit..

Cottontail 100k

Neo.. do I send ride ticket payments all in one transaction, or you want them seperate?
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Ride money goes to this account, in whatever sort of transaction you want. If you pick to do all one transaction, let me know how many tickets you are paying for, and mention they are ride tickets.


Results for the basket game!

All players get a basket. All six participants look eagerly into their baskets.
All but one look into their baskets to find just filler plastic grass. How disappointing.

But one user, with basket number 4, CutieePiee, looks into her basket and finds a lovely little critter.

A little lost bunny? Why is he in there?
I assure you he's not supposed to be there. In fact, I'm pretty sure that particular bunny belongs to a lovely gryphion... where did she go? I think I saw her over by the duck pond...

Here she is. She doesn't have a bonded partner human. But she does want her pet bunny back.
She goes up to cutieepiee's bunny and lets it hop into her paw. She looks up to Cutiee in a thankful way, and bows to CutieePiee.

Looks like you got yourself a gryphion with a bunny! Congrats!




*giggle* Aww she's holding a stuffed bunny! XD


That little detail is uber cuteness! <3
Quote from: Ryuukokoro on April 22, 2011, 11:27:54 AM
*giggle* Aww she's holding a stuffed bunny! XD

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Congrats! I was also going to choose basket 4 but you got to it way sooner then me! Its so cute lol (:


Alright, let's start seeing who got what at the duck pond!

First up is Red_Uni!
She chose the duck in spot 4. That duck has... Orange feet! Red_Uni gets a smooth stone!


Springacres picks the duck in spot 1. That duck has... Green feet! Springacres gets a balloon to equip to a gryphion of hers. Congrats! Please let me know what color you want your balloon to be, and who it will go on!


Jojo pulls the duck from spot 3 out of the water. That duck has... Orange feet! Jojo gets a smooth stone


Goddesss picks up a duck from spot 5. That duck has... Green feet! Goddesss gets a balloon to equip to any of her gryphions. Let me know the color of the balloon and who gets it!


Kadana Sorano picks up a duck from spot 2. That duck has... Blue feet! Kadana Sorano gets a set of bunny ears to equip to a gryphion, any gryphion she chooses! Your color options are: White, Light pink, Light purple, light brown -or- post an image of a real bunny and I'll put his ear color on your rabbit ears. :) Let me know the color (or post a bunny with the color you want) and let me know who to equip to.


YourLoveOnly picks up a duck from spot 5. That duck has... Purple feet! YourLoveOnly gets a breeding feather!


CutieePiee picks up a duck from spot 2. That duck has... Blue feet! CutieePiee gets a set of bunny ears to equip to a gryphion, any gryphion she chooses! Your color options are: White, Light pink, Light purple, light brown -or- post an image of a real bunny and I'll put his ear color on your rabbit ears. :) Let me know the color (or post a bunny with the color you want) and let me know who to equip to.


Victoria picks a duck from spot 4. That duck has... Green feet! Victoria gets a balloon to equip to any gryphion she has. Let me know the color.

If anyone wins an equippable prize and doesn't have a gryphion to equip it to, or doesn't want to equip it, I'll make an item to go in inventories and you may equip it when you want. Just know that when that happens it won't be my #1 priority, since I'll probably be long done with this. But I'll make sure it gets done eventually :)


New Auction Up! Congrats Kadana on winning cottontail


Kadana Sorano

yay bun ears!  Hrm..  I'd like light brown ears please.

And since Spring seems to think she especially represents the season, she can wear the ears *giggle*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Here she is! I'll cross you off the prize list since you've gotten your prize.


Ooh, a balloon!  Balloon should go on Joscelin and should match his coloring please. :)


Kadana Sorano

Daww *pats Spring* you gots bunny ears!

Spring: *shifts about, ears flopping* they feel funny.. *tilts her head up trying to see them*

Maybe they do, but you'll get used to them.  And you look adorable!

Spring: I do?  Well then!  *preens and trots around showing off before heading back to her place in the ride line*

hehehee thanks Neo!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 





2 raffles are up. Sorry, I'll try to get more up later!


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson
