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Feline.Fanciers.Club | The Marshall Thread

Started by FCFC, April 03, 2011, 08:27:57 AM

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Congrats, Ryuu!

I r here =D

And wow, he's a perty one!


Eeeee how gorgeous!! and my first lynx!

Name: C.M.
Reg name: Ryuu's Candy Man

Because he reminds me of  candy corn lol.


Kadana Sorano

Congrats on kitties guys!

Maybe send him some music to listen to on down time.
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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I think you should send him a picture of you or you and him. Cause he will be missing you.


Quote from: Feline.Fanciers.Club on April 03, 2011, 09:40:48 AMNow who is all here. I want to make the franken avalible to everyone. And in the end everyone who has participated will get a Feline. i dont want anyone to feel left out cause random is odd *nods*

Not sure if I have to post that I'm here... but I am XD
I didn't see that before >.>


lol sorry about that guys and gals, I didnt realize it was time for church when i posted :-p Ill update the raffle later im currently trying to finish up my laundry and what not so i can go home to MY house and be wtih only 2 dogs and not 6.


Make him a quilt/blanket with some inside jokes/memories.


Make him a little scrapbook about you two :) Pictures, tickets to concerts you went to together, anecdotes ("Remember that time when...?"). The last page could be about what you want to do together when he comes back.


I think that you should send him the Sara pony :D I'm really sorry that they didn't get to you in time. We had a bit of a mix up and they were mailed from Kansas to my home instead of to you, so I will be mailing them off this week to you *huggles*


Send him some photos of you and the guide dog you will be training.  It will do him good to know that you're keeping busy while he is gone.  And homemade cookies if you're a baker.  Anything homemade is good.


Lol Toff no worries. And thats somthing i actually am going to do :)

Spring that is a good idea, of the pics, same to you jojo. However he has seen Patience so he knows what she is like adn what not :)


See now I wanna take a picture of em holding a stick that is camo, just so you can send him it and say see she has one so come home do not poking will commence.
Or you make a camo stick and tell him I made you one and sent it just in case XD


What to send Marshall on his ship: warm, fuzzy socks. Warm suzzy socks are the ULTIMATE versatile gift. They can be used mundanely - that is, worn on the feet (nothing worse than trying to sleep with cold feet!). They can be stuffed with candy, or used to pack fragile items in - always nice to have packing that's useful after the package is open, hey? Or you can cut it apart and make sock moneys, or wrist warmers, or a patch for your trousers, or a banner for your wall. :3

Um...I'd make a card for the contest, but I have no idea what to write to someone I don't know at all? >_<


I'd send him a basket with his favourite kind of sweets and some tea :o) on top, I'd write him a letter - what it contains is up to you :P


I would send him something that smells like you.  So he can feel close to you even while he is gone.  Oh and enough sweets for him and his friends.


I think he would like it if you sent him some pictures with some brownies.


will updated this later today if all goes well. Ive been a little stressed cause i havnt heard anything from my hubby yet and i just got a email saying that a email i sent didnt go threw and that they will try to resend for up to 2 weeks. And with my imagination it went to the worse the other night and what not. So its kinda why i havnt been around.

Also if you are doing the card it could be something as simple as come home safe, or thank you for serving our country things like that lol doesnt have to be to personal cause i know he wasnt really here for you to really get to know him


Hey all! So i have avoided this thread and im done avoiding lol. Heres how this is going to go.

From EVERYONE who has entered the contest for what to send marshall i need you to answer this question

Would you want:
a) A cat made up completly by using randomizer
b) A cat where you get to choose a couple of things then the rest is random?

Also Toffeeca THANK YOU I love the MLPs and I LOVE the letters. If you can tell me what you will want ill get to work on them. Ill be making a carepackage soon to send to him where the cards will go ^_^


I'd take a cat made up completely by using randomizer.




Yay! I'm so glad they arrived safely! I was making a card and the boys I babysit wanted to make ones too, so we all made cards together :) and I'm happy to see you back sunny *snugs*



lol all you random people :-p

Okay i think what ill do is go put a list together and go ahead and do random cats for each person <.< Would anyone want to do a franken for their random? Get one that other people put together? Just a idear if no one likes this idea i dont mind doing just randomizer ^_^



A cat made up completly by using randomizer please



I wouldn't mind getting to pick a couple things, but I don't mind either way :3

But! I have a card for Marshall on my computer I forgot to send T_T Is it too late?


It is NEVER to late for cards ^_^ thats somthing ill keep open till he gets home sometime in september ^_^ Ill probally start working on cats today either before or after i workout or both. Depends on how long it takes me to wake up lol



random seemed to like points tonight so im going to stop doing them till tommorow see if i can get somthing besides points.

If anyone does not like their kitty ill be more then happy to see if someone else wants it then do another random one for you :)







I love them! Do we get to choose gender or do they have them already? ^^


You get to choose gender i knwe i forgot somthing lol


Name: Coffee
Gender: male

Mine is very cute.:)


I would love to have totally random kitties :) I also want and Iris FFC kitty, but I don't know what else. XD Do you have a form for the customs for cards?



Registered name: Nummy Chocolate
Call name: Nummy
Gender: female
Owner: Kahlira
And might I say she is simply stunning? Thank you so much, my Sunny <3 <3


0 of 9 done. Ill be working on them once my lunch is gone lol If you guys want to throw me some base colors youd like to see on the kitties even if they arent yours id love you :-p


I'm not so great at kitty colors :X  Hmmm....smoky black?


I'm not getting one... but red and cream for two different ideas?
Owner of Gliders!


Option b, and the only thing I wanna choose is breed: DLH


6/9 done when i gget the last three done ill upload all at one time ^_^ I hope you all enjoy your cats. I am also currently tryign to see if i can get posession of the FFC and try and make it active agian. So look out for annoucement one what will happen with the FFC. I hope it will be a godo one.











AGIAN if you dont like your kitty ill do a new one.


Ooh mine is lovely!
Registered Name: Just Plain Vanilla
Call name: Vanilla
Gender: Female
Owner: springacres



Jojo's kitteh has no shading! D:

My kitteh is very purdy! But I'd also be willing to trade her with someone else's for a different breed, if that's allowed?


it does have shading its just to light so i have to change it lol which will happen when i figure out if i get FFC or not. or at least get told ID numbers for certs.

And if someone wants to trade their kitty for yours thats fine with me ^_^


Registered Name:Kino
Call name: Kino
Gender: Male
Owner: kunaisa

Super Starz

I think Marshall should take a Computer on his ship.Well who can live without PI & Secundi!?!

Oh,And a Randomized Kitty please ^^