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*Orlaya* Importing -all filled for now

Started by PonyMama, April 01, 2011, 03:10:45 PM

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Starting on springacres
three more slots open

Officially 100 Orlaya imported!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you have not noticed I kinda took a break
not so much because I wanted to, but because life got hectic, now I will start to do some more but I want to hold some events too, and I do have some Orlaya I am finding along the way that are going to be homeless, so they may get imported to find new homes

Also our naming items works now, so I will restock the store with those just in case


Yay, for working naming items :D
I haven't had a chance to import any of my Orlaya yet. Do I have to wait for more slots to open or can I just post the form?


I should be opening a slot or two today, but the imports will be slower, I really don't want to burn out, there are just so many that could possibly be imported



I will classed these as filled and fill int eh slots when I have a moment

Please check by my help thread and vote if you haven't already


After this I will be taking an importing break.  try do some events. 
I know some of you aren't even half way importing your own herds, so yes a break to get new ones out there and give my brain a break from the droning task ahead


ALMOST have all my files put to where I can access them on the computer I am using then I can start to import again.  Although I will continue on with no coat colors for now, I just want to get as many imported as possible while I can and writing it all in takes so much time, I really just want to start some fun events for you guys for getting us here, so bear with me a littl elonger and I will have some fun ready for you guys