Hellhounds - CLOSED (all free customs done, check thread if you got one)

Started by Sparki, March 13, 2011, 09:13:42 PM

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General Information Thread

So I've started things - obviously it's pretty simple so far with only one breed and some basic marking options, but I want to know what you guys want!

Things I'd particularly love suggestions for:
- Feedback on poses/the cert
- Standard Markings
- Lineart Edits/Mutations
- Breeds
(I'm sticking to canine mythology, but it can be any dog/wolf/fox myth from any culture. Cerberus is one example.)
- Any other creative ideas about breeding, roleplay, etc.

...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Garney~ [Rogziel] [Staccato Mamba] [Samael]
Ryuukoro~ [Bernard] [Rodger]
Scullisto~ [Buckley] [Luther] [Bellaire]
Jojo~ [Slenderman] [Sandblaze]
Kadana Sorano~ [Joseph] [Cookie] [Jezibel]
Goddesss~ [Stella] [Beast of Gevaudan] [Nova] [Lighthammer]
Kahlira~ [Cleo] [Woofer]
Whimsy~ [Exie Familiar]
Mutt~ [Halle] [Ranshii] [Lotti]
Sunchaser109~ [Yaga] [Astrial]
Toffeeca~ [Creamberry]  [Maltesa]
Ravvana~ [Sean]
Aralie~ [Talia] [Demon]
YourLoveOnly~ [Moridin]

Need Names
Babykittencandy~ [Unnamed Male]
Garney~ [Unnamed Male]

...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Contest 1 - Mimics

Mutt                               Scullisto                                Ravvana

Contest 2 - Random

Sunchaser                               Kadana                                Goddesss

Aralie                                Garney
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Limited Free Fenris Customs!
To claim one free custom, please post which empty slot you would like in blue, along with a name, gender, the colors you want, and mutations/markings (appropriate for that slot).
See Available Markings & Mutations

Common Customs
Any colors, any available mutations, common markings only.
1. Mutt
2. Aralie
3. Ryuu
4. Kahlira

Rare Customs
Any colors, any available mutations, any combination of rare and common markings.
1. Kadana Sorano
2. BKC

Custom Markings
Any colors, any available mutations, custom markings. (Not lineart edits!)
1. Goddesss
2. YLO

...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


*looks around and curls up on a nice spot* my spot ^_^


Im really kinda hoping this is what your looking for, for the 2nd contest ^_^

Maya burials from the Classic Period are frequently found with associated animal remains, often dogs.[6] For example, in the ruins of the Classic Maya city of Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala, a dog was found interred with a sitting skeleton, along with grave goods offered to the deceased.[7] The frequent finds of dog skeletons in Classic Maya burials confirms that the belief that dogs guided the souls of the departed on their journey into the underworld already existed at this time.[8]

Quoted from this link at wiki

I always thought it neat that dogs were the quides for past souls, I would love to actually believe when I pass that my fluffy fido will take me where I need to go without worry ^-^

This also prompts and idea for a new breed, it would be like a ghost dogs carrying a torch :D


I. Love. Cryptozoology!!!!!

Is the 2nd contest supposed to be canine only entries? Because you use the example of the Grinning Man, but you say in your first post that you only want canines for the shop. Not sure if you mean the contest to be canine only as well. ^^;


That's awesome, Whimsy! Love it! (It works for the contest and the suggestion raffle XD)

Sorry about that Ryuu XD I clarified in the contest post. For the contest entry it can be any sort of myth/legend. Animal, paranormal, or humanoid things count!

I'm pretty easygoing about the entries. XD If it's canine it can be applied to the raffle and the contest. If it's not canine, you can just post a cool marking suggestion or something to be entered in the raffle.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Oooooh is chupacabra too obvious? The goat-blood sucking monsters of Latin American cultures?

It can also be used as a idea for a new species, wiki tells me that there is a dog like description that some people believe to be chupacabras
QuoteAnother description of chupacabras, although not as common, describes a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws.

Also, I would just like to say that this is an awesome tiger! It is an artist's rendition of an urban myth, but it is just so pretty


Ohh that's perfect! Thank you! I'll work on my entries tomorrow when I'm not half asleep haha


This one is very close to my heart and began my obsession with werewolves...
The Michigan Dogman...

What Does a Legend Become, When the Truth Outruns the Fiction?

It began as an April Fool's Day prank, a simple poem set to music, crafted to play on the radio a few times and then disappear.

Then something very strange happened. The joke reversed course. A mysterious, centuries-old Indian legend revealed startling parallels. A French fur trader's diary from 1794 told of an encounter with "loup garou." A letter from 1857 described a creature that stood upright like a man, yet "bore the countenance of a grey wolf."

Then contemporary witnesses came forward by the score, bringing with them photographs, film, audio recordings, and dramatic physical evidence.

The Legend became real.



Awesome, now I'll be on youtube all night! XD (That really is a cool one)

Thanks Scullisto and Toffee! Chupacabra is fine with me!
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


You tube has some great stuff...also some jokers...but also some really cool stories. Im glad you like my taste of home :)


Mutation line art edits that would keep with the theme of canine could be having two or three tails, glowing or even having a spectral mutation where the hellhound fades into transperancy.


I'm not sure if this one is too mainstream but The Black Shuck, a large ghostly black dog of English legend.

As for mutations I'd love to see some floppy ears XD And perhaps less fluffy tails.


The vengeful Staccato Mamba hides deep in Missouri caves and sends out tornados to target visiting Californians >D

true story, swears


Beast Of Gevaudan
This creature was reported being as big as a large calf or young cow, it was covered with a fur that was reddish, the head was big and wolf-like, and more brown than the rest of the body, the jaws are always gaping, the ears are short and straight, the chest white and very broad, the tail very long and thick, the tip white, the back paws very big and long, according to some having hooves like a horse, those of the front were shorter and covered with a long fur, having six claws to each paw.

Once when the creature was sighted crossing a river, it raised itself on its hind legs and waded over like a human being. Furthermore it was very agile and extremely strong. It was sometimes sighted in locations very far apart on the same day. When hunting it crawled almost with its belly to the ground. One shepherd claimed it could stand up on its rear legs and was strong enough to lift a fullgrown sheep with its arms. Dogs fled in terror from it as most other animals.

One odd fact worth noting, is that some measurements of distances between footprints showed the creature could make leaps of over 28 feet on level ground, when running.

Kadana Sorano

No Face

"This Japanese urban legend is called "No Face" and is about Nopperabou, a creature from Japanese folklore.  Though the No Face is able to appear to others like a normal person, this is just an illusion. The Nopperabou really lacks eyes, a nose or a mouth. Instead of normal human features, nopperabou have only smooth skin. People who encounter nopperabou usually do not immediately realize that they are talking to something that is otherworldly, as the creatures are able to create the illusion that they have a normal human face."

Credit: http://www.scaryforkids.com/no-face/

Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Mutt - I happen to love the black shuck! <3

Garney - You're evil. XD

Goddesss - That story is was Pacte des Loups was based on, right? I love that movie. XD It would definitely be cool to do something like that.

Kadana - That's extremely creepy, haha. Good one!

And thanks for the ideas about the mutations, guys! It really helps me out.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I am not sure I just though wow a dog the size of a cow would be cool. XD


Im at uni atm and I cant find all the background to the legend, but if i get time to look it out I will edit it all in but here goes:

Urban Myth/Legend of the Hairy Hands

This is based around Dartmoor in Devon (Near to where I live). It is said that along the road B3212 drivers often go off the road and crash. This is due to the Hairy Hands, a calloused hairy pair of disembodied hands that are un-naturally stong. They grab the wheel and attempt to steer the vitim off the road causing them to crash. There have been many incidents in and around Dartmoor. Some campers have also had encounters with the hands rapping on thier windows at night and terrorising them.

Suggestions for mutation:

Lizard-like decoration ruffs

Picture cos I suck at describing, yes BKC is a 40K player ^^



I couldnt remeber the one i wanted to look up but its in the book of the new mercy Thompson novel. However i did remeber this one of the Baba Yaga. So i here is the Wiki about that one :)

Baba Yaga known by various other names, is a haggish or witchlike character in Slavic folklore. She flies around on a giant pestle, kidnaps (and presumably eats) small children, and lives in a hut that stands on chicken legs. In most Slavic folk tales, she is portrayed as an antagonist; however, some characters in other mythological folk stories have been known to seek her out for her wisdom, and she has been known on rare occasions to offer guidance to lost souls. According to Propp, she often fulfills the function of donor; that is, her role is in supplying the hero (sometimes unwillingly) with something necessary for the further quest.


Quote from: Garney on March 14, 2011, 12:22:05 AM
The vengeful Staccato Mamba hides deep in Missouri caves and sends out tornados to target visiting Californians >D

true story, swears

*snicker*....Do you wake up with strange tattoos after an encounter with one?


Actually that's the Texas variety *nods sagely* XD


Ooo I'd like to give an entry for both contests: The Wild Hunt!

The Hunt is a legend across many European countries. There is some variation, but it's always a ghostly swarm of hunters on horseback, led by a prominent figure, and packs of ghostly dogs at their heels, sweeping across the sky or above the ground. They are believed to be gods or fairy folk or spirits of the dead passing through our world in pursuit of their game. If you see the Hunt it's a very ill omen, and often it's said they might be hunting lost souls, and if you come across the hunt your soul will be claimed in their sted.

In Wales the specter dogs associated with the hunt are known as the Cwn Annwn, and identified by their pure white coats with fiery red colored ears and glowing green eyes. They give off an unearthly glow and will never stop hunting once they catch a scent. Their terrible baying can be heard for miles. I think these ghostly hound canines would make a great addition to the shop. :)


Sunchaser - I just got the new Mercy book in the mail! Haven't started it yet though, but I'm excited! =)

Ryuu - Awesome. XD I love the Wild Hunt. Speaking of books, if you haven't read it, Seanan McGuire has a series about fae and the most recent one was centered around that myth.

Ghostly canines seem to be a theme that a lot of people are interested in, so maybe I'll use one of those concepts for the next breed. XD

Also I think Garney may be slightly insane.

She's the belle of the ball!
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Ghostly would be an ace idea imo, some kind of glow or fade or... something else epic ^^


I'm so holding out for that white female w/ the piercing eyes in the prize pool :D


Oh, by the way Kitten, that hairy hands legend is somehow creepy. A little silly to imagine, but for some reason a pair of sentient disembodied hands squicks me out. XD I've never heard of that one!

Females are going to be rarer than males, that's why there's a few less of them. XD I have no idea why, I just wanted them to be.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


The new Mercy Thompson is waiting for me by my bedstand *squeeeee*


Duuude it's right over there within arm's reach! XD I want to finish the book I'm on first, but so close to new Mercy! Patricia Briggs is an awesome author.

Have you read Kelley Armstrong? She switches narrators with each book in her series but her werewolf characters are just amazing.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


I will try and find the backstory to the legend sometime.. I know I read it somewhere!

I need to make time to go finish reading the Ghosty thread you put up and add my stories to it :)


Quote from: Sparki on March 14, 2011, 04:54:45 PM
Duuude it's right over there within arm's reach! XD I want to finish the book I'm on first, but so close to new Mercy! Patricia Briggs is an awesome author.

Have you read Kelley Armstrong? She switches narrators with each book in her series but her werewolf characters are just amazing.

I loved the Elena series...just want more...


LOVElovelove Patricia Briggs! Which is odd for me cuz I'm a traditional fantasy girl, NOT an urban fantasy. But her books are just awesome, and while they do play a little more heavy on the romance than I like, I just focus on the awesome culture of supernatural creatures she has put together and I am happy. \o/

Unfortunately my policy of never reading hardcover books means I have to wait a year to read her new one. ;_; Let the countdown begin!!


How bout this for the contest: A local urban legend. The Pope Lick Monster

The Pope Lick Monster is a legendary half-man and half-goat half-sheep creature reported to live beneath a Norfolk Southern Railway trestle over Pope Lick Creek, in the Fisherville area of Louisville, Kentucky.

In most accounts, the Pope Lick Monster (named after the Pope Lick Creek below the Pope Lick Train Trestle) appears as a human-goat hybrid with a grotesquely deformed body of a man. It has powerful, fur-covered goat legs, an alabaster-skinned face with an aquiline nose and wide set eyes. Short, sharp horns protrude from the forehead, nestled in long greasy hair that matched the color of the fur on the legs.

Numerous urban legends exist about the creature's origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers onto the trestle to meet their death before an oncoming train. Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it. Yet other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe. It has also been said that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off.

Other legends explain the creature's origins, including that it is a human goat hybrid, and that it was a circus freak who vowed revenge after being mistreated. In one version, the creature escaped after a train derailed on the trestle. Another version claims that the monster is really the twisted reincarnated form of a farmer who sacrificed goats in exchange for Satanic powers.

The legends have turned the area into a site for legend tripping. There have been a number of deaths and accidents at the trestle since its construction, despite the presence of an 8 foot (2.4 m) fence to keep thrill-seekers out.

There are misconceptions that indicate this train trestle is abandoned and no longer used; This is false. Trains go over this bridge many times on a daily basis so it is easy for someone to get caught atop the bridge while an oncoming train barrels down on them. Authorities urge citizens not to attempt thrill seeking at this area for lack of credibility of this story.


Yeah, I want more Elena too. I loved the last one where they were in Alaska. Clayton is so awesome, I love that character because he makes no apologies for what he is.

Ryuu - That's hilarious, I'm so the opposite. XD I don't like too much romance though, the thing I like about her is that it's not the main focus of the story. A little is definitely good, but some people go over the top. Cough. I read a terrible one the other day that was just like...no.

Kahlira - That one rocks, I haven't heard of him either. It's like he's a creepy Pan type creature. XD This is one I actually wanna see, maybe sans the axe and death by train, haha. (Un fauno, anyone? Anyone?)

Actually I always try to get friends to go with me to local urban legend spots/supposedly haunted places but nobody ever will. Wimps.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


oh XD Haunted places, we have one of the best round here. Waverly Hills XD It's awesome, though I've never been *epicsadface* An old TB hospital, converted into a nurding home, left to dissrepair along the way. Soo many ghost stories around this place, has been on Ghost Hunters, and one guy quit the show when he got scratched by a spectral entity. I can tell you a whole lot of stories from my brother who was a security guard there for while.



I have Haunt Con coming up here in april or mayish and one of the side trips is to Waverly....oooo I so want to go there.


Me too, lived here my whole life, and never went there D=


Oh yeah, I've seen the Waverly Hills Ghost Adventures episode a million times. XD They reran it on Travel Channel around Halloween a lot. (Yes, I know those guys are cheesy as hell but it's pretty hilarious how dramatic they get)

I'm dismayed to find out that I never knew there was a Haunt Con. I must attend this someday!

And here's the puppy art.

I think I'm going to leave puppies uncerted except for an ID number.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


awwww cute little nipper!

HauntCon is for those of us who build haunted houses....Ghoststock (which was Waaaaay fun) is for those of us who are ghost hunters.


Ohhhh yeah then I want to go to HauntCon seriously bad. I worked in a haunted house that my family ran for soooo many years. I was thinking of working for Pirates of Emerson this year but I'm moving, so unfortunately not.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Oh haunted things O.o Seriously I alway hated any sort of halloween haunted anything. I always felt like an ax murder was hanging around the corner to grab me and when he did everyone would think it was part of the show.

Then I was invited to be a haunter last halloween for a haunted orchard and as sadistic as it sounds it was so incredibly fun to scare the living bajebus outta everyone. I got to play the very first scary character and there were times I thought I was going to be hit or ran over. The best part were the big and bad guys who I could hear coming just ranting and raving about how horribly fake everything was. One guy fell to his knees and started begging lol I seperated him from his group and cornered him. He started to tear up and I just lost it..bad I know to break charrie but what a goob.


Being a haunter is like a kind of sadistic addiction...My haunt is a non-profit charity that grew outta of being actors at Halloween Horror Nights at Unversal...Now we run the show...its nothing fancy, but its fun.



The only part I did not so much in enjoy of being part of a haunt was I hadnt once gone through it so I had no idea where anyone but me was. So on the last night they were open I took a break and went through with a couple of friends. At this point though every other haunter knew who I was and I got badgered the whole way through...lol...Im a whoose and when it comes to chain saws I cannot fight back my natural instint to take off like a bat outta hell. The first chain saw guy ran me past I think 3 other haunters before he stopped and then the next guy got me. He was a huge teenaged kid whome thought that charming a gal meant to put her to the ground with a chainsaw zinging over her head. I crawled on all fours trying to get away and he just wouldnt let me up lol. I cut into the cornfield and skipped the rest of the tour.


But being scared is what its all about! lol

@Sparki: You like HauntCon...go to Youtube and look up Transworld Mid-West Haunt Convention or Transworld 2011 it was this past weekend...I had tickets but couldnt go..*sigh* thats the big one