[Gremlin] Little fatties: Guest Colourist PonyMama - Events!

Started by Willow, February 19, 2011, 06:25:54 PM

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AWWWW Keilin!! That is so sweet of you, thank you! ^^ I'd like to name my pink and brown girl Magi! ^__^ After the short story, Gift of the Magi. We don't exactly fit the story, but it's a gift so it made me think of that. XD;;

And Ryuu is a tad confused about the Nesting Game on the first post. Is that game for your Grem to find a nest, or to turn in a nest that you already have from some other event? >.>;;


The nesting game is over, it was for your Gremlin to find a nest, the form was just left up there for the people that did find one :)

I'll cert your Magi in the morning <3


That last Gremlin turned out so cute. Congrats again, Keilin! :)

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Awww, Sunshine will maybe get a mate next nesting season. *pets Sunshine on the head* It's ok girl, there's always tomorrow, and untill then we can be together & have lots of fun.

Sorry I missed all the fun. :( Stupid detention, then shoping to boot. 1 more day of detention for him then he can go back to riding the bus home with the rest of the kids.

Congrats to all who got all the pretty Gremlins. And Thanks Solistia, Keilin & YLO for the nice offers of a mate. I would of waited to post a bit longer, but ran out of time. There's always next time.





Okaaay, I'm thinking of an animal mimic ;)

# You can only ask Yes/No questions. (i.e - Is it pink? Is it a reptile?)
# At least two people must ask questions in between your questions.
# You may guess what animal it is at any time, but please guess in bold.
# You can guess what animal it is as many times as you can.




Is it a Parrotfish?

I love those and I mentioned to PonyMama they were awesome.. So who knows, maybe she used it XD



Quote from: Sunchaser109 on February 25, 2011, 03:18:28 PM
hmm Is it a clown fishy?


It is indeed, here's the little guy :D

Name and owner?

We'll have another game soon ^o^

Tarakona Ormr

EEEEEEEEEEEEE my first one O.O

Um name... i knwo not original but Nemo please :-p and owner being Sunchaser109 *squees more*
Sunchaser posts in Teal
SPO posts in Navy


Such a pretty and Congrats Sunny for guessing so quickly.




You could give her to me 8D

How about some kind of scavenger hunt thing?



.. just kidding :D

Ehm, I'm blank on games :/


Quote from: Solistia on February 25, 2011, 03:45:25 PM
You could give her to me 8D

How about some kind of scavenger hunt thing?

*luffs on Soli*

Hmmm...Scavenger hunt...Sounds good :D

First person to find her wins ;D

(The picture posted of her in this thread does not count xD)

Just post the link of where you found her here ^^


Oh I thought we had to search posts because you said the picture in this thread didn't count XD
Pets would have been faster XD


Name: Vulpera
Owner: Spixy

Thank you =D I was going through your website, kennel website and pets at the same time while keeping an eye on the thread here, it updated at one point and I was scared I lost her xD


Yeah, I went through old posts first too XD didn't think to start with pet pages!

Good job Spixy!


Sorry if I didn't quite make it clear enough x3

Will cert her up for you ^^



Normally I would start with the pet page, as most Scavenger Hunts on secundi were for pet pages (except my Jaeman Prophecy orb hunt XD) but her comment threw me off XD

Doesn't matter Willow <3 It was still fun!


they were all looking, I was so waiting to see who posted first

Congrats Spixy


Vulpera in pickups :)

Back to working on Soli's Gremberries :D


[Raffle Result]

There were 18 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

   1. YourLoveOnly
   2. toffeeca
   3. CutieePiee
   4. Ravvana
   5. Scullisto
   6. Unheard Silence
   7. Ryuukokoro
   8. Keilin Alyr
   9. Deekkru
  10. Solistia
  11. Sunchaser109
  12. Alnaeyah
  13. Goddesss
  14. SweetCaroline
  15. SeaCrest
  16. kunaisa
  17. hiyoko
  18. Winged dreams

Congrats YLO!

Name and owner for your new girl :)


Eeeee something random did not hate me O_o I am always so surprised when that happens XDD
*does a little dance* Sooooo prettyyy <3 She shall me miiiine! And I shall name her.. *ponders* .. Charlotte <3





#004- Emporer Penguin Mimic
Name: Chilly
Owner: CutieePiee



#005 - Parrot
Name: Pepsi
Owner: Spixy

Ooh, I once fell in love with a parrot named Pepsi xD


Unheard Silence


All flatsale Grems in photobuckets, and Mpho has grown :)

Will get to the other growings soon, and open bribes ^^




Mine doesn't show up grown, no matter where I copy the link or how many times I refresh XD But that might be photobucket's fault :P


Yeah I am having same issues

Oooh changed the link name to her name and now I got her


That's because the certed gremlin doesn't have the same link ^^
She's in your folder :)