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{Pecora} Can you feel the love tonight?

Started by Pecora, February 07, 2011, 07:45:16 PM

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I wouldn't mind the CYOs that I gifted to be given out now =P I still have at least one more to make though ^.^


Yeah 4 on PI and 4 on Secundi.

But the Panda Shrimps.. @_@ So manyyyy!

And oh dear *fears the leopard Lumi* XD Feel free to enter him though, I will figure it out if he gets picked XD


Crystal, yours are the ones that made me post this. I was doing uploads and I nearly uploaded them to the owners folders before I remembered that it wasn't Valentines day yet. >.< So once I finish other owed stuff I will pass out your amazingly gorgeous CYOs. :)

YES! The leopard Lumi! I'm thinking him and Iris would make pretty babies :)


*wants to throw Iris and Pan together* Kitty bebbies!
Also, I still really like Flouncy. I want to see Flouncy bebbies!


Boots is a kitty, just a big kitty. :) I was thinking about Pan and Iris, but I love boots and I don't know if any of the other girls would look as good with him. I was also planning on breeding Flouncy, I just need to find her a boy.


Yeeees breed Flouncy! *hops up and down all excited*
And now.. fear me! *cackles* I am working on forms.. =3


Name: Gabriel
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: male
Body color: 255|170|000
Hoof/horn color(s): 255|085|000
Eye color: 000|255|000
Design: rainbow patches like this

Name: Clay
Owner: Solistia
Gender: female

Name: Bob
Owner: xenon
Gender: female

Name: Light Hammer
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: male
Body color: Olive Green
Hoof/horn color(s): black
Eye color: brown
Design: leg fade from body color to sandy brown and then to black + black stars or sparkles on the legs as well

Name: Sajan
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: male (permababy if possible)
Body color: baby blue
Hoof/horn color(s): black
Eye color: brown
Design: leg fade from body color to light green and then to black + black stars or sparkles on the legs as well

Name: Rose
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: female (permababy if possible)
Body color: Light Purple
Hoof/horn color(s): hooves black, horns black with teal tips
Eye color: Golden Brown
Design: leg fade from body color to teal and then to black + black stars or sparkles on the legs as well

Will post 6 forms for me later =3


all 5 of your customs are uploaded, you can PM me names and if you want something changed let me know as you did wait long enough


The first valentines have arrived. They are all links, so you can wait till Valentines day if you so desire. :)


*bows to the amazing Crystal* I got to see her on MSN already, she is so drop dead gorgeous, thank youuuu!

And one gift and seven forms for me, yay! By the way, I made the edit to the previous post to fix the duplicate XD That's what you get with seekrit stuff! And I am still planning a lot more gifts, so yes, fear me!

Name: Harley
Owner: Ravvana
Gender: male

Used to be my doggie, but I decided not to have that breed anymore. I still love his markings, so Ravv gets a mimic of him 8D

Name: Lookky
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Body color: #FFDD00
Hoof/horn color(s): #660088 and/or black (whatever looks best)
Eye color: #660088
Design: #660088 spots/dapples, black zigzag
Can be like the PI s-genes, but you are allowed to have a little fun with it. It's not a set-in-stone design as long as you don't make something completely different (I had fun with this one ^^ )

Name: Cr@sh
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Exact colors: #000099, #cc0011, black
Body: black
Hoof/horn color(s): both black or blue horns and black hooves (whichever looks best)
Eye color: blue
Design: heavy red dapple/speckle and blue stripes

Name: Nanda
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Body color: white
Hoof/horn color(s): white hooves, blueish grey horns
Eye color: green
Design: blue merle and tan
Design colors:

Name: Ciara
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female

Name: Emo
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Design: lineart only shows one side, I prefer the side with the rounded black spot around the eye.

Name: Corbin
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male

Name: Dorian
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male



Name: Leo
Owner: toffeeca
Gender: Male


Name: Jayla


Name: Torin
Gender: Male


Name: Kovu


Name: Tilani


Name: Tazon
Gender: Male


Doing CYO's to gift, so as not to add to your work load TOO much, but would love to snag a couple for me too  ;D

Name: Lance
Owner: Zarzamora
Gender: Male
2-3 colors: Sky blue, white and gold
Valentine themed (you must have at least one valentine color listed if you say yes): not necessarily x


Name: Aurora
Owner: Zarzamora
Gender: female
2-3 colors: rose pink, white and gold
Valentine themed (you must have at least one valentine color listed if you say yes): not necessarily x

15k on the way

ETA: sorry for the epic fail!

Name: Hartley
Owner: CutieePiee
Gender: Male
2-3 colors: Sky blue, purple and white
Valentine themed (you must have at least one valentine color listed if you say yes): not necessarily x


Name: Valencia
Owner: Babykittencandy
Gender: female
2-3 colors: rose pink, white and red
Valentine themed (you must have at least one valentine color listed if you say yes): yes
sending another 15k!


Zarz, in order to buy some for yourself you have to gift the same kind of slot. So you can't gift CYO and buy some for yourself. The CYO and buying valentines are separate. So you would need to buy two more Semi customs that are gifts in order to get those two for yourself.


*bows to toffeeca* ill so show hubby that when he gets home tommorow. Thats so sweet *snugs so much*

Love the poem percora its beautiful especailly with the little deer on the bottom.

*snugs the crystal* Thank you!


Im laughing at Ryuus cause the name is Niji and i had a serenditpity out of home that was named Niji and he was a animal mimic with rainbow markings :-p Love all teh pecoras


Yay, I'm glad you like them. I thought the "I miss you" was appropriate coming from you. :) How soon does he get home?


tommorow probally around 8pm. but i really dont know lol he hasnt contacted me since last week so ive got no idea when he is expect to get off but 8 is when he said he most likly will be getting off in port since he is FSA which means he serves the food.


So soon, yay! Then he can come have fun with all of us on Secundi! :)


lol he will probally pop on sunday or monday. i plan on stealing him friday and saturday. he will be mine mwuahahaha!


Because you said you never get around to making your own characters.. ^^

Name: Grammy
Owner: toffeeca


Quote from: toffeeca on February 10, 2011, 04:15:39 PM
Zarz, in order to buy some for yourself you have to gift the same kind of slot. So you can't gift CYO and buy some for yourself. The CYO and buying valentines are separate. So you would need to buy two more Semi customs that are gifts in order to get those two for yourself.

:-[ oops sorry- fixed xx


Aw, thank you so much YLO! *loves on Grammy pecora*

Zarz, thats perfectly alright. :)

Hopefully I will get some time to work on these today, but I have work today and the kids I babysit are still sick so we will see how it goes.



Name: Haylee
Owner: hiyoko
Gender: FeMale


Name: Aniera



Two more gifts and two for me before I head off to bed. Will order more if I can get myself out of bed later today >.<

Name: Lindt
Owner: Winged dreams
Gender: male

Name: Aries
Owner: Willow
Gender: female
Body color: #b48853
Hoof/horn color(s): #00deff
Eye color: #00deff
Design:  Tail #161616 with White stripe. Four faded feet, face mask and dark ears in ##161616. Lighter markings starting from the belly and carrying down to the tail, in a dribbling effect (see ref) in #dcb181. Darker spots/splotches in #7c501e and #9b7141 (these should be more spattered - see ref) White blaze/muzzle, inner ears and two front paws/legs.

Name: Mirthe
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female

Name: Caesar
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male


Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that I probably won't have these done by Valentines day. I will work on them today as much as I can, but tomorrow I have school from 7AM until 1:30PM and then I work until 8PM. On top of that I have been feeling really down emotionally because of drama with my friends. Hopefully I can get a good chunk of these done (I have 65 still to do on my list) but I just want to let you all know so I don't just leave you hanging.


I hope you don't hate me for ordering more D= I just had no time for the CYO and I want to gift to people.. ^^'' No worries on when they get done <3

Name: Jaela
Owner: SeaCrest
Gender: female
2-3 colors: white, cyan, possibly also dark cyan
Valentine themed: no

Name: Nea
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: female
2-3 colors: white, cyan, magenta
Valentine themed: no preference

Name: Karikel
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: female
Body color: white
Hoof/horn color(s): white horns, silver hooves
Eye color: Sky Blue
Design: opalesque shine

Name: Kiefer
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: male
Design: grey wolf mimic with teal eyes

Name: Mozer
Owner: sera
Gender: male

Name: Xol
Owner: sera
Gender: male
Body color: copper
Hoof/horn color(s): white with blue swirly line on horn, blue hooves
Eye color: blue
Design: (without the zebra stripes)
Old ref:
Points of importance according to almighty sera:  should defenitely have swirly blue mark across shoulders and left ears is white, with a swirly blue line separating the white from the copper.


YLO is trying to kill me! X( tis ok though. They will eventually get done. Although I might (read: probably will) PM you for clarification on some forms because my brain doesn't want to work right.


Toffeeca, do you know if you got the CYO I did for PM? I sent it in separate... and I just want to make sure >3>


Yep, I just checked and I did get it. I just need to cert it up. :)



*hides* No I am not trying to kill you <3 I am trying not to die myself xD I wanted to do CYOs, but I had no time D= And I don't think anyone minds late deliveries dear <3 Shiny stuff is worth waiting for! =D


Ok, I will be working on these and hopefully getting much of my list done tonight. For the huge amount of premades that were ordered, I am using pecora that according to my records were never given names, so if anyone finds a pecora that was already name, please PM me about it and the finder as well as the person who got the already named pecora will both get a semi custom. This goes for all future events because I know that I will mess up sometime XD


Ok, all premades have been posted. Now off to cert the CYOs and then we'll see what time it is :D


ahhh thanks for my valentine Aralie and Toffeeca!


Ok, all the CYOs should be up. If I forgot anyone please let me know. For those of you who entered the other events and for the customs that zarz colored I need names from you all. Feel free to post or PM either account if you have names :)


Name: Valencia

Thank you zarz! :D

Just looked through them all, so many stunning ones!


EEE thank you all! i forgot when it closed i should have hopped in here last night to order the rest of the ones i wanted;. *sighs but squees to* I love all my pecora!


Woah I just saw I got a valentine!! Thank you Aralieeee!! :D I love my Pecora, so beautiful! :D


thank you both so much for my two
*snugs Aralie and Crystal*



Ok, we have some semi customs and a couple of customs up. two for zarz, one for crystal, one for Solistia, one for Seacrest, one for Kahlira, one for CutieePiee, one for BKC, one for Goddesss. I hope they are what you hoped for and if I made any huge mistakes on anything feel free to yell and throw stuff and I'll fix it.


Some more pick ups have been posted. Three for Aralie, one for Kage, one for VanillaBean, and one for Sunny.

I will probably be slow with getting the rest of the customs out because another one of my uncles is in the hospital and we don't know how it is going to turn out, so I'll be working on them, just not as fast as I would like to be. I'm sorry for the slowness everyone


More pick ups. Aralie, Sunny, YLO (certed), little_winks, and Alnaeyah. Now I just have 19 of YLO's customs and then we will be done. Once again please let me know if there is anything that needs to be fixed :)


I love the ones you colored for me so far! I know Crystal really loved her little Gabriel <3


They all turned out perfectly!!! Thank-you!!!! *snugs*


I'm glad you all like them! I've been worried XD

Ok, some of the customs are up. Two for YLO, one from Crystal, two for Goddesss, and one for Kahlira. Let me know if anything is wrong. :)



Ok I have finally thought of a name for my valentine box boy. Thank you for all the lovely Pecora. ^^

Name: Valentine Wishes


Oooooo look at all those pretties for me *A* Thank you so much everyone for your gifts (and to toffeeca >w< )
They all look wonderful =D