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{Pecora} Lets have some fun!---Closed

Started by Pecora, January 21, 2011, 02:58:19 PM

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Find A Mate

Dark Rain is looking for a beautiful female Pecora. Preferably dark, with beautiful eyes and coloring.


I am another noob to Pecora. They are so cute. ^^

Find A Mate.

Name: Miri
Gender: Female
Body color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Hoof/horn color: Purple
Marking 1: Tiger Stripes
Marking 1 color: Silver
Marking 2: Points
Marking 2 color: Purple

She is sweet and gentle and tends to be a bit shy and quiet. She is looking for a dark handsome male full of romance and a bit of mystery.


for the games you can do something like pick a door


I just saw the lady pecora (tycoona) and I'd love to thank you. She's so pretty. But you didn't have to make me a new one XD
But thank you for your effort. I'll love her to bits. :)
*hugs toffeeca*


 I'm at work right now so I can't do any certing or color any mates right now, but I have some more premades that I can give away if people are around.

Neo- I felt bad for screwing her up, so I felt like you deserved what you asked for.


Aww. It is 1.30 AM so YLO will miss the shiny give aways. But have fun everyone <3


How about a naming contest for this appy girl?

Just post a name and reason for said name with "Naming " at the top in bold green

This will end at 21:00. Hopefully that gives everyone enough time and I will hopefully be home around then.

Aw *snugs YLO* I will try and have a couple longer events up that will end this weekend since I have class all day tomorrow and I might have to work all day Thursday and Friday, but if I am working I will try and do some more events then too.

Kadana Sorano

I'm just waking up lol going on 8pm for me.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



only 5:00 pm here


I would name her Star because she reminds me of stars on a cloudless night.


I'd name her Snapp because she sure is Snappy with that Appy!



Kadana wakes up at 8pm?  
Its almost 5pm for me. I woke up at 8 this morning to try and talk to a counsellor about my transcript to transfer to uni and I drove around parking lots and parking structure that is at my JC for half an hour and never found a spot. So I went home and back to bed since I had such a long day yesterday.
Every Monday and Wednesday I have to get up at 6 AM for my 7:30 AM class and I then have class till 1:30 PM and then work right after that until 8-8:30 PM. Luckily I don't have to do anything on Tuesdays and Thursdays until two, so I can sleep in after my long day. Plus I am thinking about getting another job since I need the money to save up for Uni in the fall. But I don't think that is going to happen since there are no jobs around here.


Neo wakes up at 5:30 so she can get a ride to school (even though school doesn't start till 7:30 now).
Neo goes to sleep whenever she is done with homework, usually about 10:30 or so?
And right now it's 8:06 pm.

Kadana Sorano


Winter Twilight

Because she reminds me of a really big snow storms, one of those they call a white out (which was the first thing that came to me for a name lol but it doesn't sound so pretty for such a pretty girl, winter twilight sounds a lot prettier)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



it be 8 pm now for mesa.

Hmm I need to do somthing for the find a mate...

Fine here we go

Find A Mate

Hello ladies. My name is Starchaser and i hope one of you will find me enjoyable company. I enjoy long walks on the beach and am a Night owl. I Enjoy those pecoras of natural color but im open for anything as long as you love to read and enjoy being cooked for.


I wake up at 6:00 to get ready because I take so long to get ready even though school starts at 8:30.

^^^ good name Kadana

Kadana Sorano

I've always been a night owl, always had trouble sleeping when it was dark and cool out.  But my last job I worked night shift, for around 5 years.  So my schedule kinda got permanently flip flopped.  Lately since I started taking classes, I've actually been doing pretty good about getting to bed earlier (around midnight to 2 am, instead of 6 to 8 am) and waking back up somewhere between 8 and 10 am and actually getting my lazy butt up.

But I was extremely stupid last week and volunteered to help the neighbor out and watch her son in the mornings until he was on the bus (he'd been skipping school, cause she leaves for work before he leaves for school.. single mom).  So now she drops him off here on her way to work and I sit with him until the bus comes and I watch that he actually gets on it.  Which means, I'm either going to bed and getting up a handful of hours later, or I;m back to staying up all night and going to bed after he leaves lol  Guess which I chose to do? rofl
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Keilin Alyr


I'd name her Odette. White and black like the beautiful swan...

Okay, I have to admit the full truth behind the name. Given my love of Quinsta, and the fact that she's a black leopard appy, she reminds me of Odarel quite a bit. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I usually go to bed around midnight or so, but Sunday night I wasn't able to get to sleep until like 2 AM. I started having a panic attack about uni so i had next to no sleep and then got up early. I spent two of my classes eating candy so I wouldn't fall asleep.

Keilin- I was totally using Odarel for a ref when I was coloring this girl up. I think there is another girl that I will be giving away that you will quite like as well :D

Keilin Alyr

Aww, I thought she looked familiar. Granted, I know a good number of the uncommon-patterned wild Quin and a few of the bred ones by memory, which I find a little sad. XD

Ooh, more Quin mimics? I'll definitely have to keep an eye on the thread. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


*prods you to use grace or Angel for refrence* >.> lol



I would name her Vanilla Bean because she reminds me of vanilla bean ice cream. Which I started having a craving for after seeing her.


Ok, I have been working on another game that I am going to be putting up shortly and hopefully you guys like it. Then I will judge the naming contest


Congrats Keilin! I love the Swan Princess movie and seems to like you :)

I have put a name game up in the second post, if there is anything unclear please let me know and ask any questions you have. :)

Keilin Alyr

Aww, my Odette! *squishes* Thank you so much, toffeca! And hey, if I can't have my Odarel RB from back in August, I'll certainly take a Pecora version of her. XD

Also, puzzle hunt sounds intriguing. I foresee a lot of searching through Wobbles in my future. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Find A Mate

Bullseye seeks a sweet little lady! He truly believes that "opposites attract", so he is especially looking for a girl who he has nothing in common with and will fulfill his other half.


Gender: Female
Body color: Chocolate brown
Eye color:Light blue
Hoof/horn color (can be two): Light brown
Marking 1: Speckles
Marking 1 color: Light brown
Marking 2: Faded legs
Marking 2 color: White
Marking 3: Paint
Marking 3 color: Tan


I think I found a broken image for the puzzle, I sent the link for the page to the Pecora account.


There are two broken images but both pieces should have been replaced. I'm nearly positive I got them all up.

I am going to try andwork on some mates tonight so hopefully I will be back later.


Ok, our Pecora team has found a few mates thus far and are ready to show them off to the single Pecora.

First up we have this natural beauty for Kadana's Bambi

She is quite the shy girl, but no one can beat the size of her heart once she has found someone who she loves. She is very big into family and will not accept a male who doesn't like her family. Is Bambi ready for a second family?

Next we have this boy for CrystalAngelNeko's Safire

This lad is completely outgoing and always willing to be himself, even if others don't like him for that.

I how the Keilin's Sparrow really likes birds because this bird boy is crushing on her

The boy loves birds so much that he has died his coat to be similar to his favorite bird, the red winged blackbird. He would also love to have a family of his own and have his own little fledglings to take care of.

Hopefully YLO's Baraka will like a pony Pecora

This little girl would like Baraka to know that this pony look a likes have a much bigger heart than any female dog look a likes that are other there.

kunaisa's Dark Rain was looking for a dark female, hopefully this will fulfill his wishes

She has a big heart and eyes that shine right through to her soul

And the final mate that has been found thus far is for Alnaeyah's Miri

Miri was looking for tall, dark, and handsome, we hope this mysterious male is what she was looking for.

The Pecora staff want to make sure that everyone meets the mate of their dreams, so if the pairings that have been found do not work out for any of our single Pecoras, they are free to post a more detailed description of what they would like in a mate. We have made up this simple form for everyone to use and we will do our best to find that perfect someone.

Single Pecora's Picture:

Looking for-
Favorite color (Main color):
Second favorite color (Second main color):
Favorite markings:
Second favorite markings:
Anything else you would like to add:

If the single Pecora are happy with the mate that was found for them feel free to post a name so the love birds can live together forever.


Oooh. She looks like she would go really well with several of my naturals boys (oops, Baraka might be getting jealous there! XD) and I didn't have a roan pretty yet <3 *tries to run off with Kadana's girl as well*

Please name her Rhayna.

Keilin Alyr

Oh, toffeeca, my new boy is simply gorgeous, and he looks beautiful next to Sparrow! Granted, it probably helps that I'm fairly obsessed with birds. XD

Could I name him Redwing? Redwing and Sparrow, I like it. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


The last two mates have been found

This little lass for Sunny's Starchaser

She saw some similar looking quin that are owned by Sunny and though that the similar coloration might attract Starchaser to her.

And finally a natural colored beauty for Cutiee's Bullseye

She is hoping that her not as bright coloration will be exactly what Bullseye is looking for.

Once again, if anyone does not find their mate to be what they are looking for, they are free to look again with more information on what they are looking for.

I am so glad that YLO and Keilin like their mates. I will be naming once I have more names from the mates. :)


EEEE im naming her grace *grins and tackles* THANK YOU!

Kadana Sorano

Oh she's lovely toffeeca!  Thank you :D

hmm  I think we shall name her Lyre.

*watches them wander off into the forest nibbling green things*

Seriously, she's beautiful, thank you!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Yay, more happy peoples :D

I have pick ups for everyone

And because Sunny is pretty much made of amazingness, I has a present for her



Kadana Sorano

picked Lyre up, thank you again :)

*tries to keep her hands off of other peoples Pecora*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Thank you so much toffeeca. I did actually burst into tears. *hugs tightly* i plan on putting all mine in one place just havnt finished it yet of course. Thanks soooooooooo much though *hugs more*


No crying Sunny! We want a happy Sunny! But I'm glad you like him. I actually have another idea for secret stuff. :D *big hugs for Sunny*

You are very welcome Kadana!


was happy tears promise ^_^ ooo secrets *puts camera around your comp* you see no cameras o.o lol


Oh gosh, she is gorgeous! And a bullseye for Bullseye! xD

Thanks you so much! I'd like to name her Coco Bean.


Miri's boy is perfect for her but we are still debating what to call him. ^^


After much thinking Miri's boy shall be called Itzal.


Picked up Altair, thanks Toffee :3



Sorry I'm late! ^.^ Been a bit sick, but! I would love to call that darling little boy Mudtracks!

He just looks like a fun day in the rain tromping around in mud <3



Aww, I forgot the puzzle =(

*hopped into thread to drool over pretties because she is too sick to do anything else* xD


Ok, only one person completed the puzzle, congratulations Alnaeyah!
Here is her completed puzzle

You can choose if you want the cherry blossom girl, a full custom, or a semi custom as your prize. :)