Feli Kittens up for trade - CLOSED - Awaiting Names from Red_uni, Goddesss, Ryuu

Started by Neocridders, January 14, 2011, 01:42:31 PM

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Hey! I'm probably only going to do feli-feli trades, so one feli gets one feli.

But, I'm not just looking at kittens. Any Feli with a coat that catches my eyes will be looked at.

My favorite things?
Long fur
Awesome combo of colors
And I do love a lot of the unnatural colors too.

;) So, show me what we've got! Post your offers.

The proud parents:

The litter:
Kitten 1:

Kitten 2:
Most likely keeping kitten 2

Kitten 3:

Kitten 4:

Kitten 1: To Ryuu - Trouble
Kitten 2: Keeping - Marie
Kitten 3: Red_uni - Fog
Kitten 4: To Goddesss - Smoke


Note to self: come back and make an offer on 228! Love natural coloring with fantasy markings! :3

Keilin Alyr

I'm just gonna say that Surprise makes an awesome father. =)

I have a feeling she's gonna be popular, but I'm still going to make my offer for 279. Much as I love gray tabbies, and I agree with Ryuu that 278's colors looks amazing together, I think my group needs more marking variation.

Trade thread's here for your consideration: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3547.0

I might also be willing to part with Oriana. Though I had been hoping to pair her once more with Aaron or another golden colorpoint male, I could always stalk for future kittens. I need a honey-gold lynx-point longhair kitten someday. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I'd love your Oriana, so if you're trading her, I'd love to see if we might work something out.
But I'm going to keep this open for a little bit, so atleast a day.



oohh I love both kitten 1 and kitten 3, hard to pick one over the other even when considering their poses XD

could trade this one for one of those two? :)

Keilin Alyr

Quote from: Neocridders on January 14, 2011, 04:28:09 PM
I'd love your Oriana, so if you're trading her, I'd love to see if we might work something out.
But I'm going to keep this open for a little bit, so atleast a day.

Sure thing, it'll give both time to consider if we wish to trade our girls. If you do decide to keep Marie though, I'll be on the lookout for future litters, as I know they're going to be lovely. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


In response to your post in my thread, I like your 280 :) Do you have a preference between my kittens? 269 and 271 are the most available if you happen to fancy either of them.


I'm waiting on a response from PinkShadow for my 280. If she accepts that, I'll then figure everything else out.

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting.


*peeks into Neo's thread after reading YLO's thread and bursts out laughing*

This is so funny hee hee hee. *goes to look in Pink's thread to see who she's waiting for*


Hahaha. I know. That's what made me post. I figure I've made a lot of people wait. So umm, I thought I'd post that anyway.

If Pinkshadow doesn't want my kitten 3, I'd say Red uni is next up and I'd trade 3 for her kitten. So, Ravvana, if you don't want to wait anymore, I understand. I love all of your kittens, but my favorites of yours are gone now.


Hmm, I like both of your longhaired kittens! I'm waiting back for a response from PM and Pinkshadow, but just letting you know I'm interested. I still have two Feli kittens left, so let me know if one catches your eye! (http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3552.0)

EDIT: My kittens have all been traded, so just ignore me here XD;


Oh whoops, I forgot i wanted to make an offer hee hee.

One full custom Okibi for 278. ^_^


Quote from: Neocridders on January 15, 2011, 01:19:57 PM
Hahaha. I know. That's what made me post. I figure I've made a lot of people wait. So umm, I thought I'd post that anyway.

If Pinkshadow doesn't want my kitten 3, I'd say Red uni is next up and I'd trade 3 for her kitten. So, Ravvana, if you don't want to wait anymore, I understand. I love all of your kittens, but my favorites of yours are gone now.

If Pinkshadow doesn't accept my offer, 267 will also be available to trade for 280. If you fancy him :) *pats little grey tabby girl*


Allllright. Because my offer wasn't accepted by PinkShadow.
So, we'll see where we are at.

Kitten 1:
-Keilin's Oriana (Really like her!)
-Ryuu's Okibi offer (I would love to own an Okibi... :D)
Kitten 2:Mine mine mine
Kitten 3:
-Red uni's 236
-Ravv's kittens
Kitten 4:I think Goddesss was considering a trade in another thread.

Alright, that's where we are.
I really like Red's kitten, so I'm probably going to accept that if Red is still willing to trade.

I'm a fan of Oriana, so if Keilin wants to trade for her, I'd be up for that.


Yep Yep Goddesss is awaiting your decision in another thread XD

Keilin Alyr

278 is all kinds of adorable, but I don't know who I'd pair him with among my females, and I'm not sure I'd want to trade my only longhair for him. I know Ryuu would give him a great home though. =)

By the by, you might want to ask Leet if you could change one of your Feli's names. I remember you wanted to name 279 Marie, and it looks like you already own a Marie. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



Oh, Keilin I'm sorry. I think I misunderstood what kitten you were going for.
>.< My bad. Ignore me then. Sorry!

So kitten 1 is going with Ryuu for an Okibi custom <3
Kitten 2 is staying with me <3
Kitten 3 is going to Red in exchange for her kitten <3
Kitten 4 is going to Goddesss in exchange for one of her kittens <3

Alright. Now that that's all settled, we can get names and stuff.
:) Great!

Sorry to anyone who offered and didn't get what they were wanting.



0____0 Reeeallly!? Oh wow I didn't think I'd get that lucky!! Squee! What am I going to name him....hrrrmm....

Well you know he's sleeping so innocently but I like how playful and sly the adult pose looks so I think I good name for him would be Trouble ^___^

Pming you a custom form! ^^