Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Agency Preparations **Importing Done**

Started by Gryphions, January 01, 2011, 12:07:47 PM

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(David) Phoenix Farrell?
I am just guessing here, I know you are involved with band stuff so perhaps a famous bass player will be inspirational?


Frgot to mention one guess per person unless no one gets it after a while.
And sorry Sunny. Nope!

Eta and nope. Sorry YLO.
Thanks for guessing though!
Hmmmm maybe I should give everyone a smooth stone and the winner a smooth ruby stone?
Yeah. Let's go with that. Each guess in a winner in some way. And you guys will like what stones will be able to do. Hehe. Yesss.

Ruby stones are just much more rare than the normal ones. And will be... More valuable.

Keilin Alyr

Kind of a wild shot in the dark, but I saw one name that caught my eye personally. Jules Verne. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Nope! Sorry! Thanks for guessing.
I know I've mentioned this person before, so I didn't think it would be too hard.
Oh well, the more guesses there are means more stones.



I'm trying not to give hnts since it wouldn't befair to those who already guessed. I had meant to include more info in my post though XD but that's ok!


Uh, Chris Rock?

Totally just guessing. But if I'm wrong I know that your real favorite person is the Welsh darts player that wikipedia mentions. :P



Hehe. Nope.
Hmm. If we can't get it guessed by tomorrow, I might have to let people try again. And give my hints...


John Williams!

/went back and looked through friends forum to find that name


Red got it!
Smooth Ruby Stone for you!
Stones will all be added later.


Gryphions up to ID 44 are uploaded. If you should have a gryphion with an ID I've uploaded already, but it's not in your account, please look in my account (Neocridders). All gryphions that were missing owner info for some reason are there.

I have a feeling most of the gryphions in my Neocridders account were missing info on my mistake. I probably messed something up somewhere.
Please let me know if you see someone there that belongs to you. :)

ETA: Oh, and all that entered my little contest for smooth stones/ruby stone should have them in their inventory. If you didn't get one let me know, but they should be there :)

And normal Smooth Stones are available in the adventure game.


How exciting! I think I have all of mine that are supposed to be there ^^


Well, since I need to be up early tomorrow, I'm going to turn in. I had been saving thumbnails and uploading gryphions, but I didn't finish up to where I had thumbnails done to.
So, I'll continue tomorrow when I'm able to.
I'm at 54 right now, but should get more done tomorrow after my band stuff.

Alright, as usual please let me know if anything isn't as it should be. Incorrect owner/id/gender/age.



Yep, Lacy and Sayuri are there with the correct info. Yay for more pretties <3


I have the first error.. Celine's preview links to a very pink male that is not Celine XD


All done up to ID 85. And I fixed Celine's photo. Sorry! But that's the point of this thread at this moment. So thanks for catching that!

:) I'll go through and see if I made any more errors. I did a bunch today, so I might have messed up more than once.

ETA: Went through the ones uploaded in the last 24 hours. They are all with the right images I think. So, looks like the only mess up was Celine as long as images are concerned. That's good :)
(BTW - I accidentally uploaded ID 55 instead of 65 when using images, since my files are named with the IDs so I confused the number.)

:) Even thought I did check again, please let me know just in case anything else is wrong. I know I've already had to fix a gender that I notice I had entered wrong from last night. :)


Username: SeaCrest
Problem: Although she is a lovely girl, Megara is not my gryphon. After searching the albums, I've found that she's Ember's girl. :)


Oh, thanks so much for pointing that out.

Alright. Let's have a mini contest for some smooth stones.

This is like pick a door.

6 doors.

Just post for an unclaimed door and it's your.

1.Winged Dreams
3.Keilin Alyr

Who knows how many stones will be behind the doors? will decide how many stones will be given away and what door(s) have them.

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD





Owner of Gliders!



I totally wrote up a post for the winners. But it didn't... post?

Ok, I'm pretty sure I remember what said, so it shouldn't be a problem on who wins what. I'll re-do that post and let everyone know who got what items from what doors...
So sorry everyone. I don't know how the post didn't go through.
That's ok though. :) Everyone will get the same items they would have, I just have to remake the post tomorrow.


1.Winged Dreams - We open this door to find 2 smooth stones!
2.jojo080889 - We open this door to find 1 smooth stone!
3.Keilin Alyr - We open this door to find 3 smooth stones
4.Red_uni387 - We open this door to find 2 smooth stones!
5.Kahlira - Wow! We open this door to find 5 smooth stones!
6.zarzamora - We open this door to find 3 smooth stones!

Congrats everyone! I'll be putting those stones into accounts now. Sorry for the wait on that!


Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


All of the stones were added to accounts. If anything is incorrect (you are missing a stone/got the wrong type of item) let me know please :)



Guess what, everyone?
All gryphions up to ID 100 have been uploaded.
Wow. That's a bunch of gryphions!


I hope everyone has been well lately. I know we haven't had many events the last two months. And because of that I'm going to color up a couple gryphs to give away.

Let me know some ideas for games. I'll come back with some gryphions and see if we can play some games!



I've got with me three wonderful friends today!
Three gryphs are here with me.

First up is this boy.

He stands tall and smiles. He cocks his head left and right. Looks like he wants to play a game.
What should we play?

He scratches some letters in the ground and looks up.
The letters read: A, E, R, S, H, Z
These are his favorite letters.

He likes the way they all sound.
He moves his foot over them.

I think he wants you to name him using these letters.
Everyone can post one name.
Each name must use every letter posted, and every name must have only those letters.
The name can, however, have them in any order, and can use a letter more than once.

What a task! Can you help him? He'll choose his favorite name and go with the person who posts it.

He'll pick sometime tonight, or tomorrow morning. Once he picks, another one of my gryphion friends will play a game. But until then, let's play this game! :)




Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :



(Oooh, what a gorgeous boy!! :D)

Jojo walks up to the male gryphion with a shy smile on her face. Kneeling down to look at the letters in the dust, she scratches out a word after a while of deliberation, writing and erasing and writing again.


Jojo looks up, seeking opinion. "What do you think?" she asks, smiling and watching carefully for a reaction.




The male gryphion smiles at all who have come up with names, but he churrs as he walks toward one person.

He walks to Ravvana  and bows. He looks up from his bow to grin.

I think he likes his new name, Zeshare!

He's being added to your account right now. Congrats on your new partner!



My next friend is a lovely female. She's got stockings and lovely brown wing tips/tail tip.

She's anxious to find a new home. She has decided to have a drawing game to win the honor of taking her home.

She looks at the ground and grins. Looks like she has an idea.
She takes a stick and etches something in the dirt.
What is it?
Well, that's for you to tell her.
She knows what it is, but only the one who understands her artistic ability shall be able to!
So, what is it she drew?

You may go over to the sketch to take a look.

She sits down and closes her eyes as she smiles widely, obviously very proud of her work.

One guess per person. If no one guesses correctly by 15:00 secundi time, you may have a second guess.



Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD

