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Sprung waterpipes >_<

Started by Spixy, December 25, 2010, 03:52:39 PM

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I usually don't do this, but I'm so angry, sad and stressed that I have no other way to get it out and I could really use some hugs >_<

Boyfriend and I came home to an apartment swimming with water. Water was literally dropping everywhere from the roof and our two kitties had sought refudge on the tables. The neighbour came in and told us, that they had alerted the police, because they heard water running.

The police finally came and broke in upstairs, closed the water and sealed the upstairs apartment again. We tried to salvage as much in our apartment as possible, but even the TV and other electric stuff had gotten water. So our oven, microoven, TV and everything is pretty much ruined. Boyfriend's expensive university books are ruined too.

Once damage service came, they did a quick job of securing the dripping water and the floor. But they can't do much more, since they don't have access to the apartment upstairs. Damage is still severe though and both roof and floor will have to be ripped up and replaced.

Luckily we don't have to pay for the damages to the apartment, only our stuff. I have insurance, but boyfriend doesn't and it's his apartment. He was in the middle of buying one, but .. well, came too late. -sigh- I hope it'll all work out in the end. For now it seems we'll have to be rehomed to another apartment .. and look for a place for our two kitties to stay while everything is being sorted.

>_> So yeah, my day hasn't been that good.


Aww hunny!!  *big hugs* Im so sorry this has happened!


Wow, what a spectacularly awful Christmas.  I'm so sorry!  :(  *hugs*


Wow that's horrible :( so sorry you had such a crummy thing happen



Thank you guys. It really means a lot.  :)

I really hope the apartment union fixes us a new apartment soon :s Two cats in my old room, at my parents = bouncing off walls. -sigh-


;_; That is the suckiest thing ever. I'm so sorry that happened. Your poor babies! They must be just as stressed out as you guys.