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+Little Chimaera+ Christmas Event OPEN ~

Started by Kage Davies, December 19, 2010, 04:01:22 PM

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Kage Davies

Okee, updates

Pick a Door;


1. Entaeyen
2. AlaskanTailoyr
3. Neocridders
4. kunaisa
5. Aralie
6. SeaCrest
7. hiyoko
8. jojo
9. SkySong
10. Dunkel.Prinzessin204

Hiyoko, post
Owner's Name



1. hiyoko
2. jojo
3. Neocridders
4. SkySong
5. kunaisa
6. Aralie
7. Dunkel.Prinzessin204
8. AlaskanTailoyr
9. CutieePiee

Skysong; your franken is coming, you don't need to post till it does.

PLEASE KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOU HAVE WON. Make a note somewhere, so I can make sure everyone gets their prizes :).

New rounds are open!


Yay! He's so cute.^^
Name: Mick
Owner's Name: hiyoko

Kage Davies

He's up for you in the pick up :)

Come on you guys, order some secret santas :P. The prizes are awesome.


Name of recipient: jojo080889
Name for your gift: Noel
From: hiyoko


Fur Colour:Blue
Eye Colour:Blue
Marking one:Swirls
Marking Two:Paint
Colour:Light blue
Marking Three:Splatter

Name of recipient:PonyMama
Name for your gift:Navidad

Name of recipient:Red_uni387
Name for your gift:Spirit

(I hope I can gift more than one?)


Aralie claims door no. 7

Fur Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Cyan
Marking one: Leg fade
Colour: Light Blue
Marking Two: Freckles
Colour: Royal Purple
Marking Three: Spots on legs
Colour: Dark Red
Gender: Male


One of the flatsale pets is posted both here and on PI =o

Kage Davies

I've not had time to update, just to post;

TWO of them, actually. They are gemini twinned pets. Please see the forums for further information, and expect more of the same.

ttyl all xx





i updated my post if you guys wouldnt mind taking hte time to read it.


First three people to post a LOL animal picture that makes me giggle shall get a Semi custom maenah!



LOL okay all those made me laugh.

If you three will post this form ill work on your maenahs ^_^

color 2:
color 3:
One marking you enjoy:


Gender: male
color1: teal
color 2: gray
color 3: sable
One marking you enjoy: points?


I found this girl from a breeding w/ Kage you did here.^^

Name: Darla
Owner: hiyoko

Did you ever do the ones on PI? Cause I couldn't find the


All the ones on PI were flits or Kage's. so i had posted those here except the flits that i havnt done yet. Which is on my to do list once i finish the SS's. Ive been searching for the thread on PI that i did the breeding game in and cant find it yet so im still searching lol.

Would you like the chirstmas cert or the autumn leaf cert or pumpklin cert. And would you like me to grow them or keep them as bebeh for right now?



next stage or want her fully adult?

Also i just checked and noticed you entered some fens on the PI one. i thought i did all teh fencats but let me check my records cause i have one spot where they should all be at for the breeding game.



Hiyoko if you wouldnt mind i posted on the PI thread. basicly what it says is i forgot your male fen adn songs fencat. So im going to put those in my little generator and get two babies from it. What i want to know is if you want the babies as babies or as adults. Its fully up to you ^_^

Eta: i also see you posted a flit here what i was going to do since i had no males between pi and secundi was just make a baby off of the moms markings/colors. Do you wish to have yours as a baby or as a adult.


Gender: Male
color1: #D0B081
color 2: #AB5B36
color 3: #FCBF16
One marking you enjoy: something fullbody


Gender: male
color1: black
color 2: white
color 3: gray
One marking you enjoy: something that exists in nature ^^



okay well i just got my last SS from PI so let me go ahead and send that out then ill do the Maenahs (only cause i has muse with coloring them) then will work on the bebehs for you hiyoko and the others. Then im done for the day if all goes well >.>


I think my boy Blaze is supposed to grow to his next stage too? Kage said he was due to grow or something *just figured i would remind since you seem to be doing growings too*





Here is the first franken for SkySong. I will need a name and owner, please.
Where is the bacon flavored ice cream? I brought my big spoon!

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed

Kage Davies

Merry Christmas all. Secret Santas are closed, but I think Santa has left some surprises!

The front page should be up to date. If there is anything missing, please let me know ASaP! I'm sorry I've not kept completely on top of things. Busy Busy.

Everyone please say a big thankyou to Sun and Vanilla, they've both worked really hard behind the scenes, and not so beind the scenes, for this event.

FS starts tomorrow at midnight GMT ish, and will carry on for a couple of days. New pets might appear once its opened, it depends if anyone doesn't get one.

The Auctions and this raffle will close on the 27th of Dec.

CYO is going to stay open until after New Year. The games and the thread are going to keep going until then too, so its not over yet :D.

I need you guy's input on something. What do you want to see in the shop next? I have a couple of weeks to expand our art. If you could take a moment and tell me which option you prefer.

1. More different pets. The next one we have in progress is the Great Wyrm, an elaborate eastern style dragon with three basic stages and lots of extra forms.

2. More extra stages for the pets we already have. So elder forms for flits, and grim etc. And runners and things.

3. More templated mutations for the pets we already have. So wings, horns, fluff etc. I'd like to know what mutations you'd like to see, if you pick this one ^^.

4. A massive flatsale :P

5. Other. Please explain what it is you'd like to see most :).

Also, I'd like to know if there are any new items that you want, etc.


I'd love to see mutations or flatsale. But mostly mutations.


NVM i found his adult form give me a few moments to recert and upload ^_^



I'd like to see mutations and flatsales. I think there's enough species out for now. ^^


Definitely mutations~ they make breeding season fun :)


I really really want to see mutations on the current species. I think a basic wing set would be a good start (feather/bat/fairy) and a horn would also be lovely.

@Sun: Huh, how does it jump from egg to adult? Isn't it just supposed to go to the next stage? =/ I do love the way he looks <3 But I would appreciate it if someone can point me to some sort of explanation, because I am really not getting how growings work right now.


Kage Davies

Quote from: YourLoveOnly on December 25, 2010, 03:21:00 AM
I really really want to see mutations on the current species. I think a basic wing set would be a good start (feather/bat/fairy) and a horn would also be lovely.

@Sun: Huh, how does it jump from egg to adult? Isn't it just supposed to go to the next stage? =/ I do love the way he looks <3 But I would appreciate it if someone can point me to some sort of explanation, because I am really not getting how growings work right now.

If you check the front page of the thread, there are silhouettes posted for all of the pets and an explaination of their stages and how long they take to grow ^^. So flits only have two stages, egg and adult, right now. It should only take a week to go from egg to adult, but sometimes growings get a bit delayed. Blaze took much longer than he/she should have though.

Growings are always posted in the pick up on the Sunday of the week. Or they should be, at least. I'm going to be working on making this information much cleared, I think. I'm also considering a photobucket to house everyone's adults - its just too complicated to make one for everyone's growings, we've tried.


I think a photobucket for everyone's adults would be super awesome. :) But if you wait a while to see if you become an agency, it might be unneccesary since they'll all be housed on Secundi then. ^^

Kage Davies

Fair point. Although, if that does happen, we're going to have to change a few things to work with the site ^^.

Kage Davies

Flatsale is....


Please make sure you've read everything properly to avoid nasty mistakes :D. There are some more pets on the way ~




oops the front page wasn't done loading, that is pet 3, not pet 2. I don't want to edit my post in case it's against the rules so I'll just post here that I meant number 3. :)


Owner's Username:Sunchaser109
Pet Number: 5
Pet Description: Colour/species Red Squibbit with star on forhead and cream muzzle.
Pet URL: (If you can get it)
Pet's name: Dawn

yes im claiming one this time >.>


Certed Flatsale Pickups!
(Will update as FS come in)
Where is the bacon flavored ice cream? I brought my big spoon!

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed