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*Luminaria* Events Closed - Come claim your pets!

Started by YourLoveOnly, December 17, 2010, 12:50:05 PM

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A female ^^ I am sorry, this thread was so image heavy already that I left out the example images in the first post. Winged and jojo have boys and SeaCrest has a girl.



*rolls around in all the wrapping paper wheeee!*


Oh and oops, I missed Ryuu's post xD Coloring some things for PI right now, almost done, then I will update this.

Ryuu, you tempt me to do an event that involves wrapping paper. Again, give me a few mintues xD




I said minutes, didn't I? *blushes and hides*
Setting up a new game too, keep your eye on the front page.

White Elephant

Ryuu opens present #11 and reveils:

First post is updated. Next is Winged dreams! You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal one from someone else.


New game is up! *goes to look for her sanity*


Yaaaaaay wrapping paper game!! ^__________^ This looks like fun!

Wrapping Paper


I'll steal present 16 from hiyoko

muahaha, a steal!
Owner of Gliders!


Wrapping Paper

I found this wrapping paper hillarious  ;D
Owner of Gliders!


Glad it seems like fun! I think it's fun to, until I attempt coloring it XD

See winged I knew you were gonna do that :P

White Elephant

Winged takes #16 from hiyoko along with the Sumini inside:

First page post is updated. It is hiyoko's turn, again! At least you can't say you don't get to play xD You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal any present except the one just taken from you (however, you can steal other presents that person has).


Wrapping Paper

I like my gift wrap nice and plain! XD Jk. But I thought this looked really nice, even if it wasn't full of color or design.

ETA: OMG. This is like the millionth time I've posted from the gryphion account today DX
So sorry. This is Neocridders


hiyoko steals present 10 from Ryuukokoro!


Ooooooh! I think Ryuu must go wave bye to her present now. *nods and updates*

White Elephant

Hiyoko takes back #10 and the Furimi inside:

This gift is now frozen, meaning the current owner (hiyoko) now owns it and no one else can steal it from her.
It is now Ryuu's turn again! You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal any present except the one just taken from you (however, you can steal other presents that person has).


D: .....but... my #10 girl...

.... open present 19


But the front page says hiyoko now has 4 presents, because she stole more times than she opened. Does she get to keep all 4? Someone else will only have 2 as a result.


No sprinkle girl is with winged dreams now, I didn't update that. Sorry. Will go do that now. It is not possible to get a different amount of pets by picking a different option (opening versus stealing).

Photobucket is being fail, I might not be able to update until tomorrow morning. It's 1 AM now.


Ahhh, gotcha. Hard to follow all the jumps and trades in my head lol.


YLO should not try to update White Elephant when she's tired. Stupid me skipped over Goddesss. I went from Ryuu to Winged. Sorry Goddesss! <3 *feels really bad* I really hope you weren't after #10 because that one is now frozen. If you were after that one, please let me know and we will figure out a solution.

I would also like to remind everyone that due to springacres being eliminated we have three extra presents that will not open. The game ends once everyone has three gifts, so this means there are actually only two more presents to be opened before we are done and not five.

Also, I spy a pine tree Furimi! =3

White Elephant

Ryuu opens present #19 and reveils:

Goddesss is up next! You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal one from someone else.


'I want to open # 18.

Not a big deal YLO =)


White Elephant

Goddesss opens present #18 and reveils:

Our next player is SeaCrest! You can pick any unopened present from the pile which would end the game OR steal one from someone else to continue the fun =3



*chants* Steal! Steal! Steal! Steal!

XD I don't want it to end! This is great. Haha.



I want to steal present #27!

Only pressie I wanted to steal XD


Aaaand we continue! Until someone opens a present or until everything is frozen XDD

White Elephant

SeaCrest takes #27 and the Furimi inside:

It is now Ryuu's turn again! You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal any present except the one just taken from you (however, you can steal other presents that person has).


Man! The only two pretties I've been attached to in the game have both been stolen from me.

I'll take number 26 then!


Revenge? XD And aww, poor you. Game has been mean to you, hasn't it?

Aaaand we continue! Until someone opens a present or until everything is frozen XDD

White Elephant

Ryuu takes #26 and the Furimi inside:

We switch back to SeaCrest now! You can pick any unopened present from the pile or steal any present except the one just taken from you (however, you can steal other presents that person has).


Oh, I hadn't even realized that was SeaCrest's present. XD;;; I just like Fumi girl pose and it's one of the only unfrozen ones.


There is only one frozen present, but yup you are right, there are mostly Lumi inside the presents. They re meant to be the more common breed and when I was counting I noticed the numbers were pretty much evened out so I am trying to fix that :P


Yes but there are only 3 Furimi girls in the game altogether so it was one of the only unfrozen ones.

0.o Furimi is really supposed to be the most common breed? I would have thought it would be the most rare! Well, that is good news for me then. XD I plan to only collect Furimi for the most part.


I agree with you ryuu. Lol but I couldn't seem to pick the right presents. Lol


Oops, YLO is making people confused. I didn't even mention the word Furimi in my post XD I said there were mostly Lumi in the presents and then explained that those are supposed to be the most common breed. The numbers were pretty even, so now I am trying to get mostly Lumi out there for a little while to fix it.

It is not known if there is a rarity difference between the other breeds, as far as scientists have discovered the Lumi are more common than all the others but we haven't researched a difference between Sumini and Furimi yet.


LOL. She is a pretty, isn't she?

I want to open present #24!

Sorry XD No more fun :(




Aww too bad Ryuu, no chance for you to steal back again. I did think this was a lot of fun and I plan to do similair things in the future. *has a super fun idea right now*

I think the wrapping game might get canceled soon due to lack of interest :(

White Elephant

SeaCrest opens present #24 and reveils:

This ends our game! I will go post certing info on the first page and then everyone can claim their presents ^_^ I hope you all had fun! =3



Certing info has been edited into the present post =)


Ooh! Pretty LOL

I shall name this weekend when I have more free time XD



Thanks for putting on such awesome events YLO ^^

Name: Bethlehem
Owner: Jojo

White Elephant
Name: Cherubim
Owner: Jojo
Present # you got: 21
Link to pet inside:

Name: Mixie
Owner: Jojo
Present # you got: 3
Link to pet inside:

Name: Hanabi
Owner: Jojo
Present # you got: 9
Link to pet inside:


Thanks, i loved this game!

Name: Matt
Owner: Winged dreams
Present # you got: 4
Link to pet inside:

Name: Rouge
Owner: Winged dreams
Present # you got: 9
Link to pet inside:

Name: Sprinkled
Owner: Winged dreams
Present # you got: 16
Link to pet inside:
Owner of Gliders!


This is gift 14. Anyone interested in a trade? I don't know, this one's just not my cup of tea. I'm not sure what gender it is either >.< Neo is teh fail.

But anyway, if anyone wants to set up a trade, let me know ;)



Name: Tinsel
Present # you got: 14
Link to pet inside:

Name: Belle
Owner: Neocridders
Present # you got: 20
Link to pet inside:

Name: Angel
Owner: Neocridders
Present # you got: 25
Link to pet inside:

Mmmm. I know why I love my Belle so much now. She reminds me of my favorite fruit/veggie, the Bell Pepper. Mmmmmmmm.
<3 <3 <3

So, she's going to be called Belle, since she looks like Bell Peppers! XD
