Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | November Thread - First Shipment of Quills

Started by Gryphions, November 05, 2010, 06:43:30 PM

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Well, it's already November! Isn't that crazy?

As band stuff winds down, I'll have more time to run gryphions!
Isn't that always a good thing? :D Yes yes yes!

--No breedings/customs until I get a tablet pen. I'm only a couple dollars away from having enough, but until I get a tablet pen, I won't try to do breedings or customs. Sorry!

Gryphions are creatures you may role-play. You can try to role-play or not do it. It's no big deal if you don't want to. It's no requirement.


The First Shipment of Quills

A yellow-gold gryphion arrives to the thread with something hanging from her beak. It seems to be a thin box with a yarn wrapped around it. She sits down and places a paw on the box. The gryphion leans toward the box, and, with her beak, carefully tears the top off. She looks inside the box and smiles as she places a paw in and pulls out a feather.

Note: This is a filler image until a real one is made

It's a feather. It isn't stiff like gryphion plummage. It's large, and weighed down at the top, causing it to flop over.

"This," the gryphion Raina says as she holds up the strange feather, "Is a Quill. This quill is special. It's a down-feather from a large creature. This creature lives on our old world, off of secundi. They are very noble creatures, but due to their size cannot fly. They perform magic for services. They are unable to fly and take care of themselves, so they hire other species as servants. The servants will work for magic usually. Ages ago, a few curious gryphions decided to work for such magic. These creatures are always wanting to be groomed, so the gryphions would preen their large feathers. Sometimes old down will be cleaned out of their feathers. When the gryphions found these feathers, they showed them to the gryphion council. They had a strange magical power if written on a human and then a bonded gryphion. The gryphion can no longer speak the language of the human. He looses his bond with the human, and will be free to bond to another. This was such a strange concept - Why would one break a bond? Well, back then, most gryphions and humans would be life-long companions. But that was before the war. When things changed, the gryphions used this special tool to break their bonds with their cruel humans."

Raina looked down for a minute and then looked back up.
"The gryphion council has set up a way to transport these feathers to secundi. The feathers are hard to get, so they are highly valued. Although, since there is not much demand on the old world (since they have stopped bonding with humans), they gave us a special deal. They have worked out a way to send a certain number of these quills each month. We get a shipment in around the begining of the month, but sometimes shipments are delayed or lost all together."

"I've got with me 15 quill feathers. These are all the quill feathers we have for the month. If they all are sold within the month, we must wait on another shipment. If they are not all used for that month, we will have those plus the next month's shipment."

"Oh, yes. Each quill will have a set price for that month. Prices may vary month to month. You may only purchase one quill a month, to ensure everyone has a shot at a quill."

--Note- Quills CAN be traded, but we may change this if we need to.

--Rules for Trading Gryphions:
-You may trade gryphions for other gryphions, adoptables, agency pets, or any currency except USD.
-Trading is not the point of this adoptable. The point is to gain a friendship through gryphions, not breeding and selling for sg. Gryphions shouldn't be attained just to make a profit. If you win one and don't really connect to it well, this is so you can provide a better home for it.
-To trade a gryphion, please post in thread the quill number and form provided at the bottom of this post. If filled out correctly, trade will go through as soon as possible.
-If you trade a gryphion for a gryphion, two quills will need to be used. One to break the bond between you and the gryphion, and one to break the bond between the other person and their gryphion. A quill must be owned by each person. One person can't contribute two quills!
-Trade at your own risk! We can try to help all deals gone bad, but we can't do everything. Sometimes things are out of our hands. If this is the case, we are very sorry. If anything ever goes wrong, please PM this account. We will try our best to fix it.
-You -may- have a gryph up for trade before you actually have a quill, but understand that you need a quill before you can fullfill a trade. I strongly suggest including that you don't have a quill when you make a trade offer.

The trading form:

Quill number:
Gryphion being traded:
Going to:
In exchange for:

If it is a gryphion for gryphion trade, each person must post their own form. If a gryphion for anything else trade, just the person breaking a bond has to post the form.

Forms for the moment should be posted in the monthly thread. If the monthly thread has not been made for the current month yet, please hold off on posting.

Thank you!
Any questions, please ask!


Quills for Sale!

Since Raina has brought us out first shipment, quills are for sale. If you can't afford one this month, check again next month. Prices will vary. One month they may be 2k each, the next month 200 sg, the next month 2 mill, anything is possible. So just keep an eye out for the price, and make sure you can afford it before you ask for one.

Quills do not go into owner folders. Instead, there is a list of numbers. Each quill has a specific number, and your name will be recorded with the number. If the quill is used, it will be removed from the list.

If you decide to trade the quill itself, please post the form at the end of this post.

This Month's Quills

10.11.6-Kadana Sorano

You may only buy ONE quill a month.

These are the quills for sale. If you want one, the price for each quill is 15,000 sg. To buy one, please post that you would like one and send the money. The quills be sold in the order of who posts and sends money. So if you post before someone else, but they have a post right after you and send money before you do, I'll have to accept the other person first. So make sure you send sg immediately.


Form for trading a quill you own (post in thread)

Quill number:
Going to:
In exchange for:



Pick A Door

A silly green gryphion decides he wants someone clever to figure out whre he is. Or lucky.
He'll bond to the human that finds him first!!

Just let me know what door you want!
The gryph above is behind one of the doors.
Was behind door 2!

Congrats to Rosewood!

There you go. Where is he hiding?
What a silly gryph!!


Pickups from Wishing Star thread

Looks like the Wishing Star granted a few more wishes, but are only just now arriving.
Here they are!

<-- Is looking for Zarzamora!

<-- Is looking for Hiyoko!


Ooooo congrats hiyoko and zarz!!

Shaman is still thrilled with his little bunny buddy from the wishing season. ^_^




Quote from: hiyoko on November 05, 2010, 07:30:47 PM
Yay! Thank you. ;D

Name: Achika

What about the boy from our trade awhile back? :)

He is in your owner folder :) I put him there this afternoon.



Congrats zarz and hiyoko! :D

hiyoko - click on Gryphion's display page, and the link after 'website' is the link to the owner folders ^^


Thanks Red :)

Alright- Finally got the Quill info up. I didn't think I was going to write up the whole story, but I guess I did. So, that's why it took so long! Sorry!

Let me know if anything doesn't make sense. Quills will go on sale soon, as soon as I type that up.


Gryphion, I know i never got the dauchshund puppies to you if you wish what ill do instead is more unilupe customs even though i dont do much with them or chimera customs which i do a lot with. Its your choice which you want ^_^ but i feel bad i never got the puppies to you cause i was waiting for kennel breeding slots lol


Quote from: Sunchaser109 on November 05, 2010, 09:18:18 PM
Gryphion, I know i never got the dauchshund puppies to you if you wish what ill do instead is more unilupe customs even though i dont do much with them or chimera customs which i do a lot with. Its your choice which you want ^_^ but i feel bad i never got the puppies to you cause i was waiting for kennel breeding slots lol

I'm honestly not too worried about it. To be honest, I forgot about it ^^'
I mean, if you want to forget about the puppies, I wouldn't mind a premade Chimera or something. :)
Or we can wait for the puppies. Haha. I really don't care. Whatever you like!


I had been finding the link by digging up the breeding thread, so was pleasantly surprised to discover it there xD

I'd like to buy a quill, please. There's just one boy I do not feel truly bonded with D;


how about i give you a custom chimaera and if i can get puppies later on ill do that to? mostly i really love my gryphon lol



Quote from: Ryuukokoro on November 05, 2010, 09:32:19 PM
I'd like 2 Quills please. Sending 30k now. :)

Sorry, Ryuu! Only one per person. I mentioned it in the explination post, but I guess I forgot to post it in the sale post. Sorry! I'll add that in there.





I would like a quill please.

I also have a question. Will all trades from now on require a quill? I am thinking about the 1 sg raffle when there were lots of gryphions that were being traded. Are quills only if you own a gryphion/have it certed to you, or is it any time?

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Actually, gryphions were never really tradeable.
I allowed that for the raffle because odds are not everyone got exactly what they wanted, and we may as well get people with gryphions they wanted if possible.

Plus, I've known for a while this was going to happen, the quills. I just didn't know exactly how I was going to have it work. But I've been working on it for a long time, so I finally had something ready :)

But I've mentioned a few times in a few threads that gryphions would be tradeable, but not yet. I haven't said it recently, though.

But now gryphions are tradeable. But this is the only way.
The only way you won't need a quill is if I do a giveaway and let people trade like the 1sg raffle. But those sorts of situations won't be that common. So, yes. Quills will pretty much be the way of trading.

Sorry. But I've considered this for a while, and this is the only way to prevent backlog. I fear that if it were just open trading, we'd never have any events because all I'd do would be updating owner pages.



I would also like 1 Quill, please. Just in case. I think I have one that I would like to trade, somewhere XD




Alright. Quill list has been updated. :)
As soon as you see you have a quill, you have a quill, so you may use it whenever. It will remain yours until used.



Neo needs teh laughs!

LOL CAT CONTEST - The first part of the Celebration of Sorts <3

Ends ~ 1 day from the time this is posted.

I'll be basing my choices on whatever cat makes me literally laugh out loud. If more than one does, well, good job! I'll choose my favorite!

Does not need to be a cat, can be any icanhascheeseburger/hotdog critters.

No hotlinking. No editing. Three entries per person!






:) Alright, extending this a tiny bit. Because I'm silly and totally forgot the time change, I have no idea what time this is actually ending.

Let's make this end Midnight (0:00:00)

I won't be able to judge until tomorrow afternoon at earliest, though.

So I'll set up another game that will last a little longer :)

I hope no one minds this change!




Thanks for waiting, and sorry you had to wait.
I wanted more than one person to judge, since this was a bit too much for me to judge alone.

I've had all my judges agree that PinkShadow's 'There is no snooze button on cat who wants breakfast'

There were many who were close, but with all the judges we picked that one.

So congrats to PinkShadow!

Will have another game up today, and it'll be something with actual interaction, not just long term XD




I didn't forget you. But i had to log into the gryphion account, which I keep forgetting to do.
Feathers will be updated soon. I will host agame if anyone's about. But i'll be on my phone, so I won't have the most reliable access.

Anyone around?


Well, ther is a pick  a door in one of the starting posts. Feel free to pick ond door and we'll seewhere the gryph lies.

Free, one door per person, gifting a door is using your one door.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Owner of Gliders!
