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New Adoptable - Find A Name & Pick A Door .

Started by Pinkshadow, November 03, 2010, 02:05:02 PM

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Hello .

This is the new Adoptable.

Credits given to jojo080889 for the lines, inking and shading <3

Please Fill in the following ; - Thank you (:

QuoteGood Size or Want them sized down abit? -
Should there be Perma babies? -
What even should be the first? -
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? -

Results ;
Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - They will stay as they are :)
Should there be Perma babies? - Yes, but is growable and Perma's can't breed and wont be a prize
What even should be the first? - Well did already do a Pick a door so :p
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - There will be both (:

Currently working on :
- Designing the Cert .
- Colouring prizes for this PickaDoor
- Arranging a great Christmas event (:


Showing Them Off

Stage One:

Stage Two: Female & Male

Stage Three: Female & Male


Contest One : Name For The Adoptable .

Rules: Only 2.
- Max. of 3 Words
- Max. 3 Entrences Per Person.

Form: - Post In Red -
Suggestion One
Suggestion Two
Suggestion Three

Winged dreams
Kadana Sorano


Contest Two : Pick a door .

- One door per. person
- You have to post "-Name- picks door nr. -Number-" In a random colour of your choice
- You can't use the colour as the person before you have used ;)

1. AlaskanTailoyr (beige)
2. SeaCrest
3. Neocridders
4. red_uni387
5. Kahlira
6. Scullisto
7. hiyoko
8. Jojo
9. TheLeet
10. Ryuukokoro

Quote[*color=pink]Pinkshadow picks door nr. 4[/color]
[*color=red]White shadow picks door nr. 7[/color]


Price Pool



*flaps arms* I wonder what this could be! X3


Name: Kahlira
Suggestion One: Sesen Bastet (Sesen, Egyption for a lotus flower. Bastet. The two headed cat God of Egypt)
Suggestion Two: Lilja Katt (Swedish for Lily cat)
Suggestion Three: Paka Ua (Swahali for Cat Flower)


Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - They seem a bit large, but that's ok.Reckon it depends on whether you want people to think they're huge or small.
Should there be Perma babies? -  Babies.. Like the baby stage or first stage.. Yeah sure XD People like babies forever. (Just have stipulations and such. Babies breeding could be a no-no or something)
What even should be the first? - Event planning has never been my strong suit. Something fun! Games and such =D
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? Both. Have the pre-templated stuff (such as S-genes and stuff) And then make others with out of the box definitions =D

I know I'm no help. May I add.. Want!


Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - I would say make them a little smaller
Should there be Perma babies? - Yes!! Not the first stage, but the middle stage lol
What even should be the first? - Pick a door?
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - Both!


Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - Perhaps a little, but not a bad size.
Should there be Perma babies? - You mean stage two? Definately, i think they're the cutest pose!
What even should be the first? - Event...? Pick a door, franken, custom/semi custom.
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - Don't really mind, perhaps a mix of both?

Name: Winged dreams
Suggestion One: Lily Kits
Suggestion Two:  Lotus Kat(s)
Suggestion Three: Petal Cats

Yeah, they're not that great names but i couldn't think up anything else :)
Owner of Gliders!


Good Size or Want them sized down a bit? - A little smaller for the adults.
Should there be Perma babies? -  Yeah.
What even should be the first? - Maybe some free games. Pick a door, raffle, CYO (even though I can't do, premades, RP, etc.  
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - Whatever is better for you.

Name: hiyoko
Suggestion One: Blossom Kats
Suggestion Two: Cat Lilies
Suggestion Three:Nymphaea Kats

Kadana Sorano

Good Size or Want them sized down abit? -
Good as they are

Should there be Perma babies? -

No.  I can't stand perma babies.  If you do make perma babies a possibility, then you should make it at owners choise to have them thus, not have someone win (or be gifted) a prize that is auto perma and the owner is stuck.  An item to buy to make it grow, something.  Sorry, I've just never understood the popularity of perma babies that can't ever grow at all.. drives me nutty.

What even should be the first? -

Kinda moot isn't it? I think you already have your first event up?  Umm dunno, been running all day and my brain is tired, all I can think of is a pick a door.. and I guess that's kinda a obvious one.

Prefer Premade & handmade markings? -

I like both.  Premade is usually cheaper, so that's good for those with less sg, and it's less work on the colorist, so you can have more events, more often.  Which is always appreciated.  But Hand made are lovely, for when you have the time to do them.  They can be more pricey, because they take more time to do. 
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Good Size or Want them sized down abit?
Hmm.. I do like the size as they are, but I guess it depends on the cert! If the cert is small-ish and is like, off to the side, I think the cats could stay the same size. If the cert is a little bigger, maybe size them down a little bit but not too much.

Should there be Perma babies? I think so! I don't really like having perma-babies myself but I think it's always nice to have the option.
I agree with Kadana though, I don't think perma babies should ever be a prize -- only the owner should decide if they want their pet to be perma-baby or not.

What even should be the first? CYO would be fun, and it's always good to have giveaway games for initial games like Pick-a-door, raffles, a # of free semi-customs. I think an auction would be fun, too!

Prefer Premade & handmade markings? I really, really like handmade markings. I like knowing that every pet will be unique for sure :)

Name: Jojo
Suggestion 1: Lilycats (or Lilykats)
Suggestion 2: Floracats
Suggestion 3: Floralines (Floral + feline)

Kadana Sorano

Name: Kadana Sorano
Suggestion One: Fleur de kitty
Suggestion Two: Purr de lis

sorry, corny but is all I got
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Suggestion One: Tiger Lillies (Since they are a type of flower... with a cat in the name)
Suggestion Two: Dandelions (Again, a flower with a cat in the name)
Suggestion Three: Cat Tails (It's a name for those water/swamp plants with the fat cylinder on the end, or atleast that is what I've always called them).

I'm sorry if my names sound lame XD In my mind they are cute and funny, but I just had to put them. Haha.

These are SUCH cute cats. I adore them!!


Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - Perfect!
Should there be Perma babies? - Yes, but only if the owner wants it to be. Any given out should be growable and you can purchase an item to get it perma babied.
What even should be the first? - Hehe pick a door!
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? -  I think you should do both, but handmade markings are for customs and stuff like that, ya know?

Name: SeaCrest
Hasu, which is Lotus in Japanese
Yuri, which is Lily in Japanese
Fa Mao, which is Flower Cat in Chinese (totally wrong spelling, I bet. I'll see if I can look it up.)


darn the first idea i thought of is already posted xD

but I love Neo's suggestion of Cat Tails, especially since the flowers are on the tails!

Sea - I suck at pinyin, but I think it's Fa Mao :)










Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - I think they are fine! I really love the size.
Should there be Perma babies? - No. I don't think having a perma baby is very fun much of the time. Maybe after the flower petal stage, they grow into babies, but then there is a growing season, and if the owner wants the kitten to grow, they can. Or if not, it will stay a baby. But babies will not breed until they grow into full adults.
What even should be the first? - Anything! Looks like pick a door won though XD Nice choice! Another idea for another contest, maybe a lol-cat picture contest? :D
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? -  Handmade. They are more special. Or, you could have both, and then it's really special to have handmade markings! :D But I prefer handmade.





Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - I think they could do with being a little smaller
Should there be Perma babies? - No
What even should be the first? - Maybe an auction?
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - I prefer handmade markings since they're a little more special. However, premade markings make colouring much quicker and mean that you can get stuff finished more quickly. Maybe a mix of both?


.. Just a small note ..

I havnt forgot this, just my school being demanding atm ;b ..



Good Size or Want them sized down abit? - Good Size
Should there be Perma babies? - Some people do like that
What even should be the first? - A franken ^-^
Prefer Premade & handmade markings? - Hand-made ^-^






Okay Extremly late, i know but Real life has come up ,.

However .. The winner of Naming competition is hiyoko with ; Nymphaea Kats