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+Little Chimaera+ Halloween Event! FS Presales Open!

Started by Kage Davies, October 24, 2010, 04:34:29 PM

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Kage Davies


If your gold was rejected it is because the slots where filled. I go by first come first serve.


Hey all ive decided to get Livestream instad of IMVU for some games. Reason being is you guys can see my screen and chat and talk with me while im working on things. If your interested in checking it out its free you dont sign up for anything as far as i know. So i hope you will join me :)



I want 200 tickets for the Elder Raffle!

I pick door number 9.

Sending sg now.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Thanks Sun! I love him. ;D

Thank you also Spixxy, if I could I'd gift you too!^^


Dont forget to check teh forums guys if you posted a custom from. Customs from there will be posted there ^_^

Kage Davies

Front page is up to date. AND I finished another pet for release XD. I just have to colour some now.



Ill be in the livestream chat in a moment if anyone wishes to join me. I will be seen as offline until i see someone pop in there and says hi :-p


once dinner is done ill be in livestream agian just working on customs if you wanna come. ill go ahead and have it open even if noone is there :)



Well this one is going to be a little different then normal :-p im going to let you guys comment on how the franken is turning out and you can see if colors work or not.S o im going to do this in the livestream chat room. If i get two people there ill start it up ^_^



Kage Davies

Hey ^^. Livestreaming was fun o.o. And scary. I'll be online again at around 7PM GMT tomorrow, if you want to drop by. I'm in the process of releasing the Grim as a new pet species ^^.

Aside from that, I'll not be colouring customs until next week. On Friday I'll be getting a refill for some important meds that I'm missing, and so hopefully Sunday or Monday I'll be posting up your customs :).


and im working on my livestream now if you guys want to come by :)

Kage Davies

Don't forget the FS is at Midnight GMT on Saturday :D. I'm considering opening presales for three times the FS price, but I can't decide. Please remember you can only claim one pet per FS, presale or not.

Edit: Yeah, sorry about missing the Livestream today, I had to go out and take some night time photos for Uni. I have so many things to catch up on XD. I should be around tomorrow night though - depends if I get dragged off to a party.

Kage Davies

Alrighty. I'm online. If someone pops up in the chat on my livestream, then I'll hit the broadcast ;).

EDIT: Presales are going to open tonight at midnight GMT. Just remember, its one pet per FS and they aren't all done yet :D.


Kage Davies

Presales are open

You can now purchase any of the FlatSale pets on presale. Their presale price is 10,000sg. Tomorrow, when the actual FlatSale opens, the price will go down.

To claim a pet, post the form and sent me the SG, please.



Pet Number/Color: 4 (white and blue one)
Name: Blizzara (or Blizzard if it's a boy? XD)
Owner's Name: Jojo

Sending 10,000 :)

I also bid 40k on Pearl Dragon!


Pet Number/Colour: 3
Name: Cescire
Owner's Name: Spixy


Pet Number/Colour: 2
Name: Sunny
Owner's Name: Dunkel.Prinzessin204

I pick Door No. 15!

Kage Davies

You guys are insane XD. I'll see if I have time to colour some more for later.

Dunkel.Prinzessin204 ~ You need to send me the moolah please, hun :D.


Custom USD Love pair up for auction check out my post :)



I am going to do a game. What the game is, is called random breeding.

First person posts a female. Then the next posts a male then the third posts a female and so on till we have a total of 5 pairs. so 5 males 5 females.

Whats going to happen next is im going to take all the males and all the females and put them in a randomizer. The randomizer will match the pairs up and the mom's owner and the dad's owner are each going to get a baby from the pair that was matched up.

So sound like fun? Great Only a couple rules.

Do not post more then once per 3 hours. This is to give people a chance. Do not post more then 2 times total.
Grims may not be used in this breeding game im sorry. We are trying to keep them rare and a lot where given out :-p.

Ends: When all slots are filled.


Kage Davies

Well, I'd like to open the FS but you guys have bought all the pets :P. I had an accident while I was cooking and quite badly burnt my arm. My colouring is going to be on hold until it stops killing me.

Still no monies from Dunkel. If its not sent by tomorrow then the pet will go back up for sale.

Out of curiousity, is there anyone who badly wanted an FS pet but didn't get one?


*waves hand* Iiiii did! I popped in just after the 5th one had been claimed in the presale lol.

For sunchaser's breeding game, I offer my boy from my lovepair here:


Kage Davies

Perhaps if there aren't too many people I could make premades for you XD. I did plan to colour some more after all. You'd just have to be prepared to pay 2k for whatever I coloured XD. Post if you'd be interested in something like that. Of course, if you already prebought you can't have another.


I wanted a FS also so I'd definitely be interested in a premade. Hope your burn heals quickly, owie!


I've been told butter is actually really good for burns. Ouchy. :x

I would definitely love a premade for 2k. ^_^


Aloe is very good for burns, too.  Hope your arm heals quickly, Kage! <3



I've heard about putting butter on burns also... used to put aloe directly from a plant on my burns as a child as well. Definitely works for sun burns, not sure about regular burns.


I would definitely be interested in a premade. Aloe is good for pretty much all types of burns except I think 3rd degree and up.



I would also be interested in a premade, since i missed the FS :)
Owner of Gliders!


Does the auction end Secundi time or rl time?

I bid 60k on Pearl Dragon!


*jumps up and down*

I did! I bid on the pearl dragon awhile back, but I dunno when it ends XD

Kage Davies

You did what? O.o.

Auction ends sometime tomorrow. Basically whenever I get on to avoid last minute sniping. So keep an eye on the bidding tonight ;).

Growings are up. Updates are slow. I feel terrible, I really do DX.


Want one XD Oh, the auction ends tomorrow? Okay!

I bid 65k on Pearl Dragon!

I hope you feel better!

Kage Davies

Yes, November 1st. I'm sorry if I said something different before, I am all addled.

FS pickups are posted :).
