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[WildGrowths] Halloweeeeeeeennnnn!

Started by WildGrowths, October 15, 2010, 02:56:29 PM

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(Working on the little fun messages; sorry these are taking so long! lol

As i work on these, an event!)

Alice comes into the lab carrying a basket filled with small pumpkins.  She hefts them up onto a nearby table and smiles at those gathered in the area.  "Let's carve pumpkins!"  she says excitedly. 

But, as she looks around, she realizes that there aren't any knives or other carving tools.  Oh, dear.  After a moment, however, she has an idea.  Alice disappears into a back room and returns soon after with a basket of scissors.  "Well, just be very careful, okay?"  She grins and pulls out a pair herself then goes to pick a pumpkin to try to carve with only a pair of scissors. . .

To carve a pumpkin, post in blue and bold:
I carve a pumpkin!

Pumpkins are available for carving until October 28th at 16:00:00!





I carve a pumpkin!

I throw a pumpkin!

I throw a penny!


I carve a pumpkin!

I throw a pumpkin!

I throw a penny!


I carve a pumpkin!
I throw a penny!
I throw a pumpkin!


Kadana Sorano

Ahh I see, thank you for letting me know :)

I carve a pumpkin!

I throw a pumpkin!

I throw a penny!

Auction A: 25 SG

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Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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I throw a penny!

Gooey Pages
"Dr. Kayeeeeesh? Where are youuu?" A woman stood in the lab with a confused look on her face and numerous blobbies surrounding her. The scientist had asked her to come over to pick up a new WildGrowth, but he was nowhere to be seen. The lab was covered in Halloween decorations. In a few of the tanks she spotted a few Halloween themed pets. She was familiar with those because she herself had already adopted two of them. She picked up one of them last week. It was a ghost-like translucent yellow blobbie and she named him Fleep. Today she was supposed to pick up a blue devilish one, named Chiti, but much to her dismay she noticed two empty tanks. What the..? Where did her new WildGrowth go? How did it get out? She started to panic until she realized that Dr. Kayesh must have taken them out. That explained why he wasn't here! Satisfied with her explanation the woman relaxed and sat down on a nearby chair while her blobbies started to wander around the lab for a bit.

Suddenly one of them, Sookie, started to make a lot of noise. The woman looked up and started searching for her beloved pet. Rather quickly she noticed Sookie fluttering in the farthest corner near the ceiling. But wait.. Was that her new WildGrowth? She saw a cobweb made of green goo up in the air and it looked like Chiti was trapped in the middle of it! Jumping up the woman tried to make her way over to Chiti to try and free her, but after a few steps something made her lose her balance and she fell. More green goo had formed a string slightly above the ground and this had tripped her! She was fairly sure it had not been here before. What was happening here? Now back on her feet she ran over to Chiti and set the creature free again.

She looked around to see if she could find the source of this odd green goo showing up everywhere when she heard a thud. Looking in the direction the sound came from she saw a small box shaking and moving. High-pitched sounds emerged from it. Slowly she made her way over to it, making sure to check the ground for more green goo or other traps. The spiderweb had made her afraid it was some sort of weird poisonous spider that was creeping around. She was terrified of spiders! Still keeping an eye on her surroundings she opened the box and Bebbie tumbled out of it. Poor baby! How did she get trapped in there?

Then she heard something that sounded a lot like.. laughter. Was this what she was looking for? When she turned around the answer gave itself away. She saw Pharple trying to reach a string of the green goo dangling above her. The blobbie was unable to reach this newfound toy and it was obviously frustrating her. Clinged to the wall was a green cobweb and the string dangled underneath it. But this wasn't a cobweb like the last one! This one was alive! She could see it moving around, teasing Pharple and laughing at her failed attempts to catch the string. The cobweb blobbie seemed to be capable of producing this green goo that had formed the cobweb and set up everything else.

Now that she knew it was simply a blobbie doing all of this a grin appeared on her face. What a mischievous little thing! She loved a good prank herself. Not knowing what was going on had scared her and although this creature took the pranks quite far she couldn't help but laugh. Halloween was right around the corner and she found it quite adorable that the WildGrowth decided to do some alternate trick or treating himself. Perhaps she should talk to Dr. Kayesh about adopting him as well. With that thought in mind she called for Dr. Kayesh once more and sat back down on her chair to await his arrival.

Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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(Aha!  Just in time!  Will update the other events soon!  The messages took forever.  lol )

Pumpkin Throwing!

October 17:
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It splatters her shoes!
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It hits a black cat's tail! That can't be good luck.
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It cracks, but doesn't break fully.

October 18:
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It pushes away some leaves and she finds a piece of candy.
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It rolls away down a hill!
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It smells like flowers.
CloverCat's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It smushes in a heap.  Might be a little rotten.
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear a low growl. . . uh-oh, better run.

October 19
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear the sound of glass breaking.  Watch your step!
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A child screams in fear! What did you do?
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A mouse skitters away from it quickly!
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A swarm of flies rise from the ground. Ick!
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You smell, something yucky.  P.U.!
SeaCrest's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Something glints on the ground! Oh, it's an empty wrapper. . .

October 20:
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  HULK SMASH! 
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear a faint melody.
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Is that a leprechaun? Oh, no, wrong holiday.
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A bat swoops at your head!
PonyMama's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Something tickles the back of your neck.
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A wolf howls in the distance!
DawnStar7's  pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It was filled with confetti!
TwilightPanter's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Oops! You smushed a spider!
Winged dream's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Something slimy and sticky is on your hands.
SeaCrest's pumpkin smashes into the ground! The smashed pumpkin glows msyeriously.

October 21
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear a British voice behind you, 'Oh, smashing, darling.'
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You see the white flash of fang, and then darkness.
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone nearby calls for help!
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Something dark glistens on the ground.  Is that blood?
Kahlira's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You smell something like coppery pennies...
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear a high-pitched scream!
SeaCrest's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  People run past you swiftly.
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A bit of your pumpkin rolls and bumps against someone's foot.

October 22:
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  The pumpkin seeds glitter in the light of a full moon.
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear guttural voices in the distance. 
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Laughter drifts from the trees.
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Howls fill the air!
SeaCrest's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Heavy footsteps race around you!
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone cries out in fear!
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A cat hisses from beneath a nearby bush.

October 23:
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone cackles behind her.
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone dances by in a big, black hat.
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Dogs howl in the distance; something is on the move.
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Light flashes across her face!  Oh, those kids have flashlights.
CloverCat's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Pit-pat, pit-pat!  Little children run by, laughing.

October 24:
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Whoops! You trip as throw it! 
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A family of mice squeak in terror as you destroy their home. Awww. :(
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  There's something scuttling across the ground.
NeoCridders's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A bat flaps past your head!
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You sneeze violently!  I wonder who's thinking about you?

October 25:
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A cloud of bugs fly up to your face!
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone trips on your broken pumpkin! Hide!

October 26:
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Snowball fight!  Oh, there's no snow...  Leaf fight!
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground! Oh, look at the time!  Better get home!
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone screams with laughter.
Entaeyen's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  E.T. phone home!
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Suddenly, you feel your toes tapping in time with the music of the night.

October 27:
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  You hear someone yelling about the Great Pumpkin Prince.
DawnStar7's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  It smells like rotten eggs where you threw the pumpkin.  Oops.
Spixy's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A demon mask suddenly gets in your face! Ack!

October 28:
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A woman dances with a laughing baby.
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Someone throws a roll of toilet paper.
red_uni387's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  A cat yowls and races past you.

October 29:
YourLoveOnly's pumpkin smashes into the ground!  Something pulls your hair. Not nice!
Kadana Sorano's pumpkin bounces on the ground!  Congratulations! You found the blobbie!

He's male! Please post a name!  Congratulations!


He is so pretty <3 I almost got him xD (Must admit, I prefer him over blood blobbie, but who says I win that one xD)

I throw a penny!

Kadana Sorano

Yay!  *lovingly squishes blobbie*  I shall name him Jack  Very imaginative, I know lol

I throw a penny!
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I throw a penny!

Congrats, Kadana!  XD

Kadana Sorano

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I throw a penny!

Yes defenitely congrats, I peeked in the photobucket before the event started and I have admired him for a while ^^ He is stunning.

Kadana Sorano

I throw a penny!

Hmm.. I keep wanting to do more with mine, but I never bothered to save the information on them as I acquired them.  And I'm too lazy/don't have the energy to dig it all up lol  I don't suppose someone else with better record keeping skills would like a job to go back and gather all my blobbie's information bits?  I have plenty of sg to pay with, if anyone would be interested.
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Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Inventory and items you already fed them are easy to look up. I don't mind looking for any RPing you did if you think you ever RPed them. And name and gender is on the cert of course xD

I would love love love to see more active owners out there that are willing to RP.

I throw a penny!

Kadana Sorano

I throw a penny!

My current inventory I know where to find, but I can't remember what all they have been fed/what effect things had on them.  I don't think I did much rp with them, and whatever I did do would be in the wildgrowth threads not the rp forum.  One of them ate a bit of pizza once I think, but I believe that's the only thing they ate that wasn't an official wildgrowth item.

I don't honestly know how much I'll be able t rp them, but I'd like to try.  And, if nothing else, I atleast want to get a journal set up, to keep track of everything (so maybe I can do a better job of it in the future) lol  I didn't even record dates I got each one :S  I meant to.. I always mean to.. but somehow I never did.. *total fail*
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Okibi Stud and RB Service:
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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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Kadana Sorano

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Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

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