+Little Chimaera+ Home Thread ~Next FS 28th Nov~ Games and Auction OPEN

Started by Kage Davies, October 13, 2010, 03:38:23 PM

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Species: Fencat-Ryuukokoro
Base color: Light pink- Jojo
Marking 1-Triangles-Ryuukokoro
Marking color-Purple-Winged dreams
marking 2-Squares-jojo

marking 2 Color!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Species: Fencat-Ryuukokoro
Base color: Light pink- Jojo
Marking 1-Triangles-Ryuukokoro
Marking color-Purple-Winged dreams
marking 2-Squares-jojo
Marking color 2: Sky blue-Skysong

marking 3!


*small brag*

its sheba who passed away this year. May she rest in peace



Oh, she looks gorgeous Sunny, congrats! It's such a shame that it's a memorial though *hugs*:)
Owner of Gliders!


Species: Fencat-Ryuukokoro
Base color: Light pink- Jojo
Marking 1-Triangles-Ryuukokoro
Marking color-Purple-Winged dreams
marking 2-Squares-jojo
Marking color 2: Sky blue-Skysong
Marking 3: Spots-Hiyoko

Marking 3 color!

Thank you guys :)


k franken is done im choosing eye color :-p

First of the babies from the breeding game ^___^


and Daddy
The black tiger ^_^

Kit 1: female

Kit 2:Female

They both managed to get moms points and dads tiger stripes. If they get wings youll have to wait and see once they are grown ^_^ Ryuu and kage are the owners of the kits i expect you two to be civial when choosing who gets who.

Kage Davies



Okay, I'm hopeless. Can I have a link to the owner's folder, please?

Kage Davies

Owner's folder? Like on photobucket? There isn't one T_T. And I'm too lazy to make the owners list >>.

I guess if there's a real need I could make a new photobucket account just for certings o.o.

Kit 2 then :D
Name; Coal
Owner's Name: Kage Davies


Kage i have an idear.

To those that cant see into my brain :-p give me a couple days ill try getting a gallery up for all the owners. Cause i think we should have one.


Okay i have made a website! However it is not the mian website it will only be used for the gallery as well as for updates about myself ^_^ I am going threw my certings to add them to the website. If you have all your chims feel free to send me a PM with which one are yours and ill add them to the website. Agian im only doing ones i have certed and know where are at. If you have some that arent certed and i have done them i can cert them for you, you just have to post to tell me ^_^

k uploaded all i have in my certed folder


and Kage ill update your kit once Ryuu has posted hers :)


I have my folder saved, I might send a pm with the rest of mine later.^^


ill be keeping this website up so if you dont want to save them you hopfully wont have to. only reason you would have to is if somthign ahppens to the website which shouldnt happen >.> *knows she doesnt make sense*

Kage Davies

Growings are up on the first page. Sorry they're a little late.

Updates coming to the first page :D


Kage Davies

Kage Davies

No worries XD. These were a tad late, but she should be up on Sunday sometime :).


okay i looked threw all of kages folders and put everyone up. They are now all on the website and i hope you guys will find it useful :)


Thanks for doing that Sunchaser~

Also wanted to note that grown-up Sorbet looks gorgeous! <3


Yay Zinter hatched! What a cutie!

And I'll name my kit Butterball

Nice website Sunchaser!

Kage Davies

Wait, wut? Zinter isn't due to hatch yet... Sun, you've added pets that haven't grown yet o.o. THIS is why I don't have a public album!


Kage Davies


next batch from the breeding game




Baby 1: Female

Baby 2: Female


Kage Davies

Kage hates pink DX. *Puppeh eyes back*

I can make with the bribing if I have to :P.


well...i could do well with a pre made maenah if you want.;-) or whatever you want.lol

Kage Davies

HA ha, that's a bloomin big bribe for first pick, you :P.

More like a non custom making item.


i know.;-) it was worth a try, but i will be getting them when they're released.:-D that sounds fair.
Name: Darla
Owner: hiyoko

Kage Davies

Fankyou. What item do you want?

I should have lots of time off over Christmas *touch wood* so hopefully there will be lots to release :D. There are some cropping up now.

Kit No1
Name: Ash Cloud
Owner's Name: Kage Davies


ill cert them later tonight im hoping hubby will call soon.


Kage Davies


items? Like the ones on the first page? Cheetah spots than.:-)

Kage Davies

Alrighteh, no problems :).

>> Don't make me add pink to the spawn from Chess and Salem.... Spots, cool :D. Pink... not so much DX. Mebbe I could add pink to one....


Kage Davies



whatever colors you chose are fine, but yeah feel free to take pink out. I have so much pink now it's scary.O.o





ill be fiddling with the website later cause ryuu gave me a idea. I think what ill do is make a new photobucket that wil be easier to load nad navigate for you guys then the gallery thats on the site now will be for items.