+Little Chimaera+ Home Thread ~Next FS 28th Nov~ Games and Auction OPEN

Started by Kage Davies, October 13, 2010, 03:38:23 PM

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I know I keep going back to the custom tickets, but what might you consider mutations? Are they like wings and horns?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


yep thats pretty much what a mutation is, somthing that you dont already see on the adoptable.


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



I want to take a poll what do you guys think about doing a live game where id give them time and youd have to go to a chat with me? im thinking IMVU if people are able to get into that. if we get more then 10 people total then i could make two chats and be in both and do the same question for both or however i do it and see who wins?


I'd have to look up my IMVU account, and I don't remember much of it, but I could probably join.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


They are all female, right?

Name: Sayuri
Breed: Flit
Colors: 69d4da, f5729c, fae500
Markings: some full body patterns like paint/spots/stripes/speckles/whatever xD


yep females. im probally going to do the first male that i do as a custom :)


K, just checking because then I can use colors from my female characters xD


Name: Ayame
Breed: Fencat
Colors: pink, purple, white
Markings: swirls and hearts

Oh and I'd love to play games on IMVU.^^


^_^ yeah if kage gives me the go ahead i might open up two customs. Keyword is might lol



If you guys come into silvs imvu chat i can give you guys updates on where im at with the semi customs :) maybe do a game if enough get in ^___^


Sunday is my TV night, so I don't think I'll have time for IMVU today, sorry.



I can't seem to get on.... I'll keep trying though.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


okay :) make sure your looking in 3d chat. i believe more information is int he quinsta thread ^_^


That's very kind of you Sun =D

Name: Keristraza
Breed: Fencat
Colors: Black, White, Bright gold
Markings: Whatever inspires you ^^


ooo i love you more now spixy o.o somthing that isnt bright! well except for the gold lol

here ya go hiyoko hope you like <.< i wish i could do better swirls but with only a touchpad im amazed i can do what i ahve <.<


Haha xD Well feel free to clean out the gold for something dark if you'd like =D


psh i like gold. lol i just... im not a bright person i dont know why but im not lol and i love the darker colors. yet im not emo <.<




I would prefer that only the 3 colors I listed were used.. I am kinda picky with color combos and she is a character of mine. So if you could fix that she is perfect. I love her markings!


okay it might take awhile then cause ill have to redo her so not all of her will look the same. ive stoped saving psd's cause id have to redo it anyways because the coloring is all one layer ^_^


-flails- Song is here! xD I'm the RP manager for PI and for the other LC site. ^_^ Just contact me anywhere if you've got an idea or some such.

Kage Davies


Wow Sun, I can't imagine doing that coloring with only a touchpad. I got a tablet just so I didn't have to deal with my touchpad!


lol yeah all the colorings ive done is with a touchpad which is why its not as great as id prefer lol





spixy... i hope you ;love this girl as much as i do <.<



Spixy.. i lub you mroe now and want to keep this one from the custom you said i could do whatever to o.o




-dies from awesomeness- You're AMAZING Sunny!  :o *major hugs*  ;D ;D



If your Chimaera has Not been certed Please send me a PM with which cert you want (pumpkin or leaf) and the name plus the link.

I am going to be working on certings and if you have already done a pm just post here saying sent and ill go threw the pms agian. I have a lot of pms in my mail box and ill need to know who to look at. I am still sick i cant speak much today but im going to get whatever work that needs to be done, done today.



Good Bags Opened!

YourLoveOnly-Purple Potion, Grey Potion, Gold Custom Ticket
Spixxy-Orange Potion, Swirls Potion, Gold Custom Ticket
Hiyoko- Blue Potion, Pink Potion, Gold Custom Ticket

Sera-Gender Charm, Leopard Spots Potion,  Gold Custom Ticket
Hiyoko-Hearts Potion, Green Potion, Gold Custom Ticket.
JoJo-Purple Potion, Green Potion, Gold Custom Ticket.


Anyone intersted in some halloween left overs? I have a flit and two fencats i never found a home for ^_^


Holy moly, thank you to whoever gifted me a goodie bag! o_O
I'll have to think of a custom I want ^^;



Yep i have a firey fencat baby, and Boney flit and a Blood Sucking fencat adult ^_^



Kage Davies


Im going to think of a couple games to do. Two will be slow and one will be fast paced. any suggestions on the ones that will take a day or two?

Also those ordering the custom fromt heirn goodybags PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post in your form that its a goodybag custom. This will help me send the right ammount of sg to Kage if you have her do your custom.