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{Pecora} Fall is here!

Started by toffeeca, September 26, 2010, 08:25:46 PM

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In the Forest of Winter's Kiss, a small herd grazes calmly.  They are surrounded by snow, with only the barest hints of brown branches and green pine needles evident around the edges of their clearing.  Even the sky is a glowering grey, showing no hint of blue or gold, symbols of daylight.  There's nothing particular impressive about this herd; they are the colour of snow, with the same icy markings upon their hides.  

Despite their ease, they are not alone, and it takes only a moment for the lead Pecora to lift his head, white nostrils flaring as he looks around him cautiously.  There, at the edge of the thicket, a hooded woman waits, her cloak a shimmering white, making her nearly invisible against the snow-covered trees.  

The Pecora's stance changes, a move to alert and the other Pecora answer by raising their heads as well.  He eyes the trespasser, but she doesn't move, not yet, watching the snowflake-touched deer thoughtfully.  Silence fills the minutes as they slowly slip past, each inspecting the other.  Finally, she lifts her hands, her voice a whisper on the wind that he can hear and understand.

I offer you a gift; the gift of friendship, of colour, of an outside world.  I offer this to you freely to atone for sins committed in error.  Accept or not, but my time is limited, I'm afraid.

He snorts in surprise, feels the Pecora shifting around him.  They separate into two camps, those behind him, and those behind a younger stag.  It's apparent where the two stances are, though the lead Pecora desires this gift as well.  But some must remain to protect their origins.  He nods gracefully to the other male and his son throws his head up in salute before moving to the woman.  

She smiles and spreads her hands out.  It's only a wave of icy mist that touches them, yet they are profoundly changed.  The colours of the world outside of their Forest, colours of summer, of autumn, of rainbows, and life ripple across their hides, leaving a glorious mural enacted upon their very bodies.  The newly-coloured Pecora mill curiously, inspecting each other, glancing back at their herd.  

The woman bows to the lead Pecora and gestures for the deer to follow her; with a few more glances back, they follow the strange woman into the wood and, soon, into the world beyond.

Please let me have five posts



We have many many Pecora lacking names. Please check this thread to find out if you have any unnamed Pecora.

NOTICE: From now on any Pecora that are not named after 1 month will be taken back to be used in another event. If however you would like to keep your Pecora but something happens in real life or you cannot come up with a name, you are free to PM me on either account and let me know.



I would like to get some more Pecora out there, so we are going to have a couple different kids of customs.

Free Number Customs
Just fill out the form and post in blue to get a random custom based on the secret answers :) One per person.
1. 1-2
2. 1-9
3. 1-8
4. 1-6
5. 1-4
6. 1-7
7. 1-8
8. 1-4

Free Simple Customs!
Fill out the form and post in green. One per person.

Body color:
Hoof/horn color:
Eye color:
Marking: (choose one) Dalmation, Okapi (Male only), Giraffe, Cheetah, Koi, Paint, Socks, Faded, Stockings
Marking color:

Full customs?
If anyone is interested in full customs feel free to send me a PM and let me know what you are looking for and what you are offering. I am very interesting in doing custom for custom trades or trading for other things. :)



We have new surprises on the way for the Pecora. I am in need of someone to hold RPs, since there has been interest expressed in having Pecora RPs in the past. If there is someone who is interested in hosting RPs please feel free to PM me. Let me know your past experience with RPs (ones you have participated in, ones you have hosted, etc) and provide links if at all possible (they do not have to be Secundi RPs). If chosen I can pay in Pecora stuff (customs, breedings, items, other stuff?).





I was hoping for a free number custom. Let me know if I did that right XD


1. 1-2 - 1
2. 1-9 - 4
3. 1-8 - 6
4. 1-6 - 5
5. 1-4 - 2
6. 1-7 - 7
7. 1-8 - 8
8. 1-4 - 3

yay free stuff XD


You need to choose a number for each of the lines, so for example:

1. 1
2. 6
3. 7
4. 5
5. 3
6. 2
7. 7
8. 2


Name: Jewel
Owner: hiyoko
Gender: female
Body color: white
Hoof/horn color: black
Eye color: blue
Marking: Dalmation
Marking color: black

1. 2
2. 9
3. 8
4. 6
5. 1
6. 7
7. 4
8. 3


1. 2
2. 7
3. 4
4. 6
5. 2
6. 5
7. 8
8. 1


1. 2
2. 6
3. 3
4. 6
5. 1
6. 5
7. 4
8. 3

Name: Rylan
Owner: Blondie_63
Gender: Male
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: Light Brown
Eye color: Blue
Marking: Dalmation & Stockings
Marking color: Light blue & light brown


Name: Akbar
Owner: springacres
Gender: Male
Body color: Light gold
Hoof/horn color: Brown
Eye color: Dark gray
Marking: (choose one) Okapi
Marking color: Purple

Kadana Sorano

1. 1
2. 7
3. 5
4. 6
5. 2
6. 3
7. 8
8. 4

Name: Raif
Owner: Kadana Sorano
Gender: Male
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Marking: Okapi
Marking color: Black

*shuffles feet and looks guilty*  I know I have a ton of Pecora waiting to be named.  I never did manage finding names I like for all of them.  I'm headed off to bed now, but I'm making a sticky note on my comp to remind me to get that done when I wake.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Blondie- you will need to choose one marking for your custom. Later on I plan to have multi marking ones, but these are all just one marking.

Kadana- that is totally fine. There are a lot of others that need names too. :)


Here are our number customs:





Kadana Sorano-

And customs


Thank you, my girls look soo cute! I'd like to name my number girl Coco.^^


Ooh, lotsa pretties!  And wow, my number custom turned out interesting XD



Hmm, I think I'll call my girl Gaea.



1. 1-2 - 2
2. 1-9 - 4
3. 1-8 - 8
4. 1-6 - 3
5. 1-4 - 1
6. 1-7 - 5
7. 1-8 - 6
8. 1-4 - 2

Name: Zirah
Owner: Pinkshadow
Gender: Female
Body color: Offwhite/Sand
Hoof/horn color: Cyan
Eye color: Cyan
Marking: (choose one) Dalmation
Marking color: Pink


Here is your number custom Pinkshadow,

And your custom,

She is not certed yet because you put her name as Zirah, but you already have a Zirah Pecora here, so would you like to have two of the same name or change the name of your custom?


1. 2
2. 8
3. 3
4. 4
5. 1
6. 7
7. 8
8. 3

Name: Royal
Owner: Jojo
Gender: Male
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: Gold
Eye color: Pastel red
Marking: Faded
Marking color: Light gold

Thanks Toffeeca~~~




Ooh, they're gorgeous!

1. 1
2. 7
3. 5
4. 6
5. 4
6. 3
7. 7
8. 1

Name: Moontide
Owner: Winged dreams
Gender: Male
Body color: Black
Hoof/horn color: Silver
Eye color: Amber
Marking: Giraffe
Marking color: Silver
Owner of Gliders!


1. 2
2. 9
3. 7
4. 5
5. 2
6. 7
7. 7
8. 2

Name: Maple
Owner: TheLeet
Gender: female
Body color: brown
Hoof/horn color: gold
Eye color: gold
Marking: Cheetah
Marking color: light brown


Free Number Customs
Just fill out the form and post in blue to get a random custom based on the secret answers  One per person.

1. 2
2. 5
3. 7
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
8. 2

Free Simple Customs!
Fill out the form and post in green. One per person.

Name: Willow
Owner: SweetCaroline
Gender: Female
Body color: blue
Hoof/horn color: silver
Eye color: dark grey
Marking: (choose one) Dalmation, Okapi (Male only), Giraffe, Cheetah, Koi, Paint, Socks, Faded, Stockings: Faded
Marking color: silver



1. - 2
2. - 9
3. - 5
4. - 2
5. - 4
6. - 6
7. - 3
8. - 1

Name: Reed
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: Male
Body color: realistic giraffe color
Hoof/horn color: realistic giraffe color
Eye color: caramel brown
Marking: Giraffe
Marking color: realistic giraffe color


Kadana Sorano

I would like to name my number custom Caramel Dream please.

Thank you :)

Also.. I sent my names for my raffle prizes in to the Pecora account.  Wasn't sure if I should send there, or to your main, I can resend to your main if you want.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Free Simple Customs!

Name: Candice
Owner: Zarzamora
Gender: Female
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: baby pink
Eye color: lilac
Marking:  Faded
Marking color: baby pink


Quote from: toffeeca on September 26, 2010, 11:47:28 PM
Here is your number custom Pinkshadow,

And your custom,

She is not certed yet because you put her name as Zirah, but you already have a Zirah Pecora here, so would you like to have two of the same name or change the name of your custom?

owh lol >.< Can u change it to Zivah then? :o

- and wow not rly a fan of green usually but she pulls it off quite good :p


All caught up on coloring

Number customs-
Winged dreams





Simple customs-
Winged dreams







1. 2
2. 6
3. 8
4. 6
5. 6
6. 2
7. 8
8. 6

Name: Krystal
Owner: SeaCrest
Gender: Male
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: White
Eye color: Black
Marking: Koi
Marking color: Silvery white/yellow :)


1. 2
2. 5
3. 5
4. 5
5. 3
6. 5
7. 5
8. 3

Name: Tafiriah
Owner: sera
Gender: Female
Body color: Dark brown
Hoof/horn color: Khaki
Eye color: Aquamarine
Marking: Giraffe
Marking color: Golden


Thanks. They're both gorgeous <3
I'd like to name my numbers girl "Permafrost" please :)


1. 1
2. 6
3. 7
4. 5
5. 3
6. 7
7. 2
8. 2

Name: Saphyr
Owner: Poupou
Gender: Female
Body color: White
Hoof/horn color: Silver
Eye color: Saphirre
Marking: Koi
Marking color: Saphirre


Body color:Brown
Hoof/horn color:Light Tan
Eye color:Blue
Marking: Okapi
Marking color:Can it be dark brown faded to white? If not just dark brown please ^^

1. 1
2. 7
3. 7
4. 4
5. 4
6. 7
7. 7
8. 4


I'd like to call my boy from the number game Ebony :)
Owner of Gliders!


Wow he's great!
Can I name him "Rojo"


Not sure if these are still open yet.. so just in case :)

1. 2
2. 3
3. 7
4. 5
5. 3
6. 1
7. 8
8. 4

Name: Nighthawk
Owner: Entaeyen
Gender: Male
Body color: Black
Hoof/horn color: Purple
Eye color: Purple
Marking:  Okapi
Marking color: Orange


These are still open. I'm sorry I haven't been able to work on these recently. School has been rough the past several days. I have a paper due later this week but hopefully I will be able to work on these and get some more games going soon.


Ok, thanks! The Pecoras are really cute so I didn't want to miss the chance to get at least one :)


I just have Entaeyen's number custom and Whimsy's simple custom to finish and then I will be uploading all of them.

Whimsy, you wanted a female with okapi, but the okapi is only for the males. Is there another marking you wanted or would you like a male or something totally different?


1. 1
2. 9
3. 8
4. 3
5. 2
6. 5
7. 6
8. 4

Name: Envied Maple
Owner: EvanescentHowling
Gender: Female
Body color: dark chestnut w/ dark brown
Hoof/horn color: black
Eye color: amber
Marking: faded
Marking color: light brown


Pick ups

Number Customs




I still have some of these customs to do and I have quite a bit of certing to get done. There are three days until the certings are due from the need names thread otherwise they will be used in events. I am going to try and get as much certing as I can done today, but I have been sick so I don't know how long I will be able to focus on this. If you haven't gotten any customs yet you are still free to get them, hopefully I will be able to get some halloween events up for next week


Whimsy, I need a name for this Pecora that was traded to you by Jojo


Oh I love Nighthawk, very Halloweenish. Thank you! :)