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Pink's Nearly Free Puppy Events

Started by Pinkshadow, September 11, 2010, 06:23:06 AM

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Pinkshadow's Nearly Free Puppy Events

All Events is Open till the 30th of September .

In this thread you will find;
3 stable events for 3 puppies; 2 Shelties & 1 Sammie.
1 unstable event for a sheltie pup im attached too but am not sure if i should keep (;

This is how you post and is contestent, to get a puppy; Post like below ::

Event xx (1,2,3,4)
Event text should be here, and it should all be in same colour as the event your entering ;)


Sheltie Puppy 1 - Female

Event : Give her a name and tell why you want her ;)
For : Non Owners.
Contestents :
- Seacrest
- Sinraeyan

Winner : ~Not Yet Found~


Sheltie Puppy 2 - Female

Event : RP her into your kennel ;) ~ Just like when you get a new puppy home, meeting the rest of the family and such
For : Everyone
Contestents :
- Seacrest
- Sera
- Ryuu

Winner : ~Not Yet Found~


Sammie Puppy - Male

Event : Intruduce Yourself & coming mate/best buddy to him(one of ur own dogs)
For : Everyone
Contestents :
- Sera
- Ryuu

Winner : ~Not Yet Found~


The Unstable Event ~ The Best Offer (:
Sheltie Puppy 3 - Female

Event : The Best Offer.
For : Everyone
Contestents : None Yet.

Winner : ~Not Yet Found~



A happy barking fills the air and suddenly a flash of blue and black fur shoots onto the scene. A blue merle Sheltie skids to a halt, a tongue lolling out of his mouth as he pants with exertion, then he lowers his elegant wedge-shaped head to the ground and starts sniffing in circles. His plume of a tail wags frantically back and forth as he scents the puppies and hears their little yips.

A frantic voice calls out and then Ryuu stumbles in. "B-bad dog! Bad!" she pants, completely out of breath, a blue leash with a broken blue collar dangling from her loose fingertips. "Dart, come back here!"

The blue and black sheltie looks up at the sound of his name and his blue eyes seem to be laughing. Ryuu reaches out toward him but, as his name suggests, he easily darts away.

"Sorry, we're training. For agility," Ryuu speaks to the others in the room, a rueful smile on her lips. "Dart obviously needs more..." She notices the puppies. "Oh, is there an event going on?"



Thanks. ^^ Hope you don't mind a bit of roleplaying!


Not at all ryuu ;)

- All events is now updated :D


Just one question - for female puppy 2, what do you mean by "RB her into your kennel"?


Looks fun :) I was wondering too, do you mean we have to choose a dog to breed her to?
Owner of Gliders!


 springacres - like when u take a dog home when its 8 weeks :p meeting the rest of the gang and such :p

Winged dreams - you have to choose one of ur own dogs, that is eighter going to be her mate or best friend or some :P


Oh, you meant RP, not RB lol ;)  I wondered about that!


Whoops too early >.< XD


ok are these even started yet?  Also when exactly do they end?


Well yes they are open , and it says in the first post , as long as your calendar says the 12, 13,14,15 or 16th September it is open ;)


Keilin Alyr

Just because there's a lull doesn't mean no one wants them, Pink. School's started up for a lot of people, and others have been really busy the past few days. I personally missed out on quite a few adoption events because visiting friends and family (and working on my latest roleplay character in theory) have been higher priorities. I've got time now though. =)

You've got until October 5th before they grow up. It's plenty of time for offers to come in.

But yeah, I've been thinking about entering for the sam pup, but having never owned a dog in real life, trying to get in-character is a bit difficult.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I also want the sammie pup, but have been lacking time. As much as I wanna go hoard pets, other things have priority and I had to promise myself to finish up some Luminaria stuff first.

And as Keilin said the grow date is Oct 5, I would let the contest run a little longer.


Well i guess i have too if noone signed yet o,O , i just wanted to be sure they got nice homes ..


I wasnt sure as when I asked it was the 11th and it seemed open.  Thanks


I'm for sure going to be entering! ^_^ Was just waiting for it to get closer to the deadline, since I have soooo many deadlines on my plate right now, I gotta keep pushing stuff back lol.


Event 1
What a cute little girl! I would name her Savannah ^_^ I really don't know why. It may be her earthy coloring. What I want her for is to help me increase my sheltie kennel ^_^ She's a perfect little pretty, and I currently have no pups.

Event 2
"Ana! Ana, where are you?" I called. I'd just brought home my new puppy, whom I was calling Tami. "This is--woah!" Ana appeared out of nowhere, a white blur as she darted up to the puppy, sniffing her excitedly.

"Well, I guess that answers my question," I said, laughing. "Ana, I want you to take care of Tami, okay? Heidi! Alex!"

My two more well-behaved dogs appeared, tails wagging. "Say hello to Tami. She's your new kennelmate, okay?"

"You look like a chipmunk," Heidi commented. "I love it!"

Ana gave a doggy grin. "I'm Ana. This is my mate, Alex."

"Hi," Alex said. "Not another girl!" Seeing the look on Ana's face, he added, "Not that that's a problem. It's just that I'm the only boy around here."

"What's your name?" Tami asked of Heidi.

"Heidi, like the girl in that one book Sea's always reading. It's about a girl called Heidi who lives with her grandfather up in the mountains. She gets invited to stay with a sick girl, but when she gets homesick, she invites the girl up the mountain to stay with her, and the sick girl gets better."

"Heidi's really into books," Alex commented in a stage whisper.

"And it shows," said Ana, giggling.

"Are there more of you?" asked Tami shyly.

"Nope, just us three and you now, but Sea's working on it. She loves dogs," Heidi answered.

"Come on, I'll show you where we sleep. You can share with me until Sea finds you a bed." Heidi trotted off, and Tami followed behind. They're really nice, even if they are big and scary, she decided. I think I'm going to like it here.


Note to self (and everyone else): deadline coming up, write entries asap



Sheltie Puppy 1
I would name her Doris.  She seems like a Doris with her coloring and posture.  It looks like she just got caught doing something naughty and is now trying to cover up with the cute and innocent act.  It just makes me want to go and give her pets and treats. 


Event 2
The pack waited eagerly.  Tails wagged and noses hiffed excitedly.  They sensed that something new was happening today, something fun.  There was a specific greeting party: Kiritsu was at the front, deep brown eyes watching eagerly for her person; Vitharr was near her, the large, brindle Great Dane lolling his tongue out and panting easily; Dancer sat with her ears pricked up, the hair waving with each small movement she made; at their feet, the puppies played, falling over each other and tugging on tails and ears. 

Finally, finally, their person came, carrying a small form in her arms.  She smiled at the dogs, and knelt down in front of them, placing the puppy where they could see.  "This is Volley," she informed the attentive dogs.

Kiri came forward first, tail swaying back and forth as she sniffed at the puppy quickly.  Volley's ears went back in concern, but a quick lick across her face seemed to help calm her.  The Samoyed puppies spotted her then, however, and tumbled over to her, quickly pulling her into a game of tug and run.  Sera watched to be certain they were all getting along, but her dogs already seemed to love Volley, too.

Event 3

Sera comes over, carrying a wiggling, squirming, tongue-licking, ball of fluff.  Her pink tongue contrasts to her dark muzzle and Sera finally puts her down near the male puppy with a laugh.  Performing Arts immediately ran to the other puppy, pouncing on him playfully, tail wagging happily.  "This is Performing Arts," Sera introduced her to the other puppy.  "She would love to play with you!"  The words were needless; Performing Arts was already playing and obviously had no desire to stop.


Event 1
Why hello there adorable pup! I'd like to name you Elaine. I'd love for you to come home with me because my Kennel specializes in Shelties and you'd be well loved.
whoops sorry! Didn't realize at first Event 1 was a non-owner event lol

Event 2
As I pulled up to the ranch, I could hear the dogs in the back kennels barking like crazy. I looked around the dirt road that ran by my land to see if maybe the postman just left or a UPS guy was driving away, but seeing nothing, I just grinned. Somehow the dogs always knew.

"Well it sounds like you have quite the welcoming party to look forward to, little one," I said to the little basket in the seat next to me, as I put the old truck into park in front of the house. I got out and hurried around to the passenger side, opening the door and taking out the basket. The bundled up blanket tucked inside yipped and wiggled.

Dragon Heart Kennels spanned a beautiful piece of land, wide open fields on both sides. Behind the little ranch house at the end of the long dirt driveway there were two large enclosures with a row of outdoor kennels attached. Larger dogs and strange breeds lived in the kennels on the right side of the house, which included Bandita the Saint Bernard, who wasn't happy in the town's small animal shelter and was going to be put down before I agreed to take her in (and several other dogs with similar stories).

The kennel enclosure on the left side of the house was entirely devoted to my prize-winning Shetlands. Most of my life was devoted to breeding and competing these beautiful, intelligent dogs.

As I walked into the house, the little yips coming from the basket grew louder, and the blanket bounced from side to side. The barking from the kennels could be heard even inside the house (I was used to that!) so I didn't pause, I just walked right through the house to the kitchen's back door.

The back door opened onto the backyard, with paths leading to the two kennels. I took the left path and walked inside the wooden enclosure.

"Hey guys," I laughed, "nice to see you all in such high spirits." I could barely hear myself over the barking, so I held up my hand, palm out. Most of the dogs fell silent, recognizing the hand signal. I rolled my eyes and the blue and black Sheltie in the kennel closest to the door. Yes, Dart still needed a lot of training.
Darcy, a dark brown sable and one of my sauciest females, kept running toward the front of her kennel and then to the back wall, back and forth, making little yips. She was closest to Dart and every time she yipped he would start up barking again. I really needed to separate them, having two troublemakers side by side was never a very smart idea. (Of course, at the time I hadn't known Dart would be so resistant to training...)

Finally Dart calmed down and I could hear myself think. "Now, I know you guys are aware of this," I said, kneeling to set the basket on the ground. "So I'd like to skip the big reveal and just let you know the new girl's name is going to be Poppy. Make her feel welcome."

I reached into the basket and pulled out the bundle of blanket, setting it on the floor of the enclosure and unrolling it. Out stumbled a little sable girl puppy, tumbling over her own big paws. I didn't want to overwhelm her (I own over a dozen Shelties) so there was no way I was going to open all the kennel doors at once. I glanced around and then walked to one of the kennels on the far right and opened the door, as the puppy tottered after me eagerly.

A beautiful pure white Sheltie female padded out of the kennel, calmly walking up to the little pup and sniffing her little black nose. The pup sniffed right back and licked the larger Sheltie's face. Silent (aptly named because she never made a sound) was one of my best behaved Shelties, but because she was born deaf from two merle parents, she couldn't compete in shows.

But she had a great personality, and I knew she would be a great companion until I could Poppy's kennel set up. While the pup tried catching Silent's tail, I ushered them both into her kennel and closed the door.

"You'll all get a chance to play with the newbie soon," I told the intently watching faces, grinning. "For now let her calm down and take a nap. She's had a big day."

I took one more look inside the kennel, smiling at the sight of Silent and Poppy curled up together. Then I walked back toward the house to start filling up food bowls. It was just about time for everyone's dinner.

Event 3
Hello there pup boy! Nice to see you! *ruffles his ears* I've met your kennel owner and your lovely parents. I know you come from a great home, and I'd like to give you a good home too. ^^ If you'd like to come with me, here's a girl who'd like to meet you. Her name is Aga, she's always wanted to be a mother but hasn't met the perfect guy yet. When you grow up, that could be you!

Unstable Event
I offer one free full custom Okibi Caballi or Howl's Island. :)


I've decided not to try for the sammie boy after all, I'm still unsure if he offers enough variety. Good luck everyone trying for him, he's a cutie! <3



Event 3

BabyKittenCandy enters the room, followed by a bouncing Nayla. Upon seeing the little pup she stops bouncing, cocking her head to one side. She moves slowly forwards, accompanied by a caution of 'Gently gently' from BabyKittenCandy, to sniff at the pup. Seemingly happy with what she has discovered she comes back and plonks herself down, nudging at BKC's hand. 'Yes Nayla, im sorting it' replies BKC. 'Well' she says to the kennel owners 'Nayla seems rather taken with him' Looking back at Nayla you can see her rolling on her back while the puppy gambles around her. 'Looks like he would make a nice companion dog for her and I have been looking for quite some time. I think it would make her happy, so I will leave it in your hands.' BKC smiles at the Kennel owner and extends her hand.


Event 4 - The Unstable Event
I offer 500k SG for the pretty Sheltie girl.

(edited for brain fart...)


Dart shoots through the thread, barking happily at all the doggies here, whee!


Event 2

Tallulah Kennels was fortunate to be on such a large property, I thought to myself as my old station wagon crested the hill and the first of our two driveways came into view.  I had recently realized that I would need to subdivide my kennels, and owning such a large tract of land meant I could afford to keep a few livestock - and thus keep my herding dogs occupied.

The travel crate on the seat beside me let out an excited yip, and I laughed.  "Not yet, little one.  The next driveway has dogs."  I could hear them already, with voices ranging from Harold's deep bay to Spike's insistent yap-yap-yap.  I never questioned how they knew who it was coming up the driveway.  I hit the garage door opener and the machinery creaked and growled to life as it let us into the garage.

There were at present three sets of kennels on the property.  The largest set was in back of the house, for the hounds.  The one to the left, as you approached the front door, was a collection of "other" breeds.  My destination, as I closed the garage door behind me with the now wiggling portable kennel in one hand, was the set to the right of the house, nearest the garage...and the livestock.  It held the herding dogs.

I opened the gate leading to this area and was greeted by a cacophony of barking.  There was no point in further delay, so I opened the door of the portable crate.  A blanket-covered bundle wriggled and squirmed its way out of the confining space, unraveling as it did so to reveal a beautiful Sheltie girl - the kennel's first Sheltie.  "All right, everyone, this is Oleander.  She's your new kennel mate, so I expect you all to be nice to her while she settles in," I told them.

Immediately upon seeing her, a powerfully built tricolor Aussie in the nearest kennel began zooming around crazily, using his bed as a trampoline, and showing exactly how he had earned the name Jester.  His next door neighbor, Missy, was quieter, but as she came to the front of her kennel her tail seemed to become a mud tornado.  Neither I nor the kennel staff could ever figure out how one dog could be such a mud magnet!

Oleander was looking a little overwhelmed by this point.  I picked her up carefully, threw her blanket over my shoulder and considered the options.  I didn't think I wanted to put her with any of the German Shepherds; even the smallest, Cocoa, was big enough to injure the Sheltie just by stepping on her, but for now she would have to share a kennel with someone.  Which of my Aussies would most likely welcome her and be a good teacher for her?

That last question decided me.  I set her down again and walked to the run I had in mind, with Oleander trailing behind me eagerly.  "Alkira," I called.  "Come meet your new friend."

A blue merle female, somewhat older and calmer than the others, perked up her ears at the sound of her name and came trotting forward as I opened her run.  Oleander explored cautiously around the door, wanting a playmate but already having a basic understanding of the notion of territory.  Alkira's slate grey nose touched the pup's black one, gently, before moving over the rest of her body.  Her tail, so tentative at first in its posture, began to wag excitedly when the little sable female licked her nose and gave a friendly whine.  Then the older female turned and began to walk back into her run, glancing over her shoulder to make sure her new friend was following.

Smiling to myself, I tossed Oleander's blanket in after them and closed the run gate, then headed back up the aisle to Jester's run.  It was his turn to help get the sheep into the barn, and he obviously needed the exercise!


Jester does his trademark gymnastics around the thread, occasionally using pillows as trampolines and small articles of furniture as vaulting horses.




Winners ;

Sheltie1 ; Seacrest
Sheltie2 ; Sera
Sammie ; Ryuu

Please bid asap !! :D

Keilin Alyr

I'm a little curious about the first event. I thought you meant for that pup to go to a non-owner, but SeaCrest has three Shelties. It looks like Sinraeyan should have won that contest, unless I'm mistaken about some details?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Thank you for these events, Pink. I placed my bid, though it seems like today was their growing day, so I had to bid on an adult doggy rather than a pup lol.


Oh, wow, yay! ^^ Thank you so much, Pink! ^^ i have bid on her!


I thought I had an offer in on the girl in Event 4.  Was it not in the correct format? *puzzled*