{Buying Gidgets} I'm looking to buy a few colors that I don't have yet.

Started by sevsgirl, September 08, 2010, 02:55:51 PM

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~edit~ Closing this as I did not know enough about Gidgets when I made this post.

Keilin Alyr

Just as a head's up, quite a few of the Gidgets you've listed are very limited-release breeding tent Gidgets that are listed as limited lined and shouldn't be bred. The only one I recognize as non-LL is your 7th example, the Oleander Hawkmoth, one of the 4.0 Shows.

If no one expresses interest in your thread, I might try and breed my Oleander for you, but I'm currently not breeding at this time since I want to sort through and organize everyone. Good luck on your search though.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



I'm not sure where you found this one but it is a LL gidget of Pinkshadow's so you really should put it back to O.

Also is a LL gidget of mine. If you happened to find one you would need to leave it O.


Yup those are all LL's and should be kept at 0 and not bred. The only exception is this one:

I don't see any of those up for sale but if mine breeds, I'll drop you a pm. ^_^


Here is the only one that is not limited lines that you are looking for
Please bid 0sg

also I would check to see if the one that Toffeece pointed out should be kept as other


Thank you so much for the Gidget PonyMama. :)
I have Messaged Pinkshadow about the Gidget that I bought from them and I'm waiting an a reply. :)

Also for everyone else, I'm happy to leave a Gidget at LL but I don't know that much about gidgets, I don't go on the forums about them or anything, so if they are not listed as LL in there info then I have no idea if they are LL or not.

I don't mean it to sound rude, but that is the only way I can think to word it. :)


For the most part, O gender = LL

Because people don't bother to set their Gidgets to O unless they want to make sure it doesn't overbreed. :)


Although if you find them in teh gidget reserve they are marked as O automatically so it is a matter of double checking.  Although most people don't let their LL go to the reserve or sell to just anyone


Quote from: PonyMama on September 08, 2010, 08:42:01 PM
Although if you find them in teh gidget reserve they are marked as O automatically so it is a matter of double checking.  Although most people don't let their LL go to the reserve or sell to just anyone

Ohhh, I forgot that. Yeah that makes it more complicated.


The orange and black gidget you purchased from me is meant to be a collectors gidget, please do not bred it and leave it at "O" just in case of an accidental breeding.


These are all mine:
They are from my second account Guinea Pups. They are Limited Lined and I do not accept SG offers for them. I am just wondering, why did you think they are not LL (especially because the last one has 2 LL siblings too and you didn't list those)? Did you see them being bred anywhere? If so, can you please let me know where/who so I can go after it. They really are not allowed to be bred.

Also, about LL pets: If you see parents with different colorations it is a LL pet for sure. The last Gidget I listed is offspring of the first 2. The only time a new color occurs is from The Breeding Tent and people always make those LL. If you buy a Gidget marked O from a regular user, it is likely to be LL as well. Gidgets from the reserve are always O and LL pets should not end up in there, but mistakes happen (in which case it's not really your fault if you buy & breed by accident).