Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | September Thread - The Wishing Star

Started by Gryphions, September 04, 2010, 06:31:01 PM

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Fiaell flits in with some of the now-grown kits in tow.  She shooes them off to play, glancing up towards the star thoughtfully, then back at the young Gryphions.  Her face softens and she whispers to herself, "I wish I had my own litter of kittens."

Kadana Sorano

*looks sleepily up at the wishing "star" and wishes once again for a breeding feather*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*looks up at the star and continues to wish for a natural colored male*


Gazing up upon the Wishing Star, I wish once again for a breeding feather or a kitten to hold and love.


Amber glances at he star once more & whispers, I know your not a myth, I've seen others wishes come true before, So again I wish for another female to come to our herd.


'I wish I had a lovely pastel blue male gryphion, as a mate for one of my females, or a feather, so one of them may be blessed with babies'



Naming ID94 Bronzelle :)

Jasmine lands gracefully in the grass, blades of green floating up as her wings flap to slow her down. Looking up, she watches as another female flies close and lands next to her.

"It's the wishing star," Bronzelle states in a matter-of-fact way. Jasmine clacks her beak and nods. While Jasmine tended to stick to a Gryphion way of communicating, ever since bonding, Bronzelle spoke in human language as often as she could.

Bronzelle sat down and looked at the twinkling object in the sky. "It's so tiny. Can it really grant wishes?"
No harm in wishing, even if it doesn't, Jasmine replied, swishing her tail and sitting down at last.
"That's true." Bronzelle smirked. "Isn't there anything you wish for?"
Jasmine had thought about this question already. She had had a lovely litter of children and a great mate. She had a lovely bonded (who was currently watching her son, Helio, while she was away). She had friends and the opportunity to meet other Gryphions whenever she wanted. No, Jasmine said, there really isn't anything else I want. What about you?
Bronzelle laid down and removed her gaze from the star to stare at the grass. "I... want a family of my own someday. Like you."
That certainly is a wonderful thing to ask for. Jasmine smiled gently and laid down next to her.



I try once more, looking at the wishing star and wishing for a white, red and black female to come to me.


sera spends the day dreaming of and wishing for a breeding feather. . .


Amber looks sleepily at the star & whispers, still wishing for a new female to our herd, then she lays down her head & falls fast asleep.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 





After a few days of silence, no signs of wishes being granted, and surely a bit of lost hope, a little white ball of fluff shoots from the sky toward Shaman. It slows a bit to land gracefully on Shaman's head. The fluffy thing peaks down to stare into Shaman's eyes. It smiles at the gryphion.

(For Ryuu's/Shaman's wish on Sept. 6th- I wish I had someone who cares for me, just for me and no one else...)

And then two feathers can be seen falling from above. One is green, and the other purple and black.
It seems they are two gryphion feathers, at that. What luck! Two breeding feathers!

The lime green feather floats down to the feet of Fiaell. A little note is scribbled on a teeny piece of paper attached to the feather.
It reads, "This will help".

(For Sera's/Fiaell's wish on Sept 7 - I wish I had my own litter of kittens)

The purple and black feather floats toward Kadana Sorano.

(For Kadana's wish on Sept 9)

A female gryphion soars toward SweetCaroline. The orange and black girl lands gracefully and smiles while she bows toward her.

(For SweetCaroline's wish on Sept 9)

Edit:  Willow guessed correctly. The number was 2. Congrats!


This gryphion says she wants to be sold. I guess she wants to be sold for USD...
Well, who knows why. But she told Raina that she is for sale for $5.00 to the first person to post that they want her.

She seems very confident of a gryphion. I don't know what she'll do if no one buys her.

She is holding a little something in her front paw. It looks like a feather. It's a breeding feather. I bet she'll give it to the person who buys her!

A gryphion and a feather, $5.00, first person to post about buying her.


((AWWW! Thank you! ^^ I wasn't even thinking of those adorable little bunnies when I was rping, but I've always loved the lineart! What a great gift! ))

Shaman was having a great time with the spunky Kira, enjoying the conversation with the female Gryphion. Not that he had a lot of experience with them, but it was certainly a challenge to talk with a girl who called him on his flirtatious babble and didn't trip over herself at his good looks. If only she would talk more about herself! He wanted to hear more about the things she was here for, what she was wishing for. It might even make himself look good in her eyes if he tried to grant it for her...

A low murmur of surprise came from the other assembled Gryphions around him, but Shaman didn't notice at first, his eyes only for Kira. It wasn't until he felt some soft 'plop!' on top of his head that he jerked up and let out a squwack of surprise. He was so shocked that he didn't even notice the other wishes arriving, the two feathers floating down from the sky and the new Gryphion coming to the crowd.

The white Gryphion's eyes crossed as he tried to look up on his own forward. He caught a glimpse of soft white fur, shiny black eyes and a little pink wiggling nose. His beak fell open in awe--it was alive!

He turned to Kira with wonder and said "W-what is it??"



Kadana Sorano

*clutches the feather in her hand and stares up at the "star"*  wow, it's NOT just a myth after all!  Thank you wishing star!  *grins goofily and tucks the feather away for safe keeping*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Fiaell stares at the feather then gives a full body wiggle of joy.  "Thank you, thank you!"  The feather would certainly help a lot!  Now she could go straight to oggling males in hopes of finding the perfect daddy for her kittens!  She bounds towards the other gryphons with that very thing in mind.

((Hee! Thank you! x3))


... oh dear. Look what neo's done.

I hope I won't just quit there like I usually do when I take a little break. I want to finish this site and actually get some breeding info, rp info, and other stuffs up on there. And sorry to get your hopes up on the competitions there. I'm still unsure how that's going to work. I honestly have not a clue! But I promise it'll happen. Some day.


Beautiful site, Neo! And hey, it's getting close to opening night for the Guardians! *grins and pokes your icon* I've been eagerly waiting the day. There's a lot more trailers being shown on tv for it now. Are you going opening day? ^^


I would if I could, Ryuu. TRUST ME. It was the most painful thing to learn that homecoming night is the same day as the movie. I can't go, I'm afraid, to the movie, because I'm in the Marching band and we sit there playing 'Beth' forEVER. Every time we play it I know It'll be another stab at my heart.

But yes. Super excited. SUPER DEDUPER excited. I told my parents that was what I wanted to do for my birthday. My birthday is tuseday, so  it's coming out exactly 10 days after my birthday. Yuuuuuuus.



Aww, so no 'day 2'? lol.

The first trailer I didn't like, the one they showed aaaages ago. But every one i've seen since then makes it look better and better, so I'm going to try for opening day. ^^


has Ryuu read the books? :D

last time i went to the bookstore, I saw they had combined the first 3 books into 1, with a really pretty cover using the movie's graphics. i almost bought it cause it was so pretty XD


I saw that book! I DID look pretty. Nice cover. And smart to put the 3 books together for people who plan to watch the movie and then go out and buy the books.

I haven't read them. (Though I should because a writer of young adult books should be reading the popular stuff in the genre to know what the kids are into these days... >.> )

Like I usually do, I'll probably see the movie and then go read the books. Books are always better, and doing things in this order, I'm not disappointed in the movie lol. (I did that with LotR and Coraline and Golden Compass!)


Quote from: Ryuukokoro on September 11, 2010, 06:38:46 PM
Aww, so no 'day 2'? lol.

The first trailer I didn't like, the one they showed aaaages ago. But every one i've seen since then makes it look better and better, so I'm going to try for opening day. ^^

I don't know what you mean by 'day two' but I'm totally seeing it the first moment possible. So I doubt it'll be the opening day, but maybe Saturday after that? I dunno. I'm just going to beg... no, demand, that we see it on the 25th. Yeeep.


Oh, and Ryuu, the series is really a children's series. I'm going to be 16, and I lvoe them, but I've been in to them for years. Probably since I was maybe... 11? 12? I dunno. But it's been a LONG time.

And I've been waiting for the movies since then. I've read all the books once, and if there were not so many I'd go out and buy them all again to read before (or after, since there are a ton of them) I see the movie.

But yeah. I love them. I think it's got a 'Harry Potter' sort of feel to it. You know, lots of plots within the plots, secrets that are revealed later, and stuff like that. But it's for a younger audience.
It's not Harry Potter, obviously, but I'd say it's still a series that was fantastically written.

Ha. Yeah


guardians are actually in the children's section :[ everything in YA is all about vampires/teen crushes/teen drama/HUMANS/junk -___-

oohh that is a good idea! and the books are so totally awesome you won't want to stop til you reach the end~ SOREN <333


<3<3<3<3 Sorrrreeeeeen is my looooove <3
*was totally planning to get a lupine soren for birthday if only there had been customs last month*

>.> I CALLED him. I call dibs. I've been wanting that lupine for eeeever. XD

Eeeee! -Yes. Neo's a dork. If you've not realized that till now... -


lol I meant the day after homecoming lol.

Btw here's the official music video for the song that plays in the trailer, it's SO AWESOME!!!! <3 I love the shots of the horse in it, such a pretty one.

(hee hee, I love that we can post youtube links here, unlike PI forums)


Oh that song. Wow. Thanks for posting that. I'd never heard that song before the trailer, and I really liked it. :D


Quote from: red_uni387 on September 11, 2010, 06:57:57 PM
guardians are actually in the children's section :[ everything in YA is all about vampires/teen crushes/teen drama/HUMANS/junk -___-

lololololol. Yes, yes, I know what you mean. The YA section scares me sometimes. The fact that every other cover has vampire fangs on it makes me shake my head. You're right, I just say young adult when I talk about what kind of books I write, because if I say 'kids books' people think I'm talking about picture books.

I write stuff that is about the level of the Warriors books, and I'm guessing the Guardians books are a similar level? I noticed the author also just started a wolf series I want to read too. ^^


I have read the first of the wolf books, wolves of the beyond, and omg. I loved it. XD


really? there's a wolf one too? O_O i only knew of daughters of the sea (which is also awesome)


XD All this talk makes me want to go work on my horse series... *patters off*


I wish on the wishing star for my first gryphon; any gryphon, really. Whatever the muse churns out.


I sent the money :3

-jumps around- first breeding for me next season!! :D

Looking up upon the wishing star, I wish for a black and red male.


*cough* heeeeey friends! I've got a thread up for any stable people here. I'm looking for stable things, so if anyone's got something to trade, gryphions are being offered in return ;)

ETA: Got the money, thank you <3


*looks up at the wishing star and wishes for a natural coloured male*
Owner of Gliders!


I wish upon the wishing star, that might find my first Gryphion!



Bronzelle rolls over to lay on her side. Jasmine has gone back home to spend some time with Helio and Jojo. Even though she admits she doubted the power of a wishing star, Bronzelle found herself looking at it again.

"A breeding feather," she says out loud. She shakes her head as if trying to convince herself of something and looks around at the other humans and gryphions that have gathered hoping for a granted wish.


I totally did not know I had these two girls O_o. Are you sure they're mine? I don't recall them at all. If they're not mine, just thought I'd point that out. If they are, then I shall name them.




Also for naming if we can do it here?

Fruit Loop


The last one reminds me of bubblegum ice cream >.>'

And for my boy I won, Rocky Road :)
*happiness for Gryphions*


Helio sat down in the grass, staring up at the star and remembering the arguments that have been going on the last few weeks.

You know very well you can't take care of one, Jasmine said sternly, clacking her beak at him.
"Mom, I can take care of one, you're just not giving me a chance!" Helio pleaded back. "I can prove it to you. I promise!"

Still young, Helio has a mane that is only just grown in. He's about full size, but still looks awkward and lanky. Blinking at the shining star, he whispers, "I want a pet. I want my mom to understand that I'm responsible, that I can take care of something."

((haha, omg... I'm imagining Helio to be like 16 years old))


SweetCaroline smiles at the new female gryphion. Hello & welcome. This is Amber she says as she motions toward the pretty pink & yellow gryphion. And this is Lionel. SweetCaroline motions toward the handsom brown male next to her. We are glad you have decided to come to us.

Yes! Very glad, Amber chimes in with a smile as she thinks to herself that wishes really do come true.

Lionel looks at the beautiful gryphion standing in front of SweetCaroline. Welcome he says, and what might your name be?

My friends call me Kalari, the female responds. I am glad to meet you all.

Then Kalari it is SweetCaroline says, as I do believe we are all going to be good friends.

Please name her Kalari. Thanks ever so much! She is gorgeous!!


Oh wishing star, I'd totally be appreciative if a gryphion found their way toward me XD