Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | September Thread - The Wishing Star

Started by Gryphions, September 04, 2010, 06:31:01 PM

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Is it September all ready?

Oh, yes it is!

Some fun things will be happening this month, I hope. If computers will cooperate, we'll get some games up and running as soon as possible!

Note - Neocridders is still without a tablet pen. This means that she will be trying her best to provide great gryphions with her touch pad on her laptop until she does get a tablet, but she's not doing customs or breedings.

Another note- She's also having some problems with internet connection. So we'll just hope all can work XD

Gryphions are creatures you may role-play. You can try to role-play or not do it. It's no big deal if you don't want to. It's no requirement.


The Wishing Star

Once every year or so a special planet becomes visible in the night sky. This planet has come to be known as 'The Wishing Star'. Even though it's not really a star, gryphions have called it for ages this because they say it gives good luck to good kittens, and grants wishes sometimes.

But those are just tales. Right?

Through out the month of September you may wish up the star' once a night. If the wish is granted, you'll not be able to wish again till next year, so wish wisely!

Not all wishes will be granted. Some nights maybe a few will be granted, some nights none. You won't see if your wish was granted for a little bit, but you may keep wishing once a night till you see your wish was granted.

The star goes away in October.


Won by Willow! Congrats. He was thinking of the number 2!


*Dawn and Kira zoom in, Lucifer following behind* "Girls, wait for me! I'm not so fit as you two are." Both girls land gently and turn to look at their father. "Don't be silly; we know you can fly just as far and fast as us!" Dawn had spoken, being the bolder one of the two. "And where's Amicus? I thought you said we were going to see him today." She frowned, not seeing his sky blue and purple coat anywhere.

((eee yay more gryphion events! i hope you don't mind the rp; need to get personality ideas for the newly-growns xD and i hope you only need those 2 posts))


Raina lands and sees a few gryphions in the thread already. Her not-so-quiet wings flap as she lands. She Looks to the dark sky. The moon is out, a waning cresent. The stars were dim in the sky in comparison to a very bright thing. It was a planet.
"Ahh. It's the wishing star," she says.

She looks around and waits for more to gather to come to make their annual wishing star wishes.


Sea Mist clacks his beak and looks irritable. "That's just a tale," he mutters. "Even kits know that. What a foolish holiday."

Shaman not-so-subtly coughs and whacks the green male with his tail, causing him to squwack indignantly.


Looking at where Raina's eyes led to, Kira spotted the bright planet. Sighing, she closed her eyes and thought silently. I wish I had a little brother. Dawn was her little sister, and wonderful, but she longed for a cute little baby brother to help take care of. All the boy gryphions she knew were older than her, and they all treated her like a child, even though she was completely grown.

Seeing Kira close her eyes, Dawn snorted. How could a planet grant a wish? Her ears pricked up, hearing another gryphion comment on how absurd this holiday is. Turning towards where the sound came from, she spotted 2 male gryphions. Not sure which one had spoken, she called out a hello to both and smiled.


Sea Mists' head came around at the sound of a new voice, and his eyes widened at the beautiful female with feathers of deep purple and black, accented by yellow. He blushed, hoping she hadn't heard his comment; he had thought only Shaman had been close enough to overhear.

Shaman, as usual, perked up and immediately strolled over toward the ladies. He smoothed down his pristine white fur and got his pale blue and yellow feathers in order as he came closer to them. "Well good evening ladies," he said with a charming smile. "I came out here to view the stars but it seems your good looks are outshining anything in the heavens tonight."

"Oh brother," Sea Mist muttered, following behind his obnoxious bonded's other partner with dragging footsteps.


It worked! The white male spoke, a different voice from the one she had heard. Dawn was proud of her hearing, heightened by training since she was a kit. Turning toward the green male with white spots, she asked, "So you think this holiday is silly? I do as well." Most gryphions were a bit startled when she replied to something they had said to themselves, but this male looked sensible.

Kira opened her eyes and looked at the white male. "Flattery will not get you anywhere." Returning his smile with one of her own, she though quietly that she wouldn't mind this male flattering her. "Might I ask what your name is? I'm Kira." Hoping Lucifer wouldn't mind too much that his daughers were talking to complete strangers, and males too, she spotted him near a tree, contently looking up at the stars. Turning towards his daughter, he nodded, knowing she'd never do anything without permission.


Sea Mist blinked in complete surprise, hearing someone else sharing his view. His embarrassment faded. "Well, yes, I do," he admitted, finding it not so hard to say when there was someone else to share his opinions with. "I mean, of course it's good for kits and whatnot, they can have imaginations. But really, a little pinprick of light in the sky can't grant wishes. That's just foolishness." He looked around at the other Gryphions that were gathering. "Still, I suppose it's as good excuse as any for a holiday...."

Shaman's jaw hung open at Kira's response. Someone not falling for his flattery? This was a first! As a matter of fact, Shaman didn't know quite what to say. "Uh, um, I'm, er, I'm Shaman," he finally stuttered. ", you're here for the wishing star? I mean, yeah, you gotta be, eh? Heh heh..." Shaman coughed and scuffed his paw on the ground. "Are you going to make a wish?"

Kadana Sorano

*wanders through, see's the gathering and stops a ways off, looks up at the sky and thinks "I wish I had a breeding feather!" gives a soft sigh and continues on her way*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*comes around, seeing whats happening here, sees alot of people gathering and them all looking up, so she looks up sees the the wishing star and thinks "I wish i had a lovely female gryphion as my first"*


A gryphion comes to the thread. She seems to be looking for someone. The gryphion looks around. She makes a bit of a squacking sound. She looks all over.

Raina walks to her and says, "She is looking for Pinkshadow."


o.O ... Woooow . Shes awsome . all pretteh <33

*hugs the pretty gryphion*


Raina leads a male up to the second saved post. He is chirping to her. She nods her head while she listens to him.

The male looks over to the people.

"This is a gryphion looking to bond to someone. He wants to go to a wisher, someone here for the wishing fun. That's why he's here and wanting to go tonight," Raina says.

She smiles and sits down. The dark gryphion looks to the star and sits silently.
He then looks down to the ground and says something in a soft sound.

"He says he wishes that a person will bond to him tonight," Raina translated.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Haha no. He was wishing to bond to a human tonight. His wish came true. You may still wish on the wishing star, though.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Here is fine. If you've got a name, post the name in red. I bet his ID is 242, but I'm not positive. Usually I'll ask you post name and Id in red. But I know who you're taking about.

And for clarification:
You may wish once a day
You may wish for anything
Easy wishes are more likely to be granted than more difficult ones.
Wishing can happen at any time since it's night time somewhere.
Once the clock is midnight you can wish again
If you win a gryph that's not from the star, it doesn't take up your wish.


Kadana Sorano

I would like to name him Pocano please, thank you :)

Name: Pocano
Owner: Kadana sorano
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I finally have a name for that boy I traded for as a kit :)
ID: 231
Name: Bardyl
Owner: springacres


Also... I wish I had a pretty natural colored male gryph.  Not that my white and purple boy isn't gorgeous - but I do love natural colors.


Dawn let out a small churr. "Yes, it's always wonderful to find an excuse for a holiday. I do think it's a bit cruel to let kits believe for a while and then tell them it doesn't grant wishes, though." She glanced at her sister, who was looking at Lucifer. "My sister believes in the star, even though she's older than me. I've tried telling her that none of her wishes will come true, but she just won't give up on wishing. What about your companion? He seems to believe in the star..."

"I already have. It's the same wish I've been making ever since I was born, though this is the first I've tried asking the star for it. What about yourself, Shaman? You must be here for the star as well."

((Congrats on the auction win, Kadana! I'll be stalking for a breeding slot once breeding rolls around again XD)


i wish i had a male coloured gryphion to company the pretteh girl<3


I wish upon the wishing star, that I had a breeding feather or a small kitten to care for.



Sorry, Pinkshadow, but you may only have one successful wish a year. You may continue  to wish, but your wishes won't be granted. This is so we can share some magic with everyone else :)


ow lol :p no worries , shes beautiful <3 - i just lack a name for her ;p





The male shakes his head at the number 7.

Looks like that's not his number.

Kadana Sorano

*passes back through and glances back at the sky "I wish I had a breeding feather"  Looks over at the new boy* hmm

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 






Sea Mist didn't think of kits very often. Surely had never thought of any of his own, since no female Gryphions sought out his company very often (and he was woefully unskilled at seeking them himself). "I never thought of it," he confessed, "But I suppose you're right, it is cruel to tell them untruthful things, even if they're just kits." He tipped his head and nodded at Dawn. "I wouldn't want my own kits to be so disappointed, believing something for so long and then to be told it was just a story we had let them believe was true." He smiled. He had never had such a thoughtful conversation with a female Gryphion before. The ones that Ryuu had bonded to had so far stayed away from him and Shaman.

Speaking of Shaman... Sea Mist glanced over at the white male, who seemed to be almost glowing in the dim colors of evening, when Dawn asked about him. Sea Mist snorted. "Him? I would hardly call him my companion. I am stuck with him because we have both bonded to the same person. I couldn't tell you if he believed or not. We haven't talked about it. It wouldn't surprise me though. He has all the common sense of a featherheaded kit."

Shaman was standing with Kira far enough away that he hadn't overheard Sea Mist's callous remarks (even if he had, it wasn't anything worse than what they said to each other every day anyway, the two of them bickering like nestbrothers most days). He looked interested when Kira said she had made the same wish every day. "What wish is that?" he couldn't help but ask, wondering if he could grant it for this lovely lady.

He grinned at her question. "Oh, me? Nah, I don't have anything to wish for. I'm pretty happy, I have a good home, a great Bonded and she has other Gryphions, so I'm never lonely. Well, sometimes I do wish..." He stopped himself. He'd never really thought about it, but now that Kira said so, he realized he did feel lonely. Even with Sea Mist hanging around to tease. Even with Ryuu and her other Gryphions...

Quickly Shaman glanced up at the bright wishing star hanging low in the sky and briefly scrunched up his face and thought hard, I wish I had someone who cares for me, just for me and no one else...


I wish upon the wishing star, that I get my first gryphion, a gryph that tickles the muse of its creator and contains whatever whimsy of color and gender that is chosen for it. I'd be thrilled with whatever gryphion wanted to make its way toward me. :)

(I'd totally write out a rp post if I could... but my studio project for my art class is killing me. I -love- these gryphions though, and totally want to get into them. :D)


Monarca landed in the thread, her royal colored feathers rustling as she tucked away her wings. "Ooh, the Wishing Star!" she exclaimed, gazing up at it. "I wish...I wish that I had another girl friend to talk to. Two boys are just too much!"




Kadana Sorano

*stares up at the wishing star and thinks really hard "I wish I had a breading feather!*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Amber glides down from the sky & softly lays her wings across her back. She looks at Lionel who seems to be forever glued to SweetCaroline's side then up at the shining star. She whisper's in hopes of not letting Lionel hear her... I wish for a girl who can manage to attract his attention away from our bonded, even if just for a little while.

I pick #16