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Feli - Traded

Started by red_uni387, August 28, 2010, 02:59:43 PM

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My gorgeous first pair threw an amazing litter of 3, but as I can only keep 2 I'll have to rehome at least one. I'm not completely sure on which ones I want to keep, so all 3 will be up for offers ^^


- keeping
- traded to YLO

Looking For: (in order of preference)
-Stable/Kennel (For which breeds, look at my display)


Golden Kennel tag for second kitten


omg i love the 3rd one ....

Wish i had something more to offer then i do :s

Maybe one of my stable horses interestes you?


PM - very tempting, but I'm more interested in other Feli so I'd like to wait and see if any other offers are posted :)

Pink - Sorry, none of your horses really appeal to me Dx


Nevermind, I'll look for something else.


For kitten 3 ill offer either kitten 2 or 3 in my thread.


Oh, i love #88.  *__*  After i hear back from Silv on her trade, i'll have a better idea of Feli i could offer. ^^  *hopes you don't close before then, but understands if you do*  ^^


I'm definately not closing before Silv decides, cause I'm trying for that mare too XD


Eeee! I love your kitties!
My order of preference would be the redish girl, the brown boy and the black girl (I adore black girl's markings, but I need more color variety).

Can offer:

OR maybe the first female kitten from my thread: (although I am offering her to both you and Keilin). Right now I am almost certainly keeping the second and I plan on keeping the third and once she grows I will probably trade her or Badhra as they have similair markings and the same pose). I could possibly offer Badhra I suppose. Best outcome would be you wanting the draft horse and Keilin taking the first kitten, but yea.. I dunno.

Too bad you only have labs as a pet breed, I am expecting two litters.


Your draft girl is pretty, but I didn't offer on her when she was up in your thread cause I already have a black tobiano and need more color. Your first kitten is gorgeous, though, and I'm very interested in her :) though I actually like the 3rd kitten's lighter colors more lol


Instead of my Quin, would you rather have one of my TheStable or TheKennel?


I'd be very interested in a saluki :) Though I won't be making any final decisions until Silv makes hers ^^'



I have him, but I am unsure if I can part with him for a single kitten. I don't suppose you wanna trade 2 for 1? He's a chestnut flaxen roan tobiano leopard appaloosa.


Sorry YLO, I don't really like his coloring Dx

I feel so picky x___x


You're allowed to be picky :P

I did tempt you into Lights before, I don't know if you are interested in more of those perhaps? -must keep trying-

And I could offer her, but again probably for two kittens as I am attached and she has a TON of awesome genes:

She has tobiano, overo ánd appaloosa. (brown tovero blanket appy)


I have a cute brown and white boy with face markings, does he tempt your fancy? I like your black and white female, 88. ^_^


I'm gonna be even pickier with Lights, though XD only going for ones I absolutely adore hehe

mm don't really like her coloring either ><

ee Ryuu I was hoping you'd maybe pop in xD though you had gotta a ton of offers so didn't think you would. I'd love to trade her for your boy :D


All right, what would you like to name the boy? ^_^ So we can post the rehoming forms.

I will go with Curio for a name for 88. That pose makes her look curious. :)


Donut, cause his white face marking is circular :D

thank you! <3


Aaaand again, same thing.

golden buckskin splash overo leopard appaloosa?

Keilin Alyr

Donut = win name. That is all. ^_^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


that is a lot of genes o__o but i really don't like face spots D;
and since i traded one away most likely i'm not going to trade both of the others >>

lol Keilin


Oh well, I tried. All I have left now are the lights here:
Or one of these two: (buckskin silver dapple) (bay silver dapple)

Would trade one of them for just one kitten, female highly preffered. Can do 2 for 2 as well, but I defenitely understand wanting to keep one yourself <3


You wouldn't consider trading the orange girl for your 3rd kitten?


I am very hesitant to trade her until I see her grown so I can compare her and Badhra together. I am planning on trading one of them, most likely Badhra though and not the kitten.

That kitten is just very colorful and I need more color in my Feli.


i just want more Feli, which is why i'd much rather trade for othe kittens xD

then probably not gonna trade either of the other 2 kittens unless i get an offer i can't refuse ^^'


I can trade the first kitten? I prefer your girl over Keilin's even though I adore both.


definately very tempted, but I'd like to see whose offer Silv accepts first since i offered a kitten to her as well


That's fine, I think everyone is waiting on that ;)


I don't know how you feel about Badhra, but once the 3rd kitten grows up I will rehome either that kitten or Badhra. If you happen to love both, we could also arrange to trade your female kitten for whichever of the two I decide not to keep. I don't know if you would prefer that over the kitten I already offered to you, but I decided to throw it out there.


Badhra's very pretty, but I like the kitten more than her :)


Yeah I can't really guarantee if I will be keeping her or the kitten, I think it will be the kitten but I am not sure. So yeah you can either pick the 1st kitten, or choose to get the one I don't keep out of Badhra and the 3rd kitten but no guarantee which one of the two that will become until she grows.


YLO, since Silv took Whimsy's offer I'd love to trade for your first kitten :)


Yay! I'll name her Autumn. What would you like to name your girl?
