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August guest colorist roulette

Started by indigowulf, August 01, 2010, 01:08:16 PM

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It's time for guest color roulette again! For those who haven't done this before, here's how it works:
The idea is, you post your adoptable and any coloring rules you have (natural colors, no brushes, ect) and at the same time you will be signing up for guest color roulette. At the end of the sign up, all participants will go into to be assigned who they will color for.

At the end of sign up, colorists will have 1 week to color for thier assigned adoptable (be sure you can color 3 in that time!) Each person colors 3 critters. Colored critters are posted here for adoptable owner pickup. (and so we can all have fun seeing the results!) If the adoptable owner and the colorist decide to, you may do more than 3, but 3 is the standard.

After everything is colored, the adoptable owner can decide what to do with the results- hold thier own event, sell it, keep it for themselves, ect. If the owners chooses, they can enter it in a free giveaway that will be held at the end of this event! You may put 0 or all 3 in the giveaway, your choice.

A couple rules:
no resizing or editing the lines given- remember, the owner has to apply shading and cert still!
no fighting or whining or mean remarks if someone's coloring isnt up to your skill
try your best!
no paint users please, unless the adoptable owner says its ok
adoptable owners- please have transparent lines ready!
there will be no expected payment for this- you are exchanging coloring!
Don't steal lines. Great big DUH there but saying it just in case.
I'll add anything else if a problem comes up.


Week 1: sign ups- open til the 7th
adoptable owner entry form-
your username:
your adopable you wish colored:
link to lineart: (you may choose to PM instead)
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?:
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?:
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists):
((adding for future)): Do you wish to guest color as well?:
If yes,  How many adoptables do you feel comfortable doing? (3 of each):

anything else?:

guest colorist entry form-
your username:
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?:
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?:
((adding for future)): How many adoptables do you feel comfortable doing? (3 of each):
anything else?:


Week 2: coloring- open from the 8th til the 14th
colorist------- adoptable being colored

YourLoveOnly- coloring Orlaya
sera- coloring The Jaeman Prophecy
goddesss- coloring Little Bitties
PonyMama- coloring Naa
SeaCrest- coloring Pecora
Whimsy- coloring Chibi Pets
Dray- coloring Luminaria
and SeaCrest- coloring Alephan Wildren


Week 3: Event! We will have a free event in week 3, starting on the 15th. Adoptable owners may choose any or all (or none) of the colored results to enter into the giveaway events.

Just to make this simple- making this into a big raffle (free of course)
All critters entered will be given away randomly, everyone may claim 1 raffle ticket for themselves and 1 for each of thier friends (unlimited number of friends)

To claim a ticket for yourself, just post (username) says "Raffle me!" in green.

To claim tickets for your friends, just post (username) needs raffled! in orange.


Week 4: Claiming and naming
The last week (starting on the 22nd) will be dedicated to people claiming and naming anything they won in week 3. This gives adoptable owners a full week to get things named and gives them a chance to cert and post pickups. Anything not claimed/named by the end of the month may be held over and given out in the next months GCR.

that's all the reserves, post away!

((Ill be doing the giveaway from last month's colorings in a different thread, didn't have the whole month so it was rushed))


Ill be adding the little bitties to this :) ill have to wait till I'm home with internet acess though


Wooh hoo! I have a question -- we're supposed to add shading after the fact? XD I'm just a little confused by that, since I've never coloured that way before!

adoptable owner entry form
your username: Dray
your adopable you wish colored: Alephan Wildren
link to lineart: Prefer to PM them -- artist, tell me if you prefer lines in a png or psd format please!
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: Layer program.
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Yes, if possible!
how many colorists are you willing to have: Two for now.
anything else?:
Colours: Any and all kinds, but usually linked to a colour scheme (no clashing saturated colours for example!) Base body, armor, and feathers can each be different from one another.
Markings: Usually nature mimics or inspired by nature mimics. No hearts, stars, moons, etc. (Rainbows possible if used in the sense of opal/iridescence!)
Notes: When finished, please toss me the hex codes for the individual colours if you're not using a pre-shaded template; I include them on the cert for breeding purposes. :D
If you want to do more than three, feel free to!

Hope I did this properly -- please poke me if I did anything wrong!


I want to add mine but I leave for 3 days starting the 7th
although we do have a week to color, I can do it, I am sure of it

adoptable owner entry form-
your username: PonyMama
your adopable you wish colored: Orlaya
link to lineart:
(I will add the highlight layer after)
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: No paint
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: No png is fine
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists): as many as needed
anything else?: No brushes, please go with flow of critter

guest colorist entry form-
your username: PonyMama
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?: Photoshop
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Yep
anything else?: will be away 7th, 8th, and 9th, but after that I am able to color


guest colorist entry form-
your username: SeaCrest
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?: It depends on whether or not I can get to my other computer, which has layer programs. I'll have to say paint user for now, though.
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Again, it depends.
anything else?: Nope
Adoptables entered: ?
Colorists entered: ?


to answer questions posed so far- yes, adoptable owners add shading after the lines are colored. and yes, anyone can enter the free raffle at the end, not just those who entered the other parts.


So if someone doesn't color anything they can still claim prizes from the free raffle?

Also if we own an adoptable but we are not able to color would there be a way for us to enter our adoptable to be colored by non adoptable owners?


I think it'd be neat if they could be entered just into the main pool, that way there's more for everyone to choose from!


adoptable owner entry form-
your username:Whimsy
your adopable you wish colored:Little Bitties
link to lineart: Will have to be emailed due to file extension
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?:GIMP Only (saved as xcf file)
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?:PNGs only
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists):2 or 3
anything else?:The horses can be ANY colors but must be normal horse markings only please

guest colorist entry form-
your username:Whimsy
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?:Layer (both PSE & GIMP)
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?:Yes
anything else?:Id perfer an actual psd file of the adoptable rather then the flat pngs with the shading on it please :D I dont have bunches of time to template.


adoptable owner entry form-
your username: Goddesss
your adopable you wish colored: Chibi Pets
link to lineart: (you may choose to PM instead) I will PM the PSD files to person coloring.
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: Layer program
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: PNG is fine
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists): How ever many you need
anything else?: not that I can think of

guest colorist entry form-
your username: Goddesss
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?: Photoshop
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Yes
anything else?: not that I can think of


I promise Ill be here tomorrow to randomize and match people up for this month- Ive been gone for the last couple days, because my friend said he'd buy me the WotK expansion for WoW once I got a char to 55. My highest was 37, I remarked it would take me 3 days.

Now, normally, I wouldn't actually play that long. I have other things in my life I want to do. But, he told me I couldn't do it... so yeah.. never tell me I cant lol. 3 days, 18 levels. I now have the expansion and a shiney new DK to play with.

Oh and yes, toffeeca, I guess I didn't word it clearly enough. I was hoping we could have people color even if they dont have an adoptable to enter. The only reason I wanted people to have one and enter to color at the same time last month was it was a test run, and I wanted to be sure we had enough adoptables/colorists to match up. Now, you can sign up for either part or both.


adoptable owner entry form-
your username: sera
your adopable you wish colored: Naa
link to lineart: (you may choose to PM instead) Will PM
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: Layer required
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: .psd is super helpful. ^^
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists): *Shrugs* Pretty open, actually. ^^
anything else?: My files are kind of a massive jumble of whoa, so i'll gladly answer questions covering them.  x__X;;;;


Ok, then I will sign up for adoptable owners

adoptable owner entry form-
your username: toffeeca
your adopable you wish colored: Pecora
link to lineart: (you may choose to PM instead) PMing please
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: either
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: nope, just .png
how many colorists are you willing to have (if we have a shortage of adoptables to colorists): As many as are needed
anything else?: Limit brushes, any and all colors/patterns are acceptable


Oh, do i need to sign up as a guest colourist as well?  *does the form just in case*

guest colorist entry form-
your username: sera
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?: Layer program
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Yepp.
anything else?: My arm is wonky, but i'm hoping i can still do this fairly easily. ^^


adoptable owner entry form-
your username: YourLoveOnly
your adopable you wish colored: Luminaria
link to lineart: will PM lineart to the chosen colorist along with some coloring instructions
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: layers required
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: yes
how many colorists are you willing to have: only one for now
anything else?: you are not allowed to color more than 5 pets

adoptable owner entry form-
your username: YourLoveOnly
your adopable you wish colored: The Jaeman Prophecy
link to lineart: will PM lineart to the chosen colorist
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?:
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: doesn't matter
how many colorists are you willing to have: unlimited
anything else?: very little to no brushes, natural and fantasy allowed, for every 2 you color for me you can color one to keep for yourself (you may color more than the required total of 3)

guest colorist entry form-
your username: YourLoveOnly
do you have a layer program, or are you a paint user?: layer program (GIMP)
can you save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: yes
anything else?: I have too much time on my hands, so if possible I would like to color for 2 adoptables (also putting 2 of my own in)

Also, is still down. Anyone knows where to upload files now? Otherwise I will need to email them.


hmm this time we had more adoptables then colorists! lol

Heres our randomized matches, Im sorry if some got skipped, we didnt have enough colorists sign up.

YourLoveOnly- coloring Orlaya
sera- coloring The Jaeman Prophecy
goddesss- coloring Little Bitties
PonyMama- coloring Naa
SeaCrest- coloring Pecora
Whimsy- coloring Chibi Pets


Like I said, I am fine with coloring for 2 adoptables, that's why I entered both Luminaria and The Jaeman Prophecy too.


I also wouldnt mind coloring for more then one if there are some left out adopties.



*raises hand as well* Though i would be limited to just one other adoptable, i think, to preserve my arm.  ^^


o_o *blinks* I think that I was missed in the randomization! Or... maybe did I misunderstand how the form was supposed to work? I thought that if you submitted an adoptable to be coloured you'd get to colour one in return? Did I do something wrong?


It was set up this time where you had to fill two different forms.  So you filled the adoptable to be coloured form, but not the form as a guest colourer. 

This confused me a little, too, but i believe it was set up this way so that people without an adoptable could get in to colour as well. ^^

Indigo, maybe the adoptable owner form should have a question of whether or not they want to be a guest colourer. 


Ok Ill add that next time. I put in 2 forms, one for adoptables and one for colorists, so people without adoptables could still be able to color. Since some people got it and filled out both I didn't realize there was confusion.

if this works for you guys--
Dray- coloring Luminaria
and SeaCrest- coloring Alephan Wildren

that means every person got at least 1, and every adoptable got a colorist. Of those who said they'd do 2, I randomized and seacrest came up :)


Now that makes me a little sad, because I said I really wanted to do 2 right from the beginning when I applied and that was completely overlooked so I spoke up again. That's why I entered 2 adoptables. And now I only get to do one. But congrats SeaCrest, I know you were really looking forward to coloring.

I must say this one seems a lot messier than the previous round. I was also wondering when/if the raffle from last month is going to take place? I think you posted it somewhere, but I am probably overlooking it.

Oh and PonyMama could you maybe email me the .psd files of the piggy Orlaya? I still have the Pony files.



I totally didn't expect that. Good thing I already finished the Pecora XD Thanks, YLO ^_^


My piggy files for orlaya are all messed right now
please just for now use the png I will add the highlight layer when I get the png colored version

I just have some RP's to respond to, some certings to do and other things that are around the house so no time to do file cleanup


Welcome home PM, hope you had fun! ^^ And that's too bad, I had hoped to combine the s-genes with unique markings. I also find coloring without seeing where shading and highlights go a bit harder. But if it bugs me too much I can always color pony Orlaya :)


YLO, I could toss you my files as well if you wanted. :3 I don't have a lot of Alephan out right now so I'd be more than happy to see a few guest colours for 'em!

Duly noted about the forms, though! I had thought that the second form was ONLY for the non-adopters, and that if we submitted a critter to colour, it was taken for granted that we'd want to colour back. Completely my bad! Thank you for clearing that up so quickly!



yeah sorry not gimp friendly and the mutatiosn aren't all set up and some markings are not right, it makes for a bad file for others to use

although I prefer my premade markings not be used and something new be created anyways which is why I gave the png files anyways, but by all means use the ponies only, I don't mind something pretty willb e colored, somethign that will make my head spin in breeding season XD


Yea I am a bit more used to the pony lineart and I have those .psd files so I can see the shading and highlights and save myself the time of templating basic coloring layers which leaves more time to design awesome Orlaya =3 I do wanna play with the maned piggies someday, I have awesome ideas for those. And for now, off to play with ponies! ^^


.. You meant something like this? XD I had a terrible day, so I needed to color. Yay for animal mimics.


yes like that
other then the second one I am stumped


Oh and no, last months were not given away yet. Since it was so chaotic I had said Ill give them away in next thread, so they will be bundled up with this month's give aways :)


These are toffeeca's Pecora:

These two are for me:

And I'll get around to posting Dray's Wildren later. I already sent along the psd files, I'm not sure if indigo still wants me to post them here too.


O.o this is not good my little bittie files went with the rest when i had to whipe my computer..i will have to whip up new ones.


raffle posted in the 4th post- open to anyone. Please note: those colored for July giveaway will be included. I also need people to tell me what is being given away of the ones colored for you.


Snot, i'm off by a day. x__X;  i've gotten one finished and have been working on the other two; may i go ahead and finish them and get them in?  Sorry, sorry. ><;;


SeaCrest says, "Raffle me!"

reduni_387 needs raffled!
Goddesss needs raffled!
YourLoveOnly needs raffled!
Blondie_63 needs raffled!
Whimsy needs raffled!
PonyMama needs raffled!
Dunkel.Prinzessin204 needs raffled!
toffeeca needs raffled!
Ryuukokoro needs raffled!
Neocridders needs raffled!
sera needs raffled!


*Stabs photobucket*  <<; i swear, i just spent the last 20 minutes, at least, trying to get these to upload. D8  i hope they're okay.  .___.;



I had planned on doing the Alephan Wildren as extra, but I just came back home so I'm afraid I didn't color them. I started on them >.> But they are nowhere near finished.

And sera, I love those <3 Indigo, they can go into the raffle, I have no time to run events right now. I will be back to claim stuff later.

I think we are still missing lots of stuff too? I have not received the Luminaria ones yet.


All the Orlaya colored for this month and last can be raffled


Ill be turning my stuff in tonight I've been without the internet and computer (router stopped working and my keyboard was acting up so they visited best buy and the geek squad)


wow just 1 raffle entry person lol. due date to name prizes is supposed to be tomorrow, but as a lot of things seem to be way behind I guess we can extend everything to the end of the month. I dont know all the critters that are meant to go to the giveaway because not all are finished lol so the owners cant tell me.

Next month, I think Ill let someone else run it. RL has prevented me from being here much and I dont want it to suffer because Im not around. Any volenteers?