~! Wickerflits !~ All Surprise Flat-Sales Posted! (please pickup ^_^)

Started by Spiderfly, July 18, 2010, 05:38:03 PM

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Keilin Alyr

Ah, I meant to ask. Is there a system or preferred style for naming these guys and girls? =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Aww  I'm glad you guys like them so much!! And nope, just whatever bird I think looks good with the coat colour ^_^ Not sure how inheritance might work with them once breedings start, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it lol

And nope! Name away ^_^ Just remember they're pets, like a stubborn dog lol. So you'd probably have a 'call name' if you gave them a long elaborate full name


*jaw on floor* W-whoa!! I never would have thought I'd be THAT lucky! What a lovely boy I have! He's so stunning I can't take my eyes away! Hee hee those wings are so cool and neat... *pokes them*

I shall name him Libelula. It means dragonfly in Romanian (one of my friends has a Romanian roommate so I pick up a lot of pretty words hee hee)


I am -tickled- pink; I can't  wait to start competing and breeding specific lines; it'll be awesome XD

I'm going to give them show stye names, I think.

My Cob will be called "He's da Boss", and the pen will be "Ella Springtime Sprig"


Oh, question: What does it mean with one standing and one sitting? I thought it was based on gender, but I'm not sure?


Nope ^^ they're just different poses. Anything with a crest is a male, anything without a crest is a female. You can also tell by looking at the genetics.

XX, XoX, XoXo - female (pen)
XY, XoY - male (cob)


Are poses random, or are they genetic? And are they passed to offspring?


Poses are completely random. Once there are more Wickerflits out, I'll make new poses just to spruce things up a bit and offer more variety.

Keilin Alyr

Still a little lost on names, but maybe some new blood in the group will help me out. =)

Name: Keilin Alyr
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: both Pens
Your Total: 25,000 SG

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Name: Math
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: One Pen and One Cob
Your Total: 25k SG

Thanks! :D


Name: SeaCrest
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: Pen and Cob
Your Total: 25k


I am so happy! She's sooooo lovely. I'd like to name mine Sanyana. *hugs it* Thanks Spiderfly!! And congrats to everyone else!



~Surprise Flatsale Form!~

Name: XLostxDestinyX
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: Penns [female]
Your Total: 25,000 SG


If I wont the Wickerflit [dident know if you meant me by destiny lol]
I love her!! Can i please name her Pele :D


Ack yeah XD I meant you. He's all yours! Just in case the pickups thread is confusing 003M is your boy. Not sure if you still wanted to name him Pele? Or if you thought he was a female. ^_^

I'll add your name to the flat sale list as soon as I receive payment for the flits <3


Name: sera
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: Male and female!
Your Total: 25,000 SG


Name: Ryuukokoro
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: two pens
Your Total: 25,000 SG

My boy needs some pretty ladies to fawn over him. >:3


I have to agree completely Ryuu XD I wanted to keep him /so badly/ I might have to beg you for a breeding at some point if I roll myself a female that's suitable X3


But of course you are welcome to! He looks like the kind who wants to see a lot of little hims running around. XD


Name: Nako
# Wanted: 2
Genders Wanted: Pen and Cob
Your Total:  25,000 SG


Name Neocridders
#Wanted 2
Genders pen and cob
Total 25000


Name: Xenon
# Wanted: 1 (since there's just one slot left! XD)
Genders Wanted: Cob
Your Total: 12,500 SG


Ooh! All these dog coated Wickerflits are making me hope that my flatsale surprises have dog coats! *loves merles and pointed dogs*


hehehehe welllll. Your two should be up in the next 15 min or so Math! All I'm going to say is. . I had to draw a new trait for your boy X3



He'll need a special name then, if he has a new trait. Well, actually, both my two will need a special name because I'm sure they'll be amazing. <3



K, well the spots filled up while you were gone so normally I'd have to decline. But I seem to be zipping through them XDD So I'll add you to the list!


Whoops i thought it was female i changed my form to female after i noticed you posted saying change <3
But he is lufflie all the same! In that case can i change my flatsale form to 2 female [penns] instead <3 [wont edit it until given permission]

I would love to name him LavaLamp instead! Thank you!


Thank you for adding me in the list! I tottally got wrapped up earlier and forgot to send funds =( Im so sorry about that! You're very sweet to still take me in! <3 <3


I'm going to name my cob "Kyran" and my pen "Loraen". :) They're both amazing, thank you!


OMG amazing flits so far guys, congrats!! I am drooling over these doberman-like marked ones.... *grabby hands*


^_^ NP Destiny <3 And you can edit that post now if you want to. Added!

@Math - I'm glad you like them! I'll add their names once I get off my butt and update my records lol



Spiderfly, I've picked up my critter so you can take her off pickups :3

Just want to make sure -- I don't keep my critters on a Boarding thread; instead I have a webpage I put all my critters on. Is that OK? Let me know if it's not ^^;


That's fine Jojo! ^_^ Just wanted to make sure people had the info before I deleted it. Thanks for letting me know!

Keilin Alyr

Oh, my two newcomers are such lovely little ladies! Much as I love more extensive white, I think my male and my first female would have some stunning babies as well. Can't wait to sign them up for their first frenzy. =)

I have them and their information saved, so you can remove them from pickup.

EDIT: I think I have names picked out:

006M: Outshine the Sun, call name Shiny (because he is XD)
008F: Song to the Silence, call name Melody
009F: Chasing Butterflies, call name Flutter

Also, I totally know who I'm breeding Flutter to in an upcoming breeding season. *admires SeaCrest's new cob*

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


OMG! Pretty!


012M - Wind's Whisper, call name Whisper

I shall run and copy down the info right away. Five minutes, kay?

XD Thanks Keilin.





Back from my trip to Montreal! I'll start posting up the remaining surprise flat sales later this afternoon. I have an interview first! Wish me luck!

Keilin Alyr

Sending good luck vibes your way, Spiderfly. Hope your interview goes well! =D

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Oh these are beautiful, may i ask how much are the surprise flatsales? or are they already claimed?


Unfortunately all the flat sale spots are gone at the moment. :3 I should be done all or most of the pickups today though, and will figure out the next thing to do afterwards! Not sure, what do you guys think? Auctions? Flat Sales? Semi-customs?


Oooo semi-customs! And games! ^_^ *waits to see new pretties*


starting to post new Wickerflits! Nako's are taking a bit, yay new traits! XD But I should get quicker after that.


0_0 I HAVE PRETTIES!!! *hugs her two girls*

Thank you muchly for such pretties! Libelula is very happy! I'm going to name 016F Snicker and 017F will be named Noir.

I put my two girls up on my homepage, but I didn't get my boy before you took him down. I was waiting to nab all three of them at once. If it's not too much trouble, could you put my boy back up so I can get him? Or you could pm him to me with his info? Sorry for the trouble.


Oh oops! I'm sorry that was my mistake ^_^ I'll put him back up right now