~! Wickerflits !~ All Surprise Flat-Sales Posted! (please pickup ^_^)

Started by Spiderfly, July 18, 2010, 05:38:03 PM

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(Nako's, Please do not touch)

General Information
Wickerflits are a medium-sized bird-like creature that have light, partially hollow bones. However, they also share a lot of feline and canine tendencies as well. Wickerflits make awesome pets and though trainable, are known to be stubborn. They tend to be independent and require little maintenance to stay happy.

Throughout the years various mutations have appeared and a difference in keepers has emerged. Some, the breeders, breed strictly for physical appearance. Others, the trainers, began to breed for physical prowess and ability. Others yet focus on neither but dabble in both.

All males have a crest of feathers, though some mutations on this have been seen. Males are known as cobs, and females are known as pens, while the babies are called cygnets.

Habitat and Food

The natural habitat of the Wickerflits is tropical jungle. Though they may live near clearings, lakes, or the seaside, they still need the natural cover provided by the forest.

Not only does the jungle provide a place to hide, it provides their food. In the shade of the canopy, a myriad of insects, small rodents and reptiles flourish as well as many fruit bearing plants. These foodstuffs make up the vast majority of the Wickerflits diet. However, Wickerflits are opportunists and will not pass by a free piece of meat without taking a bite, or an abandoned hive without stealing some honey.

Breeders vs. Trainers

Breeders are those that breed for physical appearance instead of ability. Each breeder tends to have their own colours and patterns that they breed for. Each breeder will probably set up their own opinions on what is beautiful. Some will like solid colours, others patterns like tabbies. It is up to you what you want to breed. ^__^

Trainers are those that choose to specialize in the physical ability of their Wickerflits rather than the physical appearance. Physical appearance in some cases can actually affect the ability of the Wickerflit. Males that have oversized crests, for example, while extremely desirable to breeders, will only be slowed down by their beautiful crest in races. Trainers also focus on breeding proven competitors as their points can pass down to their Cygnets.

There are a few different types of competitions. More information will be provided as they become available and open up for entries. Here is a list of possible future events:

- Pageants
- Endurance Races
- Sprints
- Others? . . .

Note: Once everything is up and running, if there are enough owners out there I may approve 'registered' hosts that can hold events and make a few SG off them; while helping active owners to improve their lines and get more competitions in.

One-on-One Breeding
One-on-One breeding is exactly as it sounds. One Cob and one Pen are bred together for maximum control over the genetics passed onto the offspring (Cygnets). However, Wickerflits naturally breed in harem-like situations and breeding one-on-one is an unnatural occurrence for them.

Because of this, fertility rates are lowered and results in a markedly smaller amount of eggs per clutch. Only 1 or 2 eggs will ever be laid from a breeding like this.

There are however some amazing pros to this style of breeding. From a breeding such as this you will know exactly who the parents are and it allows you remarkable control if you're attempting to breed for certain traits, or certain points.

Frenzies are the natural way in which Wickerflits breed. A group of Wickerflits meet and a breeding frenzy occurs. For a breeding frenzy to occur there must be a minimum of 3 of each gender present, with a maximum of 6. So there may be anywhere from 6-12 Wickerflits in a frenzy. No one trainer can enter anymore than 3 Wickerflits total into any given frenzy.

Frenzies greatly increase the chance of successful, fertile, breedings. The amount of eggs in a clutch increases depending on the amount of participants in the frenzy. For a frenzy of 6-8 participants each Pen will have from 1-3 eggs in her clutch. For a frenzy of 9-12, each Pen will have from 2-4 eggs.

The only cons to frenzy breeding is you never know who the father is of any given Cygnet until it's hatch date when I will examine it and genetically determine the father.


To-Do List

- Finish Information
- Raffle Prizes - 6/6
- Surprise Flat Sales



Please Let Me Know When I Can Take Your Critter Off Pickups!!

Winner: Vyn!

XX Cc TT II WMWm Bbl dd Ss Mm
ID: 004F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Blue Merle w/ White
Traits: Tailless

Seacrest's Surprise Flat Sales

XY Cc Tt ii WmWm bbl Dd SS Mm
ID: 012M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Natural Chocolate Merle w/ Extensive White
Traits: Bobtail, Butterfly Wings, Normal Crest (Gold Finch)

XX CC Tt II WmWm blbl Dd Ss mm
ID: 013F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Cinnamon w/ White
Traits: Bobtail

Sera's Surprise Flat Sales

XY Cc tt Ii WMWM blbl DD ss Mm^
ID: 014M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Natural Cinnamon, Fantasy Green Merle
Traits: Normal Crest (Yellow-Green Grosbeak)

XoXo Cc Tt Ii WMWM bbl DD Ss mm
ID: 015F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Red w/ White
Traits: Bobtail

Nako's Surprise Flat Sales

XY Cc^ tt II WmWm Bbl DD Ss Mm
ID: 018M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Natural Black Merle w/ White
Traits: Normal Mutated Crest

XoXo CC Tt ii WMwm bb^ Dd ss mm
ID: 019F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Fantasy Purple
Traits: Bobtail, Dragonfly Wings

Neocridders's Surprise Flat Sales

XoY Cc TT ii WMWm Bb DD Ss Mm
ID: 020M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Natural Minimal Red Merle w/ White
Traits: Tailless, Dragonfly Wings, Normal Crest (Mandarin)

XOXO Cc tt II wmwm blbl Dd ss mm
ID: 021F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Red
Traits: -

Xenon's Surprise Flat Sales & Present from Nako

XY cc Tt Ii WMWM bbl^ dd Ss mm
ID: 022M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Fantasy Lilac w/ White
Traits: Bobtail, Large Crest (European Starling)

XX CC^ tt Ii wmwm Bbl Dd ss Mm^
ID: 023F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Black and Fantasy Blue Merle
Traits: -

XY Cc^ tt II Wmwm bbl^ Dd SS mm
ID: 026M
Gender: Cob
Colour: Fantasy Purple w/ Extensive White
Traits: Mutated Crest (Violet-backed Starling)

xLostxDestinys's Surprise Flat Sales

XoX Cc^ Tt II WMwm bbl dd Ss Mm
ID: 024F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Lilac and Cream Tortie Merle w/ White
Traits: Bobtail

XX cc TT II Wmwm blbl Dd Ss mm
ID: 025F
Gender: Pen
Colour: Natural Cinnamon w/ White
Traits: Tailless


(flatsales, accessories, more?. . )


(auctions; breeding, semi-custom, custom, and growth openings)

(frankens, raffles)


(mostly borrowed from the lovely Nako and her Farallon Dragons)

Rules of Trade

- You may NOT sell for USD under any circumstance.
- Current owner, and owner-to-be must both send me a private message telling me of the trade so I may update my records

Rules of Breeding

One-on-One Breeding
- Whoever pays for the breeding gets first pick, if it is a free breeding it is between the owners to figure out who picks first. (hint: use this as a negotiation tactic to get that super awesome Cob/Pen to accept a breeding XD)

- Pens lay eggs in communal nests. Because of this, there is no way to tell who the parents are of any given egg. I roll to see how many eggs each owner receives and they're claimed on a first come first serve basis. When the eggs hatch I will determine who the parents are and let the owner know. Everyone will get at least one egg.

NOTE!: This means that you may end up with no babies from your lines, or all babies from your lines. There is no way to know which babies you are getting. Frenzies are totally, and completely, a grab bag. Fun, and a good way to bring new blood into your flock. Just be aware that you cannot guarantee a particular breeding by this method. If that is what you wish, please use a one-on-one breeding.




I am -so- tickled over my sweet boy! I can't wait to create my own little horde :D


X3 you guys are sweet. Just hammering out some final genetic stuffs before I start posting info ^_^


new info up! Will start setting up the forms and such for the raffle soon ^_^


HHEEEEEE. Awesome win info.  ^^  i find the frenzies interesting and scary. xD;;;;; *touches Nako's Wickerflit then runs away laughing maniacally* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHa.


Name: sera
Preferred Gender: pen! (Female? xD;)
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: Hrms. . . i'd say 10-25k, for now. ^^ <3



Name: Kasatsu
Preferred Gender: cob
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 25k


Name: (yours) Neocridders
Preferred Gender: (pen or cob) Pen, female
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: At first probably 30kish



Name: Destiny
Preferred Gender: penn
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 22k

Must compliment on the doberman mimic one up there.... *grabby hands*
I adore black n tan and chocolate n cream coloured mimics!!


Name: Ryuukokoro
Preferred Gender: cob
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 20k


Name: Echowing
Preferred Gender: Pen
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 25-30k

Thanks =)


Name: Chaos
Preferred Gender: Cob
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 25-30k :3


Hi, Spidey! <3

Name: colormedark
Preferred Gender: Pen
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 20-25k


Name: Jojo
Preferred Gender: Cob (male)
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: Hm, not sure, I'm still getting used to SG XD Seems like most people are saying 20k-ish, and I'd agree with that.

These guys are super cute :3


Name:  Nako
Preferred Gender: Female
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: Eek! Um... 25 to 50k depending on genetics?


Notice to All! I suck XD please reread the genders and make sure you have the one you /actually/ want on your raffle ticket.


Name: Jenn
Preferred Gender: Pen
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: No idea

Spiiiiidey! :D

Does, ah. Does my colony still count? o_o


Name: SeaCrest
Preferred Gender: Pen
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: I agree with the 20k price range ^_^


Hey Jenn! Yeah I was thinking I could slowly transfer them over. I'd probably only do like 5 at a time though, and do them at the same time as other events to save my sanity. So you'd just have to pick your favourites first lol


Oh, I wouldn't need you to re-do the art or anything. <3 I'd just need new info, methinks? Unless all of that was the same?


I changed around the genetics a bit. The colours are controlled now, but patterns aren't unless it's merle and the amount of white. That way I get to do whatever pattern I feel like at the time and have more fun with the babies. Dog patterns/horse patterns/etc.

I also cut out the dilution modifier so that the double-dilute colours like lilac (from black) are no longer possible. I'd rather redraw them personally. I could always give you say, 10 redraws, and tickets for randoms or semi-customs to equal out the amount you used to have? Let me know what you think <3


Name: Vyn
Preferred Gender: Cob (male)
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: I'm still pretty new here, but I think 25-30K sounds great.<3


Keilin Alyr

Name: Keilin Alyr
Preferred Gender: Pen
Suggested price for plain flatsales?: 10k-25k

The idea of mating frenzies is intriguing. Reminds me of the  dragon mating flight frenzies held at the Healing Den a few years back. =)

Out of curiosity, I know it says dabbling is possible, but is breeder v trainer a rank/preference you as an owner officially specialize in? Or would you be allowed to change your breeding focus even if you're specialized, say if you have a beautiful full-crested male you'd like to continue breeding, but you're signed on as a trainer?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Ooo that's a good question. I did mean it in a more general way that people will probably have more interest in one or the other. For example, a large-crested male, while probably desirable to a 'breeder' would slow down the male, and hinder them in a race. Though if people feel like it, you could have a beauty line that you breed strictly for looks. And say a racing line that has competitive lineage.

Now you've interested me though. Would you like to sign up as one or the other and receive benefits because of this? Say, flits owned by trainers in races get bonuses? Or flits owned by breeders get bonuses in pageants? I think I'm actually going to repost this question over in the help thread to allow people to earn second raffle tickets with their input. Thanks Keilin!


But maybe there should be benefits to having a large crest on a male? Because to me, if I were a breeder, I'd think that the small crest sounds more valuable to most points of view. I guess in other pageants and stuff that'd be a beneficial sort of trait?


Yeah, my plan so far is that large crests give you extra 'points' in a pageant situation, while it detracts points in an athletic competition.


Keilin Alyr

Oh man, there's 14 entries. The magical number for additional prizes is 15. We gotta find one more person to enter the raffle. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Keilin Alyr

Hooray for boredom! *cheers* XD

Don't worry, I've been watching my Zen Garden snail in Plants v Zombies pick up coins for me. At least you're being productive. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



Heehe. I want to stay up to see who wins, but Neo is so tired.


*fluffs* Poor Neo! Go to sleep! <3  ^^ Results will be up in the morning! 8D

Keilin Alyr

Get some sleep, Neo. The main way you get over being sick is to make sure you get plenty of rest. *pokes* And good food and plenty of fluids too. *poke-pokes* Flits will be waiting for you in the morning. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Closed! (rolling; will have results up in pickups in the next 5 minutes)


Keilin Alyr

*squishes new Wickerflit and Spiderfly* Thank you so much for my new boy, and congrats to everyone else who won!

And gah, he's so pretty! And primarily white with red and gold accents... he reminds me of Nako's androgynous Farallon that I was admiring. That's too much fun. =D

Ooh, and I find it really neat that the crests on males are patterned after real world birds. Is there a system for which birds are chosen for visible crests, or is it random? =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Gyuh, so much gorgeousness!!!!! *o*  *steals Destiny's in particular and flees* xD

Congrats, everyone! x3