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Guest coloring roulette event- all adoptables welcome!

Started by indigowulf, July 11, 2010, 08:29:38 AM

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So, I was thinking this would be fun.. guest color exchange randomized. The idea is, you post your adoptable and any coloring rules you have (natural colors, no brushes, ect) and at the same time you will be signing up for guest color roulette. At the end of the sign up, all participants will go into to be assigned who they will color for.

At the end of sign up, colorists will have 1 week to color for thier assigned adoptable (be sure you can color 3 in that time!) Each person colors 3 critters.  Colored critters are posted here for adoptable owner pickup. (and so we can all have fun seeing the results!)

After everything is colored, the adoptable owner can decide what to do with the results- hold thier own event, sell it, keep it for themselves, ect. If the owners chooses, they can enter it in a free raffle that will be held at the end of this event! You may put 0 or all 3 in the raffle, your choice.

A couple rules:
no resizing or editing the lines given- remember, the owner has to apply shading and cert still!
no fighting or whining or mean remarks if someone's coloring isnt up to your skill
try your best!
no paint users please, unless the adoptable owner says its ok
adoptable owners- please have transparent lines ready!
there will be no payment for this- you are exchanging coloring!
Im afraid this is only open to adoptable owners this time around, so every participant can both color and be colored for.
I'll add anything else if a problem comes up.

Oh yes, may help if I put in a sign up date, so people know when thier 1 week to color will start:
Sign ups end at July 19th at 23:59 secundi time. The following morning I will randomize entrants. Once I post match ups, you have 7 days to post your finished coloring of 3 critters.


entry form-
your username:
your adopable you wish colored:
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?:
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?:
anything else?:

entered people:
indigowulf- the ranch: horse rescue- breed of colorists choice- no paint
Neocridders- Gryphions- natural horselike or fantasy- paint ok
XLostxDestinyX- Akara birds- not paint friendly
YLO- The Jaeman Prophecy (no paint, save as .psd/.xcf, brushes sparingly)
PonyMama- Orlaya- (no paint, brushes sparingly)
toffeeca- Pecora- (no paint, brushes sparingly)
Goddesss- Chibi pets- (no paint, no stamp brushes)


entry form-
your username: indigowulf
your adopable you wish colored: the ranch: horse rescue
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: no paint
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: no
anything else?: NO VISABLE BRUSHES, natural colors only


Oh, this is such a fun idea!  i really want to join, but i'll be on vacation during the colouring time frame. xD;  i can't guarantee i'll have a chance to colour then. :/  But! i shall certainly keep my eye out for more of these events in the future.  hehe


your username:Neocridders
your adopable you wish colored: Gryphions
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: I can fix it to work for hopefully anyone, and if colored with paint, I can try to fix it up a little, if the person doesn't mind.
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: I'd like a .png version, or a .psd
anything else?: These adoptables will not normally be available for color your own. It'll be a rare thing for this to happen. Gryphions come in all colors, including naturals and fantasy colors. The naturals are usually horse mimics. Fantasy is anything the heart desires.

I will let you keep one of the ones you colors. I'll pick what happens to the other two. If you aren't ok with me giving them away for free, let me know. You'll get 100% the profits if we sell them.


Gah, also on my holidays when this is running, fantastic idea though!


well, if things to well this time, we can make this a monthly event :)


Since i have a CYO event open now it wouldent hurt to sign up!

entry form-
your username: XLostxDestinyX
your adopable you wish colored: Akara
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: Not currently paint friendly
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: No thanks
anything else?: Fantasy & Natural colouring allowed, brushes allowed <3


entry form-
your username: YourLoveOnly
your adopable you wish colored: Second Earth: The Jaeman Prophecy
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: shading is attached to lineart, so not paint friendly
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: yes please (or even better as .xcf if you have GIMP)
anything else?: natural and fantasy are both okay, only use brushes that follow the anatomy.


entry form-
your username: PonyMama
your adopable you wish colored: Orlaya
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: Layered program
colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: PNG is fine
anything else?: Try not to use brushes, and go with the flow of the creature.


your username: toffeeca
your adopable you wish colored: Pecora
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: no paint
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: Nope, just .png
anything else?: Both natural and fancy are acceptable try not to overuse brushes


entry form-
your username: Goddesss
your adopable you wish colored: Chibi Pets
is paint ok, or does your line require a layer program?: No paint sorry
do you want colorist to save a .psd of the finished adoptables?: .png is fine
anything else?: I dont mind if people use brushes as long as it doesnt look like you just popped a stamp on it.


updated the list. weee! Im going to my hometown for our annual river celebration the weekend of the 22nd, but Ill get the list up before I go. Dont worry, Ill get my promised ones colored on time too!


The assignments, as determined by (sorry its a couple days late, I realize I gave a deadline for coloring, but not everyone has thier lines up! So, deadline for posting lines 7 days, then deadline for coloring them another 7- sound good?)

who is coloring-------- what they are coloring----(notes from adoptable owner)

indigowulf- Orlaya- (no paint, brushes sparingly)colored
Neocridders- Akara birds- (not paint friendly)
XLostxDestinyX- the ranch: horse rescue- (breed of colorists choice- no paint) colored
YLO- Chibi pets- (no paint, no stamp brushes)colored
PonyMama- Pecora- (no paint, brushes sparingly)colored
toffeeca- Gryphions- (natural horselike or fantasy- paint ok)
Goddesss- The Jaeman Prophecy (no paint, save as .psd/.xcf, brushes sparingly)colored

(I cheated to avoid having anyone randomly assigned thier own adoptable or one they already work for since that defeats the purpose. )

Please post/pm your lines for coloring!

LD, can you pick what breed of ranch you'd like to color? examples are found here:


Oooh chibi pets, that seems like fun! =3 Will be so hard to only color 3 XD

-Jaeman Prophecy-
You can color one for yourself to keep and 2 for me to rehome. You may color more than 3 if you wish.


Ok. :) Toffeeca, these are the png files with transparent background. Save the files, then open them in what ever program you want. If you are using paint, I can fix it up so that the colors are cleaner, but what ever you want is fine.

And you can color one for you to keep for yourself, and two for something that I pick.

If you aren't ok with them going away for free, let me know. I'd be fine if you wanted to auction or sell them. And you'd get 100% of the profits. :)


You can color more then 3 *if* the adoptable owner gives permission. Its just listed as 3 for the event, you guys can work out actual number if you wish to do more.

I am thinking of doing this once a month- a week to sign up (including links to lines in sign up- Im learning!), a week to color, and 2 weeks to hold events for giving away/homing things that you want to donate to events in the roulette thread.


YLO if you let me know which ones you would like to color I will just send you the PSD files for them. 

Avian [Birdies!]
Aquatic [Turtles, Fishies]
Feline [Kittens]
Canine [Puppies]
Reptile [Snakes, Lizards]
Hare [Bunnies]
Amphibian [Frogs]
Rodent [Mice]

Photobucket link for examples of lines.


Okay =)
I've added in that out of every 3 they can keep one for themselves, I liked that suggestion Neo.
And I've also added that more than 3 is fine by me, have fun with them ;-)

@Goddesss: Lemme think about that for a while O.o I like them all xD


That sounds good to me too YLO.  So you may color more than 3 and for every 3 you color you can keep 1. 


I can color more? Wheeee! Now I can color one of each XD




Just wanted to let indigo know that I emailed my lines to YLO.


This sounds bloody amazing. :o Wish I'd seen it a few days ago, as I'd definitely have joined in!

Keilin Alyr

Here's hoping everything goes smoothly, because this looks like a lot of fun. I'm also hoping it becomes a monthly or at least bi-monthly event, no matter who hosts it. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Sent Akara lines to Neo ^.^
Ranch line i like: mostly all of them so im not choosy about which to colour, thanks!
I like these:

and these:

the best <3


ranch lines for you- not putting up the foals cuz I dont have forever baby :)


I've finished! I chose to do real animal mimics ^^ I've colored 10, one of each type. I also did 5  to keep for myself (the deal was 2 for the shop, 1 for myself). It's very fun lineart to color <3

Posting them here as indigo requested us all to do ^^

For the shop:



For me:

Name: Christine | Gender: Female

Name: Luanna | Gender: Female

Name: Quirine | Gender: Female

Name: Moridin | Gender: Male

Name: Roon | Gender: Female


Very beautiful YLO.  Thank you so much.  I will get these certed for you soon. =)


Certed the ones you are keeping YLO and sent you a PM.

These are for the raffle.


For the shop:

THe ones for me I would like to gift to Crowflux if that is ok:

Name: Crowflux Owner: Crowflux

Name: Norgewolf Owner: Crowflux

Posted thumbnails because the images are big.


Do you have to have an adoptable to guest color?


They mentioned that, at least for the current batch, you have to have an adoptable going already. I think this round is closed in any case, but I'm in the same boat as you -- hoping to see another one some time!



Whimsy and Dray- this was a test run, so to be sure we had an even number of adoptables and colorists, I made this run require that you enter an adoptable at the same time that you offer to color. Next month will not have that restriction.


is this still open? if so id like to join if not can you explain a little more about what you did? cause i had seen this before but was unsure really what it entailed >.>


Since it was a flat image, I wasnt able to color the white and keep the highlights, I hope its ok if you put those back in?


sunchaser- its closed for this month, all that remains are the colorists posting thier colored results, and the adoptable owners deciding what to do with the colored ones- if they want to add them to the giveaway, that will take place in this thread once they announce they wish to give them away.

There will be one of these each month. I put a post in the help booths for feedback, asking what people want, that one has a lot more detail as it is intended to be the format for each month.

help link:


of course

I am still trying to get energy to color up my ones for Toffeeca, but I had my mini vacation and ended up being sick all the way through it and today I keep falling asleep at the keyboard my head is so heavy

I will get them colored at some point though


Ok here are three for the Guest Color Roulette


Just waiting on neo and toffeeca, yay almost all done! I think Ill hold the free giveaway while getting signups for next months roulette, or we wont get things started on time.

Keilin Alyr

Oh, those are beautiful bird mimic Pecora, PM. I imagine Chem would steal that blue jay mimic in a heatbeat. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Oh, Neo sent the images to Lost Destiny already :O

Sorry... do I need to find them and post them again?


I am glad the birdie pecora are liked.

I am sure if Chem were here she would happily steal the bluejay, I have made her many in the past.  I didn't even think about it though when I was coloring it, I just colored it


I'm sorry there are only three Neo, I tried to make more but my computer kept crashing whenever I tried to color. I hope that these work for you.

And you are free to use them in whatever events you would like. :)


They are lovely :) If you want to keep one, let me know. I'll get them all shaded.
Here they are!


Last bit of biz. to take care of for this thread- who would like to add any or all of thier colored critters to the giveaway? My ranch were intended to be given away, was thinking others could add things, it will be 100% free.

Look for next month's sign ups on the first!



The orlaya you colored for me can go into a big event