Dark Castle/Night Kennels Game Show Event ~Over, Prize Claim Starting Now

Started by Dunkel.Prinzessin204, July 08, 2010, 10:31:46 PM

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Okay every one got it right and Mutt gets the points. Here is the next question.

Japanese Animation~ 500

Name the animated series that is heavily in fluenced by Alice in Wonderland and has a "White Rabbit", a "Jaberwocky", a "White Knight", and a "Queen of Hearts".


Eee Alice in Wonderland question! I looove those books. And love anime. Let's go! *cracks knuckles*

Well this question is initially difficult because... there's so many possible answers! I'm going to assume you're not talking about Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland because that is really not Secundi appropriate. XD Plus it's a half-hour one-shot and not an actual series.

There was also an actual anime made after the two books called Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, but I assume you're not talking about that because you said 'influenced by' which implies it's not exactly the books made into an anime. Plus it was made in 1983 and I'm guessing you're maybe looking for something a little more current.

The two more current animes I know of are Project ARMS and Pandora Hearts, both of which are influenced by Alice in Wonderland and have characters with the names you listed. The first one is a little older and definitely a shonen anime, so I dunno if that's the one you're looking for. The second is pretty new and more of a girly anime, but the character analogies aren't as obvious. Hmm...

Oops I made this more like an essay answer. >_> Well, I'll go with Pandora Hearts for my final answer. ^^


Hahahahaha Ryuu your explanation makes me not want to answer. 

Pandora Hearts


Dunno if there's still time to answer or not but I'm going to try a different answer and say Fushigi no Kuni no Alice... which I think just translates into Alice in Wonderland XD


Okay I was actually looking for Project ARMS as the four main characters are sometimes referred to "White Rabbit", "Jaberwocky", "White Knight", and "Queen of Hearts". So nobody got it right though Ryuu's spectacular answer did mention it. Here is the next question.

Movie Blockbusters ~ 400

Name three movies that have made up their own languages. Please note any three will do.


Uhm, Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars,Star Trek :)


Aaaarg! I was... so... close! *falls to knees and holds hands up to the sky*

Ahem. Moving on. Hmm, movies that made up their own language...

Star Trek (because Klingon has its own language institute...to promote a language and culture that doesn't exit... seriously XD;; )
Avatar (Na'vi)
Lord of the Rings (Sindarin)


LOTR (of course!! )
Yupppp love these movies. Amazing stories. Hhheeehee




And everyone got it it right. Hurray! Random.Org chose Willow for the points. Here is the next question. You have three hours to answer.

What's That ~ 200


I'm pretty sure that is Sailor Moon's hair.




I wont argue since thats what I thought when i saw it.

Sailor Moon's hair


Going to have to agree sailer Moon's hair lol


And goddesss get the points.  Here is the next question and you have two hours to answer.

Movie Blockbusters ~ 200

Name a movie that has Johnny Depp playing a drug dealer.




So many movies where he seems to be ON drugs. XD But the one where he's a dealer is Blow!

Keilin Alyr

Heh, I can't argue with that observation, Ryuu. XD He's still such a fun actor though. =)

Guess I'll cast my answer for Blow as well, since I'm active in thread.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


And it's Blow for the win! Random.org choose Willow as the winner and here is the next question you will have two hours to answer.

What's That ~ 400


A horses tail :3

(It could be human hair though, I can't tell >.>)


Definetly a ponytail of some sort ^.^ Ummm Ill go with Persons ponytail


Looks like a black horse's tail (and butt) XD


I am going to go with a horses tail too.  That looks like a smooth horse butt =)


I think that is a horses backside XD

edit: Think I may be too late though now that I see the time.



And it is a horse (specifically it's booty) and Goddesss gets the points. We only have  three more questions and then I shall and up the points and announce a winner. Here is the next question. You have three hours to answer.

Movie Blockbusters ~ 100

Name a film that likes to "Move it Move it"


Keilin Alyr

Sounds like Madagascar.

I remember back in middle school, our gym teachers were obsessed with playing that song. Drove most of us insane when running laps, because they'd sometimes loop it over and over again. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Giant African Island!

...I mean, Madagascar!


I love Madagascar! Haha. The first and second movies have it.


So when I first planed this I wanted to have 3 Alaskan Huskies and 3 Pitties for the winner to choose from as a "starter pack". Unfortunately right now I only have the huskies. Now whoever wins can either choose to take the huskies or they can choose three other dogs. I will eventually have the Pitties just not at this moment. The three huskies aren't listed as prizes right now so I thought I would show them to you now.


Madagascar!  Move It!!!!! lol

Those are very pretty doggies.


er, ahem. *presses the game show buzzer* Madagascar. :D

*drools over Huskies*


you know it didnt even dawn on me that that was an answer post when I decided to edit to remark on the doggies instead of double posting.  You can just ignore my answer though. =)



And Neo wins the points. Here is the next question and as I am eager to finish this you will have two hours to answer.

What is That ~ 100


That would be Lectrals ear from the council door game XD


Lectrals ear

almost looks like a gidget ear!!!

Keilin Alyr

That's Lectral! Is it sad I knew who it was from the spots? XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



Well I will go with the crowd and say yes, it looks to be the Lectral!



That was a pun that made no sense

Keilin Alyr

*gnaws on Lectral ear?*

I mean, delectable can mean tasty, right? >.>

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Random says not eating the ear and that Jojo gets the points.And here is the last question you guys have till 9:00 secundi time to answer.

Japanese Animation ~ 400

Name five Hayao Miyazaki films and tell me if he wrote them.

Edit: When I say wrote I mean the screenplay

Keilin Alyr

Lectral may be a kitty, but she is not for nom-ing. So sayeth Random.org. XD

Howl's Moving Castle (screenplay was co-written by him and the author of the novel, Diana Wynne Jones)
Spirited Away (yes)
Princess Mononoke (yes)
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind (yes)
Kiki's Delivery Service (yes, though it had an original script written by Nobuyuki Isshiki and was also loosely based on a novel)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Spirited Away (yes)
Princess Mononoke (yes)
Castle in the Sky (yes)
My Neighbor Totoro (yes)
Ponyo (yes)

My favorite Miyazaki films in order XD