Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | July Thread - Banner Contest ending super soon.

Started by Gryphions, July 06, 2010, 01:05:16 PM

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I am just reposting the list of ones that I did not trade that need to be added (I am guessing that you already have an idea of how you want to add them, but I just thought I would post a list in case it helps you at all. :) )



are mine and also

#44 has already been added but it wasn't marked on the list, just so you don't get confused :)


ID 75 - Myron

I also want to name the following Gryphions:
ID 37 - Kendra
ID 49 - Lacy


i don't want to give you more work, but i feel i should ask here anyway? xD;;;  Was there a prize for the 'guess the book' game?  ^^ Because if it ends up being a premade, i'd like to see it before doing my next breeding. ^^


If that was the guess what scene in harry potter thing, yes. And err... I've not made it yet :/ I was waiting for the raffle to end. I'm sorry! Umm., I won't have it before breeding season ends. I'm so sorry ><

ETA: Oh my gosh. Wait. I have a premade for you I forgot about :D Just a second please.



I have some gryphions that Hunni colored for me, but she never gave them away.
And I don't think she's coming back, so I'm giving them away as premades when I remember I need a premade >.<

So, yay! This one is yours, Sera, for winning that contest.

And I'll announce banner contest results when I get back. I'll be giving out premades for that. So if you haven't entered, please feel free to now!
:D Thanks everyone who has entered that so far.


*Fluffs* It wouldn't have been a problem at all if i hadn't gotten it before breeding season ended; i just wasn't sure if you had one already made!

Aww, she's so lovely, thank you!!! ^^  i shall dub her Bryher!  Thank you! 

*also looking forward to hearing winners of banner contest* ^^


This goes for everyone: I have my phone (which gets internet in most areas) so I'll be able to answer PMs if anyone needs to ask me something.
I hope everyone has a good weekend, and I'll be lurking in the forums here and there when I get time.

Sorry that I'm going.


Have a great weekend, Neo! ^^  Be safe and have a blast! hehee


Mini game contest thing!
Guess Neo's fear!
We are focusing on a particular fear. It's a monster sort of fear.

Prize is a semi custom
It goes to the first person to guess right.
No editing posts!

Neo is terrifyed of a certain myth/mystery monster. Who is he?

He's tall
He's able to fly
He has been sighted in -America-

This ends when someone guesses right, or August happens. Haha.




Mothman! (He is a fascinating monster figure in Virginia history!)



Wow. Ryuu got that one. I am terrifyed that Mothman will get me. Ha. I didn't think it'd be so quick to end. I won't be home for a few days, so if you want to give me a name, gender, and three or four colors, I'll get that to you soon.




Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I searched my name but it was spelled SeaCreast instead of SeaCrest :P So I didn't find anything :P



Keilin Alyr

I gave it a little thought, and I'd like to name ID: 97 Artemis.

Yeah, I know he's male, but he was colored by Goddesss, and the ticket that won him was gifted by Goddesss. Only seems fitting that he have the name of a goddess. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Artemis can be for a boy or a girl, BTW. Not common, but you should read Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. The main character is Artemis and he gets rather testy when people comment on the fact that his name is a goddess's name :P

Keilin Alyr

I'm more familiar with Artemis Entreri from the Forgotten Realms book series/D&D roleplaying setting when it comes to males with the name Artemis, but I'm glad for my gryphion's sake that there's more out there. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I think the whole Mothman thing is so fascinating! His connection to all sorts of phenomenon at once is unique in the paranormal world. Usually a paranormal occurrence will have people claiming its caused by an alien or a ghost or something. Most agree that there's like one possible reason behind a sighting. But the Mothman incidents had people claiming everything from guardian angel to monster/mutant to alien/UFO sightings to government conspiracy! Such a weird part of US history...

Hmmmm let's see...semi-custom info...

Name: Tikaani
gender: female
colors: Black, cyan, magenta



Alright, since I've been going out of order with updating folders, and I now feel like that may have been a bad idea, I'm going to go in order now.

Going in order ensures that all are in bonded albums. But it makes it more likely that I messed up in where it goes. I'm going to try to do a double check when I'm done, but if anyone sees any mistakes at all (or anything I missed and forgot to add to the point I'm at) please let me know.

:) I believe 1-10 are alright. I'm going to go check 11-20 right now. If any are incorrect on 1-10, please let me know.

ETA: Also, since there are tons of gryphions going in with and without names, if I miss a name, don't freak out! Please just wait, and repost it in the August thread, when I'm not juggling breeding, raffle, and that stuff. Haha XD Thanks.

ETA again: And it looks like 11-20 are where they should be too. So, again, if anyone sees anything wrong up to number 20, let me know!

Eta again again: 21-30 done, again let me know if anything is wrong up to 30.

ETA: And I'm done through 40. So, if anything is incorrect up to 40 let me know. Wow, I'm going pretty fast. I guess I had already uploaded many of them that were traded, so now I'm just uplaoding what's not been claimed.

ETA: Done through 50. Odds are I'm messing something up somewhere. Haha. I'll go through a second time to make sure.
Just so you guys know, I'm not updating the prize post right now. I'll do that later when I double check.


Ok, it says in indigo's post that blondie is getting something in exchange for something else. Blondie has not posted trades of any kind, but I'm going to go with what indigo said because I remember seeing blondie want the one you traded her...

if blondie needs to correct me, she can. I'm assuming stuff her, and I know that's not always the smartest thing to do XD

ETA: Oooook, now I've done everything except the items I think (i'll get to those in a second). I'm gonna go back and double check.

**If you traded away something expecting something in return, but the other end of the trade didn't post that they were trading, making you not get what was promised, please post letting me know. I don't know if this happened, but I need to know (if this was a gryphion/gryphion trade. If this was a gryphion for other adoptable, I don't know what I can do...)


Alrighty. I've added everything, checked it twice. Haha.

So, please everyone see if you've got what you should have in your albums! I've tried my best to make sure I caught all the trades, but I make mistakes.

:) So, everyone, thanks for making this raffle fun, and I hope we are -finally- finished with this XD Gonna get on breeding stuffs now, and then hopefully we'll get something else up once we're done with kittens.

--I'd prefer if I missed names, or you need to name a gryphion for some reason, wait until August. I don't know if I'll be able to focus on that right now. I hope you understand! Thanks!

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



o.o I accidentally deleted her instead of the one I accidently added twice. Fixing now, sorry ^^'


Neo's a bit excited for tonight.

Well, here's a hint:

And it has to do with a youtube premire tonight. Oooh, Neo only has to wait one more hour. EXCITED!

Who knows what I'm talking about? If anyone does, they get the above gryphion.

Wheee! Just a hint, think about the name of this adoptable. It has to do with what the above boy means. And then that'll make it clear (ish) why I'm so excited. WHEEE!

I'll be off most of tonight, since you know... I must watch this all night long, hehee. ;)

I'm off to get my shower and get ready.
Guess away!


Keilin Alyr

Heh, now I get it. Gryphion = gryffindor. XD I guess there's a new Harry Potter movie premiere coming up?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


You both got the gryffindor part. Now... does anyone know why I'm excited?

I'll just say it's gonna be -totally awesome-.


Aaand after a quick search: It's the premiere of A Very Potter Sequel which is a sequel to A Very Potter Musical. Have fun watching!


Yay! YLO get's Mr. Gryffindor!

:) Yes. It's the youtube premire of AVPS, and since I was in school when the live performance showed (and I wouldn't have been able to drive myself to Michigan, and I know my parents wouldn't have been cool with it...) I'm watching it now, for the first time, along with many many others. I know youtube's going to be super slow tonight XD


Let's name him Godric then, shall we? ^^
Even before I read your post I was all $!#$ Gryffindor!!
I immediately recognized the colors xD


Heehe. I'm so psyched. I recommend the musical (atleast, the first one, since I haven't seen the second yet) to any and all harry potter fans. It pokes fun at it, but it's completely amazing. As long as you don't take it so seriously, it's absolutely one of the best things.


I will totally watch it sometime when it's not 1.30 AM xD


I understand. I could wait till tomorrow to watch it, but I have stuff to do tomorrow. I've been waiting all day for this. XD But some how I made it. Two minutes.

See you all later <3


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on July 22, 2010, 06:26:05 PM
Aaand after a quick search: It's the premiere of A Very Potter Sequel which is a sequel to A Very Potter Musical. Have fun watching!

*goes to Youtube right now*


Whoot. That was great.

I must warn anyone peeking in this thread, there was a ton of cussing. Too much for my taste, I feel like it just sort of made the show worse. But other than that (and some other things... that I won't go into) it was pretty great.

I think the first was a ton better, but I liked it. It had it's funny moments. There were a few parts that were just somewhat boring, but the parts that were absolutely hilarious totally made up for them.

XD And there were LOTR refferences. That always makes my day.

And, I must say one of the best parts was when Lucious and Draco were talking about Dobby. If you see it, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Alrighty. Just needed to share ;) I hope everyone else had a great evening. I must say mine was unproductive, but I did enjoy it all the same.


Ok. So I had wanted to do something today, but I'm going to need to wait to do that for another day ;) So, umm...

Long term franken!
Ends whenever I finish: Today's homework, Ryuu's semi-custom, and two little prizes I owe two people for an oppsie litter. ;) Sorry that you three have had to wait. Silly neo, forgetting what's on her list and such.

And I'm doing things in that order.
Who knows how long it'll take me to do these things. Probably be finished tonight/tomorrow morning.

Fill out the form to participate. You can only enter once.
If you want to gift, then you put someone else's name in the owner spot. But that's your one form, so you choose if that's what you want to do!

Body color:
Body marking:
Body marking color:
Wing feather color:
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors):
Beak (main part) color:
Beak (nostril area part) color:
Eye color:
Another marking:
Another marking color:
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part):

So yay for franken! Ummm, fill that out. I'll make one or two (depending on how I feel about it).



Oooh, and I'll judge the banner contest soon, probably after franken gryph, so get last minute entries in!

:D Sorry that it's been open so long. But thanks to those of you that've entered!

Kadana Sorano

Owner: Kadana Sorano
Gender: Female
Body color: Cream
Body marking: Light ticking
Body marking color: Light brown
Wing feather color: Light Brown
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): medium brown
Beak (main part) color: tan
Beak (nostril area part) color: light brown
Eye color: dark brown
Another marking: fade
Another marking color: light to med brown
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): dark brown leather collar
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Owner: Rosewood
Gender: Male
Body color: Black
Body marking: Merle
Body marking color: White
Wing feather color: Gray
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): White
Beak (main part) color: Dark Gray
Beak (nostril area part) color: A Lighter Gray
Eye color: Ice Blue
Another marking: Fade (Legs)
Another marking color: a slightly gray off white color
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): A deep red rose in his mouth.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Owner: Conroy
Gender: Male
Body color: White
Body marking: Runes
Body marking color: Black
Wing feather color: Dark grey
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): Black
Beak (main part) color: Goldenrod yellow
Beak (nostril area part) color: Black
Eye color: Green
Another marking: none
Another marking color:
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): A red leather spiky collar


Owner: SweetCaroline
Gender: Female
Body color: Black
Body marking: Paint
Body marking color: Midnight Blue
Wing feather color: Silver
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): Light Blue & Grey
Beak (main part) color: Silver
Beak (nostril area part) color: Black
Eye color: Red
Another marking: Fade
Another marking color: Grey
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): Extra Tail


Owner: SeaCrest
Gender: Female
Body color: White
Body marking: zigzag
Body marking color: Cyan
Wing feather color: Dark cyan
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): Cyan
Beak (main part) color: silver
Beak (nostril area part) color: black
Eye color: cyan
Another marking: Leg fade
Another marking color: silver
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): silver necklace with cyan pendant (jewel)


Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: Female
Body color: white
Body marking: randomly shaped spots/shapes
Body marking color: sky blue and lime green
Wing feather color: pastel yellow
Tail/mane color(can be two different colors): lime green
Beak (main part) color: orange
Beak (nostril area part) color: pastel yellow
Eye color: cyan
Another marking: roan
Another marking color: silver
Small lineart edit (if I feel I can't do the one that is rolled, I will skip this part): Talons instead of forepaws? <33


BTW: I think collars are a good idea, you guys, but if a male is rolled... I'll see what I can do. I don't know if I want to mess with the gorgeous shading on the mane Silv has. XD But... we'll see.

*writes down edit ideas* >.> Nope. Not possibly going to make new equip items from ideas. Nooope.

*back to homework... groan.*

Kadana Sorano

hahaha yea, that's why I choice female for my form, I couldn't think how a collar would go on a male with his mane.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)