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My cat....she is..."special"

Started by Ryuukokoro, July 01, 2010, 02:38:52 AM

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It's 3:30 am and I am laughing my rear off. (Quietly, since everyone else in the house is asleep!)

Okay so currently I live in my parents' basement while I look for a job, having just moved across the country earlier this month to be back home closer to family. My parents own three cats, so my two stay down in the basement with me, as we try to keep harmony with the strict politics of feline society, as it exists.

So anyway! I was upstairs watching tv and playing on the laptop until about 3, when I finally brushed my teeth and headed downstairs for sleep. Suddenly I open the basement door and I hear Mango's plaintive "Help me I'm freaked out!" cry. Sometimes she just cries when I haven't been in the basement for a while (saying hello to me and demanding attention) so at first I didn't think anything of it, but she kept crying and crying. The sound was coming from the huge pile of random boxes of stuff in the corner of the basement next to my room.

By about the fourth cry I start to think "What, is she stuck?" So I walk over to the "Corner O' Stuff" and start looking around.

I can't see her but I can hear her, so I start quietly moving boxes. I take four boxes off the top of the front pile and there, that's when I spot her... At first I can't wrap my brain around it.

I own a small cloth cat carrier (the sides are fabric so it bends around the cat, but the floor is stiff cardboard). She is somehow INSIDE the carrier, upside down, wedged BETWEEN two boxes that were stacked BEHIND the front pile of boxes. I'm like 0_o ......

I believe the carrier was sitting on top of boxes in the front pile, so all I can figure is she climbed up on the top of that pile, crawled inside the cloth carrier for god knows what reason, and then lost her balance and fell over backwards, flipping the carrier over and landing wedged inside the carrier upside down in the pile behind. Then the poor thing was stuck there for who knows how long until I came downstairs to rescue her. I feel bad but I'm also laughing uncontrollably. XD

I managed to reach over the first pile of stuff and drag her out and extract her from the carrier. Then we went to my bedroom for food and water and for me to make sure she's not limping or anything. She is affronted but very much okay.

(Ironically, Mango came to live with me because of a coworker who found her as a stray stuck in the wall of his house in the middle of freezing cold winter. So yeah, my cat is special. XD )

