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{Pecora} Shiny New Thread!

Started by toffeeca, June 25, 2010, 03:01:50 PM

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-pops into thread-  mind if I hang out here too? :)  These guys are adorable!


Of course you can hang out here Kat :D

YLO, I know I certed those two, I will go hunt them down.

There is still a survey on the front page with a drawing for a semi cutsom.


-runs to the first page- ^^

Just so's you know, I haven't been able to get on the boards lately much so I'm not sure of the worth of SG so if my answers are a bit off in any way, my apologies :)

How much would you pay for a pre-made in SG? 10k-15k
How much for a semi-custom in SG? 15k-20k
How much for a custom in SG? 20k+
How much would you pay for breed items in SG? 5kish
How much would you pay for breeding effect items in SG? 5kish
Would you be interested in purchasing Pecora for USD? What kinds (premade, semi custom, custom)? How much would you pay?  I unfortunately can't pay in USD so this does not apply to me.  (funds are WAY too tight for that and I don't foresee that changing :P)

Kadana Sorano

arg.. Is there a owners album somewhere I can look up my Pecora?  I "think" I have them all saved, but I'm so distracted the past few days, i am worried I missed saving one.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Keilin Alyr

Yup, just right-click your Pecora in question and grab its image URL. Then delete everything after the last directory reference...

Or you know... I just realized I could link it for you. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Toffeeca, I think I'm caught up on naming Pecora. I am sorry I always take so long for names. >.<


lol!  Oh gosh now I feel just silly!  Thanks Keilin :)
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Is anyone around for a franken?



Ok, so it might just be you and me, sera, but thats ok. :D




*was totally distracted*


toffeeca should post rules >.<

Gender: Female- sera

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Body color?



Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Hoof/horn color?



Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Simple marking?



Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Sock color?



Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest
Marking 1 color- Red- Goddesss

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Simple marking 2?

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest
Marking 1 color- Red- Goddesss
Marking 2- paint- Kadana

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Paint color?

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest
Marking 1 color- Red- Goddesss
Marking 2- paint- Kadana
Marking 2 color- pink- Keilin Alyr

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Eye color?


Keilin Alyr

Oh, she's gonna look... nifty-interesting. Warm colored, green-eyed monster of doom!

If I manage to get her, her name's gonna be Jealousy, just because of the green eyes. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: Keilin Alyr on June 30, 2010, 09:28:18 PM
Oh, she's gonna look... nifty-interesting. Warm colored, green-eyed monster of doom!

If I manage to get her, her name's gonna be Jealousy, just because of the green eyes. XD

ROFL. Warm on the outside, green-eyed-monsterish on the inside, huh?

Keilin Alyr


Poor girl, we're speculating on her ultimate personality before she's even colored.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Ultimate example of judging a book by it's cover, no?


Guh, baby needed so much attention. lol  Arm, cramping.  So bad. xD; 

i'm so glad more people jumped in! x3


Gender: Female- sera
Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest
Marking 1 color- Red- Goddesss
Marking 2- paint- Kadana
Marking 2 color- pink- Keilin Alyr
Eye color- Green- SeaCrest


Keilin Alyr

Aww, she's a pretty girl. Totally a jealous one though, you can see it in her eyes.

Yes, I can hear some of you groaning from here. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: Keilin Alyr on June 30, 2010, 09:35:40 PM
Aww, she's a pretty girl. Totally a jealous one though, you can see it in her eyes.

Yes, I can hear some of you groaning from here. XD

*throws pillow*


Quote1. Marking 1 color- Red- Goddesss
   2. Marking 1- Socks- SeaCrest
   3. Body color: Yellow- SeaCrest
   4. Eye color- Green- SeaCrest
   5. Hoof/Horn color: Orange- Goddesss
   6. Gender: Female- sera
   7. Marking 2 color- pink- Keilin Alyr
   8. Marking 2- paint- Kadana

Congratulations Goddesss!
(and I found the list randomizer on yay. :D)


Keilin Alyr

*catches pillow with face*

Congrats, Goddesss! I don't think your girl appreciated me making jokes at her expense. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.




*throws another pillow while Keilin is distracted*


Gender- Female- sera

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Body color?


oh yay! she is very pretty.  *wonders if I should keep her or gift her*



Gender- Female- sera
Body color- purple- Goddesss

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Hoof/horn color?

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Gender- Female- sera
Body color- purple- Goddesss
Hoof/horn color- Lavender- Keilin

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Simple design 1?



Gender- Female- sera
Body color- purple- Goddesss
Hoof/horn color- Lavender- Keilin
Simple design 1- Fade- Goddesss

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Fade color?



Gender- Female- sera
Body color- purple- Goddesss
Hoof/horn color- Lavender- Keilin
Simple design 1- Fade- Goddesss
Simple design 1 color- Indigo- sera

Two per person. If five minutes pass without a reply then its a free for all.

Simple design 2?