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{Pecora} Shiny New Thread!

Started by toffeeca, June 25, 2010, 03:01:50 PM

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Door fourteen opens and there is a white snowflake. Congratulations Neo!


Oooh, well, Happy Early birthday anyway. ;) Congrats to everyone that's won stuff!


Door fifteen opens but its completely empty. :(


Quote from: Neocridders on June 25, 2010, 09:20:19 PM
*Gasp* It's Jojo's Birthday?! Ooooh!
No but it is her early present lol!

YEEEESSSS! Stinky socks!



Kadana Sorano

Oh nice!  I was thinking my boy had mini giraffe markings, but seeing that I guess not lol  Very nice job on those two Toffeeca!  That has to be hand-killing!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



If the socks are colorful i will take them lol! Also congrats everyone!


Yours is cheetah markings Kadana. And actually PM templated them for me. She is awesome. :D


Quote from: toffeeca on June 25, 2010, 09:21:45 PM
Door thirteen opens but its just a stinky sock

Sock Eye appologises and walks away with his head low.


Aww...poor Sock Eye. We weren't blaming you! Were you trying to make it more fun? *tacklehug*


sera gifts the handsome lilac-speckled boy to kasatsu!

She also names the awesome Panda Star Pecora. .  hrms. . . i can't think of a good name yet. D8;;;;;  But panda star is AWESOME!  *tries to think of a name some more* xD;



Kadana Sorano

Ohh well that is awesome, so it would be allowed then to request them in a custom?
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*Squishes Sock*
Weeeeell, I suppose I should go now >.> Aww..


Yep, they are very much allowed in customs. :)




and nothing in my door*ish sad* but at least I got pretty franken boy

Kadana Sorano

Ohh lovely!

Auction 1- Custom Pecora: 100k
Auction 2 –Custom item: 100k
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*strangles* JK :)

Auction 1 - 125k SG
Auction 2 - 125k SG



PM you did win. You got the cameo boy from the door Neo gifted you. :)

Also, the whining contest is going to be posted shortly.


I did not see, I will go see now
*Skips off*

Oh yeah I am cranky
*Grumbles as she wanders away*


I think i'm not goung to last till the whining contestXD. I'm struggling to keep eyes open.



But if it's so late for you Neo, you might be at maximum whining potential XD You can persevere!


Thank you so much Neo, I thought you had gifted me door 6, and I even checked before I looked.  Yay!



Jojo, that is a great point. XD


Whining contest!
Whining about anything and everything. Tell me how you never win anything, how your whole life is ruined, how you stubbed your toe, whatever you want. But remember, this is all in jest and nothing is to be taken seriously. The winner will be chosen by me, and receive their choice of

The other two must be gifted to people of your choice.

Starts now
Ends: June 26th 00:00 Secundi time.

Please post something to let me know where your entry is. :)


Whining warning!
I'm bored. And tired. And my internet's spazzing. I had pizza, but now I'm thirsty. I have rubber bands on my braces. Oh, crap, I forgot to put them back in...

And there are no replies to the Jaemo RP *prod prod*

And I didn't win anything in the past 24 hours. Pecora, that is. Except the flatsale. And even that one wasn't my first choice. Math and Keilin stole my first and second choices D:

I wanna get a custom Pecora, but as said, no winning D:

My birthday is in four days and I only know three out of eight people are coming to my party for sure.

Oh and my sister refuses to get my rubber bands.

I stabbed myself when I was putting on my rubber bands.


And my other RP isn't moving either.

And I can't think of anything to write that is whine-worthy enough to win.

And...*braindead* Crap. Brain shut off *headdesk*



Whining Ahead

Once upon a time, i could draw.  All day.  All night.  Doodles, sketches, full out pieces. . . admittedly they weren't all very good, but there was nothing stopping me from doing so.  Until. . . it happened. 

i have no knowledge of wot it truly is, but its effects haunt me to do this day.  For my arm, my right arm, my dominant hand. . . has been smote with. . . . DORSAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME (with lateral epicondylitis)!!!!

But wot does this mean? It means that pain is a daily visitor, that shakes come with any detail work attempted, and. . .  it's dangerous to hold the Spawn with that hand. 

So now!  sera goes whinewhinewhinemoan.  My arm doesn't work right.

xD;  *really does wish her arm would just get better*

Also, Okapi Pecora is the hot!snot. xD;



~Whining Contest~

So far I've entered many of the events for the Pecora and I have never won one yet. No matter how hard I tried (is not counting the one that sera just gifted her cause she felt so bad about it all). So unfair. T _ T And all of the other contests? Ended before I could even see that they were there. And why's that? Cause life's been the bug on the windshield lately >  >; Everytime I line things up for the move into my new house, something comes and breaks it all apart. Try having three conversations with people who are all trying to get their things done and /one/ of them has to be horribly mean and not comply with a simple request. Which then puts me in a sore spot.

So all in all, ku's frustrated, stressed, and tired. I've been wanting to win one of the awesome Pecora so hard and it just doesn't happen. *feels so jipped* And to make matters worse: all of the Pecora so far have been wonderfully beautiful! *is soooo jealous*



Whine contest.
All my life I've been a loser. I've lived in the Mcdonald's playland since I was two, and the only company I have is the lot of children that has a home that plays here. The only thing I live for is to take care of my unicorn, Tango. Tango and I are losers. We've lived in mcdonald's for ever. And now look. We can't even win little computer drawings. Tango has always wanted a pixel drawing, but sadly, I'm too much a loser to win one for him. But now, tragically, Tango is terminally ill. He has less than two days to live. My unicorn may die without me ever winning a computer drawing! If I weren't such a loser, I'd have won one already, but it's too late. If I don't win this he'll die. He'll die never seeing me win a computer drawing. Tango needs this. Plllzzzzz! I won't be able to live in playland stealing wifi from mcdonalds anymore if Tango dies without seeing me win a computer drawing. Isn't that sad? But you could give me a computer drawing and I could not be a loser, not live at mcdonalds, and save my terminally ill unicorn Tango. Clearly this is for tge greater good. Think not what I can do for you, but think what you could do for me and Tango my unicorn.

Kadana Sorano

sigh.. Whine Contest Entry..

Ugh a whining contest? Seriously?!  I HATE whining contests, they are Sooo annoying!  I mean, who wants to listen to people whine?  Or even read it?  I usually try to ignore and skip over these things, but that boy is SO great, I just have to try and enter.  So here I am, trying to think of SOMETHING to Gak! whine about, that won't actually be, you know, REAL stuff.  Cause lord knows I have plenty of THAT, but who really wants to hear it anyway?  So not only is there yet ANOTHER irritating whine contest, but one of the prizes is just too impossibly irresistible and I find myself forced to enter.  yes, forced!  Because I have to try for him, I just have to.  Seriously, it is quite impossible to NOT try, after seeing him.  And now I sit here feeling stupid, and childish, and inadequate.. and why? WHY?! I ask you, all because SOMEONE had to go and make such an irresistible prize for this nasty little event.  A whine contest.. gah I tend more towards wanting to slap people for whining.. and now here I am, sunk so low as to join in!  Sad, just so sad!    And now my tummy hurts, because I'm all agitated, because I had to try for that boy, and no one will like my whine anyway, and it will just irritate people, they will think I am a party pooper and a downer.. And yea, whining IS irritating, and the contest DOES ask for it, but I don;t really enjoy irritating and annoying people.  no, really, I don't!  ..Well.. not if I like them anyway..  And I DO like the people here!  ..Well, ok, I like MOST of the people here..  And people are prolly going to be irritated enough with me over the auction, cause I really want to win THOSE too, and have like a TON of sg to spend.  But THATS not my fault either, I TRY to spend it elsewhere, but no one ever wants my sg, they want to trade for other things/adopts, or sell to someone else, like my SG stinks or something.  It's clean, I swear!  I have NOT been hiding it in my sock drawer honest!  Why does no one want my sg?! Seriously, whats up with that?!  I was so dang broke on PI I had to spend real money to get PI cash, and now here I do so well, and get so happy, and have tons of money, and its useless to me cause no one freaking wants to sell anything?!  How unfair is that?
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

Disclaimer: no offence was intended to anyone with my whine entry, and I appologize for the run on sentences and paragraphs etc etc.. and my overall general suckness of an entry.

And now, I need cheering up lol so..

Auction 1 - 500k SG
Auction 2 - 500k SG

*appologizes, ducks and runs and hides*

*re-reads her contest entry and twitches* I think I hear a mike's calling my name..  <.<  >.>
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I know so many people hate whining contests but come on, they are needed for the awesomeness that is okapi

Not to mention other prizes are yum. got to love rainbow spots


Whine contest entry
Based on a true story

Let me tell you about my jaw.

It clicks and pops whenever I open my mouth. It's not painful, so for the most part, it's just an annoyance. However, one day, I woke up and my jaw felt unusually stiff. It was about 10 in the morning, and I was hungry, so I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It looked so delicious. I raised the sandwich to my mouth and opened wide.

Or tried to! I couldn't get my jaw to open all the way. I wiggled it this way and that but it just wouldn't come unstuck. I tried to stuff the sandwich in my mouth anyway but I just succeeded in making it so I couldn't breathe. Bad idea. It was almost time for class, so I left my delicious looking sandwich on the counter, knowing that it would be stale and not-so-delicious when I got back, but I covered it in plastic wrap anyway.

Fortunately it just took a few minutes of consciously trying to relax my jaw to get it unstuck. I guess the muscles around it were unhappy.

Anyway, I thought that not being able to eat would be kind of bad, so I decided to go see a jaw doctor. Stupidly, he just told me what I already knew ("the catching and locking of your jaw concerns me" -- yes, thank you Dr. Obvious) and sent me off to another dentist to get treatment (who, incidentally was the same dentist that I got braces from. Hello again). I called them to make an appointment, but their whole office was out of town for some medical conference until the day I had to go back to school.

So I called them the first day of summer term, and the lady was like, "Oh, well we can get you in today if you want". But the problem is I go to school about three hours away from home, plus I don't have a car so I have to pay for train tickets to go home. So I make an appointment for the Monday a week later, and have to skip work to do so since the office is not open on weekdays.

Later through the week, I find out that the appointment conflicts with a billion things:
- I have to meet with my professor to work on something that's due the Monday that I'm gone. So, I tried to meet with her today -- but apparently she's completely booked with meetings. Graciously she squeezed me in a 30 min slot, but I felt bad that she was all rushed for everything now.
- My friend was coming up to a Magic the Gathering card tournament near my school. He's one of my best friends and I don't get to see him very often. Of course, he was like "WE TOTALLY HAVE TO HANG OUT". Except, well, I'm gone. Argh.
- My jaw appointment means I'm travelling for most of the weekend, so since I'm gone it means my D&D group might have to cancel the campaign session this week. Please, no, anything but thaaaaaaat. I am sorry!

Anyways, my jaw is a jerk.

Edits: for some typos I found. XD
An alternate whine contest entry might be about how I lost all my SG today because I didn't know how the mass sign up for Pet competitions worked XD But it's okay because I was super poor to begin with XD

Kadana Sorano

Yea, the boy is amazingly awesome.  And again, I'm sorry if my entry irritates anyone.  As many things as I have that totally suck in my life, whenever I see a whine contest the only thing I can think to whine about is the nature of the contest.  I'm sorry.  I usually just don;t enter them, but sometimes, the prize is too good to pass up trying.

but.. Mike's is good :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Keilin Alyr

Whine contest, on behalf of my cat

I have a few things coming up that I really do feel like whining about, such as being too sick to join my family's vacation and needing to schedule an appointment with a dentist/oral surgeon and a doctor. I'll leave out the unpleasant details of each. XD

Instead, I'll whine on behalf of my cat, since it's far past my husband's bedtime as far as he's concerned. Apparently Isaac has a very strict bedtime ritual. He must cuddle with someone (usually my husband since I go to bed much later), otherwise he'll howl and pace the house and refuse to sleep no matter how late it gets. Makes the nights where my husband is DMing the next day (and thus probably pulling close to an all-nighter) almost unbearable for the poor cat.

Isaac-cat: "Why aren't you in bed yet? It's time for cuddles and pats and you aren't paying attention to me! This is the time when the lights go out... see, the lights outside are dark, and you're in that room with the little box with lights and the flat thing that your fingers click on instead of petting me. You hear me, right? I'm meowing. Don't call it squeaking, I am a big cat and I have a big cat meow [no he doesn't]. Why does no one take me serious? You're supposed to come out here and go into the bedroom and lie down so I can lie down and I can go to sleep at your feet. Why do I like feet? 'cause I'm a cat and cats like feet smells and those feet smells are on the floor and not on the blankets. Because I sleep on the blankets. Or I would if you were going to sleep now. I'm a tired kitty. I was eating and napping and grooming and bugging the nice lady to put more food in my dish and lying down comfy and chasing bugs and napping... that's a lot of stuff today. I gots to sleep and you gots to sleep too. I know you hear me. This is my grumpy, sleepy meow. And no, I'm not cute, I'm a real sleepy cat and I gotta make you believe me. No, stop petting me. Go to bed. Before the nice lady goes to bed. I think the bright thing in the sky comes up when she goes to bed. And that's scary. Please don't make me go sleep when that happens, she's a crazy nice lady. One more meow. And now I sit. And wait. And wait."

And no worries, Isaac has been safely curled up at my husband's feet. You'd think the world was gonna end before that point though. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Ok, I will be picking a winner shortly. But first, just cuz I can and cuz I need to.

Whining Warning
So first, I just had to kill two of my female breeder mice. One was sick, she couldn't take care of herself anymore and she couldn't even open her eyes. It was more humane to kill her then to let her suffer to see if she could get better. The second was giving birth today, but her babies were undeveloped or something, and she had stopped giving birth even though there were more babies in her. I had a mouse die of labor complications just the other day, so I wasn't going to let this one have the same fate. I put them both down (humanely) and then I had to have my younger sister come and get them because I was scared that they were going to turn zombie mice and jump at my face. Yep, I am scared of zombie mice.
Then, my little dog, Toffee, has two infections in the same eye. One is insider her eyeball. Our new kitten poked a hole in her eyeball while they were playing and not my poor puppy has to suffer. So she has to get eye drops every 4 hours and three pills a day.
Plus you guys are making me choose who wins. And I have an awful stomach ache that is carrying over from yesterday.  And, my boyfriend lives three hours away from me, and I can't just go and have him hold me when I'm feeling down.

/end rant

Now on to judging.



And the winner is Neo. I just can't let Tango die without you winning (since you never do) Although, I do demand a picture of Tango. I need to see him before he passes. :) Congratulations. Please let me know which you are keeping and who the other two are going to.

How many people are around?


Congrast Neo

I am here until the hubby brings snacks


Yay! Congrats Neo! I'm glad Tango gets his wish fulfilled XD

I'm here! (raises hand)


Ok, the first person to post a completed custom will get the custom for free. And the first different person to post a completed semi custom form will get the semi custom for free. You may only win one and only post one form per post. NO EDITS.


Semi custom form
Owner: Jojo
Name: Leilani
Gender: Female
Two-Three colors: Pink White Brown



Name: Zera
Gender: Female
Owner: PonyMama
Body Color: Blue
Horn and hoof Color: Blue horns Dark grey hooves
Eye color: Black
Pattern: Like example


Custom form
Owner: PonyMama
Name: Zera
Gender: Female
Body color: Blue
Markings/design: Like in example (faded muzzle in dark grey and yellow markings)
Hoof/horn color: Blue horns dark grey hooves
Eye color: Black
Anything else (refs?):

Here it is again with your form, just in case
