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[Gryphions] Trading Kits!

Started by sera, June 22, 2010, 10:28:22 PM

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Conall Kittens
99% Keeping
75% Trading
75% Keeping
Traded to Ku-chan

Heee! Stripey, spotty love! ^^  Taking any and all offers, since i have no idea wot to trade these lovelies for (and i'd be tempted to not trade any if i could get away with it.  HEEE!)

Parents are:




Caedmon Kittens
90% Keeping
Traded to xenon
50/50 Keep/Trade




Please note which breeding you're offering on for all new offers.  ^^

Current Offers

Conall Kittens
#1 Kadana 500k| Ryuu Howl Custom Stone| YLO Dog or Stable Horse
#2 Kadana 500k| toffeeca 2 full custom OR 4 semi-custom + breeding item of  choice + out of season breeding | SeaCrest Quin +100k| indigowulf Gryphion kitten| YLO Dog or Stable Horse
#3 Kadana 500k| toffeeca 2 full custom OR 4 semi-custom + breeding item of choice + out of season breeding| Goddess GSD pup
#4 Kadana 500k| toffeeca 2 full custom OR 4 semi-custom + breeding item of choice + out of season breeding| springacres 500k| YLO Dog or Stable Horse
#5 Traded

Caedmon Kittens
#2 Traded
#3 springacres 500k| YLO Dog or Stable Horse
#4 springacres 500k| red Gryphion kitten| YLO Dog or Stable Horse


50k on the last female??
I don't own any so I don't know what they go for

Kadana Sorano

I'll offer..
500k sg on the 1st female (for Rosewood)
500k sg on the 2nd female (for myself)
500k sg on the 3rd female (for myself)
500k sg on the 4th female (for PonyMama)

To clarify, I'll buy any/all of those, that you are willing to sell me.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I will offer two full custom Pecoras/four semi customs and a breeding item of your choice for one, or more than one if you are wanting to trade more. Order of preference would be the last female, the male, female 2/female 3

ETA: I would also be willing to throw in an out of season breeding.


*is tired so not quite sure how coherent*

Also offers 500k as well as any services as a slave for any help requested (especially for the Naa) for either the first or last stripped kit.


SeaCrest want?

Erm...not so much to chestnut Quinsta and 100k SG? For the second female? If there's anything else I have to catch your eye, please tell me ^_^


Howl grumbles at being used as a mere messenger but nudges a Custom Stone forward. "In exchange for the first female," he offers.


*must do massive bribe*

I want female #2.
I would like to offer 500K + 2 Jaeman Prophecy customs + a Jaeman Prophecy breeding.

Website here:
It has a photobucket link to the owner folders where you can see colored examples.

If you're not interested in The Jaeman Prophecy let me know and I'll come up with something else.


All of the offers are so scintillating! *__* Wow, wow!  Originally i was going to keep three, but i may only keep two and trade the other three away.

YLO, i'm actually not interested in Jaemon right now, sorry. ^^;;;


Hmm.. *ponders*
I suppose I could trade you my Quinsta male?

Edit: I can offer Luminaria customs too! I keep forgetting that XD
Luminaria is now managed by PonyMama and myself and we are planning a big event to get them active again. I just need to finish my Jaeman Prophecy event first.


*badumps with update*

The last kitten is going to kasatsu.  Trying to trade Kitten #2 to YLO. xD;  i'll almost definitely be trading at least one other (probably kitten #3).  ^^


I want oooone. t_t But I am unsure of what to offer. Bother me at some point on AIM if you're interested in working out some kind of a deal and we'll see where it goes? <3


All of them are gorgeous, but I really need a 500k SG on him?

ETA: just to clarify, that offer was for the male from the first litter...but I can offer the same for either male from the second litter as well. (Would prefer male #2 to male #3 - but only by the barest of margins!)  In addition, I can offer 500k for the gray and red female from litter #2.


sera- if you dont finish trade til the kittens we just submitted forms for are born, Ill have a kitten of my own to offer then!


I like number 3.  I could trade one of my GSD pups in this thread for her.


More kittens added!! x3  Will probably keep at least Kitten 1 of Caedmon's litter.  ^^ 



KITTEN #2 WANT WANT WANT. *_* I would be willing to trade some Gryphon breeding items and Ambystoma @_@


Caedmon's Kitten #2 shall go to xenon! ^^ i cannot refuse the Ambies and the gryphons! *__*
Conall's Kitten #2 is back up for grabs! ^^  *goes to update first post*


I have a breeding posted, and I love the female 2 from Conall's litter and I was hoping to offer you one of my kittens for her? :) I don't know when they'll arrive though. :/


Im going to post which baby Im interested in, because I think saying which number it is has gotten all confused by now lol.

I love this girl-

I just had 2 litters of kittens born. After the RB fee is chosen, there will be 2 left in each litter for trade. If you want to go peek at them, maybe one will catch your eye and not be claimed as RB.


I'm interested in the last female from 41 x 52, do any of mine catch your eye?


Maybe it would be a good idea to trade you those 2 dogs you wanted for kittens instead of the traditional Naa we agreed on?

I have more/other dogs here:
And stable horses here:

Interested in these two:

Willing to offer 1 dog or 1 horse per kitten. Willing to take home both <3


I am interested in this girly.

I can offer one of these 2 bridle GSD pups.




thought id let ya know, my up for trade thread has been finalized, here it is


I would like to offer 500k + large Kennel bed for this pretty little lady. Not sure if that's enough, as I haven't any Gryphions myself. ^^;



i've received many wonderful offers, and i'm trying to follow up on some of them right now; thank you all!

For Conall's second kitten, i've received some nice offers, but nothing that's truly jumped out at me yet. : ( Sorry.  ^^; 




Cutiee, i'm accepting your offer on kitten #2.  ^^  i'm working up the forms now.


Eeee! Thank you! Will go send the SG and prepare the permission form. :D



Thank you for the offer, YLO, but i just worked out a trade with red for her. <3 (Yay, Gryphion RP! x3)  *must throw up the form for her now*