Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | June Stuffs - 1 SG Raffle ends Friday!

Started by Gryphions, June 15, 2010, 07:02:44 PM

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((No, don't worry about it. You did exactly the right thing of asking. I am glad she didn't have to attack you. Haha. But all is well. Don't worry!))

The female listens to the human and hears that her name is Jojo.
She looks over to the tag that Jojo spoke of, and then looks back to Jojo. Jojo wanted to play tag. The gryphion female thinks it over for only a moment, and then nods her head.
She then bows down to Jojo while staring up at her.
((Because there are some newer followers here, some people might not understand that an unbonded gryphion bowing to a human will often mean it wishes to bond with the human. This is similar to ownership in normal adoptables, only in gryphions you don't own them, but are bonded. This is because gryphions are considered equals to humans in a way, and don't like being 'owned'. So, she's yours now. And if you want, you may name her now, or when ever you like. But she is yours to roleplay now, and she'll probably be looking for mates now that she's done finding a bonded partner, that was her major worry this roleplay :) But she is bonded now, and may speak english to make things easier for everyone, if you wish. You may choose whatever you like, though. You may roleplay her however you want. ))

--Congrats to Jojo!--


Sheena watches the albino find her human and smiles. She looks over at majesty, and does something that suprises me- she sticks out her tongue at him. I didnt even know she was capable of the action, she must have picked it up from me. Majesty rolls his eyes, and tries to inch his way forward, still laying on his belly and giving sad eyes, towards Jojo and her new friend.


(Naming things! Shall try to RP more ssooonnn! ^^

50 - Conall
51 - Airde
52 - Kaie



(( thanks! Wow, I'm so happy :)))

As the albino female bows down, Jojo is puzzled at first -- but then it dawns on her what has just happened.

Jojo grins widely. "Thanks for choosing me," is all Jojo can think to say, feeling humbled and extremely happy. The female clacks her beak as if to say "You're welcome" and smiles. Though the gryphion understands English perfectly well, it seems that she's not yet in the habit of speaking.

"Um... well, I need to call you something in English, so what name should I call you by? Hmm... Snowdrop?" The female thinks about it for a second, then shakes her head. "No?" Jojo thinks some more. "Yeah, I thought it was a little too cutesy. How about... Jasmine?" The female takes a second, then clacks her beak in approval.

Jojo then sees Majesty laying on his belly before them. Jojo and Jasmine look at each other. "Well, it is breeding season," Jojo smiles at her albino bonded. "You should see if you can find a mate that you like!" Jasmine, her initial worry of finding a bonded human over, sits down and looks curiously at Majesty.


Sorry for how slow this month has been. I added some things to the first page <3 Go see!



Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Haha, sera, I'd be surprised if someone BIN'd. I don't expect someone to BIN. I just put that there to make it so someone can BIN if they -reeeaaally- wanted a certain gryph, but otherwise it'll be open for the whole time.


Oh, this reminds me of a question I had. Do gryphions get certed before they can be "picked-up", or is it acceptable to post them on a display page/website as-is? Just want to make sure before I do anything XD

Those new gryphions sure are pretty :)



Haha there's no way I'd BIN XD

Ah, Keilin, me wanty! XD My fav colors, he is ;) Congrats, guys!


I'd like to name my girl Adurere please. :) It means 'to singe' in Latin. :)


Quote from: jojo080889 on June 25, 2010, 03:07:37 PM
Oh, this reminds me of a question I had. Do gryphions get certed before they can be "picked-up", or is it acceptable to post them on a display page/website as-is? Just want to make sure before I do anything XD

Those new gryphions sure are pretty :)

Actually, gryphions don't have 'certs'. They are organized in albums based on who they are bonded to. This is because (1) the reason I am so terrible at adoptables is because I don't hunt people down for names, the critter never is certed, and then I'm in trouble for never getting what was owed to someone :/ And you know, similar cases to that... like I can't find where the name was posted, or I just don't have time to cert.
Another reason is (2) that gryphions don't seem to belong on a cert. I had a cert a while ago, but it just didn't seem to work. The gryphions are meant for sky, for land, for anywhere. And I could have just given a box with a name, but that just didn't seem right. :/

And, a final reason, these guys are easily tradable now. There is a fee for breaking bonds with a gryphion, because it takes a special item to do this (item costs money, therefore it's a fee...). Item fees aren't set up right now, so there's no cost at this moment, but recerting and stuff just boggles my mind. This makes it easy.
And another final reason (because neo ... doesn't know what she's doing...) is that I hope to get these guys as an agency someday. It'll be easier to transfer over to agency without certs :) But, that'll happen when agencies are available to everyone. Which is not right now. :)

ETA: So... to answer your question, you don't need to wait for them to be certed. They won't be certed. ;)


I want to bin, I really do, cuase I can always get more sg's, but I need my moneys for auctions on Night Noms. XD


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson




Keilin Alyr

Hooray, my first gryphion bond! =D I hope he doesn't get upset sharing me, since I seem to have adopted quite the collection of pets...

As for a name, Aquila seems appropriate. The eagle. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Wheeee! 1 left for one more lucky non-owner!
:) To see the gallery, here it is:

If there is no name by your gryphion, and you post it here, it will be there soon. If not, give me a poke.






Wow. Weeeell, if you're sure about that, SG to this account please.
Thank you~

Oh! And a reminder of the banner contest! It'll be open to breeding season, I hope. Whenever I get that started... should hopefully be next week >.> Yeaah.


Question: When we rp, are we aloud to post pictures of our Gryphions?

And Sweet Caroline, I will want to breed with your male when breeding season comes if I haven't found a mate for my girl by then. (if that is ok with you that is)

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Thanks SeaCrest. Monies just sittin in my account going stale anyways.

And the monies was sent soons I binned Gryphions. Didn't want to chance loosing him.


I've seen your girl Rosewood, She is a beauty & I would be more than happy to let my boy cover her. *Wonders if there is a limit on breedings males can do per season*


Quote from: Rosewood on June 25, 2010, 03:37:10 PM
Question: When we rp, are we aloud to post pictures of our Gryphions?

Yes. You may. I'd prefer you post it once in the thread, if you plan to do this. If you would rather be able to see the gryphion in all of his or her rp'ed posts, I wouldn't mind a small 'character card' with name and/or cropped picture (so the face, or you can make it smaller, if you want). If this is the case, no editing the actual gryphion (so, no putting bows or what not on the gryphs...)
Yeaaah. I'd prefer if it were small (maybe 100 or 150 pixels tall, any height? I won't be the police and say 'Whoah! That's 200 pixels! NO NO NO, but the smaller, the better!)
Hahaha. If that makes any sense? Some people like to see who they are roleplaying with sometimes, and I think if anyone likes that, it's fine. ;) Or you could just enter the siggie banner contest, and have a banner in your sigge XD I don't really care. Just one 'real picture' per thread if you can.

Quote from: SweetCaroline on June 25, 2010, 03:41:29 PM
I've seen your girl Rosewood, She is a beauty & I would be more than happy to let my boy cover her. *Wonders if there is a limit on breedings males can do per season*

Umm, I don't -think- I already confirmed this anywhere, so I'll say atleast 2 slots per male. I may have said unlimited somewhere, but you must realize that the male is active in caring for young as is the female and the kitten caretaker. So, I figure a boy can handle two litters. I don't know how many more he would be able to care fore though @.@ Females are once. This is on a per-season basis, and more info on what seasons and etc. will mean can be found probably in the breeding thread or... it may not have been posted yet *flails around* I'm confusing myself here! Ahh.


QuoteYes. You may. I'd prefer you post it once in the thread, if you plan to do this. If you would rather be able to see the gryphion in all of his or her rp'ed posts, I wouldn't mind a small 'character card' with name and/or cropped picture (so the face, or you can make it smaller, if you want). If this is the case, no editing the actual gryphion (so, no putting bows or what not on the gryphs...)
Yeaaah. I'd prefer if it were small (maybe 100 or 150 pixels tall, any height? I won't be the police and say 'Whoah! That's 200 pixels! NO NO NO, but the smaller, the better!)
Hahaha. If that makes any sense? Some people like to see who they are roleplaying with sometimes, and I think if anyone likes that, it's fine. ;) Or you could just enter the siggie banner contest, and have a banner in your sigge XD I don't really care. Just one 'real picture' per thread if you can.

Ok. so, it's ok if I post a thumbnail of my girl?

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Yes. Wow. You described it a ton better than I did... in a few words. THUMBNAIL.



(lol, yeah. :))

As Rosewood looks up, she sees her girl Twilght flying towards her. She circles twice before making a graceful landing beside me.
"Hey there Twilight. You have come to take a look at all the handsom males have you?"

Twilight makes a noise, but I am not sure if she is paying attention. She is busy scaning the crowd for worthy males.

(here is my girl)

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


... I figure switching accounts now is safe since it's been a while >.>

Alright, well... there will be more gryphion fun later, soon I hope! I need to get to work on some YLO customs  and work on my government class.






SweetCaroline, if your newest boy is available for a breeding during the season (and if I manage to get an item), do you think I could breed Adurere to him? :)


Quote from: Math on June 25, 2010, 08:07:32 PM
SweetCaroline, if your newest boy is available for a breeding during the season (and if I manage to get an item), do you think I could breed Adurere to him? :)
If he decides he can handle helping with 2 litters then he will consider her Math. She is quite good looking.

If it's ok to post names here then I would like for my girl:ID: 62 to be named Amber & my very handsom boy to be called Lionel. Thanks


*SweetCaroline wanders through the thread with Amber & Lionel on either side of her looking at all the gorgeous Gryphions. She tells them they are sure to find someone compatable for the upcoming breeding season.* The 2 gryphions wander off to mingle in the crowd & Lionel stands very still as he spots Twilight in the distance surounded by other grypions. He walks a bit closer to see to get a better view of her beauty & lays down to observe how she acts in the crowd. Amber wanders through the semi-crowded thread checking out the other gryphions & their owners then comes back to SweetCarolines side to sit. *SweetCaroline trys to encourage her to go make friends.* I don't think they'll bite you, not hard anyway she says with a smile.


Not sure if editing is aloud or not so posting pics here.




Twilight feels eyes on her and looks around, hoping to spot who was watching her. Then she sees him, a magnificent brown male watching her not too far away. She decides to play tough for a while and see what he does.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Hi everyone! Thanks for the roleplay so far. If anyone has been interacting with characters I am stupposed to be roleplaying, but I haven't been responding, I'm sorry. I am having a hard time seeing when people are interacting with me XD But I'm glad that others are interacting with others.

Alright. As I work on the ocelot YLO has ordered (which I've  been working on for almost a week. Haaha. Sorry it's taking me this long!), let's have a 1 sg raffle! Yay!


-insert premade-
-insert feather-

Info: Tickets cost 1 sg each
So, quick conversions:

1 sg~1 ticket
Get it? Easy!

To order tickets, send fincances to this account with the comment words as 'Tickets for _____' (if you are gifting, put the giftee's name. If they are for you, put your name)

Extra Prizes!

For every 50,000 tickets sold, I'll add 1 gryphion prize.
For every 1 millionth ticket (@.@...) I'll add a set of battle claws (image of unequipped item is not made yet, so a filler will go in until we get the real image).

I'll add some feathers in there too, but when I say 1 gryphion prize, I mean it will be either a gryphion premade, a custom, or something like that. So, those prizes will not just be feathers. They'll be actual gryphions. Yuup.

Is everyone good with that? I'll update ticket list as soon as I can. I'll try to do it at the very least once a day.
This ends Friday, July Second! At 0:00 (any tickets sent at 0:01 won't count)

Let me know if you see any problems.

If we get tons of tickets, please allow me some time to make the prizes promised! Haha! ;)



Ticket numbers~Ticket holders
1101-101100~Goddesss (Prize added)(Another prize added)
101101-151100~Kadana Sorana *from goddesss*(Prize added)
151101-201100~Crowflux *from goddesss*(Prize added)
201101-251100~XLostXDestinyX *from goddesss*(Prize added)
251101-301100~SeaCreast *from goddesss* (prize added)
301101-351100~Rosewood *from goddesss* (prize added)
351101-401100~SweetCaroline *from goddesss* (prize added)
401101-451100~Math *from goddesss* (prize added)
451101-501100~Conroy *from goddess* (prize added)
501101-551100~Ryuukokoro *from goddesss* (prize added)
551101-601100~Goddesss (prize added)
601101-651100~xenon*from goddesss* (prize added)
651101-701100~Keilin Alyr*from goddesss* (prize added)
701101-751100~sera*from goddesss* (prize added)
751101-801100~jojo080889*from goddesss* (prize added)
801101-851100~indigowulf*from goddesss* (prize added)
851101-901100~Echowing*from goddesss* (prize added)
901101-951100~Spixy*from goddesss* (prize added)
951101-1001100~Goddesss (prize added) (Battle claws added)
1001101-2001100~Kadana Sorano (TWENTY.PRIZES.ADDED.) (Battle claws added)

Alright. So, now we have a whopping FOURTY GRYPHION PRIZES to be added. Neocridders is not thrilled about this. Please expect a while on those prizes. Ummm, this is a little insane, and I regret this now... because I am not sure how I'll be able to make all fourty before breeding season starts. But, of course, I'll be working on it. And after I finish YLO's african wild dog gryphion, I'll probably tackle ten gryphion prizes, do a kitten for her litter, ten more, another kitten, etc.
And this is me talking to myself so I know how in the world this will work.

Thank goodness we have an awesome new colorist to help out. Even though she is a key cause to this madness.... *eyes goddesss*

Everyone welcome Goddesss to the gryphion team!
If goddesss did not want me revealing her name, we'll probably need to do some editing and then some memory erasing procedures.

*large sigh* If I didn't love gryphions so much, this would be a very impossible task.


*hides behind raffle ticket list*

If you bought 1 million tickets then a battle claw was added and I wanted a chance at that.
Dont worry I will help color. =)


You can do it Neo! Gryphions are lovely and I'm so happy that you run these events for us :) Please take all the time you need. And of course you have Goddesss helping :)


*loves goddesss* if it weren't for goddess, I know I wouldn't be able to do this without her. Heehe.