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*Orlaya* Customs available at random

Started by PonyMama, May 30, 2010, 11:19:46 AM

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I actually hate plotting customs.  I can never think of anything.

Oh PM Rose is adorable.  Thank you


I don't liek thinking of customs either which is why I have the collected ones only.
Although I have been thinking of some other color combos I coudl get eventually, but have no clue on patterns



WOW! I love Crowflux, thank you! I hope it wasn't too much of a pain to make. XD All of these are turning out so cool.

-wants to steal them all- >_>



That's a very pretty Orlaya!


No she was one fo the easier ones. so no worries Crowflux  


Marloes is gorgeous, thank you! <3 *plots next batch*

By the way, would Paint Splash fall under things that give you a headache? It's fullbody, but I'm not sure how hard it is. If you prefer me not to order it I won't <3


is there an example of what you consider paint splash?  I will decide from there.


*runs to find Xenon's example of paint splash from a franken game*

Tadaa! ^^


Easy peasy
I made something similar for the lumi (it's in the Lumi photobucket if you wanna peek-see)


ok for next 15 minutes if you post a custom form I will make it for 20k

(you make a form by yourself, that is part of the fun for me cause if you leave an area blank, I fill it in myself but will make it match)
Do not edit your post
Only one form per post (for a total of 3)
Don't go nuts with markings, as I don't have a lot of time
(no leopard spots and other full body markings that will give me a headache please, I am recovering from a migraine)
NO ZIGZGAS on the Pigs, I have not set them up yet and I don't want to right now
(QStripes have not been added to either template in a way I like, but I am willing to try them)


I want a 'PM picks everything'
Including gender, age, breed, and colors and name.
So, go for it. :D


Ok that will be fun I am going to attempt indigo's long overdue custom and then do this batch


Muahahaha :D YES! Fun is good. Fun means fun. (... of course...)


Name: Tekie
Owner: Willow
Species: Pony
Gender: Male
Body Colour: White
Markings: #d49d19 dorsal stripe and banded legs.
Mane: White with a stripe (#e7c982)
Eye Colour: #1c9cdf
Star Colour: #d49d19

If I'm right I can post again can't I?


yep one form per post, during the 15 minutes for a total of 3


Name: Butch
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: Male
Body Color: Piggy pink
Breed Piggy
Hoof Color: Black
Cutie Mark Color: Teal
Eye Color: Teal
Sgene(s): Paint (hoping it will look like mud
Sgene Color(s): brown
Tail hair: black


Name: JennyLee
Gender: Female
Breed: Pony
Body: #FFFFC3
Eye: #0068CE or #9AD0FF
Cutiemark: the color not picked for the eyes
Hooves: #0068CE and/or #9AD0FF
S-genes: #0068CE and #9AD0FF multistripes. #3482BB leg fade.
Markings: Markings on the body can be picked by you but with an aquatic theme in mind (waves, bubbles etc). Mainly #9AD0FF and #0068CE, but you can use a bit of #3482BB too if you want. Neutral things like dots, stripes, swirls etc are okay as well, but nothing that can be linked to another element (flowers, flames etc). I can also give you the .png file of her tattoo if you want that.


Name: Mary
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: Female
Body Color: Piggy pink
Breed Piggy
Hoof Color: Black
Cutie Mark Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Sgene(s): Paint
Sgene Color(s): Black
Tail hair: black


Name: Robin
Gender: Male
Breed: Pony
Body: #FFFFF1
Eye: #94C9B6
Cutiemark: #F4FF4F
Hooves: black
Mane & tail: #FFFFF1, #F4FF4F and black stripes.
Markings: Pattern should be black and #F4FF4F, design up to you but should defenitely include paint splash markings. Can be just paint splash too, but you're free to add other things.


Name: Charlie
Owner: Goddesss
Gender: Female
Colors: Black, Rainbow, Purple
Mutation: Hair


Name: Basje
Gender: Male
Breed: Piggy
Colors: #FEED01, #004D2B, black
Should have mane mutation. The real Bas has a green mohawk ;)
Design up to you.


Ha! I made it XD That was close :P
I wanted to type up more things about Bas, he's one of my best friends, but I was afraid I'd be too late ^^ And the green mohawk makes it already obvious what kind of style he has I think :P

Edit: for future batch, I was wondering if I could order Adriana or if I should save her for full customs? *quickly copies part of Cleitaeg-Cat form so you know her design*
- Base color  #4873B8
- Eyes #F00E7A
-  Face, chest and belly marking #F00E7A + socks on front paws #9868CC (like the light green pattern in this pic: )
- #F00E7A and #9868CC swirly spots (like these: ) and simple dots randomly placed on head, body and tail


Name: Luckie
Owner: Willow
Species: Pony
Gender: Female
Body Colour: Pale cream (#f2dbaa)
Markings:#4de4ff fade and muzzle with spots near them, and a white belly
Mane: White with multiple stripes - #4de4ff
Eye Colour: #4de4ff
Heart Colour: Pink

ETA: Darn, too late X3


Ok this is from my old custom thread and if Indigo's well overdue custom
I hope you like her, she was a pain but I want to steal her.



I hope indigo likes her, she has waited a long time for her


Neo realllllly likes that one. What pretty. Hehehee!


I like her too! And I LOVE what you did to the tail, will have to ask for that sometime too.



It's Saad the Panda-pig!!

:D Thank you! *runs off with him*


oh and just so you know:

Saad -SAH-ahd- good fortune


Oooh, what language?
I love having names in other languages for adoptables. That makes them special! :D Lovely!


African, I try use african names whenever I can


EEeeee! My falcon gaurdian spirit! She is pleased with her likeness, and being a bit smug about it... oh wait, thats how she always is :P


I am so glad I got it looking nice, the wings and I were so not agreeing, but I got them to work so they didn't look horrible.


QuoteMarkings: #d49d19 dorsal stripe and banded legs
Someone has to help me. what is meant by dorsal stripe?
headache from yesterday and new term, causing brain overload.

and what kind of banded legs?  Ok willow I need an example, I am probably reading way too much into this, and it is probably so simple, but my brain is hurting still


A dorsal stripe would be a band of colour going right down the back;

And banded legs would just be two or three stripes going round each leg :)


See I knew it woudl be so simple, but my poor brain was just nto getting it, thanks Willow for putting up with my stupid




Kadana Sorano

lots of new pretties to see, gratz everyone :)

PM is feeling better now?
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



a little, migraine yesterday, but just dull pain today

Kadana Sorano

Aww Migraines suck.  I hope it finishes going away instead of coming back *hugs*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Same heer, but it has been a quiet uneventful day, I takle breaks often from the computer, adn no harsh smells, far so good



YLO: for your JennyLee, do you have a tattoo you want ot use for her? and did you make it or will I need to find permissions to use it?


I colored it and the lineart was free to use. I've used it for MLP customs too.

*inserts JennyLee reference pics*
Full sized pic:
Rump symbol:

Again, you can add other stuffs. And the tattoo is optional, if you want you can use it, but you can also go with my description or combine both. :)


thanks, I wil think about using it.

Ok taking a break for a while, will get back to the customs in a bit.