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Nampari-Faries from the Dew (Back pose! Note to current customs!!)

Started by Solistia, May 15, 2010, 09:31:57 PM

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Kadana Sorano

Its a TyTy!  :D 

I wasn't expecting her to be done today either, honestly!  Thank you :)
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Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I'm curious Kadana, is the "Ty" pronounced "Tai" or "Tee" and the china pronounced "chai-na" or "chee-na"? XD /been driving her nuts

I'm just full of the creative energy I guess! *v*

(and thank you goddess! can't wait to get started on yours >w<~♥ )


Tychina is gorgeous, I love her!


Me either those are my babies.  and my son helpped me write the forms. =)

Kadana Sorano

hehe I've had people say her name as "Thank you China" before, because they didn't know how to pronounce it.    I'm not sure how "Tai" wopuld be pronounced, I always tell people to think of a mens neck tie to pronounce it.  "TieCheena".

Oddly enough, I've also had people argue with me about how it should be pronounced, and flat out tell me I'm wrong to pronounce it as I do.  Very odd, when you consider it's a name I made up lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, but I'm wondering if would anyone would go for USD slots if I were to open some

Reasoning: My butt has been sore for the past week, making it hard to sit anywhere for more than a few minutes (but I suffer through cause I have to sit at my jobs and to be on my computer at home OTL). I haven't had proper cushioning in my chair for a while, using pillows instead. It worked for a long time, but I think my butt is finally rebelling xAx
After a lot of researching, I've found THIS seat cushion, it looks like it would help a lot......but it's a little expensive ($44.90 with shipping). If I could get away with just paying for $20, and the rest coming from Nampari customs, I think I could manage (heck even $25), and with bills coming up soon, I don't think I can afford to pay the full price at once...

So, if you would be interested let me know, or I'll have to find some other way of coming up with some extra money ;;>A>
(I've put $USD prices on the front page)


I think I may be tempted, but that depends on Xenon opening up a starter aerie slot or not xD
And I am afraid I'll order some of my characters and like the second pose better >.>


Well, there's a preview of the second pose (my first post after the shop posts). If you would prefer that one, I would template the base pieces of it, and then the hairstyles as they're ordered :3
(argh, I want a starter aerie too!! But this purchase comes first OTL)


That second pose.. O.o *in love*

.. Starter aerie still comes first on my must-have list xD
But if Xenon decides not to open those before June then I shall order 2 or 3 fairies. =3

You have no idea how many Gryph forms I have typed up already :P


oh yay, I'm glad the second pose pleases you X3 (that was the first one I drew, but I felt the pose from the front was more "functional" so I templated that one first)

I totally agree with that YLO XD
I wonder if xenon would be willing to do an equivalent $USD trade of Nampari and Cleiteag, since I'm a bit short on cash..... >A>

I know, it's so easy to think of so many beautiful designs! (actually Clay, the girly I just got, I gave xenon a base color of the steel blue, and told her to go wild with the color design, and she made her absolutely gorgeous X3!!)


I totally plan on doing that for some of my characters too, they have colors, traits and personality but I'll Xenon make up the patterns <3


Aaaand I shall be placing an order. But it's past midnight so I shall figure out what to get in the morning.
I have $10-15 to spend, so 2 or 3 fairies. Need to decide which ones to get O.o So hard!


Sounds like a plan! And I think sleeping on it will definitely help, so you don't have to decide so fast XD (I still have to get Goddesss' 2 done, along with Ty and Sephy's baby :3 so no rush!)


That's fine ^^
By the way, does breeding parents with edits guarantee edited babies?
And anything else I should know?

I'm not sure I have enough fairies I would want minor edits on, but I kinda wanna get the highest level possible so I know I spend my $5 well xD

*off to bed* I shall continue plotting tomorrow before I get all excited and can't sleep anymore :P


Yes, a single edited parent should always pass on about half of their edits to their babies (which is why it's more expensive XD). And when you have two edited parents, and they each pass on half or more, the baby will be full of edits XD
(for each edit, I generate a number between 1-100, whereas 1-50 means it's not passed on, 51-100 it is passed on, and the exact number determines determines how exact it is to the original parents[closer to 100], or how much influence the other parent(s) has on the edit :3)


A Flower for Kadana!

You can choose to name it now, or wait until it grows (even until Adult XD)
The unnamed cert is in the pick-up post :3

You can expect it to grow into a baby in a few days, and into an adult after a bit! (the baby will have minimal edits, but the adult will have full edits, as have been randomly generated!)



I'm awake! :D

Pretty baby! *admires*

Aaanyway, I'm still debating on this. I think they are worth the $$, it's just that if I bought them with SG they would be a lot cheaper so I wonder if it may be smarter to buy them with SG and use the $$ on something more expensive. So I am in doubt.. I really do think they are worth the money, it just kinda feels like I am scamming myself because the SG price is much more affordable xD (if you consider Kennel dogs/pups sell from 500K up to 1 million and a custom Kennel dog is $5 then it just seems smarter to buy all of these with SG and spend USD on TheKennel and Cleiteag-Cats)


True, most everyone bases USD off things from the Kennel (since it really jump started the USD for adoptables frenzy here), however instead of an "SG" equivalent price, I went with more of a "time" equivalent price. It takes me about 2-4 hours for an elaborate/cosplay, which only comes out to about $3-$4 an hour....which is less than half the minimum wage in my area (working for pennies and dimes as they say XD)

Of course, you're free to do whatever you like (it's your money after all XD)! And if you look at it in view from the kennel, it is certainly cheaper going SG, but I wanted to make my SG prices relatively affordable, especially since it's a new adoptable, which is why, unless it has edits, the prices don't go over 100K. Not everyone has millions of SG to spend (like me before starting this adoptable |D;;;; ), so the USD is more of an "alternative" for those who would like to save their SG, or can't afford the SG price, but can more easily afford the USD price :3

aaaaanyway, so that's why things are the way they are XD


I defenitely defenitely feel the price for edited ones is fair! Even on the low side maybe.
Because like I said a kennel custom costs $5 and that doesn't have any edits. So your cosplay prices look perfect to me. I'd defenitely pay that.

Like I said, I think they are worth it. It's just that I can easily afford the SG as well (the more basic ones that is, not the cosplay ones, I have a little under 1 million at the moment after buying lots of custom pets :P) and Kennel and Cleitag-Cat customs aren't currently available for SG so that's why I am doubting if it's not a better idea to buy these with SG. I do have the money and I wanna help you out and these are so pretty! So yea, inner debate going on here xD

I defenitely understand your reasoning <3
I think it would be a good idea for me to get some cheaper fairies with SG first, then buy edited ones or breedings with USD.


lol, it's all up to you XD
But I do agree, it's definitely a good idea to save your USD for things that are USD only that can't be gotten with SG, so I know where you're coming form on that one =D


I will spend USD on this, that's a given. I just need to be more sure of what to get and when etc and it may be easier for me to do that once I get some fairies or perhaps when the second pose is completely finished (I can visualize things, but actual examples make it a lot easier and more fun) I seriously spend 2 hours fiddling with forms and I just couldn't decide what to get xD

However, you do know that I am interested and I will defenitely be back for USD purchases sometime. Just need to figure it all out a bit further O.o If the prices were more split I would have probably spend $15 or so to get some cheaper non-edited fairies and then use SG for the expensive ones instead of the other way around xD It's all a matter of preference I think and you as shop owner should decide what you like best of course <3 I probably would have done something similair the breeding thing, with random fairy being $3, cosplay somewhere between $15-20 and the other levels something in between. But I also like the way you did it, the breeding is defenitely the most interesting part I think ^^


I might need to go in and actually seperate prices then (I figured an all encompassing would be "easier" and make it slightly cheaper for the more advanced customs in the same price category, but maybe that was the wrong way to go about it >A> ) I'll take a look at it and see if I could/should split them up X3

Yes, I'm quite happy about the breeding system myself. It makes it more fun (and random) when you have more than just two parents, plus influences from their entire family lines XD I'm sure once I get around to 5th gen and such, it'll be crazy (fun!)!!

I'm am at least glad to know you are interested in USD, even if you may not get any for USD this time around X3 (makes me feel warm and bubbly inside that someone thinks they're worth spending actual money on! 8D)


Yes yes they are worth that. I have always admired both your coloring and lineart edit skills. So I shall stalk this thread and collect these <3 I know some people prefer simplicity, but I am odd xD Cleitag-Cat have 5 pages with prices and they amuse me for hours :P

.. You now make me wanna start breeding project. I <3 you XD
It's the one thing I miss about PI, breeding projects. Ooooh the fun I shall have with this.

Edit: You know if you want to produce a 5th gen fairy with no inbred using only 4-fairy-breedings you would need 256 1st gen fairies? xD


dude if i had cash i would pay for these guys. there are about four or five adoptables that i would actually spend cash on. And ive come to love these guys <.< *wonders if she should upload her birthday money to paypal and get her Hope and Siurin love pair* >.>

do you do love pairs o.O


@/////@ *blush* you certainly know how to flatter a girl X3!! ♥♥♥

oh yay, a breeding project! 8D (I'm excited to see how it would turn out!!! >w< ) I know I don't have any crazy genetics or anything, but rather than being hindered by them, I like to think I have more freedom to make beautiful combination of offspring, since I can take some artistic liberties!

@Sunchaser, I could make a lovepair I suppose oAo (I know people tend to like those XD) I was actually thinking about, over time, adding on new poses, since these aren't "species" or "gender" specific, just let people choose the pose(s) they want :3


New poses too? O.o Oooh fun fun fun.
Seriously, breeding 4 parents in different poses with different hairstyles could already produce a LOT of fun results. If you add edits to that mix.. *dreams*

And you know I totally want 256 1st gen fairies XD It's just not very possible I'm afraid XD
But it sounds like soooo much fun XD

Now, see, that would scare people because it's complicated. Very complicated. But it sounds like fun to me :P I am severely addicted to board games, maybe that's where it comes from. Things that let me use my brain and be creative are fun!


New poses will still be a little while off (though I have some thoughts already for a "laying" pose >w< ), I want to focus on what I have right now and get these out there (along with finishing the back pose) before I spend too much time working on new things :3

lol, well, if you went all randoms, it'd only cost 1.28 mil for 256 XD
I do plan on running free events for free customs (of any type!) along with crack breedings >:3 (submit your Nampari and it will be randomly bred with another!)


Yea I already calculated that, it's affordable. But then add the breeding cost and I'm not so sure it's still affordable xD It would be an awesome ultimate goal though that may take me months or years xD I certainly hope these will be around that long! ^^

I defenitely agree with finishing the back pose and doing events first. I just hope these will be around for a very long time! Will new releases just be poses or maybe new hairstyles and wing types too?


I hope I'm around that long too >w<!! If I start to wander off, make sure to reel me back in XD

I may! Once these have been around for a while, I'll probably run a survey to see what new things people want added on as "standard templated" items :3


oh man, if I had more than a few cents to my name at any given point, I would be all over buying some customs from you. @_@ I really enjoy these guys, and it would give me an excellent opportunity to get some of my characters as adopties. Just rest assured, I am stalking you like crazy. XD


I know Solistia already mentioned interest in a trade for your lovely cleiteag-cats, so I'm sure you could work something out without having to spend USD ;)

Both of you are sooo not allowed to disappear, I shall come hunt you down, kidnap you and take you back here!  ;D


lol, if you ever want to do a "trade" with Cleiteag or your new adoptable for some fairies, I'm totally up for it! :3 (I'm secretly stalking your new adopty too >w> )

EDIT: as YLO said XD


Ooh true I love the new adoptie too ^^
Not as much as the Cleiteag, because those are even more customizable.
But I do love them both ^^

By the way xenon, do you think you can get me those standard-traits lists for the other types I PMed you about? <3 Need to continue plotting my starter aerie and other customs! ;) By the way, I assume starter aerie members are limited to Light, Standard and Heavy body types? .. Oh wait, this is totally the wrong thread for this discussion XD Sorry Solistia <33

Kadana Sorano

picked up, thank you :)  I'm excited now to see what it looks like grown, and I'll probably wait to name it till fully grown yes.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Oh boy! I'd so buy customs for USD too. No money this month - unless I manage to sell some PG/BP xD, but next month is a def yes :>


Much awesomeness >w<~♥♥

And got Goddesss' first custom done! :3

(cert in the pick-up post)
I hope I got the details right, it seemed like you left some thing open for me, so I took some artistic liberties XD


I love it!  I love it!  I love it!  I love it!  I love it!  I love it!

I have been fighting a massive fever all day and woke up to this.  She made my day and is adorable.

Thank you soooooo much!


I'm so glad it was able to cheer you up >w<!!

Sorry I wasn't around much this weekend, I was in another city all Saturday, and had a friend over all Sunday XD

But here's Tychina and Sephiroth's little one, all babified!!

(Cert has been updated as well)


Waaaa, sorry your second custom hasn't been done yet Goddesss, I haven't been home too much lately OTL (I was gonna do it today, but my friend took me to San Francisco for a day trip, spur of the moment XD) I'm hoping to get him done tomorrow though, then opening up more customs =D

I'm also gonna do my best to get at least the Base done for the back pose, so that will be available soon too!


-sits her butt down on the thread and happily awaits more custom slots- X3


Thats fine hun.  I hope you had a great trip. =)


Heehee, it was a lot of fun, we went to see her sister who works in the Westfield Mall (Nordstrom's), then walked to Japan Town to eat and she bought a couple books :3 (while I looked on agonizingly since I'm pretty broke this month |D;;; she even paid for my BART ticket OTL, she's such a nice friend ;~~~~;~♥♥ [though, granted, I've paid for lots of things for her too, so we help out each other a lot when we have the means >w<~<3])

Midnight Phantom

Quote from: Solistia on May 28, 2010, 03:10:07 AM
Heehee, it was a lot of fun, we went to see her sister who works in the Westfield Mall (Nordstrom's), then walked to Japan Town to eat and she bought a couple books :3 (while I looked on agonizingly since I'm pretty broke this month |D;;; she even paid for my BART ticket OTL, she's such a nice friend ;~~~~;~♥♥ [though, granted, I've paid for lots of things for her too, so we help out each other a lot when we have the means >w<~<3])

going from mention of BART and westfield mall it was SF's japan town right? ^.^  I went there a few years ago it was nice ^.^


xAx *flops into her thread*
I've just had a week from hell OTL
Weddings, drama, birthdays, moving friends, work, *dies*

BUT, I'm currently finishing up Goddesss' Sajan, then more slots will open |D


Oh dont die.  Take a hot relaxing bath or something.


lol, too hot where I live for a hot bath (in the 90s lately xAx bleeeh), but a nice cold shower might do the trick =w=b


oh yea I feel ya.  Its 110 here currently. =)

Kadana Sorano

*throes crushed ice at Solistia* 

I don't even know the temp here any more, I keep my ac set at 60-65 degrees.  Past few days, it's been sitting on 60, but the temp gauge says it isn't getting any lower then 65 in here.  And I was complaining about that.. *flee's from all the heat*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



It'll get in the 100s here pretty soon, I'm still thankful we've only recently been starting to rise in temperature, usually mid-way through May we're already seeing 90s, but the heat wave was late this year |D

lol@Kadana, I think my preferred temperature is right about 70, if I could live somewhere where it was mostly around 70 with no major natural would be paradise =w=

And Sajan is complete!

As soon as I rework individual USD prices for the Nampari (taking YLO's suggestion) I'll be opening more slots :3