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Apex- into the ocean

Started by indigowulf, May 09, 2010, 11:17:18 PM

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(Apex art done by Wolfie on PI)

You have gathered from various places. You are getting away from things- offices, dirty dishes, noisy neighbors, or whatever stresses you feel like escaping this time. Some of you left the kids with a sitter, some brought them along for the fun. One thing you all have in common (other then the persuit of a nice relaxing time) is that you all recieved a letter in the mail informing you that you won an all-expenses-paid vacation to a beautiful seaside resourt.

Some were skeptic at first, but it proved to be legit. You had all joined a fanclub for cute creatures, not even knowing all members were entered in this contest. So, here you were, all cute creature lovers, all looking forward to a nice week under the clear ocean skies.

When you first arrive, there is a welcome speech. It is short, so you can get on to your fun, but gives you all the chance to meet up and get the schedule for the coming week. Today, you have free time, tonight there is a giant bon-fire planned on the beach. Refreshments will be provided. Please make yourselves at home.

Soon after the welcome meeting, a child wanders in with her hands cupped. With a confused look on her face, she walks up to the person who spoke during the meeting, showing him the contents of her cupped hands. He looks at it, then grabs a paper cup and fills it with water. The child pours her prize inside.

People crowd around to see what she has. It is a small egg, about the size of your fingernail. The baby inside is clearly looking back at the crowd with interest. The speaker asks the girl if she wishes to keep it, and she shakes her head. He then turns to the crowd instead and looks around for a volunteer.

(all images shown are actual size)

As there has been expressed little interest in RP, this won't be entirely RP. You can post something simple and basic to play along.


Sera can't help but move closer to peer into the cup.  She has to admit privately to herself that it's a little strange, almost creepy even, that the. . . fish? is staring so expectantly from within its egg.  Still, it's a little cute as well.  She glanced at the speaker curiously, wondering wot he'll do with it now.


Hmmm I am not really sure how I got here, but it is a welcome surprise.  We all totally needed a vacation and love to be at the ocean.

The kids are restless from sitting for so long and were starting to drive me insane.  Then this liitle girl came in with something in her hands and Sajan just had to see what it was. 

He is now jumping up and down hoping the man will pick him, but what will he do with this egg.  What will this egg grow into.

We all sit waiting to see what will happen.


The speaker asks the little girl where she found such a unique egg. She turns her big brown eyes up at him and bites her bottom lip in shyness. Rocking back and forth on her feet for a moment, she finally grabs his sleeve and starts out the door. The speaker follows, inviting anyone who wishes to join.

She leads him to a small tidal pool. There are 5 more eggs sitting in the shallow water, each regarding the crowd gathering around them with big baby eyes. She points at the pool and says the only word anyone has heard from her so far, "Eggies."

Forgot to save a pickup post lol, so this post will have to do :)


Sajan grabs his water bottle and dumps it in the waves.  Before I could do anything to stop him he dipped the bottle in the water and scooped up an egg. 

He brought it over to me and asked "can we have it, mama?"  I held up the bottle and looked inside.  Inside of a rose colored egg were big green eyes peering back at me.

Looking up at he man I asked "are these safe?"


The man scratches his head...
"I'm not certain, they are new to me. But they seem harmless enough. Why don't you take that one back to your room and see how it does?"

He bends and swirls a finger in the water, while his eyes scan the area for any potential dangers, like parents. Suddenly, he stands, pointing at something. Looking up, you can all see a flock of seagulls circling above and waiting for the pack of humans to move away from the helpless eggs.

"Maybe we should take the rest too. Can anyone help me out here?" He asks, looking through the crowd.


As I hand the bottle back to Sajan I send him to our room with is father.  While they head that way I go over to our stroller and pull out Rose's pail.

I hand the pail over to the man as more seagulls circle above.


I arrive just in time to hear the man ask for help. I quickly rush towards him.
"I'd love to help! These pets look adorable, I would love to take one home."


I move in to assist the man - arriving just after YourLoveOnly. I can almost feel the hunger of the seagulls and I quickly empty my bottle containing water, before handing it over to the man. "I'd love to help too"

OOC: oo cute little buggers <3


The speaker accepts the pail for use in transport, and asks those who have offered to help which egg they'd like to take. Once everyone is safely back in the meeting hall with the eggs in the pail, he sets about finding large goblets to put water in for those who lack containers.

((sera, YLO, and spixy, please pick your eggs. pink/blue show gender. there's 2 more left after those 3 choose thiers, I can "find" more if more people are interested))


I'd like the purple one, please <3


I'd like the little black girl ^__^


I take the lid off a plastic bowl full of trail mix I had planned on snacking on & toss the contents away from where the eggs are hoping to distract the seagulls away from the eggs & hand the empty bowl to the man for use in rescueing the eggs.


((SweetCaroline, which one do you want hun?))


I would like the white one please.  Thank You


I would love to help! Love fishies!

((I would like to have the green one, please?))


ooo fishies ill take blue then since the others are taken :)


Each egg is carefully claimed by it's human, and the Speaker nods happily. The little girl seems to have  a habit of finding interesting things. The next day, she comes charging back in, with something long dangling from her hands.

Looking through the crowd for more volenteers, the speaker spots sera, who had offered to help but didn't get an egg. He asks her to care for this one.

((picture is actual size of the creature))

Hatching game!
It appears that each egg has its own favorite aquatic items that it feels safe around. Once these items are placed into its habitat, it will hatch and bond with the human that provided them. Each habitat requires 3 things to hatch, but each egg wishes for different things than its siblings!

Items to choose from:
conch shell
tiny crab
sand dollar
tiny pebble
((eventually I plan to get these drawn up so they can actually go on the certs))

The speaker also announces that more tidal pools of eggs are being found all the time. Anyone who does not have an egg may go searching for one, and anyone who's egg has hatched may go searching for another!


Hoping to choose what the eggie likes, but being unsure I leave it to chance.

Eni meanie miney mo
Catch a tiger by the toe
if her hollars let him go
Eni meanie miney mo

After repeating this 2 more time I tell the man "starfish, coral, and snail please."


You egg looks pleased with the starfish and snail, but glares at the coral.


I am curious as to what my egg woudl like. So i choose the things that call to my heart. The Sanddoller, for it was the first shell that i found with my whole family with me. The Starfish because I am always going in at least 5 different directions. and finally the coral. for what fish doesnt need corral?


Apparently mine doesnt. =)  Picking the coral out of the water.  I ask the man for some seaweed


Sunchaser, none of your selections appeal to your egg, who tries to float as close to the top of the water as possible, away from the items.

goddess, the seaweed doesnt seem to do the trick either.

((for the record, I pre-rolled thier 3 items, so they are random))


Removing the seaweed, I grabbed a piece of driftwood from the table and place it in the water.


shocked i take out the items and try three others.
conch shell
tiny crab


Wow, another round of nothing the eggs seem to like :(

Goddesss, yours seems to have a pattern in what it likes, all its favorites having a vital thing in common.

Sunchaser, you are down to 4 things left to pick from, you probly dont need a clue :)


I ask the speaker for a snail, a tiny pebble & some  seaweed.


stares at my very picky egg and removes the driftwood.  Thinking about the remaining choices I carefully put the tiny crab in with her.


SweetCaroline, your egg floats down next to the snail happily, but ignores the other 2 items.

Goddesss, your egg nestles in between its chosen items and hatches! What would you like to name your shark? (it's in pickup post-may have to refresh to see her growth)


tiny pebble

>.> i have a picky fish


lol sunchaser, your tiny pebble and driftwood are met with approval, but the seaweed is not. Indeed, very picky!


I run to tell Sajan to come name his shark, but no matter what I do the eggy wont grow.


(photobucket is picky about updated images. if you look in your owners folder and click to view full size, you should see it grown.


Sajan Loves his new green nice shark.  His name is Nichols N - I -C - H - O - L - S.

(That is what he told me to write and even spelled it out )


Goddesss, I think that's a female ^^'


Me too but you cant argue with a 6 year old.

I tell Sajan "Honey your sharky is a girl."


"Because I think it is."

"Well can I restart the name?"


Then he crys "I dont want to rename my sharky."

"How about her name is Sharky?"

I giggle and tell the man "Sharky please!"


Again, with the photobucket being picky about updates. But, if you view her from your album, she is named, and even has Sajan's name with yours as owner :) (since the whole 13 years old requirement for secundi, he's added to your folder)


Oh that is very sweet of you.  Thank you


I give the pebble & seaweed back to the speaker & ask for a conch shell & starfish.

Wolfs Fang

I walk up the beach toward the small crowd of people gathered, wondering what all the fuss is about. The invitation to the club is still in my jacket pocket, so I pull it out and re-read it. All it mentions is the "seaside resort"- it says nothing about what the members of the club doing here.

Everyone seems to be looking for fish, and I hear the speaker say that there are still some fish to be found- so I slowly walk toward a tidepool nearby. I carefully flip over a few of the rocks in the pool, wondering if there's anything hidden underneath.



The conch shell and starfish don't seem to do the trick.

WolfsFang turns over a rock and notices an egg drift free in the tiny waves the rocks motion makes:


I must have a very special egg for it to be so picky. I go back to the speaker & trade in the unwanted items for a pretty piece of coral & a tiny crab.



*Watches as the little egg gets comfortable in the midst of it's favorite items & begins to hatch into what looks to be a very handsom looking male white shark.*

If my guess is right on the gender then please name him Alabaster.

*Looks around her room for a container that she might use to try to save another egg. Takes the vase of flowers of the desk, removes the flowers as they were wiltin g already anyway & rinses it before running back to the beach in search of another egg.*

Goodmorning Indigo.


eggies that have blue fluid are male, pink fluid female. Once hatched, check for eyelashes for gender :)

Im up late, have ear infection. feels like someone sticking needles in my ear. makes sleeping hard, but once i fall asleep, i sleep all day lol. im not getting up, im still up :) its 3:30 am here.

Ill update his name once i get some sleep.


Hope you feel better. Sweet Dreams.


tiny pebble

<.< since there is no other things i can give my fish i finally decide to put hte rock in. now im curious to how my fish is like since i collect rocks but i did not think he would like it.


I eye my little black egg before glancing back at the items presented to me. Eventually I decide to put in a tiny crab, a starfish and a coral.


sunchaser, remember, he liked the tiny pebble and the driftwood, not the seaweed. The rock isnt making him happy (i accidently already grew him up lol)

spixy, yours drifts over to the coral and hides behind it, seemingly afraid of the other 2 items.


lol how can the rock not make him happy <.<, it was the only thing i hadnt done...*goes to corner* thank you though for growing him lol